Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to the more options for maternal support program, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.(See HF 2267.)
Subcommittee members: Bergan-CH, Jeneary, Matson
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Time: 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Barbara and Jim Dale []
"...more options for maternal support" likely does not mean abortion when necessary or desirable. We continue to support the option of abortion as legitimate/often essential medical care for pregnant people, and strongly protest legislators' attempts to curtail a doctor's ability to treat patients appropriately. Individual rights include the right to choose adequate care of one's body.Please make sure that doctors and pregnant individuals can make proper medical decisions.
Jamie Orourke []
This bill aims to support childbirth. We should be supporting women, including supporting their right to decision when and with whom to have a family. Abortion is healthcare. Pregnancy centers misrepresent themselves as health centers. They should be more regulated, not less. I do not support this legislation.
Alison Jepsen []
The centers referred to in this bill openly lie to women who are the most vulnerable. Abortion and health information from experts who have a patients best interests in mind should be accessible to everyone. We should hold healthcare for our most vulnerable to the highest standard.
Elizabeth King []
I am not in support of this bill. I do not want deregulation of these clinics. I believe women need full information about EVERY option, including abortion. This is true health care.
Patsy Martinson []
I oppose state funding and deregulation of anti abortion centers. The Reproductive Freedom Majority allows for everyone to access privacy in their own healthcare decisions, regardless of the choices they make.Doctors are medical experts, unlike Republican legislators who are simply in lockstep with the arrogance to think they know better. I support everyone's right to healthcare autonomy.
Patsy Martinson []
I oppose state funding and deregulation of anti abortion centers. The Reproductive Freedom Majority allows for everyone to access privacy in their own healthcare decisions, regardless of the choices they make.Doctors are medical experts, unlike Republican legislators who are simply in lockstep with the arrogance to think they know better. I support everyone's right to healthcare autonomy.
Heather Adams []
When you live in a state that doesn't want to feed children for free, and you live in a state that doesn't want families on food stamps, and you live in a state where being on any state assistance is frowned on and the state keeps taking these social programs away, it makes absolutely no sense to change these places. These places say they have money for the moms, but in reality it's a pamphlet of government services the mom can file for. There is no reason to pass this bill until the state is willing to fiscally help families without any argument.
Beth Drewelow []
Women need the support of medical professionals, not political hacks. Women (for the most part) want to be mothers. Apparently, some politicians in this statelike in Texas and certain other statesthink that it better if both the woman and her fetus die. Pregnancy should be a time of joy rather than fear.
Patricia Collins []
Please leave health decisions up to medical experts and patients. These decisions do not belong to either political party! All medical clinics should be regulated for safety. This is the responsibility of legislators, nothing else!
Margo Stites []
I do not support passage of this bill. These centers do not support the health and wellbeing of women. If anything, they should be more regulated, ensuring that they are staffed with qualified medical professionals and that they offer all services related to pregnancy, including abortion.
Mica Doolan []
I walked into my first crisis pregnancy center at the age of 19 because I found out I was pregnant. The treatment that I got was not any sort of healthcare. I was told that I needed to keep my pregnancy and that if I didn't, I would go to hell. I was forced to sit in their office for a better part of two hours while being black mailed, guilted and shamed for only wanting to know my options. The reason I found Bridgehaven, in Cedar Rapids, is because they falsely advertised as a healthcare clinic. It looked like a real healthcare center on Google. I expected them to give me help more than, "don't have an abortion". I didn't know what to do. I was scared, cut off from my family and didn't know what to do but their free pregnancy tests brought me in. What happened next was nothing compared to a real clinic or even a doctor's office.Again, I was berated, blackmailed, manipulated into doing what they wanted.I can't imagine supporting such disturbing places or passing legislation that does. All I wanted was help making an informed choice which is ironic. I wasn't tested well. I was treated with disdain and disrespected every time I spoke. If these people really wanted to help me, than why couldn't they talk to me like a person instead of a pariah?I urge the people of Iowa, our representatives and senators, to think very closely about these "healthcare clinics" that are nothing more than a way to dissuade pregnant people from getting whatever type of healthcare that they may need. We need real reproductive and sexual healthcare clinics and NOT crisis pregnancy centers.
