Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Jay Pea [Save Standard Time]
Oppose HF2105, HF2144, SF335 (Permanent DST)Dear Honorable Legislators,Please oppose HF2105, HF2144, and SF335, three bills to retry permanent Daylight Saving Time in Iowa. Please recommend their amendment to permanent Standard Time.Permanent DST is longitudinally incorrect and federally prohibited, it darkens mornings and forces earlier start times, it harms health and viral immunity, it increases accidents and lowers productivity, and it is opposed by current and historical polling.Scores of organizations representing thousands of scientists and doctors, and millions of teachers and parents, oppose permanent DST and endorse longitudinally correct, permanent Standard Time. Among these are the Missouri Sleep Society, Wisconsin Sleep Society, Dakota Sleep Society, National PTA, National Safety Council, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American College of Chest Physicians, National Sleep Foundation, American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Start School Later, Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, Canadian Sleep Society, and Association of Canadian Ergonomists.Other bills in the US seek permanent Standard Time, which is the quickest way to end clock change. The Uniform Time Act (15 USC 260a) preapproves any states selfexemption from DST and restoration of its permanent Standard Time. Current scientific polling shows strong public support to end clock change, with preference for permanent Standard Time.Permanent DST is federally prohibited. It would delay Iowa sunrises to 8:58am, and past 8am up to 4.0 months. Its unnaturally dark mornings would reverse the benefits of starting school later, disrupt parents work schedules, and hinder farm work. History shows support for permanent DST reverses into strong opposition once its forced early waking in dark, cold winter mornings is experienced. Permanent DST has failed several times worldwide; it was a deadly disaster in the US in 1974.Sleep is essential to viral immunity, and for years the CDC has classified sleep deprivation as a nationwide epidemic. Springing clocks ahead to DST acutely deprives sleep. Leaving clocks ahead on DST chronically deprives sleep (estimated average 19 minutes nightly). Continually maintained artificial delay of sunrise by one hour manifests as statistically significant increases in accidents, disease (certain cancers up 1236%), and healthcare costs, and as statistically significant decreases in learning, productivity, and earnings (individual wages down 35%). Its not just clock change that harms, but also DSTs forced early waking. Permanent Standard Time instead preserves morning sunlight and lets people sleep longer.Please hear the consensus of scientists, doctors, teachers, polling, and history. Save time, money, and lives. Oppose HF2105, HF2144, and SF335. Recommend their amendment from permanent DST to permanent Standard Time.Sincerely,Jay PeaPresidentSave Standard Time501(c)(4) nonprofitBorn & Raised in Iowa
Roger Tseng [USDA]
I oppose permanent daylight savings time. Iowa winter is too dark, too cold, too dangerous for millions and my own children to go to school when theres is no sun. School bus had to drive on icy roads for 5 months during winter time. States like Florida and California already tried permanent daylight savings time and had school accidents so they reversed it. Permanent standard time is the better law to write. Arizona and Hawaii are in it. Everyone sleeps better and are more productive at work and at school in permanent standard time. People and children like to wake up to the Sun, not to complete darkness and icy cold roads in the winter just to have accidents!!!