Meeting Public Comments
Subcommittee meeting and times are as follows:
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.(See HJR 5.)
Subcommittee members: Holt-CH, Osmundson, Wessel-Kroeschell
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Location: Law Library
Names and comments are public records. Remaining information is considered a confidential record.
Comments Submitted:
Katherine Kunau []
Access to safe abortion services is an integral part of reproductive health. Banning abortion does not stop abortions, it only stops SAFE abortions. Most people who get abortions already have children at home and are acutely aware of how much money, time, and energy children take. Since Iowa has been gutting the funds for social service programs forcing someone to birth an undesired child makes it that much more likely that the family will be forced into poverty. Those who wish to ban abortions are not prolife, but probirth, as they abandon all semblance of caring about the child after it's born.
Angela Weiland []
Just because Republicans have the majority in the Iowa Legislature, does not mean they can ignore the needs of women & Girls in Iowa. We need, in fact insist on, legal, safe abortion. Abortion is a normal female reproductive system procedure. Abortions happen before cells are viable, before any recognition of self breathing by an infant. In fact these conglomeration of cells needs a uterus to survive. I dont believe government or religions have any business dictating to women what they can or cant do with their bodies. It is My Choice, My Freedom and No Regrets. Taking away abortion choice through the Iowa Constitution is ridiculous. It gives men more power to control women. That is not right. Freedom is not just for women who choose to give birth; Freedom is for women to have control of their futures. Motherhood is wonderful for many many women, but some women have aspirations (like men) that dont involve the burdens of duty to another. For those women who oppose my right to choose, I say you dont have to have an abortion but that shouldnt exclude me from my choice. Get your theology out of my biology. Science tells us abortion is simply a medical procedure. Stop violating my freedom. Just say NO to this selfrighteous constitutional amendment.
Sarah Gross [University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine]
I have seen firsthand, as a medical student, what happens when people don't have access to safe and legal abortion. Research shows that limiting access to abortion care does not decrease the number of abortions. Instead, the number of UNSAFE abortions is increased. This increase in unsafe abortions means an increase in the number of avoidable maternal deaths. Iowa's maternal death rate is already too high. Access to abortion care is in our country's Constitution. While there have been erosions to it over time, it still stands that abortion is a right across the country. In the SCOTUS 2018 interpretation of Iowa's state constitution, it was determined that the Constitution afforded the right to abortion. Research also suggests that if you want the abortion number to decrease, you expand family planning services; you provide comprehensive sex education; you provide support to people in socioeconomic hardship. You do not take away their healthcare. People will get abortions one way or another. It is the duty of the Iowa legislators to ensure that Iowans have access to safe and legal healthcare, which encompasses abortioncare.
Calvin Tran []
I have seen firsthand, as a medical student, what happens when people don't have access to safe and legal abortion. Research shows that limiting access to abortion care does not decrease the number of abortions. Instead, the number of UNSAFE abortions is increased. This increase in unsafe abortions means an increase in the number of avoidable maternal deaths. Iowa's maternal death rate is already too high.Access to abortion care is in our country's Constitution. While there have been erosions to it over time, it still stands that abortion is a right across the country. In the SCOTUS 2018 interpretation of Iowa's state constitution, it was determined that the Constitution afforded the right to abortion.Research also suggests that if you want the abortion number to decrease, you expand family planning services; you provide comprehensive sex education; you provide support to people in socioeconomic hardship. You do not take away their healthcare. People will get abortions one way or another. It is the duty of the Iowa legislators to ensure that Iowans have access to safe and legal healthcare, which encompasses abortioncare.
Kathryn Edel []
Please stop wasting tax payer dollars by introducing and battling legislation such as this in court. Precedent has proven time and again that IA supports ones right to make decisions regarding their lives and bodies. Leave Women alone. History has also taught us that when Women have full control over their reproductive lives, families do better; therefore, society as a whole is better off.
Samantha Mitchell []
Abortion is healthcare. Stop introducing legislation that restricts a womans access to healthcare and personal autonomy. Women are fully realized humans, capable of making 100% of their own decisions.
Andrew Holland []
Do you have no better ideas for governance than to take rights and autonomy away from your female constituents? Is it worth the harm you are causing to earn cheap political points? This is pathetic. This hurts people. This is myopic. This does not benefit anyone other than maybe yourselves. Iowans should be better. This is a bad bill and youre bad people for pushing forward with it.
Taylor Isenhour []
The most effective way to reduce abortion rates is to increase access and funding for birth control. Eliminating abortions is reducing a womans ability to decide what is best for her life and body. Woman and their healthcare providers are the only ones who should be involved in this deeply personal decision and no one else. Especially not the law makers of Iowa. You have no right to take away womens access to safe healthcare.
Sarah Voels []
Why should Iowans take medical guidance from legislators period let alone legislators who this far have refused to take the very real threat of a global pandemic seriously? That guidance is best left in the hands of medical professionals and their patients not politicians. The restriction on equitable access to safe abortions will not have the positive outcome you seek. It will only serve to further divide those who enjoy a comfortable life from those most hurting. Those with the means will always have access to abortions. Those who not will be further separated from future success if forced to spend or go into debt to safely access an abortion or will most likely face an uncertain future of trying to provide for a child they cannot afford. Young people will be kept from college opportunities and will face prejudice in the workforce. This Bill does not serve all Iowans. It serves a collection of prejudiced politicians determined to allow their spiritual understanding to dictate the lives of others.
Mark Cohen []
Id like to respectfully request the legislature spend more time trying to stop the spread of the deadly Coronavirus instead of legislating a womans right as warranted by the Supreme Court to choose whether she will have an abortion. There is no positive impact that this will have on public health. Stopping the pandemic will save thousands of Iowans and keep the workforce healthy and productive. Lets spend our tax dollars on critical public health initiatives instead of taking away citizens rights.
Susan Bryant [self]
This proposed amendment to the Iowa Constitution 1) violates a woman's RIGHT to choose, 2) interferes with a woman's relationship with her doctor, 3) allows the government to intrude into a woman's most personal and intimate responsibilities and biological functions, 4) imposes religious beliefs on those who don't share those same beliefs, and 5) violates the Constitution of the United States. Item 5 has been determined so frequently by the courts that this proposed amendment nothing more than a blatant attempt to take a woman's right to choose to the U.S. Supreme Court in the hope that the current Court will overturn Roe v. Wade.
Constanza Scheetz []
I have been married to my partner for 7 years, together for 13 years. We have chosen not to have children for both personal and health reasons, and should my birth control fail, I hope to God that I do not have to endure a forced pregnancy that puts me at risk. People who can get pregnant alone should choose whats right for their health and life. Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures a person can receive and should never cease to be an option for those who need it.
Taylor Brooks []
Please explain why Iowa legislators believe they have the right to choose whether women should have access to healthcare services. There are no rational reasons to eliminate abortion services. Eliminating access to safe abortion services is dangerous, irresponsible, and absurd. Abortion is healthcare. Stop governing womens bodies. Stop trying to take away access to womens healthcare. Start increasing funding and access on womens healthcare.
Carley Berneking []
I am a struggling single mom raising a child who I love but makes life hard. I wish that I could have given him a better life by having him later in life, and any pregnant woman should be able to make the choice to wait. Women need and deserve safe abortions in health care, not to be dying at home because they felt helpless and tried an at home abortion. Passing this would be a step backwards in womens rights.
Emily S []
This amendment that is trying to be pushed is blatantly against this countrys constitution. Women are capable of making their own decisions about their bodily autonomy. Instead of trying to push these ludicrous bills and infringe on womens rights, focus on the COVID pandemic and ways to assist your Iowa residents during this time.
Emily Trudeau [University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine]
Abortion is a safe procedure and a critical part of healthcare. As a future family medicine physician, it is my duty to do all that I can to ensure the health and welfare of my patients. Research throughout the years continues to show that criminalizing or limiting access to abortion does not stop abortion. It only further endangers women who are already unsafe in this country (i.e. the abysmal maternal mortality rate present in America). When abortion is unavailable, the same number of abortions occur, but more women die or are permanently injured in the process. There is absolutely nothing prolife about supporting legislature that causes more deaths of women. It is only antiwoman, antilife and antihuman rights. Those who believe otherwise are unaware of the true need for abortion and how it relates to healthcare and the lives of Iowans. It may differ with the religious beliefs of some, but the majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal. As well, America was founded on the premise of escaping religious persecution. Entangling religious beliefs into law where they have no place is dangerous and immoral.
Ryan Kunkle []
This proposed amendment is ignorant of the basics of healthcare, of human anatomy, and of the fundamental ethical principle of human autonomy and right to self determination. All its sponsors should be ashamed for continuing to make Iowa a national joke like Gov. Brownback and his colleagues did for Kansas.
Andrea Withers []
Are we really here, again? Debating women's rights, again? Access to safe and clean terminations is not a political issue and I wish some people would quit using women's uterus' as a soap boxes. If a person doesn't believe in them, then don't have one but please quit applying your religious beliefs/political agenda to everyone else. If you truly want there to be less abortions then make women's reproductive healthcare a priority and not a sound bite for your campaign rally. Safe and affordable birth control does more to decrease unwanted pregnancies than any thing else. When you take health care away from women and children you prove that you are not prolife, you're just an attention grabbing opportunist using women's bodies as stepping stones for your own personal political gain. Restricting abortions just send desperate lowincome women into coathanger abortions in back allies that often end in death. Rich women will always have the ability to fly to another country to have a termination, so these restrictions are very clearly intended to keep lowincome persons disadvantaged.
Outlawing abortion will not eliminate abortion, it will just move it to back alleys as was the case before the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision. This puts the women's life at risk. Abortions should be safe and legal. The best way to lower abortion rates is to provide more funds for birth control and education. The vast majority of Americans support safe abortions, 61% according to a recent survey by the Pew Reach Center. Aren't you elected to represent the entire state of Iowa? Aren't you elected to represent women? Aren't you elected to represent lower income residences of our state? The answer is yes you are. Therefore you need to vote NO on this proposed bill.
Thomas Carsner []
Public health principles, at a minimum, require that all medical procedures be an option to all Iowans. Private health principles require that citizens of Iowa have a right to choose those medical procedures that are best for them. In regard to abortion, women have equal rights, and a medical procedure that applies only to women cannot be denied under the equal protection clauses of the Iowa and federal Constitution. I urge the Iowa House and Senate to vote NO on HSB 41.