Glinda Cooley []
Abortion is healthcare, abortion helps keep stable families stable. All of the statistical data both medical and economic and in mental health show that an informed choice to abort provides better long term outcomes for many women/people with uteruses and families. You shouldn't be allowed to offer pregnancy counseling at all without discussing abortion as a supportive option.
Anders Dietz-Swenson []
I am not in support of this bill. I do not want deregulation of these clinics, which will lead to even more disinformation, confusion, and strong arm tactics because of a minority of people's religious convictions (remember separation of church and it is truly intended, and not the far right's warped view of it?!). I believe women need full information about EVERY option, including abortion. This is true health care
Flannery Currin []
These centers already mislead vulnerable members of our community who think they will receive healthcare. Deregulating them will only make them more dangerous for community members looking for help, not provide them with more support or options.
Fenek Hasen []
Support for pregnant people should come in the form of actual information and services, including birth control and abortion. Allowing more of these facilities that actively lie to patients about options would be physically and psychologically damaging to our communities. I have talked to people who promote these socalled pregnancy centers and they care only for forcing birth and justifying it through their religious beliefs. The improved conditions of the patient are seen as unnecessary to the goal of getting them to give birth. Reproductive healthcare options for people should not be diluted by these harmful institutions because our state legislators would rather let private religious businesses decide who is forced to be birthed instead of funding the healthcare of the living.
Pat Hoffman [NA]
I do not support this bill. Women have the right to their privacy to make the decisions that do effect their lives. Doctors also need to be protected from these extreme measures that limit their treatment of patients.
Marc Wallace []
Government should support the citizens with support of organizations that provide the best medical advice about options. Support for misleading citizens about purposes or practices should be anathema. Otherwise you're encouraging people with options to leave the state.
Lora Fraracci []
There is absolutely no important information in this bill. It's like you guys just slap some stuff onto a piece of paper and call it a bill. And call it a day. Moms and babies and families are too important for that. Right now, iowa is having a major issue with proper prenatal care in our rural areas. This bill does nothing to address that. Our maternal death rate has gone up and this legislature sees no reason to deal with that. It's almost like republicans don't like moms and babies.
Andrew Reed-Moutray []
Empirical data has time and again demonstrated that women's Healthcare outcomes are significantly improved by access to safe abortions. Crisis pregnancy centers endeavor every day to make abortion harder to access by manipulating emotions and facts. I implore you not to allow these charlatans to further infiltrate our community at a time when women have already had their bodily integrity challenged.
Pat Higby []
If rape is the use of a person's body without their consent, then forced pregnancy is gestational rape. Denying a woman the right to an abortion is supporting rape. Legislators do not have the right to control women's bodies. I oppose this law.
Jill Meadows []
As an abortion provider with over two decades of experience caring for Iowans undergoing abortion, I have seen countless women who have been deceived, shamed, and tricked by such crisis pregnancy centers, sometimes in ways that threaten their health and bodily autonomy.
Beth Winterhof []
It is wrong to subject women to these concerted pressure tactics to try to frighten them into doing what they choose to do with their bodies. Stay out of bedroom legislation. If you are concerned about the wellbeing of the lives of people, do more to help the women and children that have come into the world. Increase wages and options for individuals. Provide more childcare and better resources for nutrition. Abortion is healthcare.
