Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Tyler Pittman []
I strongly oppose this bill. How does this "protect" our kids other than letting them bully kids without consequences? If you would just like to prevent against punishment for accidental misuse of names or pronouns, I think that needs to be made very clear. Because allowing purposeful, meanspirited deadnaming and misgendering is going to be detrimental to many already bullied children.
Tiffany Hoffman []
As the parent of a nonbinary child who has legally changed their name, we have seen the awful and catastrophic results of them being deadnamed by peers in school. Allowing this to happen legally and willfully WILL kill children and staff. I beg you to not give merit to bill HF2139. Protect ALL students and staff.
Amber Jackson-Elwer []
Surely our educators should be teaching our students skills beyond how to make life miserable for queer students. Queer kids are Iowans, too. These politicians who have dedicated their entire careers to bullying trans children should be ashamed. As an Iowan and a human I am so ashamed.
Madison Atwood []
Please do not pass this bill. It is never OK for a person to refuse to use the name and/or pronouns when they request that accomodation. Regardless of an employee's personal beliefs, they must use the correct name and/or pronouns that a student and their family have requested. Of course mistakes happen, but what we are talking about here is someone who refuses to acknowledge the humanity and dignity of another by calling them by something other than they asked. Students cannot thrive in environments where they do not even feel fundamentally safe, seen, and heard.
JoAnna Springsteen []
I strongly oppose this bill. It does not protect schools or our children. It creates an environment for hate. It puts out teachers in a very uncomfortable position that does not allow them to effectively do their jobs. Iowans do not want this. Stop wasting time. Stop adults from attacking children. Stop hindering our educators.
Pamela Mix []
I urge you to vote NO on this bill! Since when is name calling in school officially condoned?! This is childish and appalling. Many people have a preferred name other than what may appear on their birth certificate. It is so common, in fact, that teachers routinely ask students at the beginning of the year if they have a preferred name. Once that name is known, intentionally using some other name is mean spirited bullying. There are loads of data on the bullying and harassment, and sometimes physical violence LGBTQ kids experience in school, leading to anxiety, depression, selfharm. Conversely, these same kids can flourish in a supportive school environment. Please help Iowas kids, including LGBTQ kids, flourish by voting NO on this bill.
Alyssa Jaques []
I strongly oppose this bill. It endangers an already vulnerable population of children. In what way is allowing bullying okay or tolerated? This population of children are at a higher risk of having mental health issues such as depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and substance abuse than any other type of child. Please do not pass this bill. Schools are sometimes the only safe place these kids know and if you take that away, if you allow this abuse, you are only sending kids to their graves. There is so much research out there on why this is a bad and deadly bill, I implore you to look into it and do not pass this bill. Iowa should not stand for bullying or harassment of any kind.
Sara Even []
I strongly oppose this bill. Keep Iowa schools safe for ALL children by creating respectful, inclusive environments. Using the correct nickname and pronouns is such a small, simple gesture that supports the mental health of an already marginalized group of kids. Do not support statesanctioned bullying.
Robert Kremer []
Please vote no on this. This is a way to promote bullying and going even further to invalidate a group of fellow iowans
Elizabeth Lundberg []
I strongly oppose this bill, which seems to serve no purpose other than to make trans childrens lives harder and more dangerous. My (trans) daughter has not actually experienced much antitrans bullying, because public opinion is thankfully shifting away from the kinds of attitudes this legislation represents (probably something to think about if you care about your longterm political prospects). If she did experience antitrans bullying involving her birth name, however, I would want the caring adults at her school not to be barred from putting a stop to it. This bill is unnecessary and cruel.
Amber Carver []
I strongly oppose this legislation and ask that you vote against it. Not only is legislation like this harmful to already vulnerable children, but the continued attacks on this community are having and will increasingly continue to have negative economic impact as people leave or refuse to take work in a state that supports hateful rhetoric. Please do better.
Jessica Musil []
I strongly oppose this bill. This is wildly harmful and unnecessary. Iowa lawmakers are setting the tone for our state; by approving this, you are endorsing hate and discrimination.
Emily Gallagher []
I strongly oppose this bill. I don't think any form of bullying should ever be encouraged. Schools are supposed to be safe places for students. How can students learn if there is a law allowing them to be degraded in front of their peers and adults they are supposed to look up to and respect? Adults are supposed to protect children, regardless of who they are or what they believe. This bill would do the opposite.
Susan Langan []
VOTE NO to HF2139. This bill does nothing but harm students in our schools and should not have been passed through the committee. I am a retired educator and worked for 40 years in the public schools. If a teacher has a problem calling a student a preferred name or pronoun, that is a TEACHER problem. If they do not respect a student enough to call them by their preferred name or pronoun, I would wager that they refuse to do other things in the best interest of students as well. However, I have had several discussions with teachers and administrators about calling students their preferred names. The majority have always been very understanding and will do whatever it takes to make a student feel comfortable in their class. What harm does it do? It only builds a RELATIONSHIP with the student. I am so sick of people using their faith and religion as an excuse to degrade and treat LGBTQ+ and especially transgender folks as second class citizens. Maybe they should be mandated to go through training on how to treat students and their parents with respect and dignity. The legislators need to be dealing with SO many more important issues. Our schools are screaming for help with mental health issues and not just putting the crisis information on student IDs. Passing HF2139 will only make things worse for the mental health of many students. Why would you want to make things worse? If you really do care about ALL students of Iowa, you know this is true. Cant we focus on more important issues that are affecting our students? If this bill passes, it will do more damage to our LGBTQ+ and especially our transgender youth. All they want to do is live their lives. Please allow them to do that by adamanty and quickly voting NO to HF2139.
