Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Elena Andrews []
Please I implore you, do NOT support HF8/SF83. This is an extremely dangerous and hateful bill that would be harmful to Iowa's children. By denying students instruction related to gender or sexualidentity, we explicitly send the message to queer kids that there is something wrong with them and by doing so alienate and other them. Why would you ever want to inflict such an environment on students? Why would you want to make any child feel alienated? There is NOTHING wrong with queer kids. They deserve education that affirms their identities and accepts them. Denying education about gender and sexual identity in our public schools is authoritarian and discriminatory, plain and simple. I'm appalled that public servants in the 21st century would even think about proposing such legislation. If you care about Iowa children at all, you should oppose this piece of legislation.
Ethan Gruening []
This comment is in regard to the new dont say gay bill that will limit resources and education to our youth. I am a gay 18 year old man and I believe that our education system already does a sufficient enough job of limiting resources and education for LGBT students and this bill is not needed to restrict students. I believe inaccurate representation within the school setting led me and many other gay, trans, or questioning kids to depression, drug abuse, and reckless behavior. If you want to reduce the stigmatism of the LGBT community being sinners and a bad influence, you should start offering a comprehensive sexual education and adequate staff and resources to help children who are mentally struggling. This is not saying that you are forcing every student in schools to support the LGBT community or change their religious or social beliefs, but offering help to those who desperately need it, because I know I did. Please consider turning this bill down. Dont be the hate you wish to destroy.
Brandy Cross []
Please vote NO on this bill! There is no curriculum that addresses anatomy or sex in these grades. Allowing inclusive language is more helpful to LGBTQ kids. there is no proof that it is harmful. Inclusive and loving language, respecting reality proves safer places for everyone. Dont solve a problem that doesnt exist. Protect ALL Iowans!
Dorothy Oberfoell []
Vote "NO" on HF8. All students deserve a safe and supportive environment for school and learning. Parents, guardians, and teachers should have the right and resources to support each individual student with how they express themselves. Even if those are different from us, it doesn't mean we get to control how they live their lives.
Gyanna Salas Secoske [GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)]
As a queer student who attends East High in Iowa, I think the bill is extremely damaging and harmful to our local community. Queer students would feel unwelcomed and feel unwanted in their own community they live in. It's important to teach others who may not understand about the queer community to understand and say,"Hey, this is normal." Being part of GSA, I know a lot of these kids, and most just want to live peaceful lives without anyone bothering them. People who don't live in Iowa may paint a picture of Iowa that says we're not welcoming and don't accept people with open arms in our community. This bill is an absolute NO.
Erin Kongshaug []
Please vote no on this bill and all the others targeting the LGBTQ community. Parents always have the right to discuss issues of gender and sexual with their children. No one should have the right to deny LGBTQ children and families the representation and safety they deserve. Please vote no.
Emmaline Mitchell [Iowa Queer Student Alliance ]
Hello my name is Emma and I am a student at Southwestern Community College as well As a proud queer woman and the founder of the Iowa queer student alliance. Over the last few years, I have dedicated my undergrad research in Psychology to studying the mental health effects that living in isolated areas have on queer students like myself, with most of it being here in the midwest. I could lecture you for hours on the statics of queer suicide in our own state and the selfharm that takes place here. However, today I want to share with you a very personal piece of my story instead. I grew up here in Iowa and attended a small rural public school my whole life. I wish I could say that my coming out in high school was a magical and amazing moment but it wasn't. I often found myself on the receiving end of nonstop bullying and harassment from not only my peers but outside community members. At moments I thought of ending my life and how it would alleviate this hurt. These are thoughts that many of our students are having every day and this bill will only heighten those problems. This is why I stand in opposition of House Bill 8 and the damage that it will create to you students mental health.
Renee Lamoreux []
I am AGAINST HF8. Stop forcing your anti LGBTQ+ beliefs on most of us who want acceptance and tolerance of all people. You are endangering children with this bill. STOP being so narrow minded!! Stop trying to destroy our public schools!!
