Meeting Public Comments
Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:
Kathy Graeve []
I am opposed to HF2329. At a time when Iowa schools are facing more than ever, the elimination of Social and Emotional Learning is troublesome at the least. Students need environments in school that are safe and SEL helps students learn self control and how to interact in positive ways. Not every student arrives at school ready to be a part of a social system. I am a retired teacher with 29 years of teaching experience in all types of educational settings. I can attest that all students benefit from basic social and emotional learning. Please let teachers teach and respect their knowledge. No student can learn in an emotionally or physically unsafe environment. Vote NO on HF2329.
Jenna Jackson []
I am opposed to HF2329. As a teacher, so many of my students need help with their social emotional learning. As an educator and a parent, if students are weak in their social emotional skills their academic skills suffer as well.
Ronald Fadness []
I urge you to reject HSB 633. As a school board member for 15 years and board president for a decade, I have observed that increasing politicization of school boards over that time is undeniable and detrimental to the operation of public schools. School boards need to work collaboratively to best serve the students of their districts. Anything that inserts partisan considerations is counterproductive to the operation of the school board and consequently the school district.
Stan Newton []
I am a school counselor and I am in opposition to HF 2329, in particular the language that would eliminate Social Emotional Learning (SEL). SEL is a vital component in educating our students to become productive and healthy members of our society. SEL involves teaching children skills such as emotion management, decision making, goal setting, conflict resolution, expressing empathy & kindness, cooperation, problem solving, respect, responsibility, etc. The list is quite extensive. In addition, SEL is a critical piece of helping our students navigate mental health struggles. In recent years this need has leaped. SEL is what school counselors do, a vital service for the students in the halls of the schools of Iowa. Please vote NO to HF 2329.