Jackie Fowlkes []
Why do we have to endure these attacks on women every few years? The right to choose is a basic right under the US constitution and has been upheld after many continued attempts to overturn. If you feel abortion is wrong, then dont have one, but please dont force your will upon others and use our tax dollars to carry it out.
Billie McKeag []
I am a 59 year old woman, and I have never had an abortion. Had I been in need of one, I would have been comfortable knowing that it would be safely done, and my life would most likely not be at risk. With that said, I would like to say, I am TIRED of mostly MEN being ones that have any say over MY body! When it comes to SAFE abortions, that SAVE LIVES, and have NOTHING to do with ANYONE other than the woman, and her Doctor, LAWMAKERS should have ZERO say in the matter! Roe v Wade, which is STILL LAW set the precedent over state/local law, and it is the law of the land. LEAVE IT THAT WAY! MY BODY MY CHOICE!
Katie Goff []
Access to safe abortion is life saving. Without access to safe abortion you are putting the lives of Iowans at risk for death of undue complications. People deserve control over their own bodies. Medical decisions should not be made for Iowans by legislators who have no medical training.
Danielle Benford []
I will continue to speak up and out against bills that strip the right of safety and choice from the girls and women of Iowa. The laws that Iowa already has in place are more than sufficient. The fallacy that girls and women use abortion as birth control must end. Until you have to make the decision, you can't speak or legislate on it. The fact of the matter is, we are tired of men (and select women recruited to help speak on the topic) trying to make decisions for us. Girls and women become pregnant in several circumstances rape, incest (also rape), or any other number of unbearable situations that people don't take the time to understand. There are situations where a child will not live outside of the womb and, in fact, forcing a labor is tortuous to not only the mother but the child as well. How inhumane are we to force that situation on both? At the end of the day, it would be nice for the Iowa Legislature to guarantee birth control to all Iowa residents, if you really wanted to stop unwanted pregnancies. I don't see people lining up to adopt or foster children in our state either. For everyone who thinks a life starts at conception I'd like to see you take the cluster of cells or embryo out and hold it in your hands. It wouldn't survive and it wouldn't be a "baby". These decisions are for a woman/girl and her doctor...not the government.
John Strathman [Iowa Right to Life]
Thank you to the House Judiciary Committee for your effort and timeliness in considering HSB 41 to clarify that the Iowa Constitution does not recognize, grant or secure a right to abortion or require public funding of abortion. This amendment is needed restore the original intent of our state Constitution on the matter of abortion.
Carrie Lippincott [New Hope Christian Church]
I would strongly like to stop abortions. Please pass this!!!
Stephanie Edmonds [University of Iowa Health Care]
Before you vote on this bill, please consider what outcomes you are trying to achieve with it. Are you trying to save fetuses? Will this bill do that? Are you planning to put doctors and nurses in jail if they provide "illegal abortions"? What about the pregnant person, will they go to jail too? What good would this bill do? Whose lives will it save? Whose lives will it hurt?I am unsure how it can be constitutional to strip away a person's right to their own body and what happens to it just because they are pregnant. It is not possible for a fetus and a pregnant person to have equal rights under the law. If you give rights to a fetus then you take them away from the pregnant person. This bill is unnecessary and dangerous. It is not "prolife" to just strip away the legal rights to abortion and then not provide a system where that baby and parent can thrive. Please look at countries that recently overturned laws banning abortion like Ireland and Argentina. This will never work here. You are wasting time and money in the process when you could be passing laws that help people.
Nathan Oppman [The Family Leader Foundation]
I appreciate the desire of the Iowa House to pass legislation that moves Iowa toward correcting an egregious Iowa Supreme Court decision. This amendment restores the power to protect unborn children to the legislature and protects Iowans from being forced into paying for abortion. I hope this takes us one step closer to the day when every little baby in her mother's womb is recognized as precious and is protected.
Carla Oleson []
Please vote YES! She IS a baby.
Jill Louzek []
Thanks for prioritizing the Protect Life Ammendment. Please vote to protect the life of all Iowans. Please let Iowans, not judges, choose what is best for Iowans. Thanks for representing me and voting for life.
Dawn Dietz []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I Urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Jerilyn Van Weelden []
Support life
Caryn Avelsgaard []
I am in support of HSB 41.
Christine Young []
Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion; it will, once again, make abortion lifethreatening, especially to very young girls with no monetary resources who believe they have no other choice. This bill puts these young girls and women of any age at risk.Abortion was not legal during my college years at a small Iowa college, and during that time I had four friends who had illegal abortions. One friend told her mother, who had herself raised two children alone, during a time when collection of child support was nonexistent unless you could afford a lawyer to assist. She helped her daughter have an illegal abortion through the safest way she knew. Her mother literally dropped her on a downtown Chicago street corner at the mercy of two medical students, earning their way through school by performing abortions. She was taken to a motel where there was a plastic sheet on the bed and the procedure was performed. When my friend told me about it she was visibly shaken by the whole experience from beginning to end.My second friend "couldn't" tell her parents she was pregnant. She was Catholic and felt a profound sense of failing her parents and her upbringing. I found out she had had the procedure afterwards, late at night, when she was crying and in pain and had no idea whether the bleeding and phenomenal clotting she was experiencing fell into the category of "to be expected" as she had been told. There was no one to call. I told her I was more than willing to take her to an emergency room and do all the talking but she knew her parents would have to be involved and wouldn't let me. I called in another friend and we monitored her through the night, worrying all the while that we were doing the right thing, making medical decisions that shouldn't be made by any 19yearold.A third friend told her parents and they had the money to travel to and obtain an abortion where it was legal. They stayed a few days until they were sure that there were no medical complications. I have no details about the fourth friend's abortion other than it was horrible and she didn't want to talk about it.With the exception of the one friend who had money to obtain a legal abortion elsewhere, all of these young women made decisions to put themselves through lifethreatening risks. I am asking you to consider this danger, perhaps to a teenage relative or someone you know very well, and oppose any legislation or proposal to change the Iowa constitution which would restrict a woman's right, at any age, to an abortion.
Christy Westover []
I believe every humanHas a right to be born and live.
Darcy Aune []
As a woman who had an abortion at the age of 15 and has since always regretted it, I cannot imagine anyone who would want that to be a right. What about the right of the baby? Life begins at conception and we need to stand up and fight for those who cannot speak for themselves! Abortion is evil! It is not healthcare.
Jay Rudolph [Kinship Christian Radio]
Please pass the Protect Life Amendment as rapidly as possible this session to display that you actually care for life at all stages and wish to do everything in your power to protect life from the moment of conception 'til natural death. Thanks and God Bless!
Ellen Sander []
Thank you legislatures for defending the unborn from abortion at any stage. Also protecting the mothers from any undo pressure from groups who are not founded in Liove, only greed. Also, as a taxpayer I urge you and commend the efforts already put forth to see that the taxpayer is not going to see our tax dollars funding these abortions.
Ashley Roney []
Thank you for your work to be the voice of your constituents. Please support the bill for LIFE! It is unconstitutional to require Iowans to pay for abortion, and our founding fathers would be appalled at the murder of babies in our country. Please support LIFE!!THANKS IN ADVANCE!Ashley
Frank Bulk []
Please don't use our family's state tax dollars to fund the killing of babies. I don't want to have our tax dollars spent in that way.
Kristine Hanson []
Taking the life of a child from the created safety of a mothers womb or after birth, CANNOT be sanctioned by this nation or the state of IOWA. This 2021 IA legislative session must condemn any attempts to legalize abortion. I strongly urge you to pass HSB 41 in an effort to strike down the right to abortion. Our future as a civilization depends on it. Thank you...
Mary Chatfield []
Please vote yes to change Iowa's constitution. Every Life is precious; murder at any age is wrong. Women do have the right over their own bodies, but this is not her body. It is the baby's body that dies. Iowans who do not believe in abortion should not be forced to pay for them.
Elaine Nederhoff []
I have very much appreciated all the hard work that has gone into protecting the life of the unborn. I know of setbacks but I am grateful of the continued work. Please continue to make the life of the unborn sacred in the knowledge this is precious lives and make the best amendment you can to fully protect the unborn. These precious beings are life and a baby from the moment of conception, made in the image of God. Please protect them from all harm.Sincerely,Elaine Nederhoff
Robert Curry [Retired pastor]
Thank you for your great work!
Rick Schult []
I would just like to encourage you to protect life as children are such a Blessing and the life blood of this state and nation moving forward.We need to set the Right example for the rest of the nation and protect the unborn. Psalm 139:13 Jeremiah 1:5Thanks you and Blessings to you have your families,Rick Schult
Steve Muzio []
Legalized, and especially subsidized, abortion is a grievous destruction of an innocent human life. Please make a strong amendment protecting life; protecting innocent life is one of the most fundamental duties of governance!
Carrie Schouten [Private citizen ]
Dear Legislators,I am writing to you today in support of prolife legislation. I want to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge each of you to vote to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby. That little child in his mother womb, hes a baby! And I want to thank you for doing what I can not do by casting your legislative vote to protect life, especially the life of a defenseless child. I can not think of a vote that matters more than those votes that protect our children. Your service is appreciated!Sincerely,Carrie Schouten
Linda Huston []
Please protect ALL life including the unborn.Best RegardsLinda
Linda Albertson []
Our constitution says we all have the right to life.Science says that a human being is developing in a mother's womb from the moment of conception. It is a completely different dna makeup from the mother. It is sheltered in the mother, not just a part of her. So if she ends it's development, it is killing another human being.
Pamela Lang []
Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment. Thank you for working to protect mothers and babies in the state of Iowa. I fully support Pro Life legislation.
Linda Albertson []
Our constitution says we all have the right to life.Science says that a human being is developing in a mother's womb from the moment of conception. It is a completely different dna makeup from the mother. It is sheltered in the mother, not just a part of her. So if she ends it's development, it is killing another human being.
Linda Albertson []
Our constitution says we all have the right to life.Science says that a human being is developing in a mother's womb from the moment of conception. It is a completely different dna makeup from the mother. It is sheltered in the mother, not just a part of her. So if she ends it's development, it is killing another human being.
Kevin Kellner []
legislators, thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Also, thanks for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.I appreciate you working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.PLEASE pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Thank you for your service to our great state!
Holly Reinhardt []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I really appreciate you all working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. God Bless you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I Urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Have a wonderful day!!