John Olsen []
Please vote NO on HF8. ALL children deserve to be loved, supported, and respected. This includes LGBTQ+ students and their families. If a K3 student happens to have gay parents and draws them when asked to draw a picture of their family and then another student asks the teacher about it, what would you have the teacher do? If the teacher explains that families do not have to just be a mom, dad, and children, then the teacher would be in violation of this bill. The teacher can't just change the subject, the student and their family deserves to be respected. This bill only serves to ostracize a protected class of Iowa citizens. This bill will not benefit Iowa in any way. Parents who disagree with having all students being treated with respect and love now have the option of sending their own children to a private school that shares their values and it will be paid for by the state. LGBTQ+ children and their families do not have this option. Allow Iowa teachers to teach respect for everyone, even those that are different.
Rick Phillips []
Children do not need to be taught gender identity. Children need to be taught an American identity. Gender identity leads to despondency and a neverending need for affirmation. It's the petri dish of mental anguish and instability. We should be teaching the next generation to be confident, resourceful, and independent and above all the truth that there are only two genders: male and female. Gender identity provides none of what is good and right, has no intrinsic educational value and has no place in Iowa schools. Gender identity has proven to be a dismal failure and leads to a higher suicide rate and instability among children. Why would we want to do that to our posterity? HF8 is a great bill and should be passed to protect the minds and emotions of ALL minor children K12. Thank you, Rep. Skyler Wheeler, for your courage and boldness!
Chelsea S []
Vote no on HF8. This will cause harm to children who are already marginalized and experience higher rates of bullying, harassment, and suicide. The fears surrounding "teaching gender identity" are based in unfounded claims. Teaching about gender identity really looks like this: Some people are boys, some people are girls, and some people don't really feel like boy or girl is the right word for them. Sometimes people go by different names or use different words to describe themselves. No matter what, we treat people with respect and kindness and call them what they want to be called.
Patty SeregAlexander []
Please vote yes to this bill. Teachers need to remain a neutral voice in this. The discussion belongs to the family, just like a discussion of God and religion. We just want to teach kids to read, write, and do math.
M Jade Kaiser []
Please do not move this bill forward. It does not serve the well being of any of Iowa's children. It only nurtures fear, shame, and ignorance. We all want to ensure our children receive a supportive and trustworthy education this bill will do nothing to draw us together in that pursuit.
Derry Butler []
Please vote yes on this bill and pass it through for a full discussion on the floor. I wonder how many 5 to 8 year olds are going to school wondering if they are a boy or a girl. I dare say very few, if any. Ask yourself why the progressives want gender ideology taught in schools starting in kindergarten. Its not hard to figure out.
Jan Slick []
I am writing in support of HF8. PLEASE protect the innocence of our children and the rights of parents to protect that innocence. If other parents want their children to learn about gender identity etc. THEY should teach their children.THEY can buy the material for their home libraries.
Ginny Mitchell []
Please support this bill. The education system should not be teaching this to kids, it should be left up to the parents. To those who do not want this bill supported, you can teach this to your kids but I do not want it taught to mine. With falling test scores in math and reading, we need to focus on the fundamentals of education, not teaching about gender identity.
Brenda Smith []
I support this bill! Protect our children from obscene materials! If parents want their kids to read and see these books they can go to the local public library to do so.There is absolutely no reason to have ANY type of obscene material in schools period.
Cindy jo Benes []
If we think back to being this age (longer for some of us)I think, if we r being honest with ourselves and each other, there were much better things to focus on and about in school. School is just not the place. Teach respect for everyone and be done with it. Lots of people are hurting about lots of things and it seems it is being emotionally filed under race and gender. That doesnt really help. I think many are misunderstanding. All children need love and acceptance and its not even about what it has been presented as being about. Lets bring things out into the light. Lets all love the children and let legitimate personal issues be dealt with at home and with help from those knowledgeable and ethical in the medical community only when absolutely necessary and other issues have been ruled out. Protect the children. Pass this bill!
