Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act defining the term woman for the purposes of the rules of statutory construction.
Subcommittee members: Hora-CH, Boden, Steckman
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Oliver Bardwell []
I support this bill. With the way the noun "woman" has become somewhat ambiguous and is being used as an adjective to describe anyone who wants to be considered a woman regardless of their biological sex. Legislating the definition of "woman" back to meaning, "female", at lease in Iowa code, is a step in the right direction to clarifying what it means to be a woman.
Michelle Lindell []
I find it absolutely absurd that weve come to a point where we have to define what a woman is but here we are. Lets keep this rolling and make it law!
m denney []
I oppose this bill. HSB588 is another cruel joke on the part of legislature, which has already spent the better part of two years endlessly targeting trans kids in the education system, especially trans girls. This is nothing more than an attempt to erase trans women and continue to bully children. Any discussion, debate, or time on the part of the legislature in handling this bill is a waste of citizens and taxpayers money, especially when Iowa has real issues to address
Danielle Kruse []
I support this bill and am saddened that we even need it. GOD defined what a man and a woman are and that had not changed. We woman are the one who are able to bear children and menstrate naturally.
Ludmila Scott []
This definition of a woman being a biological female is very important in order to take steps to protect women and girls in Iowa. In a modern society where they try to gaslight, manipulate the reality and erase womanhood I appreciate Iowa legislator taking the stance on normalcy and pushing back on insanity.
Kelly Smith []
I do support this legislation but it saddens me that its unfortunately needed.
Kelley Duehr []
I support this bill completely and agree that its sad that we have come to this. I also agree that God has clearly defined the difference between a man and a women and that should never be changed!
Shelly Hughes []
I completely support this Bill, please support and protect the girls and women of our State by passing this!
Betsy Fickel []
How sad that it will take a law to affirm God's creation. That a bill such as this would even be necessary. Genesis 1:27: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."1Genesis 5:2: "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created."2Matthew 19:4: Jesus answered, Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator made them male and female,"3 What is so hard to understand? The evil one called Satan, pretends to be an angel of light, "enlightening" humans of things contrary to God's Word. We are warned he is a destroyer. And he's doing a pretty good job of it in deceiving so many about their gender. Feelings and emotion over rule fact and truth. Again.We need to lift these people up in prayer as they don't realize the depth of deception and the consequences on Judgment Day. Or the consequences to our society for embracing such evil deception. This bill needs a loud resounding DO PASS.
Brenda Muth []
I totally agree with the definition stated in your bill.Thank you.Brenda Muth
Rosanna Sheets []
Ridiculous we have to spend tax dollars to argue about actual science yet here we are. Please protect our daughters and keep biological men OUT of womens spaces.
Sandy Wilson [Citizen Engagement]
Citizen Engagement declares IN FAVOR of HSB 588. While it seems pretty absurd, we know the left at war against women and this is a necessary step in the current culture until we return to sane leadership in our country and institutions.
Barrie Judge [None]
I support this bill. It is truly absurd that men want to hijack what it means to be a woman! Being a woman is a great thing. Women are the only creation that gives life to a baby. Men dressed up as a woman can not
Evelyn Albee []
I agree with this Bill. When you have a chromosome makeup of XX you are female/girl/woman. This is science from God.
Amanda Borchers []
I support this bill. I hope my legislators do as well. Trh definition of a "woman" is "an adult female human". Let's make it a law!
Daniel Borchers []
I support this bill. Sad that we need it.
Brenda Grose []
I support affirming that a woman is a female as created by God but find it appalling that there is any question and more find it alarming that we are teaching young children they can determine their gender/sex (they are the same). We wonder why we have such high percentages of mental health issues in children can you not see the forest for the trees? Stop confusing children!!!!
Krista Neumann []
I support this bill. The definition of a woman, a womans needs and the safety of, should not be up for discussion.
Dara Makohoniuk-Martin []
Saddened like the rest I support this bill lets get r done !
Trisha Wray []
I support this bill. Sex is assigned at birth. It is not a choice. You may present yourself in any way you choose but you cannot change your sex. XX = woman and XY = man.