Linda Albertson [Former Dire ]
Our constitution says we all have the right to life.Science says that a human being is developing in a mother's womb from the moment of conception. It is a completely different dna makeup from the mother. It is sheltered in the mother, not just a part of her. So if she ends it's development, it is killing another human being.
Cindy Cleveringa []
Thank you for your past support of the prolife legislation. Please continue to be the voice for the unborn. We should not be forced to pay for abortions.
Linda Emehiser []
I want to thank our great legislators for all the hard work in defending the Protect Life Amendment. Im so glad you follow our wonderful Constitution as written many years ago. We do want to protect the mothers and precious babies. Its a travesty that unelected judges can make up their own rules and make us pay for abortions and violating the religious rights for us to have a say. I urge you to pass this most important amendment, I again want to thank you for all youre doing in protecting these mothers and babies who were created by our Holy God!!
Paul Orton []
It's a baby...a human life with a beating heart from the moment of conception. Only God should be allowed to end that life, for anyone else to is murder... premeditated murder. How sad it is we have laws more stringent at protecting animals than we do the unborn babies.How sad it is when we can go to jail for stealing a loaf of bread to feed our family but receive funding for slaughtering human lives.
Linda Albertson [Former Dire ]
Our constitution says we all have the right to life.Science says that a human being is developing in a mother's womb from the moment of conception. It is a completely different dna makeup from the mother. It is sheltered in the mother, not just a part of her. So if she ends it's development, it is killing another human being.
Nancy Pettit []
Dear Committee members, I am a mother , grandmother, and physician assistant who has done ultrasounds at a crisis pregnancy center since 2004.Life given to us by God is valuable no matter what age or size.I measure heartbeats at 5 weeks 5 days by gestational age( 3 weeks 5 days by conception date.When an abortion stops the heartbeat or growing life process, you are killing that life.We Iowans value life of all ages. We help the helpless. HSB 41 needs to go forward so Iowans can vote on the amendment. Sincerely, Nancy Pettit
Valerie Myers []
So appreciate you making this a priority and please pass the Protect Lfe Amendment! The measure of the humanity of a society is how we care for its most innocent! We cannot continue to throw precious lives away! Thank you for your hard work because #shesababy
Virginia Ross []
Thank you for all of your hard work in protecting the unborn children. You are making such a difference in our country. Thank you for protecting the unborn from abortions up to the day before they are both. You are doing the best job for our country and we stand with you. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Jabari Woods [YAH'S Unlocking Treasures ministry]
YAH ALmighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, The True Creator of Abraham, Isacc,and Jacob, created life,all life and values every single baby that has yet to be born, who have recently been conceived and who is currently walking an breathing on this earth. IN your son YAHshua our Saviour holy name to the glory of YAH please protect the unborn forever I pray with th all of my heart, mind, body and soul halleleuYAH!!!Let YAH'S perfect will be done
Marcia Allspach []
Thank you for putting the "protect life amendment" on the top of your list. I urge you to pass the best PLA you can to make sure a baby in the womb has "a choice." God bless your efforts.
Melanie Seier []
I urge you to amend the Iowa Constitution in favor of protecting the life of all unborn babies!As the mother of one daughter who survived an abortion attempt on her life, and another daughter with a chromosome disorder whose birth mother chose life, I can say that every life has value and abortion is wrong in every single instance, period. My daughter who was conceived in violent rape is deeply loved and is a gift to all who know her. She deserved a chance to live, as do all babies, regardless of how they are conceived or their special needs.Under no circumstances should tax dollars go to support abortion, including funding medical research and vaccines developed using aborted fetal cells.
Susan Lee []
Thank you so much, legislators, for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you also for giving the people a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our constitution. Thank you for protecting life from conception and protecting us and not making us pay for abortions. Please, please, pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment because She's a Baby!!!!!
Margaret Jessen []
Dear legislators, thank you for making the protect life amendment a priority. Thank you for working so hard to protect mothers and children. I really urge you to pass the best protect life amendment possible so the babies fullterm cannot be aborted. Thank you
Laurie Conover []
Life begins at conception.Life should be protected.We consider suicide can't take their own life.Mothers are not allowed to take the life of their child. Mother is a carrier of life that cannot defend itself, so just as we try and stop people from suicide, we must stop allowing mother's to take the life of the child within them. Thank you.
Michael Rye []
Thank you for making the protect life amendment a priority this session. Please protect the life of our most precious, innocent and defenseless persons, a baby in a mother's womb. There's nothing stronger than a mother's love for her child and no place as sacred as a baby growing in a mother's womb.
Deb Russell []
Honorable Representatives,Thank you for prioritizing the Protect Life Amendment this session. In Iowa, we have elected you to legislate, not the judges. There is no issue that should take a higher position of importance than the protection of innocent life. Iowans value mothers and children, both before and after birth. Thank you for your work to protect mothers and babies from the atrocity, anguish, and destruction brought about by abortion. Thank you from protecting taxpayers from funding abortion.To protect that baby in the mother's womb, please pass the best Protect Life Amendment so we the people will have a say in Iowa's position on precious life.May God bless you and your work. Sincerely,Deb Russell
Ms.Tracy Draayer []
I want to thank each and every one of you who have stood up for the rights of unborn babies and their mothers.I ask that you continue to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Please vote to save these babies. In Christ blessed name and Holy Blood. Thank you, Tracy Draayer
Charlotte Fett []
Protect the unborn baby! Protect their life! No public funding for abortion. Save the innocent babies please.
Catherine Lester []
I am a wife and mother. Thank you for supporting an amendment to protect the life of both mother and baby by not allowing abortion to be funded with public money and also by not allowing late abortion. I have felt life as my baby has developed inside of me, so I know that this is a child and a human who needs protection against those who would say otherwise. Please know of my gratitude to those members who wish to protect our tax dollars from going to anything that is contrary to protecting the existence of life.
Rosemary Paulsen []
Please save the babies. They are human and need protection!
Paulette Simons []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb is a baby.
Brenda Schaefer []
To whom it may concern:Thank you for allowing voices to be heard from the people that call Iowa home. I support this amendment because I believe every life has amazing potential! I dont think it is appropriate to have people who are not prochoice to pay for something that they dont agree with in their deepest convictions, whether hey be religious or not.I am grateful for the opportunity to share my viewpoint and appreciate your thoughtful consideration!Sincerely,Brenda Schaefer
Edna Brunkhorst []
There is no right to abortion in either the Iowa or the U.S. Constitution. Abortion is not Health Care. Webcam abortion medications should be prohibited. The Emma Goldman Clinic should be inspected regularly and medical students should not be allowed to participate in abortions unless it is a medical emergency.Adoption of babies should not cost tens of thousands of dollars. Adoptive parents should be encouraged and assisted as well as thoroughly vetted.
god considers all life precious. Abortions should not be allowed unless required to save the life of the mother. Definitely no babies that were already born alive should be killed.Sherri
Paulette Simons []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb is a baby.
Shannon Bryan []
Abortion ends lives. Life begins at the moment if conception. Any abortion ends a life and destroys the life of the mother.
Linda Price []
Planned parenthood must be stopped! Innocent babies are being killed with no remorse. Please do all in your power to stop this.. God will judge this state & nation if it is not stopped!
Daniel Dietz []
Id like to thank you for protecting life in our state and urge you to support the Protect Life Amendment. Thank you!
Jennifer Judisch []
Please pass the Protect Life Amendment! My oldest child was an unwanted pregnancy. But I was raised to know life starts at conception so I knew he was not the mistake. My actions before him were. It would have been so easy to get an abortion and move on with my life. Thank you for your service! Please represent my son and me with your vote to protect life. Jenny Judisch
John Burghorn []
Thank you for making THE Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for giving the people a voice. It is importantamt you hear from us so you can hopefully prevent judges from over reaching their authority and setting themselves up as legislators in rewriting our constitution. Please work hard to protect mothers and babies and block late term abortion. It is clear to me planned parenthood has a goal of expanding the time it is legal for a child to be murdered. How you can possibly justify allowing schools to transport pregnant girls to abortion clinics without parental knowledge and consent is beyond my belief. Santity of life and getting unwanted children to couples who desperately want children rather than killing the child is really important. Thank you, John
Mary Gansen []
We all support the Protection supporting all babies. We cannot let Planned Parenthood get away with this evil any longer
Mary Thatcher []
Please protect life. It is a fundamental right. The little ones can't speak for themselves so it is up to us!Thank You,Mary Thatcher Breda, IA
Mary Thatcher []
Please protect life. It is a fundamental right. The little ones can't speak for themselves so it is up to us!Thank You,Mary Thatcher Breda, IA
Matt Oleson []
Abortion ends a human life. Would we be having this debate if it occurred outside of the womb?
Larry Elseman []
Thank you for the Protect Life amendment. We must stand and protect the innocent lives of our unborn in the womb. My prayer is that those hearts that would take an innocent life in the womb be softened and turned to God for wisdom.
Liana Church []
I am pro life. Please don't kill the babies. Stop Planned Parenthood funding with tax dollars. Stop abortion. Thank you.
Becky Weeks []
I am writing in support of the protect life amendment. The will of the people should not be subverted by the opinions of a few unelected people.Thanks,Becky Weeks
Harry Elder []
Thank you for giving us the chance to express our voting rights. These babies need a chance to vote, run for office a vote them self.Please open the door for them(2) votersHarry& Nancy Elder DSM Is
Kathy Beckwith []
I am so grateful for this legislative session making the Protect Life Amendment a priority. Thank you. Your hard work to give Iowans a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution and your work protecting mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth, making we the taxpayers of Iowa pay for it is very much appreciated. Thank you.Will you PLEASE pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mother's womb, she's a baby.Respectfully,Kathy Beckwith
Laura Carlson []
Please pass this legislation. This does not bar abortion choice in Iowa. Simply reminds everyone this is not a right like life & liberty.
Margaret Harris []
Please vote yes to change Iowa's constitution. Abortion is not women's health care. Abortion kills children, the future of our nation. Any society that starts killing its own young is on the way out. Certainly expecting the public to pay for abortions is inappropriate. As with any surgery, abortions carries risks, among them perforated uterus, excessive bleeding, sterility. Abortion is not an eraser. Our country is full of women who made a choice that they wish they had never had the opportunity to make. The fallout from a regretted abortion is often promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, emotional fragility. Certainly we have social problems, but abortion is not the answer. I have been working with and for single moms for many, many years. Abortion doesn't solve their problems. What do you say to the woman curled up in a ball, weeping bitterly because she herself chose to kill her own child? We are responsible for the outcome of our laws. And yes, we do want to legislate morality. Rape, murder, child abuse, and robbery are all illegal. Aren't you glad? Vote to change our constitution.
