Meeting Public Comments

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A bill for an act relating to immunization information requested on a medical examiner investigation form.
Subcommittee members: Carlin-CH, Bolkcom, Lofgren
Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: RM 24A
Comments Submitted:
The purpose of comments is to provide information to members of the subcommittee.
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.

Christina Crew []
SUPPORT It only makes sense that ALL pharmaceutical products should be included in the medical examiner's report, including immunizations.
Mrs. Cooper []
SUPPORT. As a Registered Nurse, I feel there is no valid reason to NOT include this medical information in the investigation and report. The public deserves every layer of transparency and safety regarding immunizations.
Angelique Gilbert []
SUPPORT: multiple vaccine manufacturers note SIDS as a potential reaction to vaccination but there is no ACTIVE way to record this information! As the mother of a 15 month old child, SIDS is a concern near to my heart, please help us understand this terrible syndrome!
Ana Heckart []
SUPPORT. There is no reason why immunizations should not be listed on the medical report. I am a mother of 3 young children and the fear of losing a child to SIDS need to be answered to remove the fear from so many mothers hearts. We need to consider every possibility when looking for cause of SIDS and it's seems we are avoiding to look thoroughly for answers if we don't pass this bill.
Liz McMillen []
SUPPORT: Vaccinations are a part of one's medical history. Immunization records, as any other recent medication would be noted in an investigation, should be available when investigating cause of death or other serious onset of symptoms or injury.
Mayara C []
SUPPORT SF 125 requiring recent immunization information to be listed on the death examiner investigation form. CDC immunization schedule includes the possibility of death as an adverse reaction. This bill is a step towards transparency and collecting real data. It also looks to me like a great way to qualm vaccine hesitancy.
Keith L []
SUPPORT SF 125 As an actuary, data and numbers are important to me. Having real, comprehensive data, affects the results and greatly influences credibility. This bill certainly is a step in the right direction to address the lack of transparency in this type of data.
Jessica Hyland [Iowa Biotechnology Association]
IowaBio and BIO's comments are attached.
Amanda Lee []
I strongly support this bill. I believe all information should be considered at time of death and for medical examiner to consider
Cindy Heitman []
Did the child die from a reaction to a vaccine? They will never know if this question is not asked. Families deserve to know if the vaccine should be further investigated if it could have played a role in their childs death. There is no reason not to have this question included. This is also important information for the family to know in regards to what vaccines should be delayed or withheld for other children who are related to keep them safe and for public health officials to see if there are any batches of vaccines that are problematic.
Stephanie Grutz []
I support SF125. As a nurse practitioner, I have witnessed parents that have lost children unexpectedly in the middle of the night. These parents have noted that the only thing different in the child's health history was a recent vaccination (usually 2472 hours prior to the incidence). Whether it play a factor or not, we need to have it listed so we can start keeping track of these incidences and see if they correlate. This will help us to continue to evolve in medicine. Thank you.
Allison Lycke []
Dear Subcommittee Members,As an Iowan and a mother of three young children (ages 4, 6 and 8) who has gone through the vaccination process, I am writing to encourage your support for SF 125 which requires immunization information to be included on the medical examiner death investigation form for children under the age of 3.It was brought to my attention that the form lists several questions regarding the last thing the child ate, but only one question regarding vaccinations that simply asks if the child is up to date on vaccinations. More information should be gathered to properly inform medical examiners and the health department if there is a specific lot number or type of vaccination linked to increased cases of unexpected deaths in infants and young children. The Centers for Disease Controls Publication Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation, Chapter 9 Certification of Unexplained Infant Deaths, lists documenting an infants medical history including immunization history, as the minimum to consider an infant death investigation complete or adequate and amenable to certification.The CDCs most recent 2020 Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Investigation Reporting Form (SUNDIRF) on page 4 question 13 asks, In the 72 hours before death, was the infant given any vaccinations or medications? There is a chart provided to fill out the vaccine name, dose last given, the date and time given, and an area to provide additional comments. It seems reasonable and prudent that the state of Iowa would want to be collecting this information in every case of an infant death. Parents deserve to know if a vaccine should be further investigated if it could have played a role in their childs death.This is also important information for the family and medical professionals to know in case a vaccine should be delayed or withheld from other children in the family.It also allows public health officials the opportunity to investigate further if there are any batches of vaccines that are causing problems. Transparency and safety should be top priorities for our state and the young children we value. Thank you for your consideration of SF 125.