Talya Miller []
Education is basic human right for ALL. Purposely impeding education for trans students is not only cruel, it's unconstitutional. "A recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health demonstrates the power of affirming transgender youths identities: For each additional context (i.e., at home, school, work, or with friends) in which a transgender youths chosen name is used, their risk of suicidal behavior is reduced by more than half. Another study, published in the journal Pediatrics, finds that transgender youth who have fully socially transitioned to their identified gender, and have been supported in doing so, do not have elevated depressive symptoms compared to the broader population. And in an era in which overall youth suicide rates have significantly increased over the last decade, it is critical to take steps to reduce risk for suicide."
Dessie Sliekers []
I strongly oppose this bill. It serves no purpose other than to be cruel to children who are trying to lead a full life. Harshly calling them out as someone they are not has no gains for anyone other than to give legal backing to the bullies, be they peers or teachers. Stop trying to legalize bigotry.
Julie Finch []
I am opposed to this bill. I sincerely wish that our legislature would work on issues that we largely all agree on. so far none of the comments are for this bill.Stop scapegoating our trans children and citizens. Its not a good look for Iowa.
Nichole Eden [Boys Town Research Hospital]
I strongly oppose this bill. All children deserve a safe and hospitable place to learn and grow. Please promote respect, community, health, and education by voting 'no.'
Jean Swenson []
Why the rush to push this bill through. It is a horrible bill with unintended consequences. I know this is geared as one more way to bully trans children, but you are forgetting that other children have name changes throughout the year due to adoption, etc. It's okay for a teacher to ignore that name change, too?There is nothing more important to a student than having teacher know and pronounce their name correctly. Only a lazy teacher chooses not to do that.If a licensed teacher does not truly love and value each of their students for who they are, they are in the wrong profession. They have plenty of other options of schools in which to teach now.Vote NO on this harmful, cruel, unnecessary bill.
Brette Deaton []
Please vote NO on this bill. This does not solve any issue that exists, it only puts trans youth in danger. Given the scientific research that has shown that trans youth are at significantly higher rates of suicide when they do not receive gender affirming care, this bill would only impact them in more horrible despite any decision the parents make. This is overstepping by the government and straight up encouraging bullying of young people. Even if you have concerns about trans youth, research supports that a policy like this will only endanger kids who are already dealing with a tremendous amount of stress. These continued attacks on some our most vulnerable demographics in IA are heartless and come from a place of misinformation. Please vote NO. Protect our kids.
Nicole VanderLinden []
PLEASE vote no on this bill. A dominant group claiming (without evidence) that they would feel "safer" if another group was erased/excluded is a *very* ominous historical road to be walking down, and Iowa isn't walkingit's sprinting. The fasttracking of this bill is evidence of its shameful content. Please, please stop targeting your fellow Iowans without cause. Iowa, we can be so much better than this.
Jon Cross []
Vote no on this bill it serves no purpose but to add another way of bullying. How is the public good helper by rushing this bill through. As the father of a trans son he has a hard enough time without more state enfocrced bigotry. I dont know what has happened to the state I grew up in this is not Iowa nice but Iowa hate.
Teresa Boxleiter []
Trans people, and especially trans children should not be your scapegoat. Removing protections for trans children won't make things better for your or your children, it will just make life harder for the trans children. This bill is terrible and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to pass it. Vote no, obviously.
Dessie Sliekers []
DO NOT move this bill forward, it is heinous and cruel. The people spoke loud and clear last week at the subcommittee for another bill to remove trans rights, stop trying to take another avenue. I know this bill comes from the Governors desk, but dont let her strong arm you into passing a bill so harmful.
Jessica Margrave Schirm []
Please do not let this proposed legislation move any farther. Nothing about this protects students, and if anything it drastically increases harm to genderfluid, nonbinary and trans students opening the door for bullying and increased mental health trauma. There is no such thing as separate but equal. Iowa needs to be moving forward and proposals like this set us back and harm the most vulnerable among us.
Emily Burress []
I strongly oppose this bill. If passed this will cause great harm to queer students, specifically trans and nonbinary students. ALL students deserve an affirming safe environment to learn. It is our job to protect students, and I urge you to protect our queer, trans, nonbinary students.
Alex Grapp []
I am a public school teacher, and I know this bill will directly impact students wellbeing and education. This bill will put children in harms way, and I believe this bill will ultimately be ruled unconstitutional.