Todd Krajewski []
I fully support HSB 41
James Sweers []
I urge all our legislators to pass the strongest possible. Constitutional amendment to protect the lives of the unborn. Abortion is not a right and should never be construed or implies or defined in that way. Please stop the abortion industry from preying on the unborn and those mothers who need Godly counsel, not dangerous and immoral medical procedures. There is never a right to kill a child or baby which all humans are from the moment of conception!James Sweers
Laura Carlson [Concerned Women of America, Iowa]
Life Amendment this resolution to amend Iowas Constitution would neutralize the egregious Iowa Supreme Court decision of two years ago that struck down our just passed 72 hour waiting period prior to an abortion, and instead created a fundamental right to abortion subject to the highest judicial scrutiny that had never before existed in Iowas Constitution. This judicial activism violates the role of the Judiciary in our system of government. The Life Amendment would make the Iowa Constitution once again neutral on abortion and return the authority for making law and amending the Constitution to where it belongs; with the elected representatives of the people and the people themselves.
Nate Blackford [Retired Military]
Only ask that you invite Christ to be a part of all deliberation, discussion and voting regarding and let your hearts be open to His counsel on the subject. Thank you and God Bless.
Ann Hogle []
I strongly support this amendment, which does not support a right to abortion or the use of public funds for any abortion. Thank you for your consideration, Ann Hogle
Jill Vande Weerd []
PLEASE protect the lives of unborn children who have rights!
Melissa Kuefler []
Thank you for working to uphold the value of a baby's life while it is in its mother's womb. Please keep Iowa and us taxpayers from having to fund killing these little preborn babies through abortion. Thank you!
Faye Shaw []
I am totally support this bill.
Debra Zahn []
Thank you so much for proposing this amendment to protect the rights of both women and unborn babies. This extremely important issue should be settled by the people of the great state of Iowa, not by a group of unelected judges. I urge you to pass the Protect Life ammendment.
Missy Parton []
No amendment! Abortion is an unnecessary elective procedure. It is not a right, it should not even be a choice. No public funding should be used!! It is our duty to protect the innocent. Unborn babies deserve to be heard and may my voice speak on their behalf.
Barbara Smith []
Thank you for making the protect life Amendment upper priority to this session for working hard to get where the people of voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our constitution .Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion even to the day a babys birth and making I Iowans to pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible protect life amendment that little child in her mothers womb she is still a baby. Respectfully Barbara Smith
Greg Brown []
Stop abortion. Amend the constitution to pass Protect Life Amendment.
Mollie Clark []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Your work is appreciated to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.It is critically important to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby!
Edward Hee [Private citizen]
This amendment to our state's Constitution is long overdue. The act of abortion is correctly defined as the deliberate deprivation of a human being being of his / her life. No private citizen or private organization has the right to commit such an act against another person. Such action is clearly defined in current law as homicide. The government of the State of Iowa may only act to deprive a person of life as a punishment upon that person's conviction of the crime of murder. No human baby has ever, nor will ever, receive such a conviction. Therefore, it is not within the purview of the State of Iowa to facilitate or permit the act of abortion under any circumstances. It necessary that a clear statement of these facts be included in our state's Constitution, and the language proposed in HSB 41 accomplishes this task. I strongly urge that it be passed.
Ken Kraft []
I ask that you support this resolution supporting an amendment to the Iowa Constitution that states that Iowa does not recognize,grant or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion. Thank you for your consideration on this issue and for those who can not speak for themselves. Sincerely Ken Kraft
George Justice []
I am the child of a Mother who was advised to abort me because of hamendment She lived to age 67.I have been married 53 years, am the Father of 4 children and 9 grandchildren. No member of our family has been divorce I urge you to pass this amndment.
Barbara Forney []
Jesus loves the little childrenall the children. We have no right to take away the life of another human person, no matter how small. Please do the right thing and support adoption and sexuality education that encourages waiting for sex in marriagethe way the Lord intended it to be. Please stop grooming children for pedophilia and abuse. God bless you.
Laura Tally []
I feel very strongly that our constitution should not guarantee a right to abortion. It guarantees the right to life! Also, those who are apposed to abortion should not have to pay for it. There should not be public funding of abortion.
Vicky McKim [Citizen of Iowa]
Please support and pass the Protect Life Amendment. Vicky McKim
David Kutscher []
Please fully support this amendment as each life is precious and should have a chance to to become a productive citizen!!
Tim Ried []
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to pass this resolution, HSB41. It may be, and in my opinion is, the single most important thing you can do this whole session. It is long overdue. There is no right to an abortion in the Iowa constitution, there never has been. This just makes clear what is already true so that activist judges cannot override the constitution or impose their own views against the will of the people and the will of the legislature.
Brigitte Brulz []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment to ensure the life of babies within their mothers' wombs and prevent Iowans from having to pay for the murders of innocent children. I find it disheartening how hypocritical some prochoice proponents can be by saying how much children matter and how much we need to put towards the children's education and future, yet they are quick to say it is okay to destroy those same children while in their mother's womb due to an inconvenience or "right" a woman may have. There are many women who have suffered miscarriages who grieve the loss of their unborn child, and those women are encouraged to grieve that loss with others. They truly have suffered a loss of a child, so their anguish is understandable. Yet, when it comes to an abortion, all of a sudden, the same prochoice proponents who had been comforting a mother mourning over the loss of an unborn child believes that a child a woman chose to "miscarry" on her own terms is not an actual child. That doesn't make any sense. How can one woman's loss be the loss of a child and yet the other woman's loss isn't? Unfortunately, I have found this to be the case with many prochoice proponents who have double standards, and I applaud those of you who are taking an initiative to put forth the Protect Life Amendment. Thank you!
Todd Krajewski []
Previous entry: "I fully support HSB 41."While I do agree that each individual should have right to choose, I do not believe that those who disagree with abortion should be forced to pay for it. Abortion is a choice. Do not force others to approve or financially support a personal choice abortion. Providers should be allowed to choose if they will or will not perform an abortion at any stage of development. By passing this legislation, we remove the requirement to force prolife providers and insurance companies to cover, pay or perform abortions.
Cathy Coffman []
Please vote for this very important measure!
Stephanie Bundt []
Thank you for taking the time to work to make Iowa a better place to live. On Tuesday you will be looking at an amendment to protect the lives of unborn babies and their mothers. Over the last few decades, we have seen a decline in family life. Maybe not through formal teaching, but in attitude and conversation children have been taught that they are a choice, they were a blob of tissue that could have been discarded at any time. Many teenagers view pregnancy as a problem to get rid of. (Free sex & if the girl she can get rid of it. Yet she is the one who deals with the emotional scars and sometimes infertility for the rest of her life.) With abortion as a viable option, they are not being taught the value of life. Please help stop the killing of innocent babies, protect their lives. Help send a message to children and teens that they are important and valuable.Thank you again for your work.
Donna Dane []
I support HSB41.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you do as our Iowa Legislators. As a citizen of this fine state, I want to strongly encourage you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, protecting life of the mother and child. I appreciate that you are working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for protecting mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I truly thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.
Ken Kraft []
I ask that you support this resolution supporting an amendment to the Iowa Constitution that states that Iowa does not recognize,grant or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion. Thank you for your consideration on this issue and for those who can not speak for themselves. Sincerely Ken Kraft
David Thede [Citizen of Iowa]
Stop this insanity! This proposed amendment is nothing more than Republican pandering to The Family Leader for money and support! It is not the will of the majority of Iowans and is only an issue to the Religious Right that has stolen control of the Republican Party of Iowa. Stop wasting taxpayer time and money to keep a failed politician named Vanderplatts in power and get to work on more important and productive legislation that will improve the life and welfare of Iowa!
John Turack []
SUPPORT FOR HSB 41I want to thank you for serving our state and making the Protect Life amendment a priority and for giving us an opportunity to voice an opinion. This amendment will be so critical to a proper understanding of our constitution so it is not rewritten in the courts. It is also very important in protecting moms and their preborn children from the ravages of abortion and protecting Iowans from funding this terrible practice. I serve on the board of a pregnancy center in Red Oak and assure you that we are committed to not just ending abortion but helping new parents succeed. Please pass the best Life Amendment possible to save the most vulnerable among us.
Byron Eames []
Please protect the lives of the unborn.We hold these, liberty...
Denny Hanson [retired]
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank them for working hard to give "We the People" a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I strongly urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Joe Hebert [Home]
Thank you for taking this stand for the sanctity of life, and for the right of the people to govern themselves without judicial interference in legislative matters. Hoping this will pass by a large margin!
Bob Hachmann []
All measures must be taken to protect #shesababy. We know it can be accomplished, if the will and love for God's creations is moved on, after all our neighbor to our south was successful Missouri 'the show me State. No more abortions, no more Planned Parenthood there. Do they have to show us?
Vicki Skiles []
Stop puic funding of abortions
Wayne/Deb Humke []
THANK YOU for: Priority to Protect Life Amendment in passing it into law Giving We the People a Voice Hard work in protecting mothers & children from abortion
Tim Ried []
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to pass this amendment. It may be the single most important thing that you do this session. It doesn't change a thing except clarify what is already true so that activist judges cannot impose their own will overriding the will of the majority of people and the will of the majority of the legislature
Ronald Spears []
Fund Planned Parenthood better for a person to be correctly informed than to get sex education from a porn site.
Norma Fast []
Let us join with other states to restrict or better yet, not allow public funding for abortion.
Ilenne Eames []
I don't care what you say it is murder!You will be responsible for every one of these babies.
Laura Baker []
I stand for life and life begins in the womb at conception.
Ilenne Eames []
I don't care what you say it is murder!You will be responsible for every one of these babies.
Brian White []
Thank you for making the Protecting Life Amendment a high priority this year and giving us an opportunity to voice our opinion to you. Thank you for all the work you've done over the years to protect mothers and the unborn from further encroachment of our Life Laws here in Iowa. I urge you to support the Protect Life Amendment to make Iowa the second state in America that is Abortion Free! Missouri just became the first state in the union with no abortion mills within their borders. God bless you for your work to protect life!!
David Van Kley []
I wish to express my support for this joint resolution and this amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa. It is important for us to protect the lives of the most vulnerable unborn babies.
