Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act prohibiting school districts and charter schools from taking disciplinary action against employees, contractors, or students for the use of legal names or for the failure to use personal pronouns in official communications, and providing civil penalties.(See HF 2396.)
Subcommittee members: Stone-CH, Gustoff, Kurth
Date: Monday, February 5, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Location: RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Sandy Wilson [Citizen Engagement]
Citizen Engagement declares IN FAVOR of HF 2139. Please advance the bill.
JoAnna Springsteen []
Does the Iowa legislature have nothing better to do than legalize the bullying of children?I am adamantly against this bill. It doesn't help our schools, our children, our economy, or our culture.Instead of grown adults harassing children, can we focus on something that actually impacts this state positively?
Allison Fisher []
Please do not let this advance; please use our tax payer dollars wisely and do something that would benefit all people instead of targeting the same group of people again and again.
Susie Hines []
I oppose this bill. We should allow existing District policies to govern any disciplinary action.
Tyler Pittman []
I oppose this bill. If a situation arises where a student is bullying someone else by *repeatedly* using the incorrect pronouns or name, schools need to be able to discipline them. They don't even have to be transgender for this to be an issue. I know plenty of cisgender boys who were bullied for having some feminine trait and called girls for it. This is obviously bullying and schools should not have to allow that. Incorrect pronouns and names used repeatedly, intentionally, and meanspiritedly are absolutely a form of bullying. How does this "protect" our kids other than letting them bully kids without consequences? If you would just like to prevent against punishment for accidental misuse of names or pronouns, I think that needs to be made very clearBecause allowing purposeful, meanspirited deadnaming and misgendering is going to be detrimental to many already bullied children.
Lina-Maria Murillo [University of Iowa]
Do not advance this bill. One that seeks to allow the further marginalization of a group of children already pushed to the edge of existence by this legislature. Please spend your time trying to feed and care for children not facilitating their increased harm.
Andy Sutton []
I am strongly against this bill as a teacher and as a parent of a trans teen. As a teacher, I have NEVER been allowed or encouraged to share my personal views with my students. I am expected to keep a neutral point of view in the classroom to allow students to have their own points of view. So why is it now being suggested that I, as a teacher, should feel free to bully children in the formative years of their identity? This has no business in politics. As a parent, I fully support my child in not acknowledging a teacher who continuously using their deadname. I generally do not answer to my full given name. I go by a shortened name and if you want my attention you have to respectfully use the name I go by. Why should our children be any different? Please vote against this bill.
Whitney Young []
Yes, let's waste more time and resources to allow bullying and encourage childhood trauma, things we advocate against all the time. If you were named Elephant and the life lived under that name made you want to commit suicide, would you like having to recall that life and trauma being called that after changing your name? This is absolutely ridiculous and a violation of human rights!
Ella Miner []
I strongly oppose this bill. Vote NO to HF 2139
Dessie Sliekers []
Please vote NO on this bill. The kids in the trans community are just trying to live a happy, full life, like any other kid. This bill would only further enable bullying of this already marginalized and delicate community. Trans kids have a higher rate of suicide as a result of bullying, so please dont make it legal to do so, focus on ACTUAL issues that face our state and stop punching down on the LGBTQ community. Vote NO on this bill, it is cruel.
Claudia Knutson [319-330-2260]
Do you realize how UGLY Iowa has become with the threatening and passing of such negative bills as this? Civil rights of our students, especially trans children, are being bombarded with unfair acts to minimize their personal freedoms. Our friends and family outside of Iowa are vocal about being happy they do not live here. Kill this bill for decency sake.
KariAn Mulford []
Let's all agree that bullying children is wrong and any bill that legalizes the bullying of children should be automatically thrown out. Please do NOT advance this bill!
Heather Riley []
I strongly, intensively reject the ideas represented within this bill and urge legislators to vote no. This bill is meanspirited, a slap in the face to trans youth, and will end lives. I can't express how awful this will be for kids who merely wish for acceptance and support. IOWA....please...we must do better! This hateful treatment of the trans community has got to end.
Mandy Fox []
This is an issue of civility that cannot be legislated. Don't let this move forward. It will cause for grief for everyone involved.
Stephanie Barrett []
I am STRONGLY opposed to this bill. Why so much focus on passing bills that are discriminatory, bigoted, and hateful towards our LGBTQ citizens? These bills are reminiscent of Jim Crowera, racial segregation laws prior to the Civil Rights Act. They are also reminiscent of the laws passed by fascist Hitler and the Nazi Party. NONE of those are ideals to strive for. What Republican legislators are doing is disgusting and bigoted. What is Iowa becoming??
Andy Ham []
I strongly oppose this bill. As a transgender student in an Iowa public high school, I believe this bill will further isolate and threaten the lives of transgender and gender nonconforming students and staff at school. Transgender and gender nonconforming people already have a significant likelihood of attempting suicide, and turning a blind eye to the harassment that transgender and gender nonconforming students and staff receive will only make this worse. Please reject this discriminatory bill. Trans rights are human rights, full stop.