Jill Miller []
I strongly oppose this bill. It is hateful and unnecessary. Public input cannot be obtained when you sneak legislation into debate without giving all Iowans public notice. Shame on you for trying to ram this horrific legislation through with less than 24hour notice. This is not a public state of emergency. This should not be passed, and certainly should not be passed without extended time for public response.
Mandi King []
This bill is about controlling people and their freedoms something Republicans claim is not their modus operandi. Yet time and again people are having to fight for their individual freedoms in this state. HSB 649 is no different. It is not up to the government to determine how people should live. This bill is about people's nonnegotiables, their actual lives, not Republican ideology. To add to this, if Republicans believe in freedom for themselves it follows that they have to believe in that same freedom for others. Otherwise, bills such as this are both hypocritical and unethical.Do the ethical thing. Vote NO on HSB 649. Protect ALL Iowan's rights.
Susie Hines []
I strongly oppose this bill. Allow District leadership and policy to be applied and remove the state legislator from making these types of laws. Vote no.
Liz Drabek []
HSB649 Unbelievable. The person taking my return at the store who is required to check my ID does not need to know my medical history. The absurd amount of time our state government has spent on bills like this shows people from other states how inhospitable Iowa truly is. Congratulations.
Tyler Walpole []
This bill is designed only to enable discrimination against a marginalized community. What possible good could this do for the community? It is designed only to hurt. You should be ashamed of yourself if you vote in favor of this bill.
Alex Davenport []
I condemn this bill in the strongest possible sense. We need to keep schools and state facilities safe for ALL. You cannot eliminate the existance of citizens by passing bigoted, hateful bills. You are already facing a decrease in economic activity and a brain drain in this state and antiCivil Rights bills will only further drive people away. You cannot use children as collatoral damage to wage a culture war in the name of "conservative values" and expect Iowans to stand idly by.
Jocelyn Krueger []
I am again to speak out against HSB 649. Make no mistake, this bill is not part of a program to protect women or womens spaces or address the needs of women. If it was, then wed be spending more time this legislative session addressing the real needs of women in Iowa, improving womens healthcare and access to economic and childcare opportunities, providing affordable housing and food eliminating the pay gap and not eliminating gender parity on Iowas boards.Instead this bill is about power, who can have it, who cant, and limiting it for a small protected class of Iowans. This bill targets the equal and accurate availability to identification that unlocks the very basics of participation in our communities and democracy, from access to travel and voting to innumerable goods and services. The bill uses the actual language of our countrys shameful segregationist past, and is an easy sloppy punchdown dumpsterfire targeting a small and vulnerable group of Iowans. It places our governor and state at the center of a modernday, fearandhatedriven, Wallacesonian Lavendarscare, and on the wrong side of history.Besides being a harmful attack on LGBT Iowans, the bill is also riddled with burdensome requirements and has little regard for the troubling realworld consequences, consequences both known and unknown, impacting LGBT Iowans. One portion of the bill requires multiple notarized affidavits from medical professionals, something that is out of reach for others, especially poor and rural trans folks, and doesnt recognize the identities of trans and nonbinary Iowans that do not want medical interventions in the first place. The bill even requires a notarized affidavit from a surgeon for treatments other than surgery. A surgeon has no more business or expertise to make a sworn statement about my other treatment than my dentist has the business or authority to testify about my heart condition. This requirement is not based on any factual, medically accurate, sciencebased, or lived experience reason. It only serves to further decrease access to proper identity documents for trans Iowans.Years ago, as a trans person when I first started updating my identity documents there was a period of a few weeks where some of my documents were updated and some were not. Not having all my identity documents match caused me to loose access to my banking because my banks software required sex on a users multiple identity documents to match in order for the user to be valid within the system. For about a week I could not withdraw money or engage in any online banking until my documents matched. We do not know all the various aspects of our society this bill would impact, and in the very least this alone should give pause for further study. It would be untenable for me, or anyone else, to loose access to banking or anything else for an indefinite time until the bureaucracy of the administrative and corporate states come to some agreement over how to fix it. I can tell you, I cant wait that long.I have also been lucky enough to have been born in a state with an incredibly inclusive birth certificate updating policy, one where any official certificate, original or otherwise, is treated as equivalent to recorded at birth. HSB 649 is unclear how it would treat this kind of certificate or my reliance on that states recognition of a changed birth certificate being equivalent to having been issued at birth. This situation sets up a conflict between myself, Iowa, and the other state and would invariably need a court to settle the matter. In the meantime, I could be left for years without proper identification while the matter is resolved.Lastly, the bill leaves no recourse for those Iowans that are the victim of administrative error or typos and needing to update their identification.Please do not vote for HSB 649. Do not fall for the false narrative of fear that says transpeople are dangerous, mentally ill, or militantly invading our communities, a fear that seeks to exclude, like this bill does, a few and vulnerable number of Iowans. Instead let us invest in creative solutions that create spaces and opportunities for all Iowans to participate and thrive.Jocelyn Krueger, Grinnell
Denise Perez []
I am strongly opposed to this bill. This is state sponsored discrimination. In the last 2 years the Iowa legislature and governor have not learned anything about Trans Iowans nor have they listened to advocates and allies. This bill harms Iowans and takes away their right to privacy.