Eric Weber []
Why not just use the federal governments definition based on chromosomes. A note that all references to man and woman or male and female in the Iowa code shall be defined by their chromosome profile.
Ross Reitz [Rosies Specialty Merchandise]
Let's use the Oxford dictionary to define a "woman"; there can be no mistake. After menopause, we women become men. Interesting.
Danielle Burnight []
Please protect our women and girls and our children. While, it is ridiculous that we have to declare what a woman is. This should be based on nature and science. When you were born a female/woman that is what you are the rest of your life. Your choice as a biological man to dress and act as a woman is your choice but I dont have to go along with it and accept a biological man as a woman in sports or anything else. A human will always scientifically and naturally be the sex you are born as. There is no argument for this.
Sophie Banegas []
My name is Sophie Banegas and I am a thirdyear medical student at the University of Iowa. I have a degree from Grinnell College in Sociology and Biological Chemistry, and a Master's degree from the University of Iowa in Clinical Anatomy. As of right now, I am planning on staying in Iowa as a physician to help address the pressing health needs of our state. I am writing to you as a future physician, medical professional and individual with expertise on biology, endocrinology, gender and sex distinctions, and genderaffirming care. I am implored to inform you that this bill that is introduced is misinformed, inaccurate, and not at all rooted in science or biology. This bill is discriminatory, dangerous, and will undoubtedly result in death and suffering of an already marginalized group of people. Please do not take this lightly. In HSB 588 you state a woman is an "adult female human". This is a gross oversimplification of sex determination and does not consider the many different ways that chromosomes could not match external genitalia, or secondary sexual characteristics could not match genitalia or chromosomes. For example, I urge you to look up differences of sexual development including, but not limited to: androgen insensitivity syndrome, 21hydroxylase deficiency, Klinefelter syndrome, and Turner syndrome just to begin. I have treated patients with these differences and can guarantee you know a person who has a difference in sexual development they are not uncommon. Your definition of "woman" is reductionist and uninformed to say the least. It will exclude thousands of Iowans and allow for violence and discrimination of many more. As a public health professional, I am implored to tell you that transgender individuals have some of the highest rates of violence committed against them, as well as high levels of suicide and rape in prison. Inflammatory language like this that not only removes their protections in a place where they are not afforded rights to begin with, but also allows for them to be FURTHER discriminated in the judicial system, will undoubtedly contribute to higher rates of genderbased violence, attacks, murder, and suicide. Do you want their blood on your hands? As a future doctor in Iowa, I urge you to strike this bill attacking transgender Iowans its passage will only make our jobs of saving lives more difficult.
Kate Doolittle []
This bill is absurd. You all act like sex and gender are rock solid concepts but they are entirely made up!! There is a spectrum of normal human difference and trying to cram everybody into one of two categories is absurd!!! Gender can be chosen and sex can be changed, and there is no steadfast definition of what a woman is, certainly not one that should be codified into law. This does nothing but attempt to erase trans and genderqueer people from existence. You all lead sad miserable lives and need to reevaluate your choices. It must feel incredibly uncomfortable to be constrained by meaningless conformist definitions. Shame on you. Do better.
Heather Shane []
I am completely against this bill for a number of reasons. People deserve to live in dignity and this is none of the government's business. This bill is not only offensive, but such a huge waste of time.
Casey Harwood []
I strongly oppose this bill. Those in favor have shared their opinions, but not one of them has been harmed by the absence of legislation on gender. The opposite is not true. If passed, this bill will DO HARM to Iowans. It is codifying bigotry, and should not be passed into law under any circumstances.
Angie Wenell []
I support this bill. Civilization cannot function if words have no objective meaning. Laws have no meaning if definition of words so fundamental to nature and biology like "woman" only exist in the subjective mind of each individual. Denial of reality leads to absurdity. Basic, commonly used words must have an objective, commonly understood meaning. Undermining an objective definition of "woman" also erodes the value of actual, biological women. Please vote yes on this bill to ensure our laws maintain meaning and stability.