Nicole VanderLinden []
Didn't the House Speaker say you'd be taking a break this session from spending Iowa taxpayer dollars on culture wars? In any event, please vote no. Please quit targeting your fellow Iowans with unnecessary bills designed to ostracize and discriminate. You're marching toward a legacy I doubt you'll be proud of once the dust settles.
Jonathan Danker []
I opposed this bill because its very hateful. It could led to a lot of bullying and hurt a lot of people. Schools are meant to protect children not to hurt them. It would NOT make Iowa a wonderful place to live. If you want to protect children, you would NOT support HF 2139.
Jesica Sidler []
As a teacher and parent, I strongly opposed this bill because its very hateful. It could led to a lot of bullying and hurt a lot of people. Schools are meant to protect children not to hurt them. Trans rights are human rights. If you want to protect children, you would NOT support HF 2139.
Larry OBrien []
Protect all kids from bullying. Even trans kids. Stop picking on the minorities. Please.
Stacy Volmer []
I strongly oppose this bill. Please protect all students and vote NO!
Kathranne Knight []
I strongly oppose this bill. Repeatedly calling a person by a name or pronoun they dont use is bullying. If this bill were to pass, there would be no recourse to protect a person who is harassed in this way and would lead to more disruption in the classroom. In addition, simply using the appropriate name and pronoun can help alleviate anxiety and distress in a child. What a simple solution. It is respectful and easy.
Angela Pittman []
Parents are allowed to fill out forms that state our child's preferred name. This could be a cisgender child who does not go by their birth name. It is just being respectful that we call people by their preferred name. If it is just by mistake that is one thing, but if is intentional despite having knowledge of their preferred name then it is disrespectful and just downright mean. What are you teaching our young Iowans if you are in favor of this bill? Please vote no and stop this bill from progressing. It is becoming an embarrassment to be an Iowan.
Cathie Seidenkranz Mckim [Parent/grandparent]
How many of you have children and or grandchildren that are transgender? How could you possibly support this bill and look at yourself in the mirror? You are despicable. Having worked in state government for over 30 years back in the 70s I am appalled that our government has stooped this low. It makes me sick to my stomach and you should all be ashamed!!
Caroline Vander Weg []
Please do not advance this bill. Schools need to be a safe space for all students. Studies have shown time and time again that deadnaming, misgendering, and unsafe school environments in general are extremely destructive to the mental health of transgender teens. This bill would do a great amount of harm to an already marginalized group. Why arent our lawmakers focusing their energy on bettering the world instead of encouraging the bullying of children?
Karen Chappell []
I strongly oppose this bill. Please vote no and do not advance the bill
Renee Pedersen []
Whoever brought this bill for consideration, should be ashamed of themselves. It is NEVER acceptable to bully someone and not be called out for doing it! All we hear recently is that our Nation was founded on Christian values! Is that what you call being a Christian? What did our Lord say do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Do you really think this is appropriate? What is the difference between this and bullying someone for being black or Latino or being protestant, or Catholic? Nothing! Its time people that serve their constituents in the State start acting like humans and leave the gay/transgender community ALONE!
Seth Chappell []
I oppose! Can our state government just use funds and taxpayer dollars to focus on actually helping our state, counties and communities? These insane bills are only making our state look like bigoted, closed minded morons. What exactly are our government officials so afraid, scared and worried about with all this?
Gordie Felger []
Why this relentless persecution of transgender people? First, you take away their right to use restrooms where they feel most comfortable despite no evidence that there has ever been a single incident of misconduct by a transgender person in a restroom. Then you take away their right to transition health care, to even exist. Then they can't even be mentioned in school or read books with trans characters. Is there no limit to your abject hatred of trans people?What next? Forcing them to wear armbands with a red T? Mass deportations to Illinois and Minnesota? Prison sentences? Transgender people are not criminals and are not defective, but depriving them of their human rights and dignity is criminal.I'm disgusted to even call myself an Iowan! Just back off and let people live their lives!
Abigail Cornejo []
I oppose this bill. Stop the attacks on our students.
Sophie Bumgardner []
Im a high school student and this bill sickens me. Im friends with many of my trans peers and I would be furious if people were allowed to harass them. They dont deserve the hate they receive. They deserve to have school be a safe space, especially the safety from adults. Politicians have more pressing issues to be worrying about than allowing people to bully kids.
Emma Stoffer []
By allowing HF 2139 to move forward, you unequivocally allow bullying and harassment to occur within schools. Gender is a protected class. The purposeful use of dead names and incorrect pronouns is harassment. It is shameful to treat it as anything less.