Karla Solheim []
The American College of OBGyns is registered against this bill. Crisis Pregnancy Centers do not help our patients and provide false information to them. They tell our patients NOT to be on birth control. We know that to decrease the abortion rate, the BEST strategy is to make sure all women have effective birth control if they do not wish to be pregnant. Thus, crisis pregnancy centers work against their stated goal. This is because the people who run them, while no doubt well meaning, have no education and training in health care. Pregnant women need more services, but they do not need the insult of having money allocated in their name to grifters and untrained lay people who will waste it on foolishness. Karla Solheim, MD, FACOGObstetrician / Gynecologist, Waterloo, IA
Mathews Teresa [- None -]
I do NOT support this bill. I do NOT want deregulation of these "clinics".As a woman who believes in Reproductive Freedom, I believe all persons, including WOMEN deserve Health Care Autonomy. Women should be respected to make these decisions with factual information from Doctors, not unregulated personnel. FOCUS your energies and funding on appropriate full Health Care throughout IA, especially in Rural areas which are "Health Care Deserts" for OBGyn services.FOCUS your energies and funding on FEEDING the children who live in IA.
Carolina Ramos []
This bill is just another example of Iowa politicians being out of touch with the constituents they serve and the needs of our state. Rather than blindly dumping more taxpayer dollars into a program clearly destined to fail, Iowa lawmakers ought to be addressing the skyrocketing rates of sexually transmitted infections and maternal mortality, which is disproportionately harming Black and brown Iowans. It is deeply disappointing that politicians who want to ban abortion are more interested in making it easier to deceive Iowans in need rather than increasing access to essential expert health care across the state.
Fiona Schaack []
No set of rules will ever adequately address the spectrum of pregnancy emergencies or private reproductive health decisions we are entitled to make for ourselves. Stated "reported within appropriate time frame of event." What is the definition of an 'appropriate' time, any definition or brackets for such a topic is unjust. Any time frame is valid and should be met with the same empathy and treatment options.State Physician will... "use this information to determine if the fetal heartbeat exception for rape applies." This person was RAPED. They have already been violated, assaulted and carry mental and physical trauma from the event. And now the doctor gets to 'decide' if this person will be forced to go through with a pregnancy and birth. That is not acceptable. The person should be able to 100% choose for themselves as they were the ones to go through the horrific experience that will already affect them for the rest of their lives. Included One of the largest paragraphs states in great detail how the physician should go about the ultrasound in order to be sure of a fetal heartbeat, and then states that if the heartbeat is detected, the abortion won't be allowed. Legislatures put so much effort and thought and words into how the ultrasound should be performed instead of putting effort and empathy and words into preserving the life of the person pregnant, the person who will suffer if the abortion is not performed, the person who will have to abide to the states laws which incarcerate free will and liberty. Nowhere is the word "girl"i.e. a minormentioned or the protecting or saving the lives of Iowan women. You say you want less state control over your free will, yet you create state laws such as this to decrease the free will of over half the population.
Tracy Creason []
I do not support HF2057 as it does not support the needs of Iowans.Iowans need support for their decisions on reproductive healthcare and support when they determine it time for them to become parents. Iowans need accurate and trusted medical care from licensed medical personnel. ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE and Iowans deserve access to privacy in their healthcare decisions.Pregnancy support centers do not offer accurate medical advice or have licensed medical personnel providing counseling or healthcare services even though HF2057 requires this. The one mission of these centers is to coerce people into maintaining their pregnancies with promises of continued support and care during and after birth. This care is limited and generally disappears once a pregnant person is past the point of having an abortion. There are not supportive services or lists to maintain services, no referral services, no experts in the area of reproductive healthcare to make these pregnancy support centers safe and capable of providing the services HF2057 requires and that Iowa tax payers are being asked to support. Pregnancy support centers, as stated in this bill, cannot refer a person for an abortion or reproductive healthcare so they are truly not supportive as they have just one agenda, to prevent abortions, not help people with reproductive needs. These centers are deceptive as they mimic true clinics and advertise with misleading and false information.If Iowa Republicans want to truly support their citizens with maternal and reproductive healthcare needs, then support nonprofit agencies like Planned Parenthood who provide services to all Iowans, including birth control, accurate sex education, medical exams and testing by actual licensed healthcare professionals. Pregnancy support centers should not get funding from Iowa taxpayers and should be shut down for misleading the public. Vote NO on HF2057!