Patricia Clark []
I strongly oppose this bill. Vote NO.
Monica Johnson []
We have seen the harm that "separate but equal" did in the past. The fact that we are still arguing this rhetoric in the 21st century is not only a step backwards but also a clear representation of how our governing body truly sees people they consider "other." Our politicians appear to be pandering to their demographic so hard they cannot see the real world damage they are inflicting on the queer community. When did Iowa nice stop applying to everyone?
Morgan McChurch []
This bill does absolutely nothing but discriminate against a group of people. THE SCOTUS has already stated that separate is unequal. Jim Crow failed, this is the modern version of Jim Crow. Trans folx are real, and not predators. Trans women are women and trans men are men. Making them have separate accommodations is the equivalent of just putting up a sign that says 'CIS only' on all accomodations. The next step? Making them wear a badge on their clothing... like the Nazis did.Nazis started with the Jewish because Hitler had vilified them for years, during his campaign and once he became chancellor. He then started requiring other 'undesireables'. This bill is just trying to discriminate under the guise of 'protecting children'. I think back to the epstein papers and not a single drag queen or, to my knowledge, trans person was named as a participant and/or person who utilized Epstein to acquire children. It is Trump that was so friendly with him. Do not move this bill from committee. It is hateful and unacceptable.All Iowans prize our rights. And all Iowans will fight to maintain them.
Gwyn Bertocki []
I absolutely do NOT approve of this bill! And I request that you extend your thinking (and listen to the voices here) to see what problems this actually makes for people, as opposed to what you think it will do for the government/the majority. It comes down to othering them, labeling them publicly according to outdated (and never really correct) ideas, and making their lives unimportant, forcing them to go away (if they can). This is not my Iowa. This is not how we should be treating human beings. I know some of these people personallyI love them and they are dear friends and family. STOP hurting them! STOP taking away civil rights from Iowans just because you don't understand!
Douglas Dremmel []
I am a nursing student, a lifelong Iowan, and a member of the LGBTQ community. This bill is deeply disturbing to me. I fear for the safety of my trans friends, especially those who do not have the means to leave the state if this were to pass. As many have said, this bill echoes the pink triangles given to the LGBTQ community during Nazi Germany. I want to stay in this state postgraduation. I want to provide care to my fellow Iowans. However, I would not feel safe in this state if this were to pass. The "First They Came For" poem sits in my mind as I see this debated over. When will they come for sexual minorities such as I? I implore you to not support this bill and to rally others to vote no.
Jackson Hopper []
I oppose this hateful bill. It will nothing to protect anyone in the state of Iowa, it will only hurt trans Iowans and those who love them.
Jill Miller []
I oppose this bill. This bill helps no one and hurts the most vulnerable of our state. Stop wasting time with hateful legislation and fix our roads. Stop picking on trans kids and fund public education. Do your sworn oath to represent ALL IOWANS.
Amanda Boody []
What is wrong with you continually going after those with the least power? Leave this alone. Do some actual work that takes effort. Do you job and grapple with issues that will help our entire state. Improve funding for public schools and mental health. Stop fear mongering about people who just want to live their lives. This sort of thing has come up again and again. Stop trying to limit rights of people and do your job. Lay this bill aside and do real work to solve real problems, not avoiding your job by indulging in attacking the weak. I am appalled.
Ace Christiani []
Please vote no, us trans kids have already faced enough bully in schools we dont need our law makers to become our next ones
Janice Reinicke []
I find it deeply disturbing the Committee would seriously consider, much less support, such an egregious proposal violating the Civil rights of the trans community in Iowa. Iowa has historically been a leader in establishing civil rights protections. Why would we choose to reverse course now? The provisions appear to be grounded in a meanness of spirit that is wholly unlike the Iowa I have known and respected. Please do not choose to support this totally unnecessary change in law sanctioning discrimination.
Janice Reinicke []
I find it deeply disturbing the Committee would seriously consider, much less support, such an egregious proposal violating the Civil rights of the trans community in Iowa. Iowa has historically been a leader in establishing civil rights protections. Why would we choose to reverse course now? The provisions appear to be grounded in a meanness of spirit that is wholly unlike the Iowa I have known and respected. Please do not choose to support this totally unnecessary change in law sanctioning discrimination.
Meredith Stanbrough []
I am strongly against this bill and urge you to stop targeting trans Iowans. Some of you need to take another look at the Pillars of Character youve been shoving down the throats of school kids for decades. The Reynolds administration is a constant disappointment and embarrassment.
Patricia Clark []
Vote NO.
Amanda Lundberg []
I grew up in Iowa, and bills like this are a reason to never go back even to visit. Stop trying to legislate people's bodies. You don't have to agree with what people do or believe, but it'd be cool if you'd take a step back and look at why Iowa went from pretty awesome to failing. Focus on infrastructure and helping people and business succeed in the state and stop spending time on trying to control others.