Nix SlaterScott []
I OPPOSE THIS BILL! HSB 588 is an absolutely abhorrent and disgusting bill that targets trans women. You dont even know what science is. There are around 39 different possible sets of chromosomes. Your definition of a woman is uneducated and unfounded by science. Go read a book. Trans women DESERVE safety and support, not bills that target their existence. LEAVE GOD AND THE CHURCH OUT OF THE STATE LIKE OUR FOUNDING FATHERS STATED WHEN THEY FOUNDED OUR COUNTRY. It disgusts me that my Iowan tax dollars are being used to waste time on ridiculous bills. TRANS PEOPLE ARE SACRED.
Amy Leszynski []
I agree with this bill. The definition of what biologically defines a woman should provide protections and provisions for those possessing this gender.
David Sterling []
The government shouldn't be legislating marriage, it shouldn't be legislating how we live our lives, what we do with our bodies, and it definitely shouldn't determine how people define themselves. The purpose of having a government is serving the people, not making the people service the elite.
Clara Reynen []
Hello, my name is Clara Reynen and I am a graduate student at the University of Iowa. I graduated from Burlington High School and have lived in this state for over 10 years. I am completely opposed to this bill, as it disregards science that supports the existence of transgender and intersex people. To even entertain the idea of passing this is gross negligence on the part of the state government. You should be ashamed of yourselves for attempting to pass a bill such as this.
Amy Leszynski []
I agree with this bill. The definition of what biologically defines a woman should provide protections and provisions for those possessing this gender.
Alaina Elliott-Wherry []
I strongly OPPOSE this bill. Its harmful to trans women (who are, by the way, women!!!). Stop attacking trans women with ignorant and hateful bills! Protect trans Iowans! Protect trans women!
Kaily Speer []
I vehemently oppose this dangerous and dehumanizing bill. This infringes upon all Iowans basic freedoms and civil liberties.
Loulwa Soweid []
I am a cisgender woman and I oppose HSB 588, which denies the existence of trans and nonbinary Iowans and as such will lead to further discrimination against them.
Nicholas Stumpff []
I support this bill, BUT I find this to be ridiculous that we have to go to court hearing. Shouldnt have to come to this. Its so absurd and Im very disappointed in the elites.
Maeve Reynen []
I am writing in absolute opposition of bill HSB 588. Once again, state resources are being levied against trans people and specifically trans women. Extreme inequalities only continue to run further rampant through our communities, and this is what they've decided to put time, money, and resources into. Legal definitions will never and can never confine womanhood or our trans nature, and it is (at best) foolish to think you can. The depravity of your actions and everyone who supports this will never be forgotten.
rasmus schlutter []
Pure propaganda. You care about women? Women don't have maternity leave or universal healthcare or access to a living wage or the right to a union or debtfree education or clean water or workplace protections. Who makes you spend half your paycheck on rent? Who pays you starvation wage while they get rich? Who pollutes our waterways and deregulates run off?Trans women will always and have always been a part of our community. The capitalists and their politicks would rather legislate transphobia than actual provide human needs for Iowans.
Rima Afifi []
As a public health professional, I strongly oppose this bill. It is discriminatory and harmful. I have witnessed the harm caused by denying gender identity..both physical and mental health consequences are significant. Further the priorities of the Iowa House Republican Caucus laid out for 2024 include improving educational outcomes, and maintaining a safe and secure Iowa, among others. This bill is in direct contradiction to these goals, and will not make all Iowans feel secure and safe. It will also greatly worsen educational outcomes for Iowa who are not included in this narrow discriminatory definition of who is a women.Educational outcomes are greatly influenced by feelings of safety and by physical and mental health.
Michelle A Parker [none]
I support this bill. It is a very sad time in our history when they are trying to erase a biological women/female. God made male and females to make new life. A woman has XX chromosomes. A male has XY chromosomes. The male determines the sex of a fetus. This is what has been taught in any Biology Class. Women and men have distinct Characteristics. Men have a larger muscle mass than women making them stronger than a woman. I see this trans epidemic as a mental disorder and Doctors are making big money on the surgery and treatment of genital mutilation that is not reversable. This is child abuse.
