Meeting Public Comments

Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A bill for an act relating to matters under the purview of the state, including unemployment benefits and civil torts.(See HF 2279.)
Subcommittee members: Bousselot-CH, Deyoe, Hunter
Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: RM 19
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Richard Duddeck [UAW Local 1982 Dyersville Iowa]
Please do not make any changes to the unemployment bill.It will hurt to many Iowa workers. Thank you for listening.
Tracy Chew [Manufacturing]
In manufacturing we get laid off quite a bit fir lack of parts..the wait time really hurts when we stay with current employer!! Waive 10 day!!!
Chris Laursen [UAWD]
Yes! Poor people are the problem! The audacity of Joe McBurgerflipper ,making my sandwich, to demand a living wage is unamurican! Love it or leave it cuz Im special ya know. Id rather pay my tax dollars for his/her public assistance than to make our corporate overlords pay their fair share. Fight me commie. Red team
Tommy Chew [Local 807]
If u are going to change the laws..change the wait period..we work in manufacturing and the company lays us off when we are out if parts..not unemployed..just no work..remaining with current employer! This would ruin the blue collar worker!!
Ryan Peterson []
This bill is an attack on the working Men and Women of Iowa
Jessica Moline []
If weve learned anything in the last couple of years living in a pandemic, it should be the importance of the working class. Workers were there for and continue to be there for the state of Iowa and the country and so when a worker is in need we owe it to them to make sure they have programs that can help them, and help them on day one! This bill is a slap in the face to all Iowan workers who did and do their best day in and day out to support their families and communities during this time. A one week waiting period before receiving benefits, shortening potential weeks, lowering extension benefits weeks if employers go out of business, forcing workers to take a job that pays less than what you had before. All of these things will hurt workers and likely cause them to fall behind or worse by causing them to lose their homes . Dont pass this, we can do better for workers!
Antonia Dysart []
Calling all union activists! Action needed today on an unemployment bill currently in the Iowa House! Submit public comments before the subcommittee meeting today at 1:00, or better yet, attend the meeting in person. Details below. : ( % ) Hello Labor Lobby,The awful unemployment bill that the Governor mentioned in her speech has been filed in the House, HSB 631. The bill also strangely includes trucking tort reform but we will be focusing on the unemployment portion. We ask that if you are a registered lobbyist, please register against this bill.
Herring Marie []
This bill is not good for Iowa or Iowans. Kicking people when they're struggling isn't going to improve Iowa's workforce crisis. It only makes it more difficult to attract people to live and work in Iowa. Vote no on this bill.
Tom Haugen [IBEW Local 1362]
Unemployment benefits are intended for workers who have lost their job through no fault of their own. Short term layoffs in manufacturing and construction are a part of life for workers in these industries. Imposing a waiting period on these workers will present undue hardship to the working families of Iowa. Looking at the organizations that are registered in favor of this bill, we can assume that this bill will benefit big business and many corporations that have headquarters out of state. Legislators should not be passing laws to help big business at the expense of working Iowans. I urge the representatives to vote no on this bill because it harms everyday working Iowans.
bob HAYES []
You can not swing the pendulum from way one side to the other side now we have a situation were you get sent home for covid and test positive you have no income coming in at all until you go back to work when employer oks it or doctor said its safe also i work for a company that will send you home for a minimum of 5 days if you are sick or someone in the house test positive so i have to use all my vacation and personal time off for sick leave for covid there should be unemployment if forced out of work ! this bill will only make it worse !
Steven Wertz []
I am opposed to any cuts or reductions to any part of unemployment
Justin Tysseling []
This bill is not ok. I am not on unemployment now but will affect me paying bills when temporary laid off.
Katie Nosekabel []
This bill will hurt the vast majority of people on unemployment and you absolutely must vote no. If companies are having difficulty finding qualified candidates they need to start paying more, treating their employees better and offering better benefits and retirement. This bill forces hard working people into lousy jobs and rewards greedy companies. Who's side are you on?