Kathleen Winter [- Select -]
HSB649 would create a new code in Iowa to legally define sex, male, female, mother, and father and require all governmental entities in the state to abide by these definitions when collecting data. This law is another attack on trans Iowans and those definitions do not take into account intersex people, and all of the terms are defined narrowly to only identify people by the sex they were assigned at birth, meaning nonbinary people wouldnt legally exist as who they are. The bill would also require trans Iowans to use different birth certificates and drivers licenses that note they are trans. Under current Iowa law, a trans person can change their license and birth certificate to the gender they identify as. This provision would force trans people to automatically out themselves whenever they have to present their identification. Lastly, the bill also says the term equal does not mean same or identical and that separate accommodations are not inherently unequal echoes Jim Crowera language about the separation of Black and white Americans. Iowan know that there is no such thing as separate but equal and we will not go back!!!!Iowa has a skyrocketing cancer rate and is ranked 49th in nursing home care. It is one of the states that college graduates are leaving at the highest rates. Concentrate on things that really matter and leave this marginalized demographic at home. Once again, it is a solution in search of a problem.
Sheila Johnson [parent]
First you made parents fill out a form giving permission for our kids to be called by other than legal names.Now we see introduced a bill designed to protect those who want to harass, bully and belittle certain students. A special carve out of the bullying policy just to allow it for the sponsor's and their supporters' public enemy #1 LGBTQ people. Stop this.
Christina Rhodes []
Do not advance this bill. It should go without saying that bullying of any kind should be subject to disciplinary action as is seen fit by the educators in charge of the situation. Not only does this bill remove local control, its also not prolife as it doesnt respect the dignity of trans youth.
Alyssa Ammeter []
I strongly oppose this bill. This is another (not even) thinly veiled attempt to continue telling parents and students that LGBTQIA+ individuals are not welcome and will not be treated with respect in Iowa.
Elaine Petersen []
I do not support this bill and ask all committee members to stop this bill from moving forward. Please, work towards representing ALL of your constituents and fellow Iowans.
Tambi Heiter []
As a public school educator, WHY is the legislature wanting to make one place all kids should feel safe a place where bullying can be allowed and tolerated?? Just let these kids live their lives! Why must this legislature always be on the wrong side of caring for our youth?
Liz Love []
As a mother and a teacher, I strongly oppose this bill and urge you to do so as well. This bill will lead to nothing but hurt, harm, bullying, and more mental health issues. It will drive people out of Iowa. This is an unnecessary bill that encourages hate. Please oppose and do not allow this to pass.
Nick Oswald []
I strongly oppose this bill. Trans Iowans just want to be left alone to live their lives with the same freedoms our Governor claims to be all about protecting. Stop the attacks on the LGBTQ community and please work on legislation that will actually HELP Iowans.
Ysandril Morrigan []
This bill and those that continue to target the trans community need to stop. Encouraging and supporting harm against children? The lack of humanity, compassion and decency to want to advance a bill like this requires monsters. Those that support this bill are evil. Plain and simple. Stop attacking children. Stop attacking the trans community. The hate, bigotry and discrimination must be halted and those in the pockets of organizations like the family leader must be exposed not as champions of innocence but as the despicable horrors that they are.
Kelly Danilson []
As a parent and teacher, I strongly oppose this bill. Why would you even consider a bill that will allow for opening the door to more bullying? There is no heart or empathy in supporting a bill that clearly lacks ethics.
Dylan Shroll []
This bill would be extremely harmful. Please for the love of god dont let it move forward. As a young queer person I was bullied relentlessly. Its why I left South Dakota and came to Iowa 13 years ago.
Kyle Kirwan []
Please dont support this.
Natalie Springer []
I am disappointed to see yet another bill in this state targeting trans people. The amount of trans people is so minimal and yet this state insists on spending time and money attacking this minority of people. Please do not let this bill advance. Send a clear message that bills targeting minorities are not welcome, so we can instead focus on bills that make Iowa a place worth calling home.
Ryan Lockhart [lockhart]
Bullying of any form should be stopped. What difference would it make what words are spoken during the bullying?If you're not for protecting children, then what do you support?
Brent Cottrell []
Letting Iowa become the Iran of the Midwest. Who the actual fuck is leading us?
Elizabeth Lundberg []
As the mother of a trans kid, a friend of multiple trans people, and a human being motivated by things other than fear and hatred, I am strongly opposed to this bill. I dont even understand the point of it, unless the Iowa GOP is just openly admitting at this point that their entire legislative agenda is making trans peoples lives as miserable as possible.
Stacy Klingler []
Dont make our childrens lives any more difficult, Please respect their choices that cause no harm to others
Sheena Grove []
So we are okay with human beings being repeatedly targeted? Because thats what this bill will do. It literally gives permission for abuse. If we are striving to create a better Iowa for our future generations, hate isnt it. This is RIDICULOUS!!! We have so many real issues to address and this targeting has got to stop.