Benjamin Stanbrough []
I strongly oppose this bill and urge you to vote no. Discrimination has no place here.
Kaeru Peffers []
Please do not pass this bill. The plan for passing this bill is to protect children but it is doing the exact opposite. As one of the citizens of Iowa who would be affected by this bill it is not ideal for any party involved. By passing this bill you able people to harass and discriminate against transgender people. These people are no threat to you or anyone, they just want to be true to themselves, and be loved and accepted like everyone else. By passing this bill you allow children and adults alike to be put in harms way. The Iowan government focuses on LGBTQ+ people instead of focusing on things like banning pocket knives at school or similar things. If this bill is passed I will no longer be protected when another student pulls a knife on me. I will be considered a threat just for being me. Please dont pass this bill.
Tristan Miedema []
There is simply no reason to pass HSB 649. There is no evidence to suggest it has any value other than discrimination against trans and LGBTQ+ Iowans. It outs personal medical information (in violation of HIPPA) and threatens queer families across our state. Please say NO. As we heard in the subcommittee, no trans person or medical professional in Iowa has even been consulted. This is completely at attack of hate from the governors office.
Allyson Fowler []
VOTE NO ON HSB 649.We already established that segregation based on race did NOT constitute as "separate but equal." Stop wasting time and tax dollars on criminalizing and/or segregating based on sex and gender.Gender being included on documentation is unnecessary and potentially dangerous to begin with. Adding gender/sex assigned at birth will simply create further dangerous situations for vulnerable populations, while costing Iowa money to implement and enforce this grossly unnecessary law.Further, separating transgender individuals to governmentcontrolled facilities sounds highly suspect and a potentially slippery slope to attempt to isolate transgender people in all avenues of life, such as housing. Is Kim Reynolds next going to dictate where trans people can live within the borders of Iowa? Let's not find out.Again, VOTE NO ON HSB 649. This legislation only serves to harass vulnerable members of our Iowan community. Our tax dollars would be better spent elsewhere, like infrastructure, social services, providing food for kids, funding public schools, etc.
Jacob Rempfer []
Please do not pass this bill. Our state is becoming increasingly hateful and cruel. Why are we doing this? Please consider the lives that will be ruined by implementing these ridiculous rules. Be compassionate and gracious.
Natalie Hall []
Do NOT support this egregious bill. Others have already made the necessary points, I will only add that this is an extreme waste of TIME and taxpayer MONEY as it will surely be challenged in court and ultimately be ruled unconstitutional. Send the message to Kimmy that you all do not work for her, you work for your constituents of Iowa and we are sick of these political games!!
Tiffany Welch []
I strongly oppose this bill. It doesnt solve any problem and causes so much harm to those impacted. Vote no
Tabitha Simms-Quigley []
Im strongly against this bill. Its hateful and wont do anything except harm people. Use taxpayer dollars more effectively, like preventing our governor from driving drunk again
Elizabeth Lundberg []
My earlier comment was in opposition to one anti trans bill; now Im back to leave another comment opposing ANOTHER anti trans bill being rushed through this committee on the same day. Please stop hunting vulnerable populations for sport. Its ugly and cruel.
Amy Poague []
HSB 649 is a hateful bill thatseeks toeliminate civil rights for trans Iowans.Several of my loved ones who live in Iowa are transgender. This bill could create harmful consequences for trans people that impact health, safety, and quality of life. Please vote no on this legislation.
Chelsea Toppin []
I strongly opposed this bill. Vote no and keep our schools safe for all kids.
Zoie Stanbrough []
This bill is extreme dangerous to a lot of Iowans. I strongly oppose and urge you to vote no.
Kathy Winter []
I strongly oppose this bill. Why are we trying to step back in time and legislate discrimination? Stop the hate.
Kathy Winter []
I strongly oppose this bill. Why are we trying to step back in time and legislate discrimination? Stop the hate.
Pamela Mix []
I strongly urge you to vote NO on this harmful and ignorant bill. Othering and further marginalizing an already vulnerable population places trans people like my child at even greater risk, not only for their own mental health but also for their personal safety. Data overwhelmingly show that trans people experience harassment, violence, and even murder because of their identity. This bill places them at even greater risk by publicly calling them out as trans. There is no data that supports a risk to cisgender people because of their identity, nor a risk from trans people against cisgender people. You have a responsibility to protect ALL Iowans. This bill does the opposite.
Kathy Winter []
I strongly oppose this bill. Why are we trying to step back in time and legislate discrimination? Stop the hate.
Kai Barry []
I strongly oppose this bill. I am a transgender youth and this bill will impact my future as an adult and human being dramatically in all the wrong ways. Please do not pass this bill, I begging on everyone in the trans and lgbtq+ community. I can not possibly understand why you and so many others would want to hurt innocent children trying to find themselves and show their true selves without the risk of being hurt.