Harry Ehrlich []
Please vote YES on this legislation, HF8. Schools should be neutral on presenting educational materials and promotion of opinions on sexually sensitive issues especially in younger student grades.
Melinda Burriola []
VOTE YES!!!! Teaching anything other than reading, match, writing, basic academics, is a violation of the rights of parents who want to raise their child in the manner and beliefs they see fit! Go have a rally if you want to spread your beliefs where people can choose to go and listen! Keeping this subject out of the schools does not take away your rights! You still have avenues to spread your message. Parents and kids arent given the right to choose if your forcing it down their throats and into their influential minds in the classroom! I am constantly having to debrief my child from what she does not want to see and hear at school! She feels uncomfortable and in fear of backlash if she questions or disagrees with what she does not believe in. It is confusing my child! No one has the right to interfere with raising our children!KEEP IT OUT OF THE SCHOOLS. It does not belong there!
Anita Fischer []
For the sake of ALL of Iowas children, please protect them from Gender Identity ideologies. They are too young and impressionable and this adds to confusion when they need to be focused on subjects that will carry them through high school and college years.
Roberta Gamble []
I am in support of HF 8 and humbly ask you support this bill as well!
Angel H []
Please support this bill. The education system should not be teaching this to kids, it should be left up to the parents. To those who do not want this bill supported, you can teach this to your kids but I do not want it taught to mine. With falling test scores in math and reading, we need to focus on the fundamentals of education, not teaching about gender identity.
Whitney Smith McIntosh []
Thank you for your time and efforts in bringing this forward. Please pass this bill. Parents are the educators of their children regarding all things sexual and gender.
Jenn Turner []
Support HF 8 The teaching of gender ideology does not belong in schools. My only hope would this bill would be expanded to include K12.
Patty Koester []
Please Vote yes. We want to our children to hear about their ideology from parents not schools . Leave schools neutral . The left is forcing their ideology i schools now . Also there should be MORE local control of schools . There is not need for board of education if they continue to be only one sided and govern with Woke ideology .
Deana Sorgen []
I do not want gender ideology taught to my kids. Please extend this to k12
Carin Birt []
Please support this bill. We need to protect our children from this gender identity push. This ideology does not belong in elementary school where children are too young to understand and/or make decisions. Its not the schools place to push this information.
Annette Smith []
I support the HF8/SF83 bill. Leave schools to the teaching of reading, writing and math.
Katherine Bogaards [Protect My Inocence ]
Please vote yes and move forward with the protection of our children K12 thank you for standing strong.
I strongly oppose this bill. Kids are who they are and need school to be a supportive environment where they see and read representation. It is developmentally appropriate to acknowledge who kids tell you they are. We already have a teacher shortage and this would make it even worse. Teachers are trained to understand what is developmentally appropriate for kids. YOU ARE NOT. Republicans clearly have an agenda here and I do not approve of your political agenda to impose religious ideology.
Steph Harris []
Please support this bill. The education system should not be teaching this to kids, it should be left up to the parents. Those who do not want this bill supported, you can teach this to your kids but it shouldnt be forced on all children!
