Meeting Public Comments

Meeting informations are as follows:
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:

Suzanne Grothe []
Dear Representative I will actively campaign for any representative who supports medical freedoms and opposes medical mandates for all people. Be assured that I will actively campaign against representatives who do NOT support medical freedoms. Please support the right to refuse medical treatments for all people. Please stop all medical mandates, especially mandates requiring vaccines or lose your job. The science is not all in yet on the experimental Covid vaccine. Long term studies are not complete. No one knows what the long term effect of this medical treatment has on our children and the reproductive system.Science doesn't always get it right. Think sun is bad for you and sunscreen is good for you. That is what science was telling us. Now we are learning that the sunscreen causes cancer and blocks the production of Vit D in our skin. The Vit D we need to fight off Covid. Scientists were amongst some of the cruelest people in the concentration camps. Vaccines only protect the recipient. It has been a long standing lie that vaccines protect other people. You should be concerned about: a medical treatment that so many medical people are refusing. natural immunity not getting any acknowledgement, unlike all other vaccines. the precedent these mandates are setting. What will be next? Forced insulin and diets on the diabetic. No hospital treatments for the smoker? medical privacy. Covid status should fall under the same laws that protect AIDS patients. Please stand up for my civil right: to refuse a medical treatment, including a vaccine to protect my medical information, ie vaccination status provision to othersto work without regard to my vaccination status.Stop Medical Mandates!Suzanne Grothe1414 270th St.Madrid, Iowa 501566414202209