Kimber Foshe []
I strongly oppose this bill. This is not an appropriate use of our taxpayers money why is this the focus of and how time is spent on the senate floor? The government does not belong in people's bedroom. More important and critical items are on the agenda please look at adolescent mental health, access to healthy food, reasonable fees for reliable internet, so many important issues so why pry into something that should never be on the legislative table. It never was a gov't issue, and should never be a gov't issue/concern.
Amy Day []
Vote NO for HSB 649. Protect ALL children.
Elliot Cobb []
I urge the committee to prevent this bill from getting a full vote on the floor. It is unconstitutional and will lead to yet another expensive court case that Iowa taxpayers will pay for. It is a strong statement that Iowa is not open to business or visitors. Above all it is discriminatory and invites further discrimination across all marginalized communities. Please stop this before peoples lives are uprooted. I dont think many on this committee realize what its like to wake up every day and know people with power wish to harm your community. Its exhausting, its scary, and yet we have no choice but stand strong and tell you were not going anywhere.
Amber Tucker []
I strongly opposed this bill and urge you to vote 'no'. I also urge you to speak with trans people and listen to what they need. No trans person is asking for this legislation. No law should be made about a group of people without consulting with that group of people, particularly when that group of people is already marginalized and vulnerable.
Ashley Ayres []
Begging you to vote NO for HSB 649. I have been a Republican for decades and all of this bullying and hateful obsession with transgender community has embarrassed me to the point of being done supporting Republicans. How do you sleep at night? Do whats right for the people living in your state.
Julie Hackett []
This bill is not what the people of Iowa want! This bill is what the governor of Iowa and religious groups in Iowa want. What happened to "IOWA NICE"This bill is NOT for the good of transgender individuals and will only cause greater discrimination and harm against them. If you support this bill to remove the civil rights of the transgender community, you will be complicit in supporting future discrimination against trans individuals. Ask yourself if your morals and ethics align with a person who wants to remove personal identity from a group of individuals.
Valerie Sailsbury []
Please vote no on these harmful anti trans bills. They will absolutely do more harm than good. Please stop making it easier to discriminate against people who are already targets of violence and hate. Also stop trying to redefine sex and gender to fit your agenda. They already have definitions. Also reproduction isn't the only thing that defines man and woman. Please stop using that argument.
Meredith Murphy []
I do not support HSB 649! We need to pass legislation to keep people in Iowa and keep people proud of this state and this is not it. There are many transgender Iowans this will negatively impact and I am asking you as a voter to not pass HSB 649. We are watching you!
Gwen Hope []
I repudiate this attempt to both mark us and force the State to further discriminate against trans folks.
Alex Rudy []
Please vote no on this bill. Where has this been an issue? Why should adults have to have their identification amended just to exist? Iowa should focus on education and making it a great place to live for all it's citizens, not making decisions that will make people want to leave the state.
Morgan Hockey []
The people of Iowa overwhelmingly oppose this pink triangle bill and yet it's getting rammed through subcommittee and into committee in less than 24 hours. We will not go quiet.
Colleen Kollasch []
I am in awe that you would want to restrict anyone's basic human rights. Do better. Be better. vote no. I opposed this bill.
Petra Lange []
I strongly oppose this bill. Please vote NO to HSB 649. As a lifelong Iowan, I find codifying discrimination abominable.
Ella Greenlee []
Vote no against HSB 649
Caroline Vander Weg []
Please do not advance this bill. It's 2024, and we're still debating whether or not people deserve basic human rights and respect? It's unbelievable. Trans rights are human rights. It's clear that there is no purpose to this bill other than to hurt an oppressed group of people. People's basic livelihood should not be in the hands of legislators. It appalls me that this is up for debate to some people. Just let people exist. I am ashamed of this state, truly. Do better.
Megan Martin []
Why would anyone support this disgrace of a bill? I have lived in Iowa my entire life, and it's bills like this that make me want to pack up and leave, never to return. I am horrified that the government would ever consider putting people's private medical history on a government document that is so frequently used. Imagine if the government had forced Iowans to disclose their vaccination history on their driver's licenses. Everyone would have been, appropriately, outraged that such a private piece of info was being shown every time they had to buy alcohol at a grocery store or pick up a package at the UPS store. Yet that is exactly what HSB 649 does. Additionally, this bill will create problems for samesex parents, jeopardize federal funding for domestic violence shelters, and enshrine "separate but equal" into Iowa law. Please vote against this bill, and protect the privacy of all Iowans.
Jessica Wonderlich []
Im strongly opposed to HSB 649. Transgender people are owed the same level of respect as all others living here.
Polaris Glasser []
In the past three years, this legislature has undermined my rights as a transgender student. I have had my life turned upside down with arbitrary new legislation causing me to have to travel hundreds of miles to merely fill a prescription for my medication or see my doctors.Should this bill pass, I, alongside many of my peers, may be unable to continue living in this great state we would become refugees within our own nation by the hands of this legislature, for unless all are treated equally under the law, freedom is but an aspiration that we have failed to uphold.