Courtney Collier []
We support HF8 and ask you to vote YES. I am mother to three children currently in public schools. I am disgusted by the gross overreach and intrusion into our childrens lives and minds by the school system, as well as the indoctrination they are calling curriculum. I have evidence from my childrens school district, showing examples of how they are teaching gender identity theory in k8. Please let me know if you would like to review it. Promoting, advertising and encouraging the LGBTQ lifestyle to impressionable young children is wrong and wreckless because we know that these lifestyles come with a significantly increased risk of suicide and other mental health issues. In fact I would argue, since the schools began targeting our children with these ideologies our youth mental health has declined dramatically. Schools do not need to teach about gender identity and sexual orientation in order for children to be encouraged to be kind and respectful to others. Unnaturally highlighting and pointing out differences to children does not lead to unity. Why are we asking young impressionable children at school to think of themselves and their peers in terms of their sexuality? This is a crime! Its called the sexualization of children. Its disgusting and infuriating that some are suggesting this is necessary and a good idea. Shame on you. We do not surrender our parental rights at the school door. Our children are given to us and it is our God ordained responsibility to direct their upbringing. We do not send them to school to learn a worldview, a belief system or a religion like is happening today. We do however expect our universal good character traits to be encouraged, like kindness, respect, self responsibility and good work ethic. We send them to school to learn how to read, write, spell, to explore science and history and most importantly to love learning and to learn how to think NOT what to think. Today, schools are overstepping and attempting to replace parents and their family values by teaching children they may have been misgendered by their parents, born in the wrong body, and encouraging secrecy between school and student while edging parents out. This is devastating and beyond wrong.Schools are surveying our children without our knowledge or consent about their personal and family beliefs and worldviews, and their personal physical and mental health. This is also wrong and is an intrusion, and violates state laws on practicing medicine without a license. This must stop. If surveys are going to be given students, they must first be provided to the parent to review and consent to. The results of the survey if their students participate should also be provided to the parent. Additionally parents should be informed about who receives this data about their child, where it is stored and for how long. In addition to the surveys that are being given without parent notification and consent, schools are also now providing on site physical and mental healthcare services while at school to minor age students. This again is a major violation of parent rights and another potential violation of state law on the practice of medicine without a license. This is incredibly dangerous and wrong and it must stop. No k12 student should ever be given classroom instruction or discussion about sexual orientation and or gender identity Prior disclosure and parent written consent should be required to OPT their student IN to any such optional instruction. Child predators and groomers talk to other peoples children about sexual topics, not teachers. It is absurd that we even have to have this legislation, but it is clear that there are some very powerful forces who have hijacked the American education system seeking to influence our innocent and impressionable children, as well as to undermine the sacred and irreplaceable role we have as as parents. The family unit is the foundation to success of every great nation. It is terrifying that our education system in America has been infiltrated by some very evil entities who evidently seek to destroy our nation through corrupting the mind of our children. Its time we stand up and say no more!Make education academic again. Get the transformative social emotional learning ideologies, including gender ideology and other critical theories out of Iowa education. They are harming our children and destroying their education.There are many good teachers who do not want to have to be burdened with this gender identity curriculum and other social emotional learning nonsense. It is taking away from critical academic education time.
Ashley Petersen []
I fully support HF8 and ask you to vote YES on it!!
Mandy Gilbert []
Please support HF8 with amendment to K8. Gender dysphoria has turned into a social contagion. Schools should not be partaking into the cultural fad. Educators job is to model kindness to everyone and teach academics. Sad reflection of our society that this legislation needs to exist. Keep Iowa schools really safe but getting these programs out of education, especially in K8.
Mike Trenkamp []
Looks like you guys need to keep saving public schools from themselves. First, forcing schools to re open when their families were pleading for them to. Second, forcing them to make mask use optional when their families were pleading for them to. Now, focusing on academics rather than complex issues involving gender, sex, and morality. Please vote yes on HF8 and steering public education towards academics, leaving the rest to the parents.
