Meeting Public Comments

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A bill for an act relating to the refilling of a prescription in emergency situations.(Formerly HSB 51.)
Subcommittee members: Sweeney-CH, Green, Mathis
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Location: 217 Conference Room
Comments Submitted:
The purpose of comments is to provide information to members of the subcommittee.
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.

Janelle Lutgen []
This is an important piece of legislation for diabetics and those who use inhalers and EpiPens. It expands Iowa's current emergency prescription law to include these prescriptions that cannot be filled in 72 hour increments. Unfortunately, the bill that passed the house did not include an insurance mandate. While it is better this bill passes without the insurance mandate than not at all, the lack of a mandate means pharmacists will have no means to file with the patient's insurance. This bill was based on the original emergency insulin bill in Ohio, "Kevin's Law". And Ohio legislators have had to go back this session and add the insurance mandate. Because, pharmacist are unable to file insurance, leading patients to have to pay full price out of pocket before getting their lifesaving medication. In the case of a diabetic, this would mean they would need to have $300 or... ration... For a prescription their insurance policy is suppose to cover. Again, this bill needs the insurance mandate, but the House needs to understand and agree to any amendment. I'm torn, I know this loophole needs to be fixed. And something is better than nothing.