Melanie Olesen []
I am for this amendment not to recognize abortion or allow for public funding for an abortion
Loriann Lauterbach []
Abortion does not help anyone! No one wins after having an abortion!!
Deepika Raghavan [University of Iowa, Hospitals & Clinics]
The right and access to abortion is, in fact, supporting life the lives of women and girls in Iowa. Pregnancy and childbirth can be life threatening even in the most unassuming cases. Not only is the health and medical wellness of women jeopardized by forcing pregnancy, the social, mental, and economic consequences of pregnancy and childbirth are life altering. This choice to continue or end a pregnancy is one that only the pregnant person can make. Public health research has repeatedly shown that limiting access to abortion DOES NOT decrease the rate or incidence of abortion but rather leads to the increase of unsafe "underground" abortions and subsequent negative health outcomes (infections, death). The best way to prevent or decrease abortion in a community is to improve access to sex education, contraception, and social resources. Why not direct funding into evidenced based practices instead?Further, supporting the legal framework to make abortion accessible is not equivalent to encouraging abortion. It is simply protecting the right to CHOICE.
Karen Campbell [True Life]
There should be no right to abortion.
Kathryn Heilesen []
I hope that you will pass HSB 41 in support of life not abortion. Planned Parenthood is a billion dollar company and should first of all not EVER GET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDING for abortions. If you went the step further and don't allow abortions that would even be greater, or at a very minimum limit when they can take place. We have a 3 year old granddaughter. My daughter got pregnant during her senior year in high school. At the time it was devastating to us. However, this little girl is the absolute joy of the entire family. Her 5 aunts and uncles love her to pieces. Everyone looks forward to seeing her every single day when they get home. A child is always a blessing. If someone does not want to keep their child, they can give it up for adoption. This is very costly and usually can't happen over state lines. All of these rules should be changed to allow people that want children to be able to adopt. I have a few family members that have wanted to adopt but cannot due to all of these regulations. They are unable to have their own children.Thank you.
Dennis McIntire []
The taxpayers should not be burdened with someones irresponsible acts of becoming pregnant to say nothing about the respect and sanctity of life!
Elaine Palmer []
Thanks a million times over for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. This took lots of work and it is very much appreciated. Thank you for giving us a voice when things are done to rewrite the Constitution. Please, please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because these babies are humans and we should not have the right to terminate their lives. Thank you I advance!!!
Sue Harthoorn []
I would like to take this opportunity to ask our legislature to make the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Please work to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Arla Van Zanten []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this season and letting We the People have a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thanks too for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth and even making Iowans pay for it!I urge you to please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment possible because that little child in her mother's womb is a BABY!Thanks again for all your hard work.Sincerely,Arla Van Zanten
Carl Dennis Hall []
I support this. Abortion should not be allowed. God calls this killing.Life begins at conception.No public funding should be used to support abortion.People who want to adopt have to go overseas. If there is an unwanted baby it should be put up for adoption. People could adopt from our own country.
Rosanna Peterson []
Thank you for your work to protect human life, including the life of the unborn. I value your work on the behalf of mothers who are made to feel like they have no other choice and innocent babies who are victims of the crime of abortion. Please do all you can to protect the innocent!
Devin Wilson []
Abortion is morally wrong on so many levels, whether you are religious or not, the killing of babies is one of the most inhuman things I have ever heard of.
Frederic Tomlinson []
A baby has a right to life , The baby is not the property of the mother like Some may think. The baby is a person and has a destiny. May the Lord forgive us for all of the abortions in this country.
D W []
God hates that you are taking the lives of our unborn PEOPLE. He will be sure to repay you 100fold. With that said, I suggest you stop being satans puppets and get on your knees and ask for forgiveness for what you have done and are doing. Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord. In other wordsyoure going to get what you deserve.
Paula Osborn []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Please continue working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion and to protect me and other Iowans from having to pay for the murder of the unborn. We need you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment. Lives very literally depend on it.
Ilene Gardner []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.I appreciate the fact that you are working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. Therefore, I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby!
Loretta Parker [Retired]
I agree & do not support abortion. Please sign & pass this billHSB41
June Williams []
I want to thank the Republican caucus for recognizing the problem created by the Iowa Supreme Court and that you support their efforts in bringing correction to their error as well as seeing the need to prevent late term abortion, paid for by the public, that ends the life of a baby and deeply harms women. The deception of Planned Parenthood is beyond incomprehensible. I am alive only because my mother did not listen to the lies that her life was in jeopardy if she carried me full term. I am thankful she thought of someone besides her self. As she said, she would have to deliver one way or another and she certainly preferred a live baby rather than pieces of baby. She did not die. I did not die.My son and wife were told their child would have downs syndrome and abortion was certainly an option, even though they were well into the third trimester. (They live in Kansas.) It was a living child she was carrying, and they were committed to fulfill their obligation to this child. No Downs, he is now 13 and perfectly normal.A friend of mines daughter was not as fortunate. She had an abortion 20 years ago and is unable to have children because of it. No counseling prior, just you need to do this. If we are even going to have abortion at any stage, then lets insist on honestly from those performing. Make them communicate the dangers of infertility, feelings of shame, mental depression, ongoing physical issues when one is botched. I should not have to pay taxes to fund the killing of a baby, when I am totally against it. I do not see any of those in favor of this, helping me with my taxes, or for that matter helping me get rid of a problem (person) by murder and then telling the world it is ok and they should help pay for it. #shesababy
Mary Jane Svoboda []
Thank you legislators for making the "Protect Life Amendment" a priority this session.It is imperative that we Iowans protect life from birth to natural death. I urge you to construct and pass in the stongest language possible a "Protect Life Amendment".Thank you,Mary Jane Svoboda
Lois Lawler [- None -]
This resolution to amend Iowas Constitution would neutralize the egregious Iowa Supreme Court decision of two years ago that struck down our just passed 72 hour waiting period prior to an abortion, and instead created a fundamental right to abortion subject to the highest judicial scrutiny that had never before existed in Iowas Constitution. This judicial activism violates the role of the Judiciary in our system of government. The Life Amendment would make the Iowa Constitution once again neutral on abortion and return the authority for making law and amending the Constitution to where it belongs; with the elected representatives of the people and the people themselves.
Colleen Allen []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority! I greatly appreciate you giving us an opportunity to speak when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working to protect mothers and the lives of their babies from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that child in his or her mothers womb is a baby, a person, who has the right to live.
Ted Biderman []
My faith instills in me the right to life to all lives including those in the womb. If it requires a constitutional amendment in Iowa to insure that right to all lives than make that amendment a part of the Iowa Constitution.
Martha Burch []
I do not support abortion. I support protecting the life of the unborn. Thank you.
Danette Morgan []
I believe life starts at conception. We should not have any abortion in this state at all.
Emily Piburn []
I support this amendment. Thank you for giving everyone a chance at life. Someone's life might start in tragedy, but it doesn't have to end that way. Women are strong and can overcome adversity without making a decision they'll regret.
Jody Van Kley []
I fully support the Protect Life Amendment. Every tiny fetus is a real human that has a right to life.
Carol Lems []
First of all a BIG Thankyou for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session!Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution!Thank you for all your hard work to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and then even making Iowans pay for it!I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby. And besides protecting the baby, you will be protecting the mother from the huge possibility of regret and Post Abortion Syndrome. I worked at a Pregnancy Care Center for over 10 years and the regret that many mothers have after an abortion is real and life changing for her and her loved ones. Thank you again for protecting all life!
Margaret Jessen []
Your legislators, thank you So much for making protect life amendment a priority for this next session. I thank you so much for protecting babies and mothers. I Ask ask you to make the best protective amendment possible to protect babies and their parents so that abortions do not happen at fullterm. Thank you
Jean Weiler []
We must have the Constitutional Amendment to assure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!
Donna Dykstra []
Life begins at conception! We know this from history, especially the Bible. As a nation we have turned away from this by murdering babies in the womb for 48 years. Supporting She's a Baby will at least be a turning back to truth. Human life is our greatest asset. Please support HSB 41
Tom Noteboom []
please preserve life.
Lee Ann Walker []
I support the Protect Life Amendment!!!
Janelle Lutgen []
The right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...
Gregory Malone [American Blacksmithing Corporation ]
Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:78 NKJVSacrificing an unwanted baby, for sin, will never pay the price. Only Jesus can cleanse. Peace my friends! Gregory T Malone
Patricia Welsh []
I stand for life. There should be no constitutional right to an abortion. Our constitution should protect the unborn.
Thomas Tokheim []
In favor of amendment.
Thomas Tokheim []
In favor of amendment.
Christine Turack []
Thank you so much for making HSB 41, the Protect Life Amendment, a priority. I appreciate all the concerns expressed in these comments for women in difficult pregnancy situations, but I hope everyone will remember that there are two lives involved in every pregnancy decision the mother's and the baby's. As adult citizens who were given the right to life, we would be wise to extend that same right to every unborn child. Thank you for putting this forward as a step towards making that a reality. As to the legislative impact of this resolution, it is important to let the voice of the people of Iowa be heard, and this is the first step in allowing that. Two years ago, when the Iowa Supreme Court struck down a prolife law based on their interpretation of our constitution, the voice of the people as spoken through the legislators was silenced. Please pass this joint resolution so that we will be one step closer to having the opportunity to vote on what our constitution should say about life. As citizens of the State of Iowa it seems we deserve that opportunity.
Michelle Chadima []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session, and for giving us a voice in the process.Please stand tall with unborn babies and pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment! Thank you,Michelle Chadima
John DePauw []
We support the Protective Life Amendment!Thank You for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank You for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank You for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby and a LIFE!
Ann Bigger []
Please vote to save babies lives and not make us pay for abortions.
Rick Wood [Iowan]
All life is precious, especially the unborn who have no voice on this matter. Thx for all you do to stop this travesty.Rick
Cindy Griepentrog []
Thank you for prioritizing the Protect Life Amendment and giving we the People a voice to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion even up to the date of birth!Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment for our babies!
Julie Crawford []
Please vote against all aspects of abortion. Do not ask or demand funding to pay for abortions. May the amendment pass. This is right and good!
Marcia Allen []
Babies feel pain at 5 weeks. We are discovering there may be a heartbeat as early as 18 days. Ponder that. Killing that life is murder. Encourage abstinence. Encourage birth control. Encourage adoption. Do Not Support Murder. Our job, your job, is to protect the innocent.