Jeff Summers []
Nothing is more important than understanding why the US has such a high SIDS rate.This is a great opportunity to vindicate vaccines as a cause and prove that they are safe.
Kimberly Pierce []
Please support bill SF 125. It is a small task that could save many lives by potentially finding a link between unexpected deaths in infants and young children and a particular vaccine, or particular vaccine lot number.Thank you for your consideration and compassion for protecting our future generations,Kimberly Pierce
Lori Martin [Polk]
I strongly support the passage of SF 125. Many vaccines are required for infants/young children. If data about the food a child has eaten is collected, then it should also be important to record what vaccines/dosage/lot numbers the child has should be recorded!The CDCs most recent 2020 Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Investigation Reporting Form (SUNDIRF) on page 4 question 13 asks, In the 72 hours before death, was the infant given any vaccinations or medications? There is a chart provided to fill out the vaccine name, dose last given, the date and time given, and an area to provide additional comments. Iowa should be doing this every time but they are not.Families deserve to know if the vaccine should be further investigated if it could have played a role in their childs death. There is no reason not to have this question included. This is also important information for the family to know in regards to what vaccines should be delayed or withheld for other children who are related to keep them safe and for public health officials to see if there are any batches of vaccines that are problematic.
Jaimie Vacha []
A large number of Sudden unexplained infant death syndrome happens within 48 hours after a baby revived its 8 doses of vaccines at 2 months of age. Both the hepatitis B and DTaP vaccine list sudden infant death syndrome as an adverse reaction in the package inset for that particular vaccine. A recent case in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation court, the case of BOATMAN & CUPID v. SECRETARY OR HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ruled that vaccines did cause the death of a 2 month old baby. As the medical expert neuropathologist Dr. Douglas Miller was thorough and persuading while also proving to the special master the role proinflammatory cytokines played in the vaccine injury and death. Vaccines are the largest and most frequent medical intervention we give our children. Information about recent vaccinations are vital in performing a thorough autopsy and helping to determine cause of death. Sincerely,Jaimie Vacha
Connie Brooks []
The best way to increase trust in vaccines is to collect and share data about their efficacy and safety. To not align with CDC reporting requirements invites mistrust. If you truly believe vaccines are safe, you wouldn't hesitate to collect the data to prove it. If you refuse to collect the data, you invite skepticism and conspiracy theories. Please do the right thing and let the data speak for itself.
Deborah Schellhorn []
Please support this bill.
Mrs. Karaidos []
SUPPORT. First, thank you for your service on behalf of Iowans at the capitol. Its a tough job and we appreciate it!I encouraged you to support SF125As we all know, whether we like it or not, nothing is perfect, and vaccines are not exempt from this. Its so important to keep vaccine safety and possible death reports and evaluations up to date. One of the ways to do this is through this bill, and making sure all possible death evaluations are noticed. Wouldnt we want to to stop these deaths if we could?One of most important things on my heart is SIDS. My son almost died from his Hep B shot as a new born, and the doctor said if I wouldnt have been holding him, we would have lost him and it would have been deemed SIDS. Without looking at any other cause, despite a completely normal and healthy birth and baby. Instead of just labeling SIDS, we need to look at every possible point of view, including vaccines.One amazing study conducted by Becker and Blaxill showed SIDS deaths decreased in almost exact parallel to the decrease of infant wellchecks which includes vaccines/vaccine schedule during the Covid lock downs. This is not something we can ignore, and is very concerning that its not being looked into further. Considering US is top in infant loss with highest vaccine schedule, this further proves we need to be even more concerned.Collecting vaccine information for this could give us potentially extremely important information on these connections.Thank you for your time.