Thomas Powell []
It is absolutely imperative that harmful antitrans bills are not passed out of this committee. These bills will genuinely and actively cause harm to many Iowans, and do not protect anyone from anything. The only argument for this legislation is that it is needed to "protect women" not only is this completely unsubstantiated, but also this ASSUMES trans Iowans are inherently dangerous, which is both completely baseless and indescribably harmful. This is genuinely the type of rhetoric that leads to genocide. I know many people think using that word is an exaggeration, but it is the truth and simply much worse than many people realize. Trans people in Iowa are not a threat to anyone, and these bills would only serve to demonize and endanger an already marginalized group. I cannot overstate the importance of defeating this legislation.
Jessica Tayler []
Vote no to this senseless and hateful bill. Iowan, ALL Iowans, deserve better. This is baseless nonsense and a waste of my tax dollars.
Lydia Heintz []
There's no reason this bill (HF 2139) should be pushed through any further. The bullying of children is something that should never go without consequences. At its core bullying is bad why would we promote that? "Iowa nice" is a common phrase I hear regarding Iowans please allow our culture to stay that way. Regarding HF 649, there should be no reason why Iowa needs to go so far within our past to label actual human beings as other. It's dangerous to do so in the first place. Creating othering of people leads to segregation and the belief of "separate but equal" was already proven during the brown vs Board case to not be true. Allow Trans Iowans to feel safe where they live instead of waking up in fear that they may get targeted and killed.
Elizabeth Klaus []
I wish my legislature would spend more time on materially improving the lives of Iowans rather than spend time bullying LGBTQ children. Are our legislators so ill informed on the history of United States government that they believe that they will somehow escape the many failures of "separate but equal" accommodations? This bill seems to have no other purpose than to try to restrict the rights of a group of people based on nothing more than the ill informed whims of so many of our representatives. Please let go of this false crusade against our trans Iowans and spend time actually making Iowa a more livable and decent place for all of us.
Marcella Fank []
I strongly oppose HSB 649. This bill not only defines terms such that "The term equal does not mean same or identical" and "Separate accommodations are not inherently unequal" (which directly opposes supreme court precedent) but discriminates against vulnerable Iowans with no benefit. Furthermore, this bill is not related to education. The fact that it has been referred to the education subcommittee is absurd. I urge you to vote no on this bill.
Wynn Greenlee []
HSB649 cannot be allowed to go into law. The fact that it is even being considered is abhorrent. I urge you to make the right choice and support the actual safety of the trans community.
Mathew Martinez []
Oppose this bill!
Katelyn DiIulio []
VOTE NO. This bill does nothing to protect anyone. The amount of harm that it will do to our LGBTQ population is immense. Do not vote for a bill that is seeped in fear and hate when it has no purpose but to target and divide us. This bill is unacceptable and should not be voted for.
Amanda Randolph []
I wholeheartedly oppose this bill.
Matt Lorch []
As a former resident for 15 years that recently left the state do to legislation like this. People with highly technical skills, high paying wages, and the ability to grow our economy are leaving the state due to themselves, their kids, their family bein affected negatively by this. Please vote no. This is hurting our communities, children, lives, and the economy of Iowa.
Courtney Collier []
I support this bill. The most supreme being in the universe, Almighty and Sovereign God, created each of us and he did so with order, and with purpose. He created us male and female. The author of confusion, deception, and death Satan the Devil, deceives people into believing lies about who they are. Isaiah 5:2021 saysWoe to those who call evil goodand good evil,who put darkness for lightand light for darkness,who put bitter for sweetand sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyesand clever in their own sight.This legislation is TRUTH, its based on common sense and basic biology. Up is not down. Down is not up. Right is not left and left is not right. 1+1 still equals 2. People can choose to live in their delusions and confusions in their own lives and homes, but the rest of us should not be forced to join them.I am a woman, an adult female human. I am also a mother, I have ovaries and a uterus that for 9 months developed 3 humans and then birthed them out of my vagina after laboring for hours.NO man a person with a penis and testicles who changes their pronouns, name, or takes hormone blockers and puts on makeup and womens clothing can do THAT!Its truly ridiculous that we need to codify the definitions in this bill and legislate to keep boys ok and men with penises and testicles out of our designated for women spaces. Women and girls privacy and safety is being threatened, and we are being erased and replaced by this false, nonsensical psychological social engineering trend which is orchestrated by the Devil himself. Pass the bill to protect the actual biological girls, women and mothers in Iowa.
J Ferro []
This bill will only encourage discrimination by creating separate parameters for trans people.
Amber Carver []
I strongly oppose HSB649 and HF2319. Please vote no and show that Iowans care about their neighbors.
Hollie Allbaugh []
I strongly oppose this bill, and I encourage you to vote NO. I proudly grew up in Iowa and as a LGBTQ youngster, I often faced ridicule and bullying from my peers in school. Asking for someone to respect your chosen name or the pronouns you feel comfortable using is not a difficult or detrimental ask, and should be respected by students, staff, and administrators. I am deeply concerned that this bill will enable more bullying in our schools, which in turn contributes to an exclusive environment that is not fit for learning.