Tiffany DeBow []
People seem to think that elementary schools are having formal lessons in what it means to be LGBTQ+, that a person can choose those identities & how one goes about expressing them. This is a delusion. What is actually happening is that young children are being young children & teachers need to instruct them in realitybased societal expectations & respect.HF 8 would limit teachers' ability to properly guide young children when conflicting information comes up. Many young children will call out things that are different than what they are familiar with. If a student states that they have 2 moms & another child responds with something like "You can't have 2 moms" or "You have to have a mom & a dad" because this child has not been introduced to the reality that some families have 2 moms or 2 dads; how does a teacher navigate this moment when this bill will allow it to be considered "instruction" on sexual orientation if they were to say "Actually, families can look different & some do have 2 mommies." If a parent believes that this innocent statement of reality & the need for respect feels that this is instructing their child that they can someday "choose" to be a lesbian & still be a mom and that goes against their beliefs, then did that teacher just violate the law? Why should schools & teachers be under threat of consequences for teaching reality? Same applies if a student has a "boy" name but like to wear long hair & barrettes or a dress and a student tells them "Those are for girls!" What does a teacher do when the reality in our world is that people can wear whatever they want regardless of their name or outward appearance? What is considered "instruction" isn't clearly set out in this bill & leaves a huge grey area that will end up needing fleshed out in court. This bill opens teachers & schools up to consequences for teaching reality and leaves children open to criticism & bullying in the name or preserving a "safe space" that parents desire for their kids outside their home. It isn't societies responsibility to conform to chosen beliefs to make sure their child doesn't question or learn something different than what they were taught. It is the parents' responsibility to teach their kid how to stand strong in the face of that inevitable contradiction.
Steve Luse []
Say no the segregated learning for any student of different perspective or orientationz
Mitchell Schaub []
Iowa is endangering its reputation as a welcoming community for all. This reckless legislation will add fuel to the fire of hate groups and those who commit hate crimes.
April D []
I am in support of this bill but I dont think it goes far enough. We need to not confuse children by teaching them about sexuality and gender disphoria at such young ages and even into middle school when hormones kick in and youth are even more confused about themselves. I think it needs to expand to cover through 8th grade like the house file. Thank you for protecting our youth!
Shellie Flockhart []
YES, please vote yes. I wish it were k8. We do not need to sexualize our children. We can love all people. Have zero tolerance for bullying, AND still not sexualize kids.
Barbara and Jim Dale []
We grieve the pain nonheterosexual, noncisgender folks suffer daily. Jesus admonished us, "Judge not..." We sincerely believe that each individual's characteristics come from the Creator's plan; we must seek to understand what that plan is, and know that God alone is judge.For our state to deliberately discriminate against and punish any child/person for who they are must fall under the category of sin.Please speak out and vote against the socalled "Don't say gay/trans" bill.Thank you.
My name is Melissa McAllister. I am a small business owner and resident in Ankeny, Iowa. I volunteer weekly in the schools, working with students directly. I am writing to you to beg you to vote no on HF8. This bill is incredibly dangerous and harmful to students who are in the LGBTQ community. Conversations with elementary school students about gender identity and sexual orientation are never about anatomy or sexual activity. They are about what families look like, respectful interactions with otters, and interventions to address bullying. This bill removes tools that keep kids safe.HF8 will negatively impact the mental health of LGBTQ youth at a time when its already in crisisa recent study shows 44% of LGBTQ youth in Iowa seriously considered suicide in the last year compared to 18% of nonLGBTQ youth. America is a country of freedom of speech and freedom of ideas. Those freedoms end when politicians begin censoring certain ideas simply because they find them uncomfortable. As a mom of a transgender child, I beg you to prioritize the safety of LGBTQ kids over the discomfort of adults. I beg you to vote NO on advancing this bill.Melissa McAllisterAnkeny, Iowa
Alison Cocks []
Vote no on this bill that steps on childrens personal lives and civil rights. Government should not make decisions on peoples sexual identification.