Leslie Beck []
SUPPORT. I support SF215. Any medical information, whether it be vaccines, medications, medical procedures, illnesses, etc. should be included on a medical examiner's form. Vaccination history is just one piece of the puzzle when determining cause of death. Including it allows it to be either considered or ruled out. It also allows health officials to look for patterns over time and determine if a vaccine is causing harm or can be deemed safe. Not asking for this information seems negligent and careless.
Heather Doak []
Support Doing your due diligence for people who have lost loved ones, should be the top priority for medical professionals everywhere. There is no reason to leave this stone unturned.
Katie Cooke []
Support... why wouldn't it be on the form? Every other aspect is looked at. If vaccines are safe then this shouldn't be a problem.
Michael Gillingham []
Support SF 125 which requires immunization information to be included on the medical examiner death investigation form for children under the age of 3.Currently the form lists several questions regarding the last thing the child ate, but only one on vaccinations that simply asks if they are up to date on vaccinations. More information should be gathered on this topic to properly inform medical examiners and the health department if there is a specific lot number or type of vaccination linked to increased cases of unexpected deaths in infants and young children. The Centers for Disease Controls Publication Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation, Chapter 9 Certification of Unexplained Infant Deaths, lists documenting an infants medical history including immunization history, as the minimum to consider an infant death investigation complete or adequate and amenable to certification.The CDCs most recent 2020 Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Investigation Reporting Form (SUNDIRF) on page 4 question 13 asks, In the 72 hours before death, was the infant given any vaccinations or medications? There is a chart provided to fill out the vaccine name, dose last given, the date and time given, and an area to provide additional comments. Iowa should be doing this every time but they are not.Families deserve to know if the vaccine should be further investigated if it could have played a role in their childs death. There is no reason not to have this question included. This is also important information for the family to know in regards to what vaccines should be delayed or withheld for other children who are related to keep them safe and for public health officials to see if there are any batches of vaccines that are problematic. Sincerely,
Gabrielle Fistler []
SUPPORT Adding immunization history to the death certificate only helps the medical examiner conduct a more thorough investigation.
Kala Koehler []
To truly understand what may lead to the early death of children. We must understand how many injections the children had been given in their life and consider the adverse reactions of those on a cumulative level.
Jessica A []
Please support this bill. It is important that this information be recorded so that we may continue to evaluate the science behind vaccines.
ashley lynn []
I strongly urge you to support this bill. I am 32 years old. I have attached a photo to reference how many injections I got as an infant until 3 years of age versus how many my children are expected to receive from 03 years old today (I have 3 and 1 year olds). There is unequivocally no scientific basis to repeatedly say this astronomical explosion in the vaccine schedule is safe for all, or even most children. The medical examiner form's current single vaccine question is more in line of blaming vaccine targeted illnesses as potential cause of death if answered as a no.The lack of data collection needs to change. This information is easily gathered when looking at the childs medical charts, which is already being done during the examination. Vaccine names, lot numbers, and dates all need to be shared to find possible commonalities.Thank you, Ashley
Tracy ODay []
This needs to get passed!
emily lewis []
SUPPORTour child had an adverse reaction to his 6 month vaccines resulting in a neurological injury. had he died we would have wanted EVERYTHING documented and looked into. if it were your child would you not want answers?
Melissa Schnetter []
SUPPORT. We know that pharmaceutical products,including vaccines, have adverse effects, including the possibility of death. This is clearly listed on the product inserts. We need to evaluate this data for our tiniest of humans and always look for trends. Please support.
Nancy Gronewold []
If prescribed and illicit drugs are tested for, it makes sense to include testing for vaccines. If you're going to look at what was ingested or injected into a body, be fair and look at everything.
Chris Bloom []
SUPPORT. If this was any other pharmaceutical product, it would be noted. Vaccines are a pharmaceutical product that have the same potential to cause harm as any drug. Why are they excluded from responsibility?
Emily Hanna []
There should be no reason this shouldn't be allowed. As a parent, I feel it is imperative to have accurate data and information to make our own educated decisions.
Alexi Dawson []
I think it's very important to include those things. It's important to know all possible things which could have contributed to death. To not include them is a severe manipulation of health information.
Ella Hall []
Support. Our healthy grandchild died 5 years ago at the age of 15 months. An autopsy was done, but the results were "inconclusive". Getting ALL the facts would have been more helpful in determining the cause of her death.