Jessica Wonderlich []
I strongly oppose HF 2139. All students should be called be their preferred name and pronouns. Simple things like this help create positive learning environments.
Nichole Eden []
I am writing to note that my previous comment was a personal one, and not meant to be on behalf of my organization. I pressed 'submit' without realizing that autofill had included this information.Please oppose this bill.
Jamie Nicolino [Small Business Owner - THE COLLECTIVE]
I am writing to you today to urge you to vote no to HSB 649 this bill as written dictates that "separate accommodations are not inherently unequal" and directs state law to recognize citizens strictly based on their sex assigned at birth. This bill is dangerous on many levels as it eliminates civil rights for Trans Iowans. Bills like this are forcing Iowa residents (not just Trans Iowans) to reconsider the safety of living in this state myself included. I am a small business owner and Iowa native and if bills such as HSB 649 continue to get pushed and more dangerously pass, I will strongly consider moving to a state that treats ALL of their citizens equally this is a civil rights issue. NOTHING about this bill is okay and should you vote for it you are promoting hate and discrimination here in the state of Iowa and you should be ashamed of the future you are creating for the citizens of Iowa, or should I say the lack of a future. Please DO NOT PASS THIS BILL.
Laura Berardi []
As an Iowan and the parent of a transgender child, I strongly urge you to vote NO. Iowa has a long, proud legacy of leading on civil rights (walk over to the Shattering Silence monument on the Capitol grounds for a reminder). Passing anything that says separate is equal will be the laughingstock of constitutional law across the country.As the parent of an already vulnerable, marginalized child, I will say this: The moment you start setting up "separate but equal" regulations for her is the moment you have ostracized her. You may as well be labeling drinking fountains Trans Only. This will never stand. It's a waste of time, with the only outcome being a show of cruelty.
Melissa Gevaert []
It is so important to me and many other Iowans that HSB 649 does not advance.It's clear in the writing of this bill that it is designed specifically to discriminate against transgender people in our community. That is is getting support from people who know absolutely NO transgender people. Laws should be created to keep marginalized and discriminated against communities safe, not attack them.I know so many transgender Iowans, they are all amazing people that are doing good things for this state. They are not "the enemy" that people like Governor Reynolds are making them out to be. They just want to be able to live in peace and know they are safe. If HSB 649 is passed, we will lose so many Iowans who do so much to make this state a better place. We will lose educators, mentors, medical professionals, business owners. Our suicide rates of LGBTQ+ youth will increase. Nothing good will come from this, it will only teach close minded people that they do not need to welcome others to Iowa.I used to be proud of Iowa, and I have always given so much to our community. I have done 8 years of advocacy for nonprofits in Iowa, advocating for increased medical research funding. I shop local as much as I can. Every year I try to give to Iowa based charities. But if this bill passes, I won't stay here. The models of "Iowa Nice", the people who make this state a great place to be, will be the ones leaving. A decision to forward this bill will cause a ripple of effects, and impact the Iowa economy.Please do not let this bill advance. Lives depend on it.
Heather Riley []
I strongly, intensively oppose this legislation and the devastating breach of privacy for trans Iowans. Demanding a special governmentissued ID based for this community is abhorrent and flat wrong. Vote a hard NO, and let's focus instead on bills and legislation that improve the lives and livelihoods of ALL Iowans. Leave the trans community alone.
Nicole Sierra []
Please, I beg you, do NOT pass this bill. Dead naming is name calling but orders of magnitude worse. You would effectively be telling a living, breathing, whole human being that they don't exist and for what?! Can those in support of this empathize with that, please!? Can you imagine a law that says you do not exist? Regardless on how you may feel on what a name represents, as a transwoman it represents existence. How much hate do you need in your heart to point at someone and exclaim they are nothing? This bill is wrong. It is painful, shameful and is void of all compassion for transgendered people... your fellow Iowans... your fellow humans.
Christinia Crippes []
I am opposed to this bill and the ongoing attacks by our Republican state leaders on our trans friends, family, and neighbors.It's disheartening and disappointing that my adopted home state is trying to enact a law literally making people separate but equal. Not only is this proposed legislation meanspirited and likely to be rightly found unconstitutional, it's also simply a waste of lawmakers' time to devote so much effort to a small minority group doing no harm when the state has real problems it could address. Please focus instead on those real problems, like our water pollution and public funding for public education.
Robin White []
I am legally recognized by the United States Government as a Female. Any new law that the State of Iowa enacts regarding the legal definition of my sex may end up being challenged in Federal Court. If HSB649 is passed into law I may be forced to seek legal counsel and file a complaint against the State of Iowa which will be in violation of HIPAA.
Ryan Berg [Avenues for Youth]
Major medical organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Psychiatric Association, strongly support genderaffirming medical care for transgender adolescents. Research consistently indicates that such care leads to favorable mental health outcomes, including improvements in depression and overall functioning.Don't weaponize trans people's lives to drum up manufactured fear and to win political points. The research shows that affirming someone's identity is a form of suicide prevention. Don't gamble with people's lives because your opinion doesn't align with the evidencebased practices.