Meeting Public Comments

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A joint resolution calling for an Article V convention in order to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and impose limits on the number of terms that a person may serve in Congress, and requesting Congress to similarly propose such amendments.
Subcommittee members: Guth-CH, Celsi, Dawson
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: RM 24A
Comments Submitted:
The purpose of comments is to provide information to members of the subcommittee.
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.

Stephen Schrader [Self]
I fully support the calling of an Article V Convention of States and find it to be an urgent matter.
David Waite [Convention of States]
I support SJR 12 very strongly. Article V is critical to keeping not only Iowa but this country as our Founders intended it to be.Thank you for supporting this bill
Robin Linehan []
I fully support the calling of an Article V Convention of States. The convention is an opportunity for the much needed conversation about federal term limits, fiscal responsibility, and states rights. The people of Iowa will stand with you. Please vote yes on SJR 12.
Maya Carneiro []
Support SJR 12
Mandee Shivers []
I am in full support of this bill.
Madonna McCormick []
I support SJR 12. Much needed resolution. Long overdue
Marc Smiarowski []
Subcommittee members Guth, Celsi and Dawson,I am a full supporter of Article V Convention of States. Please consider SJR 12 for approval. This resolution is needed now more than ever. It is my firm belief the majority of Iowans see an urgent need to reign in federal power and overreach. Bring more power back to where it belongs, back to our legislature here at home. Thank you.
I am in support of Iowa joining the Convention of States, as described in SJR12. The time to rein in our federal government is overdue. I support this resolution to rein in the overreaching power of the federal government, they abuse power, by going beyond their jurisdiction, and I support taking away the massive overspending capabilities that are out of control, we need fiscal responsibility. Term limits always an issue that needs addressed as well, but reining in power and spending of our tax dollars is paramount. Thank you for considering this. Please review and enable Iowa to show we wish for power to be back with the states and to the people, by supporting SJR 12. Thank you.
Christina Crew []
Heather Doak []
Michele Mohler []
I fully support SJR12. This needs to happen now!!
Amanda D []
I support SJR12
Melissa Walker []
I fully support the calling of an Article V Convention of States. This has been needed for a long time to give states more freedom and get the federal government under control. The Founding Fathers gave us this option, let's take advantage of it & finally get things fixed!
Ryan Mills []
Abolish the IRS and all power to tax (plunder) the citizenry: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade.... Ayn Rand. The State shall be granted NO POWER TO EXERCISE FORCE beyond what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over all. Frdric Bastiat
Miranda B []
I Support this bill. I hope you will see that many Iowans do too and progress it forward.
Frank Sladek Jr. [COS DistCapt:S=33/H=65]
Please support SJR 12. The founders put Article 5 in ourConstitution. Let us support their wisdom!
Joe Damerval []
I fully support SJR 12.
Katie M []
I support this bill.
George Caron []
Dear Senators, I support Iowa SJR 12, the Article V Convention of States because I believe it is the best solution to save the Republic and to return us to the principle of Self Governance, Individual Liberty, States Rights and sovereignty. I am not afraid of a runaway convention. I am afraid of a runaway tyrannical Federal Government. If not this solution what other solution do you have that will limit Federal Government and Judicial Overreach. I have been a constitutional conservative for some 30 years. Supporting national candidates that I thought would advance conservative principles. I wrote letters on occasion to express my view on issues largely leaving local, state and federal governance up to our elected leaders. I decided to expend most of my free time on the Convention of States effort. Not because I just need something to do or a hobby. The events over the last year made me realize unless I spend more time now being peacefully engaged in asking for a course correction my ability to peacefully live my life and enjoy Free Speech, Property Rights, Right to Worship, Right to selfdefense will soon all be gone.I will ask you the same question I asked myself Will you wait until you are canceled, your ability to worship, to speak freely, to own property, to bare arms are all gone. How easy will it be to peacefully act then? Would I rather pursue this solution now or later would I have to resist tyranny in another way. Will I have to tell my children and grandchildren it was too risky to peaceful act, to trust my fellow citizens to enact a course correction. Sorry that you must be a tax slave to the state, have no rights not given to you by the government, Sorry you cannot worship, Sorry you can no longer own property, Sorry you are no longer a family and you children are owned by the state. My sons and daughters if you still want the freedoms I enjoyed you must now give your life to fight for them. Each day now in my head I hear the voices of my Children and Grandchildren saying Dad what did you do! What did you do! My answerNot enough, that is why I am compelled to support the Article V Convention of States. I beg you for the sake of our nation, our state, our citizens, and our children support SJR12. May God Bless you and give you strength for the journey ahead. George Caron
Amy Hauschildt []
I support SJR 12. The federal government has overstepped its express authority and the time has come for we the people to abolish it and start over per the Constitution.