Heather Stancil []
SUPPORT. I see no reason not to support this legislation, unless there is desire to shield certain organizations from accountability. If there is a sudden death of a child, parents are usually the first suspects, and knowing ALL the factors surrounding the events prior to a death, including any medical treatment, should be included.
Lindsay Phillips []
Support SF 125. Currently the form lists several questions regarding the last thing the child ate, but only one on vaccinations that simply asks if they are up to date on vaccinations. More information should be gathered on this topic to properly inform medical examiners and the health department if there is a specific lot number or type of vaccination linked to increased cases of unexpected deaths in infants and young children. Families deserve to know!
Heidi Small []
I support this bill. All medical information and procedures should be forthcoming.
Kerry Crouch []
Please support this bill. THANK YOU!!! When entering the field of medicine, taking the oath of "Do No Harm" is an intensely serious decision. Good, true, and honest medical practitioners take precautions to not lose their hardearned licenses from decisions gone wrong in the act of prescribing medications. Vaccines are medications. The investigation of the opioid crisis was hugely successful and efforts are now being made to administer opioids in a balanced manner to not cause harm. Information regarding the damage vaccines cause is on the rise. The general public now knows about the wasteful $4 billion plus payout of tax dollars for vaccine injuries and death. Supporting this bill will add strength to the necessity of, and force the need for, investigating why vaccines cause so much harm and search for better answers. THANK YOU!!!
Brandi Rockwell []
Thank you for all your hard work. I know your jobs arent easy on a normal basis but during the last year, my heart especially goes out to each and everyone. Please please please pass this bill. Nothing in this life is perfect, & vaccines arent not exempt from error. Thank you for listening to us. As a mother this is very near and dear to my heart. I am in support of this bill.
Rita Andersen []
Families deserve to know if the vaccine should be further investigated if it could have played a role in their childs death. There is no reason not to have this question included. This is also important information for the family to know in regards to what vaccines should be delayed or withheld for other children who are related to keep them safe and for public health officials to see if there are any batches of vaccines that are problematic.Since this pandemic the number of SIDS cases has dropped tremedously, I feel due to parents not going to the Dr. for so called well baby checkup and getting the vaccinations.So I ask you today to support SF125
Elizabeth K []
Please support this bill. As a healthcare worker, a mother and an individual who has suffered an adverse reaction from a vaccine I am completely behind this bill.
Katherine Lundberg []
SUPPORT!! As a mother of young children and a caregiver to many young children, I strongly support this bill. It just makes sense to have ALL the information at hand reported, including immunizations. If we are given transparent information we (the parents) can make sound choices for our family!
Leanna O’Kelley []
SUPPORT. I see no reason not to include all immunization records on the medical report for the death of children 3 and under. It could be vital information moving forward and give more information in regards to vaccination safety. Adversely if you do not pass this bill it further leads to speculation and mistrust that our governing authorities and medical professionals dont have the publics common good in mind.
Mindy Paulson []
SUPOORT.The only reason not to include this information is to hide a potential cause of death. If all other possibilities are subject to investigation, every possibility should be, including vaccination. Are medical examiners looking for whole truth, or just part of it?
Jaime Griffis []
SUPPORT There should be no reason that medical information, such as recent immunizations, are not gathered and used to help investigate deaths. IF the vaccine played a role in a death it is supposed to be reported. It has already been proven that less than 1% of reactions (including death) are reported when it comes to vaccines. If vaccines are safe and have no role in the death, there should be no concern of including this additional information.
Ann Lenaghan []
Support!! All info for everyone should be included with timeline of vaccincatgicen should be included in the medical examiners report. Without it, it is deceitful and not being transparent. Too much protection for the manufacturers.
Courtney Collier []
Support. As a community and state we should want to collect the full details of circumstances leading up to a childs unexpected death. It makes sense to include the full details of all medications and vaccinations administered to the child so that all can be considered and investigated when determining the cause of unexpected sudden death. Collecting and reporting this data could help determine patterns that could save the lives of Iowas children.