J Scott []
Hello, I am in support of this bill for many reasons, and I encourage you to vote YES. Voting in support of this bill will benefit children and families in our state by protecting their innocent minds from gender ideologies. (Confusions). The majority of children are not confused by what gender they are, but it has been proven that introducing such information to young innocent minds can cause them to wonder and become confused. In addition, it is now becoming clearer that many children who chose the path of switching genders, now as older teenagers, or young adults have regret. This regret will very likely lead to depression, and possibly suicide. This is why I wish this bill was at minimum for K8. Kids are our future. They need to be taught skills and given tools in school like reading, math, spelling and science to help the, succeed when they graduate. Anything regarding personal preferences like gender, needs to be discussed at home with the parents, just like religion. Teachers are not educated in mental health and shouldnt be teaching this. Also, I strongly support that parents, or the guardian, of the student should be made aware and included any time a teacher notices a child struggling. There must be a way to assist and support the small percentage of children who are confused by their gender, without placing these confusions on the minds of those children who arent. Please support this bill and help it move forward!
Sophie Steffensmeier []
Please, vote NO on HF 8. Those who think that these concepts are being explicitly taught in some kind of large scale operation in our schools have clearly not step foot in a public school recently or have never spoken to a public school teacher. Public schools serve the public. The public includes members of the LGBTQ+ community and their families. To treat the fact that people of other orientations and identities exist as some kind of 'forbidden knowledge' to be hidden away is antithetical to what we stand for as Americans. Knowing that LGBTQ+ people exist will not suddenly make your child trans or gay. You want to know what that knowledge is more likely to do? Make the next generation of children more empathetic, more understanding, more willing to stand up for their fellow human being when they're not being treated fairly. Vote NO on HF 8.
Ray Nath []
Vote no, free speech.
Kristen Friedrichs []
Vote no to HF8. This is just a hurtful bill meant to divide rather than unite. Teachers are not teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity. People that think that either don't have students in a public school or are just really against LGBTQ+ people. Teachers are simply answering questions when they come up and should be allowed to do so. My kids will go to public school some day and they will tell their teachers and their friends that they have two moms. Is the teacher just supposed to pretend like that isn't real? Or worse yet, tell my children they can't talk about their family (like every other kid does)? This bill is trying to find a problem where there isn't one. Our children need to understand there are people that are different than themselves so they can be productive members of society. That doesn't mean teachers are going to create lessons about LGBTQ+ topics like sexual orientation and gender identity because they don't currently so why would they start now. It just means teachers are going to be the amazing, compassionate, and loving people that they are and explain in a way a young child can understand that yes, some people have two moms and some people have two dads. The vast majority of Iowans are not for this bill or ones like it and if some of our Republican representatives and Governor keep pushing this far right agenda more people are going to leave the state. And I don't just mean people like me. A lot of people are fed up and can still live in the Midwest without having far right viewpoints imposed on their everyday lives. Again, please vote NO to HF8. There is nothing good that can come out of this bill, only hate.
Erika Weih []
Vote no on HF8. These kids are already more likely to have mental health struggles and more likely to attempt suicide. Not being able to discuss their experience is going to add to their stress.
Gretchen Eastman [self]
This bill is misguided and will further stigmatize LGBTQ students and families. Some K3 students have 2 dads or 2 moms. Not being able to talk about their family dynamics will isolate those children. It will result in bullying of that child. Rather than exclude certain people, we need to inclusive and accepting of others different from ourselves. In addition, teachers aren't trying to "indoctrinate" or "groom" students to be gay, straight, or transgender. Teachers are trying to teach children to be kind and empathetic towards people that are different from themselves, whether by race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. To those legislators that base their decision to submit this bill based on their Christian beliefs, I want to say that we are all God's children and are created in His image. If Jesus were here, he would be hanging out with LGBTQ folks. He has always sought out and accepted those people bullied during his lifetime, like the lepers and tax collectors. "The King will reply, 'Truly, I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40 NIVSincerely,Gretchen Eastman
Douglas Herman []
I am a retired teacher and spent 52 years teaching high school students in Iowa. I have taught in 6 different high schools in this state and enjoyed all the students I came in contact with. As I read and watch TV daily I am very discouraged at how government keeps creeping into our educational system. Kids do not need this intervention into their educational experience. The public needs to trust the educational professionals because they have been trained to work with all kids and know what is best for them. If you truly want to know how parents feel about their child's education then you go to their school and ask the teachers and administrators how many parents attend their child's parent/teacher conference when they come up! They are the parents who are committed to their kids education!The government in this state is not doing our students any favors by constantly trying to legislate what our students should be studying in school. If you want to know what they should be learning then go to school and visit with their teachers! If you truly do not trust public school teachers then maybe you should shelter your student(s) in home schooling and/or a private school. Before you do that however you better know what the students should learn before they graduate and move on to college, votech school, or the job market!