Brianna Lyons []
This bill should not be approved, as it intentionally targets the safety of a protected category of citizens and enables discrimination against them. Please do not let our state be defined by hate.
Laura Lucas []
Don't pass this probullying bill!
Kevin Buesing []
This bill has no place in modern society and should never become law! We should respect what any person wants to be called and make a genuine effort to do so.
Alicia Denman []
There is no harm in allowing a person, child to adult, to choose what name to use. There is harm, and even malice, in calling a person by a name they no longer accept. This is also true of nicknames and those who use their middle name. Many people, not only transgender, have strong emotions regarding names. Yet this proposal seems politically motivated and targeted toward a small population.
Tyler Ingham []
This bill is incredibly stupid. Then again, so are the people who continuously mock folks by calling them the wrong name on purpose. Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Don't enact a law enshrining bullying in schools, it's already a problem.
Colin Day []
Representative Stone, there is nothing to discuss about this bill besides it being an attack on kids who are among the most vulnerable in Iowa, I would hope that something so abhorrent and embarrassing does not get any more consideration. Thank you for your time. Colin Day
Lauren Gil []
Approving this bill means that the blood of children who commit suicide is on your hands. The state of Iowa already has a youth mental health crisis that is underresourced. Such a waste of citizens resources and vision for Iowa to have politicians that would consider this a priority in office.
Jeffry Hoffman []
This bill serves no purpose except cruelty. Representative Henry Stone, and anyone who votes for any version of this at any stage, should feel great shame. Using the power of government to bully marginalized children is disgusting. I can't fathom that any citizen believes this is the appropriate use of state power. Again, shame on Representative Henry Stone
Kory Oltrogge []
Can we stop wasting money on this crap? It serves no purpose except to be mean. Is that what elected officials are elected for? To be jackasses?Grow up and be better.
Thomas Shields []
This is a law that encourages hatred and discrimination. Do not start down this path.
Brandon Schneider []
I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recently proposed House File 2139, which would prohibit schools from disciplining students who bully or taunt transgender students by using their deadname or intentionally misgendering them.As a concerned citizen, I believe that this bill could lead to a hostile and unsafe environment for many Iowa students by allowing bullies to act without consequences. We have seen what happens when children feel they lack support, It is never a desirable outcome. This lack of accountability can create a culture of harassment and discrimination, mental health issues and suicide. Which is detrimental to the wellbeing of all residents of Iowa.To ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment for all, I kindly request that you reconsider your position on this matter and reject House File 2139. By doing so, you will help maintain a positive and supportive atmosphere for all students, regardless of their gender identity.
Maggie Avritt []
I dont see other use for this law other than to discriminate others. Please think of all the people whos everyday lives will be impacted.
This bill is an abomination. It will only lead to kids being bullied. Kids that already ate having a tough time.Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and decency. Please vote against this bill.
Dani Ausen []
This bill is cruel and unnecessary. It only serves to continue to stoke a culture war against a tiny percentage of Iowans. Someone's own decisions about what name they would like to be called by or what pronouns they want to use can't cause a harm or injury to anyone. These children and their families are simply trying to live their lives.Under this bill, a child who has changed their name and pronouns with the support of their parents and with the support of their school can still be harassed by school employees or students who don't agree with the student's choice. What about the rights of the student? What about the rights of the parents, who want to allow their child to identify as they wish? What about the rights of the school, to have a code of conduct? What about the rights of the school district?Apparently the only rights we care about in the Iowa legislature are the first amendment rights of bigots who want to harass transgender Iowans. The "freedom" that the governor and the Republican party in this state have been touting should extend to ALL Iowans, not just the Iowans that they find acceptable. There are PLENTY of matters in this state that deserve the attention of our legislature, and this does not even come close to making the list.
Phillip Hall []
This bill, regardless of what you think, will cause harm. Bullying, physical violence, and ending in the possible suicide of children.Why is it, I ask, that the Republicans are deadset on harming Iowa's children? From this bill to others, you spend your days thinking of uniquely harmful ideas aimed at the youth of Iowa. I beg you to vote against this horrible idea of a bill. Whomever is the sponsor should feel bad and should resign in disgrace. You, whomever you are, do not represent the True Iowan.
Jane Wegner []
I am struggling to understand how adults could come up with such a malicious bill. Come on Iowa. A state where most felt was meh but now feel is YUCK.
Catherine Kubie []
I oppose this bill. Why waste your time taking control away from schools and picking on trans students.
michael roberts []
I write in opposition to this bill which continues the republican crusade to hurt trans people. I used to be proud to call iowa my home, but the relentless culture war agenda while ignoring the real needs of Iowan is sickening. This is very unchristisn behavior from a group that purports to be devout adherents of religion.