Melissa Svarc []
I fully support this bill.
Sandy Wilson []
I dont know why we think changing the Constitution will make our elected officials pay attention to it when they ignore it in its current form. Electing new officials is a better solution. Can we seriously trust the officials who would represent us at a COS? Power is intoxicating.
Catherine Zemanek [Convention of States Action]
Before the Constitutional Convention ended George Mason stood and alerted those attending that they had neglected to include a way for state legislators to propose amendments to the new Constitution. With no opposition, the Framers voted to include paragraph two of Article V. It is now time for state legislators in Iowa to stand with the states throughout our great country applying to Congress for a convention to propose amendments. The Federal Government will continue to grow and impose on the states, as the Framers predicted, unless state legislators rally together to take back the power they have under the Constitution. If we do not use Article V now, then when? Please stand with the 22,000 + Iowans asking you to pass SJR 12. Your constituents will stand with you; use the tool the Framers gave you to restore the Republic. Thank you for your service.
Laura Walker []
I support this
Christopher Cross []
I support.
emily lewis []
support sjr12
Katherine Lundberg []
I fully support this bill.
Gerald Retzlaff []
The Federal Gov't will NOT limit themselves and have far exceeded their authority. Article V of the US Constitution provides a method for States to reclaim some of the usurpedpowers giving the various States to better control their State's affairs.At this point in the process Resolution is we are just asking the State of Iowa to become a participant in a gathering of delegates of all the states that support this effort (34 needed)at a convention of states to discuss and offer AMENDMENTS to the US Constitution that would reduce the power scope and jurisdiction of the Federal Gov't. Term limits on federal legislators and bureaucrats would also be proposed. After the amendments have been proposed 38 states have to approve the proposed amendments. It's a lengthy process but a necessary one in order to send a message to our tyrannical Federal Gov't.Please support this Resolution so Iowa can become a part of this discussion so more decision making can be returned to the States.Thank You for your support today and in the full committee
Sarah Palmersheim []
I am in full support of this. We absolutely need to be limiting the terms for Congress just as we do for our president.
Rebekah Courter []
I support this.
Heather Stancil []
I support the peoples right to call a Convention of States (Article V) but do not support it at this time. We have no assurances as to how delegates will be selected, and if they are of the same caliber we currently have in Congress, it would put our existing constitution at risk. A COS, once called, has the power to change the rules of the convention, and thus the agenda of what is considered. The fact that those on the left & George Soros also support having one should give us pause. A better idea would be robust nullification at the state level. And if our legislators are not willing to do even that in brave & bold defense of our Constitution, then it is unwise to entrust them with the process of delegate selection in order to change it.
Karen Schuster [State Director, Convention of States Iowa]
I, along with the 22,803 Iowans who have signed the Convention of States resolution, support SJR 12. I have talked to thousands of Iowans facetoface, telling them that our Constitution gives the states a way to propose amendments to the Constitution amendments that Congress will never propose. It is a message of hope for our Republic, and Iowans are ready for their state legislators to take a stand and join the other fifteen states that have already called for an Article V convention to propose amendments.You may have heard that an Article V Convention could be risky. But as Justice Scalia said, "If the only way to remove us from utter bondage to the congress is to take, what I think to be, a minimal risk on this limited convention, then let's take it." James Madison's noted in the Constitutional Convention record on September 15, 1787, that George Mason, believing it would be dangerous to leave the only mode of proposing amendments to the Constitution in the hands of Congress, said, "No amendments of the proper kind would ever be obtained by the people, if the Government should become oppressive," which Mason "verily believed would be the case."The oppressive federal government under which we are now living would not come as a surprise to the founders. What would be surprising to them is that we have not used the very tool they put into the Constitution to remedy an overreaching, overspending federal government. I ask you to stand for the Constitution and for our Republic by voting Yes on SJR 12.