Katie cooke []
Support I find it so sad that Blank Children's hospital and Johnson and Johnson would not want the child's last vaccine listed as a part of the process after a child has passed. Why would they be so against it? I would love to see how much money they are feeding to what is supposed to be our representatives.
Allie Nuss []
Support. Why are there so many healthcare organizations opposed to this bill? Why are they antiscience? Isn't data collection a crucial part of science? What are they scared of finding? It lessens my trust in the healthcare profession to see them oppose this bill. Its the least we can do to support families who have experienced such a devastating loss. Please, support this bill.
Shalyn Donofro []
Please support this bill! There is no reason why immunization records should not be looked at when determining the cause of death for babies. Too many healthy babies are dying for unknown reasons, that every possible cause of death should be taken into consideration.
Miranda B []
I am in high support of this bill. Asking for more data to be included on the investigation form can do nothing but help the medical examiner to figure out the cause of death in an infant. There are currently 8 questions on there regarding what the child ate, but no real data as to last vaccinations. There should also be Lot #'s included and each one listed out separately. The more information available, the better a conclusion can be formulated. The families deserve to know and it will help with transparency over safety.
Natalie Murphy []
This bill is very important. The death inquiry should have already included questions about recent vaccinations, especially because of the listed side effects. If you are opposed to the bill, I suggest you read through all the side effects listed in the childhood vaccine inserts. Also compare infant deaths to Japan that doesn't vaccinate children before 2 years old. Please pass this necessary bill that allows transparency and ALL considerations of the cause of death.
Bettina Hewitt []
SUPPORT! Thank you for your service in our great state. Please move this bill through, so this information can be gathered.
Jenna A []
SUPPORT. This bill would require very little effort on the part of the ME. If the last few things a child ate are included, why aren't the last pharmaceuticals the child was exposed to included? The CDC's most recent 2020 Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Investigation Reporting Form (SUNDIRF) on page 4 question 13 asks, "In the 72 hours before death, was the infant given any vaccinations or medications?" There is a chart provided to fill out the vaccine name, dose last given, the date and time given, and an area to provide additional comments. This is an easy requirement to provide more information to the CDC surrounding SIDS, and potentially spark some new research into causes of SIDS. Everyone should be concerned when a healthy baby dies suddenly and seemingly without reason. This requirement will help make an autopsy more complete, and perhaps will enable ME's to potentially notice any concerning patterns regarding the death of young children soon after vaccination. Any opposition to this bill baffles me why wouldn't more information that could provide insight into why a child died be a bad idea? Thank you for supporting this bill!
Kim Smith []
Dear Subcommittee legislators, I support this bill FS 125 and strongly urge you to pass this bill onto the next step for this bill to become a law. As Iowans our top concern for all should be the health and wellbeing of our kids. Any death of an Iowan should be fully evaluated to the best of our ability and why we wouldn't question vaccines is incredibly concerning and leads to vaccine hesitancy in and of itself. This bill only helps to improve vaccine safety because of this thorough evaluation. The CDC schedule lists death as a reported adverse event why would Iowa have any issue in providing this information? The fact that the USA is very last among developed nations for infant mortality, is utterly unacceptable. As Iowans we are capable of doing better which is why this bill needs to become law!
Christina Riniker []
I believe this Bill is important in order to record the role all these newer vaccinations, and requirements for them in the past 1520 years, play in a child's health AND illhealth, and even possibly death.
Christophe Petit []
I say yes, it should be writen what shot he child 0.3 years old before death received?
Christophe Petit []
I say yes, it should be writen what shot he child 0.3 years old before death received?
Julie Sigmund []
Dear Sir or Madame, Although the meeting for this bill SF 125 has passed, I would like to voice my support of the bill.Thank you for supporting SF 125.Sincerely,Julie SigmundHudson, IA
Michelle Larson []
All available information regarding a person's health history, especially children, should be available and supplied to medical examiners and coroners upon a person's death. This is essential to determining the actual cause of death. All factors, including vaccination history, must be examined.
Diane VanDuzen []
It is vitally important that a children's vaccine data and dates be shown on a medical examiners investigation form. How can we truly gauge vaccine safety without this information? Thank you for supporting this bill.