Nancy Davin []
I read the summary of this bill and I nearly vomited. Every human should be treated with dignity and respect. You folks are straight from Hell. I am embarrassed to tell people I am from Iowa! Republican legislators have ruined this state. I used to be a Republican and know why I switched. I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago. You are in a class by itself as low as they come.Kill this bill!
Heather Cress []
As a former educator, it disgusts me that anyone would even consider a bill that allows for educators and students to emotionally terrorize students because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is never okay to harass or belittle others, particularly in a school setting and by those in authority. Shame on anyone even considering passing this garbage.
Stacy Grooms [Therapeutic Alliance Iowa]
This is bullshit. Targeting trans and non binary kids will lead to more self harm and suicide. This is NOT Iowa Nice.
Simon Grubb []
Bullying for any reason is wrong. That should not be a controversial statement or a political argument. Children should have the right to express themselves and live their own lives free of harassment. Leave your opinions out of it and please protect all children by voting against this bill.
Anne Wilmoth []
I oppose this bill. Please focus your legislative action and Iowans' tax dollars on initiatives to raise up all Iowans and grow our state in a positive direction. This is a waste of time and cruel.
Lawrence Burch []
I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recently proposed House File 2139, which would prohibit schools from disciplining students who bully or taunt transgender students by using their deadname or intentionally misgendering them.As a concerned citizen, I believe that this bill could lead to a hostile and unsafe environment for many Iowa students by allowing bullies to act without consequences. We have seen what happens when children feel they lack support, It is never a desirable outcome. This lack of accountability can create a culture of harassment and discrimination, mental health issues and suicide. Which is detrimental to the wellbeing of all residents of Iowa.To ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment for all, I kindly request that you reconsider your position on this matter and reject House File 2139. By doing so, you will help maintain a positive and supportive atmosphere for all students, regardless of their gender identity.
Shannon Breitenstein []
Please do not advance this bill. Reducing support to any population and setting them up for bullying is unacceptable, particularly knowing the increased vulnerability of kids and teens. Please consider how this bill is attempting to strip equal rights, encourage bullying, and is targeting trans youths by both peers and adults. We have the ability to support everyone and need to do better. All kids deserve our support and protection.
Katelynn Henderson []
This bill is asinine and a waste of time and energy. Rather than spending tax payer dollars figuring out how you can allow bullies to get away with their action, lets make Iowa a better place to live.
Kristy Hartsgrove Mooers []
Hello and thank you for reading this. I strongly oppose this bill, I think it actually will end up offering legal protection to bullies. We have worked too hard in this state for the last twenty years to eliminate bullying in schools to suddenly start legislating for exceptions. We should all respect each other enough to address each other the way we would like to be addressed. Again, thank you for reading this and please do not let this bill become Iowa law.
Guy Iversen []
My parents were from Cedar Falls and I spent much of my childhood in Iowa. This bill is a recipe for unmitigated bullying against a vulnerable community. We are better tha this. Do not pass this law
Derek Haskin []
Hate is never okay.Shame on this bill.
Derek Haskin []
Hate is never okay.Shame on this bill.
Tim Becker [Tim Becker]
I oppose this bill.
Cindy Watson []
I strongly oppose this bill. Please stop this and Vote NO to HF 2139.
Marissa Holub []
As a therapist in my community, seeing this kind of bill on the docket to even be discussed, is beyond appalling. This will do so much more continued harm to this already marginalized group. How dare you.
Shawn Hockensmith []
All kids need to feel like they are welcome by society even lgbtq kids. Allowing kids, especially ones with low self esteem to be bullied could lead to more teen suicide. We need to be dealing with more important stuff instead of making life harder for people.
Rachel Slater []
Please do not pass this bill. If someone's behavior is causing a child distress, it should not be tolerated. Please don't hurt our children
Alison Thompson []
Please do not advance this bill. I can see absolutely no benefit, and only the opposite to our children.
Heather Santi-Brown []
If a student come to school ready to learn, why is there such concern on the name they wish to be called? Let the student be called by a name that helps them be in a state of mind to learn and grow. Let's spend out money on things that can make that happen, instead of this. Please do not allpw this to advance.
Amanda Fonteyne []
This bill is a waste of resources. Stop wasting so much time creating division and stoking hatred, it is dangerous and unnecessary. Vote no and move on to issues of substance!
Tara McGovern []
A bill for an act encouraging adults in power to dead name and misgender trans people. Extending respect and dignity to people costs you nothing. Refusing them the respect every person deserves reflects only on you and your bizarre grab for control. School should be a place where people are safe. Just wondering, is the bill written as poorly as the description? That didnt go well for Shitley.