Donna Maurer []
Please help to turn around what the activist judges turned around for the prolife people. Thanks.
Jennifer Woodruff []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I ask that you please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby. There are other options after that precious baby is born. Families everywhere are desiring children they cannot have. Let these babies live and have opportunities like you have had. Your life could have never begun, just like those who are aborted. Don't let it happen please.
Laura Carter []
Thank you to our lawmakers for working so hard on this issue! Please do not give up! We need you to pass the most protective prolife laws possible. She IS a baby! We must protect our most vulnerable. Please know that you are being prayed for and that you have the support you need behind you!
Denise Herrick []
Its a baby!! No funding for abortion!
Mary Tedrow []
Stop the murder of innocent life. Stop abortion and close Planned Parenthood.
Melissa Doll [Honeybee Ministries Iow]
It is important to correct the judicial overreach that has occurred in our state. I fully support this effort to correct the wrongs put upon Iowa and Iowa voters and support the right to life for all iIowans.
Sherrie Duval []
Please continue to protect the unborn. Murdering a child is not a right. There are better ways to help mothers with unplanned pregnancies.
John Houser [The CROSSing]
Please, please, protect the lives of all. All includes the lives of the unbirthed.Thank you!
Kenneth Hays []
Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments regarding HSB 41. The very fiber of our society is at stake in the decisions we make about life, and the family. I appreciate the work that the legislature did last year to move the issue of life forward and make the stand that Iowa is a state where all life is sacred and babies before birth are safe. We pray also for protection and support of mothers and fathers of unplanned babies and encourage support for life affirming pregnancy centers.
Ethan Williams []
I believe in the value of all human life. To take it away is to stop a beating heart, and is indeed murder and never acceptable.
Stephen Burd []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Thank you,Stephen Burd
Shannon Demastus []
Please protect all human life!!! #shesababy
Joy Oppman []
In the era of science and modern medicine, the barbaric, painful, and deadly practice of abortion should be rejected by any governing body that seeks to govern justly. The general population is increasingly aware that unborn lives matter and deserve protection. Please approve this amendment so that it can be sent to the people. If Iowans aren't ready for it, they will make their voices heard at the ballot box. And if Iowans ARE ready for it, then legislators shouldn't be the ones preventing it from passing. After all, legislators are supposed to work FOR the people, not against them and their opportunity to even exist. Iowa needs to be a state where the innocent are sheltered and protected instead of sacrificed on the alter of convenience. Please support this step to protect unborn lives.Thank you,Joy Oppman
Gary Allen []
Human life is special. It should never be treated like an unwanted, knotheaded pig.Protect life.
Kate R. []
With a pandemic raging in this state, it is infuriating to see this as a priority for the republican majority. Declaring yourselves (including those who support this amendment) to be "prolife", while also opposing policies that truly support children and families, would be comical if it weren't so absolutely dangerously asinine. Just as it was before Roe this amendment will not stop abortions, a safe and legal medical procedure. It will, in fact, pave the way for unsafe abortions that will cost lives. Women and pregnant people are perfectly capable of making these decisions on their own with their families and doctors, as it should be. Facts. Medicine. Science. Not personal beliefs, or deception... If you were truly "prolife", you'd be correcting the crisis of maternal health in Iowa, expanding funding for sciencebased sex education, and increasing access to birth control not to mention increasing the minimum wage for families (who must earn a living to support their children and who also, I don't know, would like to spend time with them instead of working 60 hours/wk), and increasing funding for public schools. THOSE things support life not restricting healthcare. Try doing those things that will actually help people.You are on the wrong side of research and facts. You are on the wrong side of the majority in Iowa, and across the country.Please vote against HSB 41 and any subsequent attempts to restrict abortioncare.
Bonnie Woods [YAH'S Unlocking Treasures Ministry.]
To, The Legislators.Each and everyone, of you were born precious, little Babies your mother,loved you enough .To give you, Life. What right, do any of You, legisators have to Stop, the Life, of any of these precious, tiny Human Beings? But you, do have the Power! to pass legisation, that will Protect! these Precious little Human, Beings Sadly even when their own, Mother and Father, do not Protect, them. Our rigths, as Human Beings come,from our Creator! whose Image, we are,Created, in. Sincerely, Bonnie Woods YAH'S UNLOCKING TREASURES MINISTRY.
Jordan Sauser []
Thank you to each one of you for your dedication and commitment to serving the people of Iowa and specifically for your work in making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for giving the people a voice and listening carefully to comments and feedback from around the state. As a Pastor I am face to face with the attack on the sanctity of human life on a regular basis, and I so greatly appreciate and encourage any and all efforts to highly value and protect the lives of our unborn children. I urge and encourage you all to do whatever you can to support through legislation the timeless truth that all human life is precious and valuable. God bless and thank you!
Sherry Keefe []
Please add my support to amend the constitution to not allow abortion. Everyone deserves life, especially the unborn.
Jane Carlstedt []
God can only choose
Jeanne Haas [T.R.U.E. LIFE of North Iowa]
We strongly support the adoption of HSB 41
Jill Louzek []
Thank you for considering the Protect Life Ammendment. All Iowans deserve to have their life protected. Please support this Ammendment and stand for all Iowans.
Janet Carbonell []
God created life only He can take it. I am for life not for death!
Ben Harris []
I support this amendment. The State of Iowa should not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.Abortion does not help women in any way, it is harmful. We need to do the things that help, not harm.
Mike Jones []
Reproductive health is crucial to a free society and a human right. Stop this nonsense and focus on criminal justice reform and COVID relief. Also: seek help for continuing to believe you can police women on their own bodies.
Sheryl Albertson []
Please support HSB 41. Thank you!
AJ Potter [Pleasantville Baptist Church]
To whom it may concern:I want to thank you for standing up to protect life in Iowa. Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless. Thank you for seeking to stem the shedding of innocent blood in our state. Please pass the best possible protect life amendment this session. There is no time like the present to use your voice to protect mothers and babies. Pastor AJ Potter
Vicki Grooters [none]
we do not support any kind of abortion or paying for it.
Hunter Kuhlemeier []
I want to begin by saying that I strongly believe that abortion access is an important issue if bodily autonomy, however I know theres a lot of contention on that front. Something I hope many Iowans can agree on, however, is that public safety and health is imperative. Firstly, many pregnant women unfortunately discover that abortion is necessary for the protection of their own life. Additionally, I want to remind everyone that many studies have found that abortion bans and restrictions dont stop abortions, they only stop SAFE abortions, leading to the injuring and even death of many women and girls. Additionally, its important, I think, to point out that the abortion rate is the lowest that it has been since Roe V Wade was first enacted, protecting accesses to abortion for women. While I am a man and this does little to affect my life directly, I care on the behalf of the women in my life and the lives of women statewide who I believe our government should strive to protect.
Paula Coffey []
Please dear law makers,We the people of Iowa love life and duly respect the health of both mother and child. Let Iowa be the one amazing state that can prove to the entire country how we will love and nuture all lives unborn and born. Most Sincerely, Paula Coffey
Pamela Fishel []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give "We the People" a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Preborn children are helpless. Residents of nursing homes are helpless. When it is your turn to enter a nursing home, you will be glad you stood up for life.
Ann Fagerlind []
Thank you for your continued efforts in the fight for the right to life in our great state. Thank you also as you search for ways to help mothers and families who are in need.
Steven Lamb []
A womans right to bodily autonomy and medical privacy must be respected.
james Conlin [private citizen]
I support this ammendment which can safe lives of the unbornWhat is right is right when no one is right WHat is wrong is wrong when eveeryone is wrong. Abortion is wrong
Dianne McDermott []
Thank you to our Iowa legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session, and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Please continue to work hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion. We all need to protect pregnant women from the abortionists. Remember that little child in her mothers womb is someone's son or daughter
Mary Schmidt [1954]
Please be a leader with integrity and dignity. The future depends on life. Thanks
Dennis Miller []
I hope you will pass this amendment to the Iowa Constitution barring a right to an abortion or a requirement for the public funding of abortion. I believe this is imperative given the election of President elect Biden and VicePresident elect Harris, who have stated that their goal is to destroy the Hyde Amendment and force Americans to pay for abortions. The legislature of the State of Iowa need to make it clear that our state stands opposed to such legislation because it fundamentally denies the dignity of the human person.
Martha Troxel []
I am very glad that you are considering HSB41! I support it. Please make the language clear that the amendment applies to all stages of the life of the unborn child. Thank you.
Connie Dianda []
No public funding of murder of infants
Adrianna Tuohino []
I would like to thank you all for making the "Protect Life Amendment" a priority going forward this session. Please pass the bill that protects life as God gave to each of us.Thank you for your hard work and may God bless your efforts.
Connie Dianda []
No public funding of murder of infants
Sally Kilkenny [Private Citizen]
When you enter office you take an oath to our state and its Constitution, NOT the Bible. If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one, don't put someone else in the position to need one, and talk to your daughters and granddaughters about making smart choices or using protection. It amazes me how you don't want women to have the right to control their bodies, but you also don5want them to have affordable healthcare or be a burden on the state. You can't have it both ways.
Norlyn Baker []
I writing to say thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this legislative session. And to encourage you to continue working hard to give We the People a voice when liberal, activist judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.I appreciate your working hard to protect mothers and children from the harmful efforts of Democrats and abortionists to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth. The use of Iowa tax dollars to pay for abortions would add egregious injury to the insult of Iowans pay for the procedure and should never happen.I urge you then to pass the a strict Protect Life Amendment, because the little child in a mothers womb is a living, breathing baby, somebody's son or daughter just like we were.
Kevin Hendress []
Thank You for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this season, thank you for working to protect women and children. Thank You for working hard to give the people of Iowa a voice when judges attempt to rewrite our constitution. Please pass the Protect Life Amendment, that little child in her mothers womb, she's a baby!
Liz Hendress []
Thank You for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this season, thank you for working to protect women and children. Thank You for working hard to give the people of Iowa a voice when judges attempt to rewrite our constitution. Please pass the Protect Life Amendment, that little child in her mothers womb, she's a baby!
Rev. Ted Weishaupt []
HSB 41 needs to be passed as soon as possible!
Alex Stroda []
A women's right to choose should not be infringed upon.
Harry Elder []
Thank you on behalf of any unborn child. We are the last voice in giving them life. Abortion is murder.(2) votes Harry & Nancy Elder
Rev David Koenigsberg [Faith Baptist Church]
Please protect the lives of those who have no voice.