Dennis Denton [CONVENTION OF STATES - Region Director]
You, as state legislators have been given, by our Constitution through the Article V process, the awesome responsibility to help rein in an out of control and overreaching federal government. Pray that you boldly execise your power through Article V. Congress will not do anything to diminish the power of the federal government.
Sarah Abdouch []
For every complaint we can levy against the Federal Government and its overreach or inaction on crucial matters, there is a solution. It is you, our state legislators, utilizing their sacred duty under the U.S. Constitution to amend, which was handed down to you by your predecessors. It was considered crucial in the new Federal Constitution, that the means by which it could be amended not only be left with Congress, but also with the states who are the plenary magistrates in our federalized system. This was recommended by George Mason during the oneandonly Constitutional Convention of 1787, so that amendment may always be an option for the states to consider. And yet, this is a responsibility we've left solely to Congress in the past, the proposal of amendments to the Constitution. Why? There seems to have been a strange and quite vile campaign that arose from the Progressives of the 20th century, to malign not just the Constitution, but also its legitimate keepers. This nonsense of a "runaway convention" that I've heard socalled proponents of the Constitution spout, was created from whole cloth by the great perverter of our prized rights, Warren Burger himself, a justice in nothing but title. This great villain of our historical record let loose the slanderous lie that our forefathers acted irregularly, no, even illegally, and somehow coerced the states into adopting their wayward document. As if any state legislator would be so stupid as to accept such an important framework from actors they neither knew nor commissioned. It's a lie so great and so pervasive, as a good American, it makes my blood boil to hear. But what is worse is the vote of noconfidence this attitude represents, no confidence in our heritage, in our legal documents, in our states today. I review what's happening in our country, and the roughshod manner in which the Federal Government runs over the states, and I can think of no better group to handle setting us to right than our legislature. Here are some of the finest people I know, and I do not say that lightly. The respect and admiration I have for our legislature has grown because I have seen the duty with which these bodies act, the weight with which our legislators consider the laws they propose and vote upon. It is to this body that I submit the respectful question, what should we do? With a federal bureaucracy hundreds of thousands strong legislating with no oversight, an executive seat that consistently acts with the stroke of a pen, a Supreme Court that sees fit to read their own biases into the plain text of our Constitution, and a Congress that in no way represents the bodies that formed it, how are we to respond? Do we submit to this slow decline? Do we simply expect that, every day, a little more power will be consolidated in seats far away from we, the people? Why should we? You have the power to address this. It is, of course, a great and weighty act that you embark upon, but I beg you, if not for me and those filing comments in support of this bill, but for the future generations, who will currently have no concept of the freedom we once represented. The time to act is here. It is now. The sacred trust of the people rests on your decision.
William Dikis [Architectural Strategies LLC]
I agree, thank you.
In midApril 2017, on Good Friday, the George Soros funded leftwing policy group Common Cause declared war on COS, announcing the formation of the largest radical left alliance in US history. Almost every radical, liberal, progressive, Marxist group in America signed onto a coalition to oppose the use of Article V and the Convention of States as provided in our Constitution. In doing so, they accomplished something that even Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders couldnt: they unified the radical left with one voice. I doubt Soros wants an Article V process!
Dave Sunlin []
Please Support Convention of State
Darcy Sunlin []
Please support convention of states.
Annette Dials []
I fully support.
Michael Davies []
I strongly support SJR12. An Article V Convention of States is the only way to correct the problems in DC.
Bethany Niermeyer []
I fully support SJR 12!
Kenn Quinn [U.S. Term Limits]
Dear Chairman Guth and committee members,Please see my attached testimony in support of SJR12 and the term limits polls showing overwhelming support for this amendment.Sincerely,Kenn QuinnU.S. Term Limits
Jeff mossman []
I fully support SJR12 and encourage all elected officials to support it fully.