Steven Prescott []
Committee Members,I am against this bill and it should not pass out of committee. This bill, while not pointedly doing so, targets trans kids and will lead to their bullying and the protection of those doing the bullying. I am not trans, nor do I know anyone personally who is, but I don't understand why so much energy is being spent to take rights away from such a small percentage of the population, particularly children. Why is the Iowa GOP afraid of kids who are a bit different? Why the obsession with how your constituents live their lives or what their names are or where they pee? Bill after bill has been introduced to limit or take away rights of Iowans, mostly LGBTQ children. Where are the concepts of limited government and individual liberties that the GOP claims to stand for? Where are the Christian based family values that you claim to hold near and dear? Those that pay attention understand that your puppet strings are pulled by interests outside of Iowa. The tenets of Project 2025 seem to be central to this year's legislative session. How does that feel? Does it feel dirty to ignore the true interests and values of Iowans and instead push hateful and unnecessary legislation? What would Jesus think of your behavior? Would he look upon your work with admiration and approval? Doubtful. Stop obsessing about what people do in their personal lives, and get on with the business of making this a better state for every Iowan. Stop wasting what little time you have in Des Moines taking rights away from Iowans.Kill this ridiculous and unnecessary bill.
Kathleen Winter [- Select -]
Please stop these attacks on this population of Iowa CITIZENS. Everyone is deserving of kindness and respect. This is pure discrimination and an invitation to bully.
Saren Snyder [Actors’ Equity Association ]
As someone who is often contracted to work in Iowa, I will not continue to do so if the city/state passes ludicrous, hateful, exceedingly unnecessary legislation like this. This proposal simply boils down to an act of bulling, with potentially deadly consequences. DO BETTER. BE KINDER.
Elizabeth Lefler []
I strongly oppose this bill. LGBTQ children in Iowa are already bullied at high rates; don't make it harder for schools to address this type of bullying.
Jennifer Gilmore []
Please. 100% STOP this bill. Stop hurting my son and putting Iowans at risk.
Kate Doolittle []
Stephany Harris []
Are you people insane? You hate trans kids as much as adult trans. You fuel the hatred towards trans people with your bigotted bills and you keep trying to make it legal to discriminate and bully them. You start the fire and then fan the flames. There can but no other reason except pure hatred!
Tracy Creason []
Once again our Republican lead legislative body is pushing their personal beliefs onto Iowans as they are now wanting to legalize a form of bullying in our schools. Schools should be a safe space where everyone is respected not a place where differences are ridiculed and forbidden. Students should be taught acceptance and accountability not that fear and bullying are acceptable behavior. HF2139 would allow individuals to be the targets of hate and ignorance as this bill would allow people to harass Iowans based on the personal beliefs of legislators.I urge you to vote NO of HF2139 to show your support of all Iowans, to respect all Iowans and to prove you have the desire to maintain safe environments in all of schools.
Lisa Martincik []
This legislation will simply protect bullies and serves no just purpose.
Deidre Wahlin []
I absolutely oppose this bill. It is incredibly meanspirited and wrong to again target a group of people/children and declare them unworthy of the respect and rights afforded every other person/child. Again I cannot believe I have to address this and ask you to not legislate hate.
Kathryn Runde []
Strongly oppose this bill and its cruelty towards trans kids. Iowa was a place that was welcoming and supportive to all students when I taught in public schools here in the early 2000s and advised our school's LGBTQ+ student club at Kennedy High School Cedar Rapids. I would like the legislature to focus on raising teacher salaries, funding strong teacher training programs at our universities, retaining teachers in the profession, funding arts programs for children, and providing support services for the most vulnerable children instead of wasting time on bills like this that target trans kids.
Jill Bjorklund []
I cannot believe we are even discussing make a law that protects bullies of a marginalized group instead of a law that protects the marginalized group. Don't legislate HATE! Teachers and students since the beginning of time, have called students what they want to be called. It's called treating others with basic human decency and respecting their dignity. Our state has ACTUAL problems that need to be solved, not contrived culture wars to fire up the Republican base and further divide Iowans. Vote NO and kill this bill. signed a mom of a trans child in public school and a public school teacher with empathy
Dan Robbins []
How many people have been disciplined for failing to adhere to pronoun use policies? This seems like a solution to a nonexistent problem, and more of a way to excuse the bullying conduct of school officials.
Tracey Schatz []
I strongly oppose this bill. Bullying of any child is not ok. Our rules should protect our marginalized and vulerable groups instead of encouraging mistreatment without recourse.
James McCormack []
This bill will hurt Iowans. It will provide a way to demean and belittle Iowans. It is a waste of Iowans time and resources
Jacob Bethune []
Honestly ashamed of you all as Iowa legislators for even entertaining this idea. Why are the Republicans of this once great state so hellbent on ruining the lives of transgender people? I highly suggest stopping with the identity politics and actually educating yourself instead of placating your voter base by pandering to their illconceived fears. You are the ones who are causing the public hysteria, then use it as justification to pursue legislation that actively discriminates against people and makes their lives hell. Shame on all of you. This is disgusting.
