Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to patriotic exercises and civic and historical instruction regarding certain holidays in public schools.
Subcommittee members: Hora-CH, Boden, Staed
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Location: RM 304.1
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Courtney Collier []
I support this bill. We have the greatest constitutional republic in the world. A country that people around the world have risked their lives and flocked to because of its constitution, which guarantees us freedom and opportunity. Iowas students should receive school instruction on our incredible constitution and the bill of rights. Our students should also be taught the reason we commemorate the national holidays of MLK, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Constitution Day and the others listed in this bill. Our students also need to understand the elections and voting process and the need for preserving election integrity measures. Currently the hijacked American education system is teaching our children to be ashamed of their country. Which is laughable. For example, if this country is so terrible, why did the husband of my best friend of 35 years, spend the last 4.5 years waiting to be granted permission to immigrate here from South America while simultaneously millions of people illegally crossed our border and came here to live? To preserve the future of America we need to ensure all Iowa students are educated on the history of the United States and the reasons we feel national pride for our great country and our constitution.
teri Patrick []
I support this bill. This is a crucial step in emphasizing the significance of American history. By fostering pride in our Constitutional Republic, we not only impart a deep appreciation for our nation's heritage but also instill a sense of civic duty and responsibility in the next generation. Embracing our shared history and values promotes a cohesive society and cultivates informed citizens.