Brian Westhoff []
I support this resolution. Unborn babies have a right to live.
Patricia Rosenberg []
Dear Legislators,Thank you for making Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges seek to overreach and attempt to rewrite our constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment.Respectfully,Patricia Rosenberg
Tiffany Welch []
As a person of faith, I oppose any measure to make abortion illegal, including this measure. I believe that we need to ensure access to safe abortion for Iowa women. I have a family member who died in 1971 from an illegal abortion that her husband made her have. Her congregations bishop (pastor) told her to do whatever her husband told her to do. She died from blood loss due to a perforated uterus from an illegal abortion. If she had had access to a safe abortion, maybe she could have found someone to help her leave an abusive situation. Making abortion illegal does not prevent abortions, just makes them lethal.
Jennifer Mendenhall-Bellon []
This is disgraceful that our state has come to this. Human rights of any sort should be upheld. No one should EVER be able to tell me , my daughters, my sister, my mother. My aunts, or my granddaughters what they can and cannot do with or to their bodies. This is merely white privileged ownership stemming from Christianity. So basically if I am not a Christian I will have to follow Christianity when it comes to my own body. What happened to our religious freedom?! I do NOT agree with this measure at all! Boo
Louise Meakins []
In reference to the bill being considered by the committee let me borrow a phrase from recent events: ALL LIVES MATTER. Life in the womb is life.
robert michels []
Thomas Jefferson said one of our rights is the preservation of life. The child in the womb cannot protect its life in the womb or out of the womb. That responsibility falls on us. When we get to the pearly gates it wont matter which political party we belong to but did we vote to preserve life or vote to terminate it. Abortion is the worst thing to ever occur in our country. We should not condone it or be required to pay for it against our beliefs. My opinion is "If you dont want to have a baby, dont get pregnant. Thank you and may the good Lord guide you.
Steven Terrell []
Abortion is murder of a helpless human being.
Andrew Miller []
Thank you for making the subject of life an important issue this session. I want to urge you all to move forward with protecting the unborn children of our state and pass this resolution, known as HSB 41. Please do this, not only for these unborn children, but for your own souls as well, and for the soul of this state. If we don't value life, what is there left to value?
Janae Vorrath []
I support the protect life amendment and believe we should be helping mothers through their pregnancy and after so they can be supported and feel they have options and the help they need.
Jeff Degner []
Thank you for your past work and future support in saving the lives of babies. I have an adopted brother and sister as well as an adopted daughter. My sister and daughter went through the Iowa foster system. They were 2 of over 50 children fostered by my parents. Believe me when I say from expierience, every life matters! Thank you!
Charles Teutsch []
The right to life, including preborn life, is the most basic human right and the first listed in our nation's Declaration of Independence. All governmental bodies have no greater responsibility than to protect that right. Our courts must be restrained from infringing on that right, and an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa will accomplish that goal once and for all.
Brenda May []
I approve of this measure!!!
shirley Coleman []
Thank you for making it a priority to protect the Life Amendment and protecting mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion
Matt Olesen []
I do not support abortion as a right nor do I support the funding of abortion.
shirley Coleman []
This is sooo against God's lawsabsolutely no reason for thousands of babies to be killedcannot expect God to help our country as long as we continue to slaughter babies
Kevin Lawrence []
Just over a year ago I had the privilege to speak with a handful of providers who practiced in the age of criminalized abortions. The stories they told of receiving women with septic abortions from self induced or back alley providers were gutwrenching. Nightly admissions of women in fulminant sepsis, near death, sometimes unable to be saved.Research shows that limiting access to abortion care does not decrease the number of abortions. Instead, the number of UNSAFE abortions is increased. This increase in unsafe abortions means an increase in the number of avoidable maternal deaths. Iowa's maternal death rate is already too high. Unless the GOP members of the legislature are volunteering to work alongside me in the ERs across Iowa to receive and care for these women I strongly suggest you stop this selfdestructive course of legislative folly.
Hanora Van Ert [University of Iowa ]
It is imperative to the physical and mental health of Iowans that abortion care remain safe and legal. According to the literature, the most effective method of decreasing abortion service demand is access to and education regarding birth control, not by limiting the supply of safe abortion services. The literature is also quite clear about the negative psychological sideeffects of forced pregnancies, and so by reducing a person's access to abortion services, the legislature would be adding undue psychological harm to birthing parents in the state of Iowa. Raising a child is difficult work in the best of times, but in the recent year with the addition of COVID19 and the added stress of unemployment, poor mental and physical health, raising a child may be untenable for many Iowans. If the safety and wellbeing of children is the ultimate goal, surely the ability of parents to adequately care and love their children is a requirement that I think this bill actively antagonizes. Please do not pass this bill to add an amendment to the Iowa constitution, limiting a person's right to chose what's right for their body and family.
Ed Walkwitz []
Dear Iowa legislators, I had a beautiful baby daughter named Janice. But after 6 months, the umbilical cord got wrapped around her neck, and so she was born having already died. But as I held my beautiful daughter in my arms I knew this: she was my daughter, not just a fetus, or a "part of the woman's body." She was a separate, special person, created by God. Some have said that unborn babies are not, "persons." That's just what they said about Jews, and black people, and others: human, but not fully human, subhuman. This horrific argument has been tried in the past. Let's not repeat it. Please support the "protect life amendment." Thank you.Sincerely, Ed Walkwitz
Heidi Baker []
Years ago I was able to get an abortion and it saved my life. Women are not truly free if they don't have control over their bodies. I am completely against this resolution.
Brenda Brown []
I do not want abortion in our constitution. That is death The constitution is a life document. Life is what makes this state and nation. Knock down this legislation.
Jill Purcell []
Iowa needs to move forward, not backward, and work on improving peoples lives. This will only reduce access to safe, legal abortion for those with the least resources. Those with means will always be able to travel to other states to obtain safe abortions. If you are indeed for small government, stay out of womens medical decisions. Is there a corresponding bill which will put limits on mens healthcare?
Marcia Van Voorst []
We need to stop abortion in the state and in or nation. Life is precious. Unborn are simply unborn, they are not just a clump of tissue. Furthermore, we need to stop funding abortions. It would be far better to fund adoptions.
Deanne North [Deanne North]
I want to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. That Amendment is very important to me. I appreciate how hard you work to give me and others who are prolife a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. I cannot express how important it is to me that you continue working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I urge you, and will pray for you, to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby! Thank you!
Paula Parnow []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of baby's birth and making Iowans pay for it. That little child in the mother's womb... she's a baby.
Kate R. []
With a pandemic raging in this state, it is infuriating to see this as a priority for the republican majority. Declaring yourselves (including those who support this amendment) to be "prolife", while also opposing policies that truly support children and families, would be comical if it weren't so absolutely dangerously asinine. Just as it was before Roe this amendment will not stop abortions, a safe and legal medical procedure. It will, in fact, pave the way for unsafe abortions that will cost lives. Women and pregnant people are perfectly capable of making these decisions on their own with their families and doctors, as it should be. Facts. Medicine. Science. Not personal beliefs, or deception... If you were truly "prolife", you'd be correcting the crisis of maternal health in Iowa, expanding funding for sciencebased sex education, and increasing access to birth control not to mention increasing the minimum wage for families (who must earn a living to support their children and who also, I don't know, would like to spend time with them instead of working 60 hours/wk), and increasing funding for public schools. THOSE things support life not restricting healthcare. Try doing those things that will actually help people.You are on the wrong side of research and facts. You are on the wrong side of the majority in Iowa, and across the country.Please vote against HSB 41 and any subsequent attempts to restrict abortioncare.
Gail Andringa []
Babies lives matter! Life begins at conception. Please consider what what the Bible says about this. Psalm 139 states that God knew us since the beginning of time, before were conceived.
Kevin Alons []
The Protect Life amendment is critical legislation that will ensure the legislative branch (directly representing the people) make our laws, not activist judges. From the absolutely unconstitutional Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, unlimited legalized abortion has brought a terrible stain to our country, with even the barbaric procedure of partial birth abortion being considered "legal".It is past time for legislators to again represent and defend the will of the people and right this horrible wrong across the state of Iowa.Destroying an innocent human life is always murder, which must be addressed in our Constitution.Please support the "Protect Life Amendment"!
Stop the over reach you have shown the last 5 years. Everything you have done is driving people to leave Iowa. In particular those you want to keep!!! I have 2 more years and you will lose my tax revenue in all forms if this BS continues. We are out here registering new voters and at some point will outnumber your ilk!!!!
Gerald Donahue []
Science has Proven, through every IVF In Vitro Fertilization, with identical, reproducible results, around the world, for more than 35 years, that Life Begins at Conception ! This IS Scientific Evidence, admissible in any Court of Law, that Proves abortion IS Willful 1st Degree Murder of Human Life, with Full Knowledge and Malice Aforethought.
Abbey Hardy-Fairbanks []
This legislation is an example of the states attempt to control female bodies and is fundamentally wrong. Access to abortion and reproductive healthcare is a fundamental right of the female citizens of Iowa and beyond. Without access and funding women cannot control their reproductive destiny and thus not equally participate in society. Abortion access is essential to public health. Restriction will only lead to more barriers to care that patients will inevitably will not decrease abortions. Please seek to increase access to abortion and reproduce healthcare., rather than restrict this most essential procedure.
Vesta Hansen []
I support an amendment to state of Iowa constitution that says the State of Iowa does not support public funding for abortion!
Rebeccah Christensen []
abortion is a safe form of womens reproductive healthcare! children should be born into a welcoming and nurturing family; however, if the mother is not ready to have a child or feels as if her fetus is not going to have a good life, she should be able to abort it. outlawing abortions will not get rid of abortions, it will only get rid of safe abortions.
Jan Slick []
First of all, THANK YOU for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. And for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortioneven to the very day of birth and actually making Iowans pay for it!PLEASE pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment for that BABY in the womb!
Zachary Kudrna []
As a proud Iowan being raised in a Republican household and standing with Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley, Governor Kim Reynolds, and Congressman Randy Feenstra in my district, I am asking for abortion to be completely illegal in the state of Iowa. Because abortion is wrong and should be considered wrong. My state does not need leaders pushing for the proabortion agenda. Babies are human beings and if murdering a person is wrong, the same should apply for when it comes to unborn babies.
Douglass Campbell [Pharmacist]
If Iowans will not do the most basic fundamental decent thing and protect innocent life, Then I cannot support this state government with my tax dollars or my residence. I will move to a state where life is more precious and give them my talents my fortune and my sacred honor. This is not a frivolous declaration.
