Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Eric Rector []
HSB 636 has a requirement to turn in tails cutoff from the raccoons? You do realize that by doing so, you have now rendered that raccoon pelt relatively worthless to the fur industry? A pelt needs to be a complete pelt with tail on or it goes in as damaged pelts and sold for less money possibly. We need to stop seeing animals as pests and treating them that way. Treat them as a natural, renewable resource that they are. IF you want to increase the harvest of raccoons, have them turn in a left or right foot or the skull, but not a tail. Maybe the Farm Bureau should pony up the bounty money to help increase the harvest of raccoons.