Tyler Ingham []
Forcing the government into the personal decisions between an individual and their doctor is unAmerican and invasive. Shouldn't we be focusing on preventing government overreach?
Abby Michael []
I do not support this bill. I am part of the growing majority of Iowans who believe in reproductive freedom, which means that All people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, religion, financial means, or immigration status deserve access to sexual and reproductive health care that provides them the autonomy to decide what it is best for their bodies without political interference.
Lina-Maria Murillo []
In a state with a dearth of good, sound maternal care, this law will only make it easier for fake clinics to continue to con women and other people seeking reproductive health care. When law makers suggest that there is no money to feed hungry children, and banning cities and counties from offering universal basic income for the poor, but there is funding and legislative support for non medical, pseudoreligious fake clinics, the move is nothing short of deranged. This is dangerous. You will subject thousands of Iowa women to fake reproductive maternal care all to advance a campaign against abortion that is deeply unpopular among all Iowans. Shameful.
Athelda Jones []
Like the majority of Iowans, I do not agree with this bill. Reproductive care is healthcare and the government has no place interfering with an individuals healthcare. Not only is it overreach it is dystopian for a government to control an individuals body.
Sophie Banegas []
I am a thirdyear medical student at the University of Iowa. I received a master's degree in clinical anatomy at UI as well. I grew up in Cumming, Iowa and have lived here my entire life. It is my intention, as of right now, to stay here in Iowa as an OB/Gyn physician to address the dire state of health in our state. This bill is dangerous and will unequivocally lead to the death and suffering of people who become pregnant in Iowa. The "Pregnancy care centers" that are referenced in this bill are violent and misleading clinics that work to force women into childbirth. Many of them do not even hire licensed health professionals. It is an insult to physicians and health professionals who dedicate 8+ years of their lives to education to allow these centers to continue to provide uninformed and inaccurate medical advice. Pregnancy is the singlehandedly the most dangerous thing a woman can choose to put her body through. The risk of death is higher in pregnancy than any other time in her lifetime. This is exacerbated by the poor maternal healthcare in this state. I am outraged at the potential for state funding for these centers that provide inaccurate and misleading information for a political gain. Along with other Iowans who have provided public comment, I urge the House not to pass this bill. Legislation has already entered the examination room between physicians and patients, and it makes our job harder every single day. Myself along with other future physicians do not want to work in a state where we are not able to provide evidencebased, safe, and comprehensive family planning to our patients. These bills are not only dangerous and will result in the death of women, but also will dissuade OB/Gyns to continue to practice in Iowa. Iowa is already the 51st in the nation, after Puerto Rico, in OB/Gyns per capita. This is dire. Do not pass legislation that will continue to harm Iowans. Instead, focus on providing food subsidies to the hungry children who have birthed and are living in Iowa who need our help.
Kate Doolittle [Kate Doolittle]
I don't support shaming pregnant people out of abortions when that is a perfectly valid and acceptable choice. Legislation has no place influencing decisions that should be made between a wellinformed person and their trusted medical provider. This program is a probirth scam organized by people who don't actually care about human life. I staunchly oppose HF 2057.
Nix Slater-Scott []
I OPPOSE THIS BILL. HF 2057 targets abortion and bodily autonomy by funneling money into agencies that LIE to patients about possible care. If you pass this bill you DO NOT care about Iowans and no amount of lip service will be able to dig you out of a hole founded on lies and bigotry.
Kaily Speer []
I strongly oppose this bill which infringes upon the civil liberties of Iowans.
Loulwa Soweid []
I strongly oppose this bill unless abortion is added as a valid maternal support option; if it is not included, then these nonmedical clinics are NOT actually providing accurate information and comprehensive support options to their clients and are in fact intentionally manipulating and lying to them.