Seth Bethune []
Bullying of any kind is never excusable and this proposed bill is setting an incredibly bad precedent for the children of Iowa. One of the first things we are taught in grade school is that we shouldn't be mean to people simply for being different than us. This bill is not only regressive, but a huge contradiction of what so many of us have been taught in Iowa schools. Bullying of any kind in schools should be met with the same consistent disciplinary measures.Let's show the rest of the country what "Iowa Nice" really is and NOT back a bill that only exists to hurt children.
Aidyn Hoffmann []
Vote NO! As a student, this bill will be severely detrimental to students' mental and physical health and safety. This bill will enable students and educators to bully transgender youth. This is NOT ok!
Kirby Morch []
I strongly oppose this bill. Schools already have issues with being able to handle the amount of bullying that happens within student groups. The last thing needed right now is a bill that enables bullying to be taken further under legal protection. There surely must be better things to do with someones time rather than focus on the hatred of trans youth. Vote NO to HF 2139
Joe Stevens []
These proposed bills attacking LGBT Iowans have me and a lot of other voters wondering why so much time is being wasted trying to roll back Civil Rights.Please quit with the manufacturing of problems and deal with the issues Iowans need fixed.
Jennifer Horn-Frasier []
I am registering my deep opposition to this bill and the others designed to delegitimize and erase the rights and existence of my transgender fellow Iowans. There is no compelling state interest in taking this action that is fundamentally cruel and essentially a form of statesanctioned bullying. I urge Iowa's lawmakers to stop focusing on basepandering stunts such as this and start focusing on addressing the real challenges that face Iowans. Vote NO on this bill.
Cole Davidson []
Dear Legislators,I am reaching out to voice my deep concerns regarding House File 2139, which proposes to allow bullying and taunting of transgender students without disciplinary consequences. This bill not only undermines the safety and wellbeing of Iowa's youth but also poses significant threats to our state's economy and social fabric.Allowing bullying of transgender students sends a detrimental message that harassment and discrimination are acceptable in our schools. Such an environment fosters fear, anxiety, and ultimately, hinders academic and personal growth. This hostile atmosphere is antithetical to the values of inclusivity and respect that our state should uphold.Furthermore, by condoning such behavior, we risk driving away talented individuals from our state, contributing to brain drain and hindering economic growth. No community thrives when its members feel marginalized and unsafe!As a state founded on principles of compassion and understanding, it is fundamentally evil to endorse policies that promote harm and exclusion. Jesus taught love, acceptance, and compassion for all individuals, regardless of their differences.I urge you to reconsider your stance on House File 2139 and to prioritize the wellbeing and dignity of all students in Iowa. Rejecting this bill is a critical step towards fostering an environment of acceptance, understanding, and prosperity for all residents of our state.Sincerely,A concerned educator
Ingrid Lillskau [College Community School District]
Hi there. My name is Ingrid Lillskau. I work at Prairie High School in Cedar Rapids. I am Personally strongly against this bill passing. It directly overheads a schools ability to use common sense and deal with things like bullying and harassment of students on their own. I do not understand why the government feels the need to get involved with disciplinary action in schools. Again, I work at a high school and have dealt with these issues personally. Almost never is it necessary for us to discipline anyone for using wrong names or pronouns. But every once in a while a student will taunt and/or harass another student and disciplinary action should be taken. I hope that this finds you well and that you might consider the opinion of a high school employee who this would effect.
Delaney Cissne [Counseling ]
As a mental health provider in the Des Moines Metro I vehemently disagree with progression of this bill. Using a child's dead name is a hinderance to their mental health, especially knowing that someone can do this purely to be hurtful without any repercussion. The progression of this bill is simply an setting trans students up for harm, this puts them at further risk. We have already taken so much from them, they already suffer at the hands of bullies whom are both adults and children, why do we have nothing bigger to worry about in our government than the name that someone would like to be called?????????????
Jennifer Schafer []
All students deserve a safe school where they can learn and be treated with kindness and respect. Im disgusted that any Iowan would consider this bill a good idea when it would most certainly result in further harm for some of our most vulnerable kids.
emma denney []
I strongly urge a NO vote on HF2139. This is a threat to trans kids in Iowa. This is Iowa telling these kids that they aren't worthy of the basic dignity and respect as others. This is Iowa telling trans kids it explicitly supports cruelty towards them. This is Iowa telling trans kids it will ruin their lives, and not only that, but that it will come after anyone trying to stop them. Iowa already took this basic dignity away when it banned gender affirming care for trans kids. Iowa already took this basic respect away when it forced schools to deadname and misgender kids in official policy. The state of Iowa is failing, and with its dying breath it is scapegoating vulnerable kids.
Lex Letourneau []
I oppose this bill. As an Iowa educator, I have no tolerance for bigoted behavior from my students. In schools we should foster community and growth in all of our students to help them become their most honest selves. This bill endangers trans students in a period of their lives that is already difficult enough, without the removal of teacher, mentor, and district support that this bill will cause. How dare you prohibit educators from stopping bigoted behavior when we see it. This is a shameful use of tax dollars and representative resources. Stop bullying our students and start supporting them.