Sylvie Hudson []
I fully support this!
James Walker []
Opponents to COS have only one tactic: Fear. They want you to be afraid of the process. We have answered all of those concerns repeatedly. The only authority the convention would have would be to propose Amendments that fall within the scope of our resolution. It takes 34 states to call a convention. That is a super majority that has agreed to the limits before the convention even starts. Any attempt to expand beyond those limits would be soundly rejected by those states. Any proposal passed by the convention would still need to be ratified by 38 states. It would be done by you. Would you approve something that exceeded the authority you gave your commissioners? Not likely. But if you agree that the fear is justified, you must be completely terrified by what is actually happening in our federal government. They are now passing budgets that are over $1 trillion with no limits on how the money is spent. They regulate every aspect of our lives to the point that we can't even buy a lightbulb that doesn't have a federal regulation. I understand that some of you are opposed to term limits. You're welcome to your opinion, and if there wasn't an incumbent advantage, I might agree with you. However, it's an opinion that isn't shared by your constituents. Our resolution allows the limiting of terms for all federal officials. Is there any possibility that they will ever vote to limit their own power? Of course not! That responsibility is up to you. Our Founders knew the day would come when the federal government would exceed it's legal authority, but they gave us the tool to fix it if you have the courage to use it.
Linda Keezer []
I support SJR 12 concerning article V. We need this! Yes!
Linda Keezer []
I support SJR 12 concerning article V. We need this! Yes!
Kelly Keezer []
I support this
Cindy Davies []
I support SJR 21. An Article V Convention of States is the only way to return "Power to the People". All this talk about run away conventions are just SCARE tactics. How can you have a runaway convention when any amendments suggested by a convention has to later be approved by 38 States.
Michael Hilton []
Our federal government that was instituted by the States has now trampled over and has near completely usurped State authority in this Republic. I support the wisdom of the founders to give State Legislatures the authority to rightfully correct and bring to heal what they knew could and, due to a proper understanding of the nature of man, would become a burdensome, if not an outright totalitarian leviathan choking out the rightful domain of States in this Republic. I implore you to call a convention of the states to bring to heal this runaway Federal government. Do your duty and reassert the Iowa's rightful position and help Iowans retain their American freedoms as the founders created.
Thomas Hansen [Winneshiek County Republican Party]
I am in full support of this measure. Our Founders provided this method for We the People to pass Amendments that Congress would never take up. This is one of them. Congress will never pass legislation to limit their own power which aggregates over their tenure. Please give We the People the opportunity to let our voices be heard and pass this bill. Thank you.
Scott Bates []
Please vote yes for the Article V Convention of States. We all have a responsibility to protect Liberty for future generations. Our children and grandchildren will have to pay back the debt and live in the world we leave behind. As a State Senator you each have a unique opportunity and most people do not have. You can make a huge difference. Limiting the power of Washington can only increase the influence of the State Legislatures in the individual States. It will make your job that much more important and the work you do that much more relevant. Time to stand up for your country.
LaDonna Retzlaff []
Please support SJR12
Nancy Mulford []
I strongly support SJR12. It is time to limit the power of the federal government, as our Founders intended. Many rights need to be held by the states and the Convention of States is a means to that end.
Dennis Mulford []
I urge you to support SJR12. A Convention of States will enable power to be returned to the people and the individual states.
Lois Lawler []
I am opposed to calling for an Article V convention. The powers for calling such a Convention are clearly invested in Congress and as such would allow Congress to set the parameters of their choosing, as exemplified by the recent rules they set forth in the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump. The Federalist papers and prior historical practice along with many scholarly articles have set forth that an Article V Convention allows for an entire rewrite, in secret, of the existing Constitution. This would also include any procedures for ratification as exampled by state conventions which have rewritten state constitutions in their entirety and changed the rules for ratification. Given the unsettled times we live in, this is would allow those with dishonorable intentions to follow through on wish lists for a new way forward into the future. There is no way to limit a call for convention to a amendments: "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, ..., on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention..." The Federalist papers again guide us on the importance of the wording and the order of the wording to establish intent.
John Lawler []
Opposed, I do not support an article V Convention of states.