Sandra Marshall []
Vote NO on bill HF8
Johnna Joy []
Hello, my name is Johnna Joy. I am from Atlantic, and both a parent of a transgender child and queer Iowan myself. My daughter is in first grade, and comes from a two mom family. HF8 would ban speaking about families like ours in my childs classroom, and classes all across the state. Gay marriage has been legal in Iowa for 14 years now longer than any Kg3rd grader has been alive. We deserve to have our families and children just as represented in classrooms as our heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. Because, to be clear, the education we are talking about here has nothing to do with anatomy or sexual activity, it is not Sex Ed it is things as simple as Some kids have two mommies! and how to treat everyone with basic respect. All this age appropriate education does is improve the safety and mental health of LGBTQ students and families.We already deal with the societal effects of the lack of LGBTQ education in public schools: Othering, bullying, threats, and outright hatred towards us, simply for existing as ourselves. HF8 would prevent educators from even properly addressing bullying in their classes. Our children and families MY child and MY family, deserve the basic dignity of education that promotes empathy and the embrace of differences in our communities. We deserve safety.I am coming from a small rural town. I love my town passionately, and I want to see it thrive and grow but Iowa cannot thrive if we push folks away and out of it, which is exactly what antiLGBTQ legislature like HF8 will do. Only the gracious embrace of the spectrum of humanity will do that.Please, do not support this bill that would only further harm Iowan families.
Dave Frank []
Please stop bullying children who are not typical heterosexuals. They need support and help from many people, and are deserving of not being marginalized and demeaned by politicians who are supposed to be leaders. Treat them as a Christian should treat them. Thank you for listening.
Jennifer Briggs []
Full support of this bill common sense. An absolute must.
Steve and Mona Gude []
As retired public school educators, all but three of those years in Iowa, we are disappointed in this bill and urge a NO vote. This legislation is not in the best interests of our students nor of our state.
Shana Kaska []
I urge you to shut down any bull that would put any life in danger and consider the humanity of the population that you serve instead of making legislation that harms the people you should be serving.
Sierra Nemmers []
Clearly Iowa representatives have consistently shown they do not care about children or education in Iowa. However, allowing teachers to out LGBTQIA+ students to their parents is cruel and could potentially put them in danger. How about you try to solve actual problems in Iowa because this is not a pressing matter or should even be discussed. Iowans dont need this to happen, focus on the actual things they do.
Brooke Heldt []
Heterosexual children are not outed or treated differently in school. By outing lgbtq children to their parents you are taking away their right to choose when and where to have a very important conversation creating strain in their lives and forcing conversations that neither party is ready for. Also, who are you to judge is someone is queer or not? If you mis identify and individual it could lead to and identity crisis adolescents are already having a hard time as it is figuring out who they are. They do not need someone labelling them before they have had a chance to decide for themselves.
Jake Wheeler []
As an educator and recent University of Iowa graduate, I am submitting this comment to express my vehement disapproval of HF348, which would ban Iowa elementary educators from providing ageappropriate instruction regarding gender identity and sexual orientation. Public school teachers are required to establish a classroom environment that is welcoming for all students, and this bill would inhibit our ability to do that. HF348 further demonstrates the lack of faith that the religious right has in our public schools to do their job. It's a shame that we are wasting taxpayer dollars on bills that serve no purpose other than to stigmatize/marginalize an already vulnerable community and score political points.