Courtney Collier []
I support this bill.Neither I nor my children should be expected or required to manage someones made up pronouns and names let alone disciplined for living in reality. We should not be forced to participate in someones delusion of their identity. Stop affirming mental illness and cancel culture.
Teresa Grooms []
This bill should is a big NO! Why would you want to do that to a child? What's wrong with you?
Jessica Musil []
I whole heartedly OPPOSE this bill. In what universe it is even remotely OK to intentionally demoralize and hurt others? What are we teaching future generations by allowing into LAW that it's acceptable to prohibit disciplinary action for bullying another person due to their preferred name and pronouns? How does that harm anyone? People every day use preferred names and no one cares. If Iowa wants to push antibullying in schools, why would you selectively allow this bullying to occur? The hypocrisy is insane. Stop focusing on the wrong things! Help and protect all students, not just the ones you pretend to care about.
Alice Sechrest []
Hello everyone.As a transgender student, this appalls me. Does it make people feel better about themselves? To allow their children or people they know to bully children for how they choose to identify? I'm baffled and concerned about the majority of the population if we decide that choose to bully students for wanting to change their name or gender. 1.4% of the U.S. population is transgender. That concludes to be approximately 10,000, maybe 20,000 people. That may not be a lot, but that is a large number of people in my eyes. And we choose to belittle them for a choice? I find this to be ludicrous. Thank you.
May Christensen []
Citizen declares AGAINST the bill. Please find something better to do than crusade against trans people, especially trans youth. Their lives are hard enough without your trying to make them harder.
Cindy Watson []
Vote NO!! This is HORRIBLE legislation. Iowa used to be a leader but do you realize how awful we look to the rest of the world right now? Right now, this lifelong Iowan is embarrassed to say I'm from Iowa. You can do better. The rest of the rest of the world is watching.
Andrew Young []
This isn't just another bill against trans kids. That would be bad enough. This is a bill protecting the bullying, harassment, and frankly verbal hate crimes of children. If cisgender kids are allowed to go by nicknames or middle names, etc. then why aren't trans kids? Who does it hurt by letting them use different names and pronouns? But this bill hurts every trans kid, nonbinary kid, and every other noncisgender kid in Iowa. It makes them feel unsafe, unheard, and hurt. We should stop this hate, choose to love people, and solve actual issues.
Trevor Jackson []
I am writing to voice my opposition to this bill. Any individual, even kids, has the rightstill!to ask that they be treated with respect by their peers and the adults charged with their protection. This bill exposes children to harm without consequence. This legislature already has reams of testimony showing that misgendering or "deadnaming" someone has the potential to do psychological damage. More than just excusing or condoning that behavior, this bill encourages it by legalizing its practice. It is no less harmful than excusing attacks based in any other civilly protected category, like race or religion. This bill is probully and should not be allowed out of committee. Thank you.
Ioannis Alexakis []
Do not support this bill.
Jenny Kula []
Is this the point of government? To beat down on oppressed people, to bully children who already feel isolated? There is no moral influence to this bill, it is made as a point of culture war. Queer kids are not your political pawns and you are snakes for attempting to control a free people.
Rick Phillips []
Please PASS this bill. There is nothing more hateful than to lie to children about there being more genders than just male or female. It is so hard to imagine so many people here that support the lie of all these madeup imaginary gender identities. And some of you call yourselves educators! What a joke! Please cut the insanity and end the absurdity and nonsense of gender identity and preferred pronouns. Children go to school to learn skills that lead to life, not to be indoctrinated with garbage to destroy their life. Are we going to see the Capitol fill up with all the little whiney crybabies again today? Thank you, Rep. Stone, for the courage to produce this much needed legislation!
Marquetta Senters []
PLEASE...why are you spending time and my hard earned tax dollars to ignore and dehumanize fellow Iowans. Let teachers teach and not police. Let each individual choose their own path...why are so many frightened?Our world is on fire,our politics are on to extinguish those flames a tiny bit and not add hate to the fire.
BJ Blasingame []
As a former educator, I observed the difference between teachers with empathy and those without. Empathy and humor are traits of good educatorsof those who are capable of creating decent lives. Those Iowa legislators supporting HF 2139 show lack of empathy. Your cruelty toward children adds to suffering. I can't fathom why you don't use your power to reduce suffering. Make better use of your time by establishing empathy training for legislators, educators, and students. Instead, you encourage meanspiritedness in Iowans.
Zack Stout []
I strongly oppose the proposed legislation. This legislation seems intent on enforcing and rewarding cruelty instead of creating a diverse learning environment that welcomes all students. I urge the legislature to reconsider this path of blatant discrimination.