Trent Hobbs []
I support this bill. Its just a shame that it has to be written out that way. When it gets to the point where people cant tell the difference between a male and a female, and have to define what a woman is. We are way too woke.
Ashley Nokes []
I 100% support this bill. A woman is a man who gets a surgery and/or wears dresses and makeup. A man cannot decide to be a woman. A woman is born with the ability to breast feed, bare children, give birth, and has female dna. This society we live in is absolutely absurd and insane. I hope this bill passes, its time we stop catering to the nonsense and the narcissism.
Deema Totah []
I strongly opose this bill. It is clear that healthcare professionals were not even remotely consulted in it's drafting. I see several comments supporting this bill cite scripture but we live under a secular government. What happened to separation of church and state? This bill harms Iowans and does not protect me as a woman. As a professor, I know this bill would harm students I teach and hinder their ability to focus on their studies and to exist safely and succeed in public spaces.
Nicholas Thompson []
Protect our biological women and young women from a class of people that are removing their rights by replacement.
Andrew Boge []
I am writing in total opposition to this bill. It is a clear legal affront on transwomen and transpeople who deserve (and are guaranteed) the constitutional right to define their personhood however they see fit. The fact state resources are being expended to reinforce problematic biological deterministic conceptions of gender and sex further demonstrate the ways particular legislators are using fascist tactics to exclude trans people from being able to participate fully in civic life. I urge the legislature to vote against this bill and spend their time trying to actually improve the lives of Iowans, rather than discriminating against a particular population of people who deserve to live in Iowa without facing surveillance and systematic harm.
Lucille Mumm []
I completely support this legislation!
Karen Campbell []
I support this bill, and Im saddened that we even have to use our valuable time to defend this simple truth. God made male and female.
S. Lance []
I fully support this bill although it is nonsense that weve come to this in our culture. As others wrote it is a step in the right direction
A Hunt []
I am undoubtedly for this bill! Vote this bill in and protect Iowa's children and women. It is unconscionable we have to vote in a bill defining what a woman is. The elites desire to control us as a Christian nation and destroy our family values. Men allowed to compete in women's sports, drag story time for children, gender affirmation in schools is absolutely immoral. The elites have fostered misinformation tactics to break down the nuclear family by demonizing religion, mislabeling genders and fostering gender confusion. Women are composed of XX chromosomes, are gifted the miracle of life through eggs that are produced from ovaries. Please represent your constituents and vote for this bill.Please see Matt Walsh's movie production "What is a Woman" .
Arlo Schneider []
It is absurd that the Iowa legislature is wasting time on something as asinine as defining what they think a woman is, and it is sinister to do so with the obvious intention of codifying transphobia into state law. What is the point of this other than to use it to exclude trans people (specifically women) from public life in Iowa? What is so fearsome to you about trans people literally just existing? Shouldn't you be more worried that Iowa has the 2nd highest cancer incidence in the U.S.? Shouldn't you be more worried about Iowan children being shot up in school? Shouldn't you be more worried about restoring wetlands or feeding poor people?? Or does that not make you enough money??
Jan Haag []
Absolutely we need to define a woman in this messed up world. We also need to stop the mutilation of children who think they are the wrong sex (just a $$$ win for pharmaceuticals). They can wait to make that type of life altering decision until they are over 21. So many regrets all ready!
Jean Schlichtemeier []
The language of this bill is not helpful to resolve todays problems. It should not pass!
Geralyn Jones []
I am in favor of advancing this bill. It is unfortunate that we have reached this point as a nation. Having to define what is a woman (female), but here we are. Society has blurred the lines of what is TRUE and FACTUAL with what is LIES and it has trickled down to our schools accepting or affirming these falsehoods. You cannot replace what is factually true with something that is just socially acceptable. Truth will always win, for it needs no defending or justification. It supports itself. Please vote IN FAVOR of this bill. We cannot continue lying to the future of this country.
Carol Kinghorn []
I support this bill. It's amazing to me that we live in a time that this is necessary but here we are. Women's rights need to be and should be protected. I'm on team reality.