Zachary Kudrna []
In conclusion, abortion is sinful and it stops a beating heart. There is no such thing as a safe abortion, its more harmful than anyone can expect. Abortion is none other than the door to Hell for eternity. People should watch the movie UNPLANNED and listen to Abby Johnson whom went from Planned Parenthood clinic director to prolife activist speaking out against abortion. Prolife people are doing things to lead others into Heaven for eternity. Babies are human beings and they are gifts from God.
Delila Bertelsen []
Please vote for the resolution HSB 41.
Marty Wolske []
Please allow the citizens of this magnificent state to vote for protecting the most innocent of our citizens. liberty and the pursuit of happiness dont happen without life.
Alex Post []
Please support HSB 41! The most vulnerable Iowans are unborn and we need to defend them for the sake of their future and our states future. The Iowa Constitution nowhere mentions a right to abortion, nor does it mention tax funded abortion. Thank you for your work on behalf of our citizens, and please think of our unborn brothers and sisters when you consider this amendment.
Bill Vaughn []
I would like to thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Your hard work to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution is greatly appreciated. Your efforts to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth has had a huge impact here and served as a beacon for others to emulate.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.God bless you and your labors.
Bonnie Steffens []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and keep us from making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby......a human being.
Rachel Dahl MS [University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Medical Student]
The only thing that has actually been shown to be associated with reducing the amount of abortions performed in a given area is offering free and wellinformed care and education about birth control options to women, girls, and their sexual partners. The amount of abortions performed is not reduced because of its legality status; it is only the amount of safe and sterile abortions that can be reduced by legal status. Therefore, if the true motive behind this bill is to reduce or stop abortions, then it comes from a very misinformed place, because it wont work. It will just put Iowan women and girls at high risk for great physical and emotional harm from illegal and dangerous operators.This point is in addition to, but absolutely not more important, than the fact that women have the essential human right to choose what they want with their own body and health choices.
Bonnie Steffens []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and keep us from making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby......a human being.
Roberto Infante []
Actions like these only serve to continue to strip the rights of women of low income. Not only is this proposition illegal, but it is inherently immoral. The right to abortion, is exactly that, a right.
Honor DeFord []
I am in full support for this amendment. We must protect life!
Whitney Heister []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session!Thank you for working hard to give "We the People" a voice. When judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution, please do not allow it.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby
Sue & John Lukasik [DCRTL]
Please stand up for the lives of our most vulnerable, the unborn. An abortion kills the baby and damages the mother for the rest of her life. Don't fall for the lies of Planned Parenthood. We have helped young women through their pregnancies for thirty years. They need a hand up not an abortion. Sometimes they choose adoption which is a life affirming choice. You should get involved and help instead of offering abortion. We encourage you to support LIFE.
Sue & John Lukasik [DCRTL]
Please stand up for the lives of our most vulnerable, the unborn. An abortion kills the baby and damages the mother for the rest of her life. Don't fall for the lies of Planned Parenthood. We have helped young women through their pregnancies for thirty years. They need a hand up not an abortion. Sometimes they choose adoption which is a life affirming choice. You should get involved and help instead of offering abortion. We encourage you to support LIFE.
Sue & John Lukasik [DCRTL]
Please stand up for the lives of our most vulnerable, the unborn. An abortion kills the baby and damages the mother for the rest of her life. Don't fall for the lies of Planned Parenthood. We have helped young women through their pregnancies for thirty years. They need a hand up not an abortion. Sometimes they choose adoption which is a life affirming choice. You should get involved and help instead of offering abortion. We encourage you to support LIFE.
Wanda Koedam []
Please vote against abortion. Save the babies, it is an abomination what we are allowing to happen to these young souls. Please, the Christian Iowans are begging you to stop the killing of innocent babies.Thank you for your continued work for Iowans!!!Wanda KoedamRock Rapids, Iowa
Marti Hansel []
I want to thank all Legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I'm asking that you make the correct decision to protect mothers and unborn babies. These are real babies in the womb and we abhor abortion, and abhor the fact we are made to pay for it. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Again, thank you for being a voice for the people.
Teresa Prenger []
Please vote yes on HSB 41. We, the people, should decide...not judges. There is a "right to life"but there should be no right to kill.
Evelyn Garrett []
First of all I have to say I am a nurse. But I am not your mainstream nurse. I honestly believe with all my heart that women who choose abortion should pay for it themselves. Don't make taxpayers pay for your personal choice of not wanting to have a baby. If you choose to get pregnant, then you should have to pay for it, not the taxpayers. Let our money be spent on things that benefit everyone, not just one person. Also, think about all the people who would absotely love to have children and aren't able to. Maybe instead of an abortion, put your baby up for adoption for those parents who are unable to have natural children.
Tina Freund []
I stand to protect the right of an unborn child. I do not agree with any public funding for abortion. I stand against all grants to be funded for such cause. I fight for the life that cant fight for itself. Psalm 139:1316For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Deacon Richard Port [speaking for myself]
Can you answer to your God of why you felt it OK to take a child's life?I can not. Please do not make me be responsible to pay for it.
Richard Lehman []
Thanks for wanting to protect the unborn
Michael Carney []
Please support this important exercise of democracy.
Mike Huisman []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority for this legislative session. It is important for you to prevent the overreach of unelected judges who seek to rewrite our state constitution. We encourage you to continue your efforts to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion and have the taxpayers pay for it. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment.Mike HuismanMason City, IA
Elden Holub [Life is Good]
Born on date = date of conception (a heartbeat equals life)Birthday = date of birth
Karen Juergens []
Thank you for working to making Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for giving us, We the People, a.voice when judges try to rewrite our Constitution and for working hard to protect mothers and unborn babies and Iowans from paying for abortions . Please keep working hard to get this Amendment passed.
Lee Ann Glade []
There Iowa constitutional right to abortion!! Please keep it that compromise.
Peter Leo []
Please don't do this. The unintended consequences for women and children in our state will be catastrophic. It will not decrease the number of abortions, only drive them underground or into other states. It will disproportionately impact the poor, for whom our state already provides so little in the way of supports that make it easier to raise happy and healthy children. You are men and women of principle. Show us that you won't tolerate a world in which even more Iowans feel left behind by their government.
Elizabeth Harris []
Vote YES! An unborn baby is a valuable person. Stop the killing of our children. Each one is precious.
Ryan Rogers []
Do you guys have stock in coat hangers or something? Leave women's bodies alone.
Brian Thompson []
Please choose life. Tax dollars should not be used in legislation that requires those dollars to support killing or ending human life, from conception to natural death.Thank you for your efforts.
David Chatfield []
Vote YES for HSB41. The Declaration of Independence says "We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Abortion denies all these rights to the unborn baby. Modern science proves that a baby is a life no matter how small. Abortion kills a life, no matter how you justify it. It is illegal for me to murder your child, why should it be legal for you to murder your child? Killing children, no matter how old is not right, should not be legal and I should not have to pay for it.
Asterio Carbonell []
Planned or unplanned pregnancy is still a pregnancy. It is still a life being made and a life is a life wanted or unwanted. I am against the idea of a fetus being terminated by someone's choice when there are people who are wanting babies and can't produce them for whatever reasons, give them the opportunity to be parents by letting adoption be an option for the unwanted pregnancy or unwanted life. Do not allow their decision to affect the life that is being produced.
Kara Knupp []
Please fight for the dignity of all life from conception to natural death! Please fight to stop abortion in Iowa!
Stephanie Radke []
Abortion is a necessary healthcare service that should not be subject to legislative scrutiny. These decisions are made with great thought and often in consultation between the pregnant person and her healthcare provider. Numerous challenging situations arise direct pregnancy complications posing a threat to maternal life, pregnancy during cancer treatment, to pregnancy with lethal fetal anomalies where decisions belong between the pregnant person and her healthcare team. These situations are all nuanced and we need to trust the affected individuals to make the correct choices for themselves. With maternal mortality on the rise this is not the time or the place to claim such policies protect women, the do not. Restrictions on abortion do not prevent them from occurring, they simply become less safe. Please do not dedicate resources to legislation which is unconstitutional and bad for women.
Lester Ross [US ATRMY / Iowa National Guard RETIRED]
Jeremiah 1:5 New International Version"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."New Living TranslationI knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.English Standard VersionBefore I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born
Samantha Hellberg []
Womens health decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor, not the government. Safe access to abortions are performed of reproductive health.
Brittany Hruska []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for letting the people have a voice. Thank you for working to protect innocent babies and their mothers. Please pass the Protect Life Amendment. The voiceless need a voice. I have cared for babies as young as 20 weeks and they are completely human and deserve to be treated as such. Ive cared for babies with terminal diagnosis and they deserve to pass peacefully and not by painful death. We dont murder children or adults who are terminal. My mother was conceived in teenage rape and given up for adoption. My mother became pregnant with me as a teenager and had to run away to save me from a forced abortion. We had a great life. From my mother came 3 children and 5 grandchildren. Babies as young as 12 weeks can feel pain. Babies as young as 22 weeks can survive outside the womb. They know their mothers voice and scent, they can see light and taste, they can cry and be comforted. They are human. Thank you for seeing the science of their humanity and protecting it.
Lori Jaeger []
Passing a law to make abortion illegal will not stop abortions; it will only stop safe abortions. Instead how about focusing on things to prevent unwanted pregnancies, such as better sex education, improved access to birth control, stiffer penalties for rapes/sexual assault? And if you do chose to pass this legislation, I hope that you truly are prolife and will pass legislation that does more than just ensures the child is born, but also ensures it is taken care of throughout childhood, with things like healthcare, quality education, a safe environment to grow up in, and enough food so that they are not hungry. If you don't commit to programs to help provide a quality life for those children who may not be born in a home equipped to provide it, are you really prolife or just probirth?
Donald Snyder []
Thank you for making the protection of newborns a priority in this session. It is public and critical issue for many, many Iowa citizens. Thanks also for your commitment to public service and the sacrifices that service requires.
Alayna French []
I am in favor of pro life, please dont make abortion legal in Iowa! That is a living breathing human being, and abortion is MURDER.
Drake Bernhard []
Hello,Thank you for hearing on this dear issue to me. While planned parenthood is strongly against allowing patients to view ultrasound images of their baby, I would beg that the committee view images of a human child throughout development. The act of abortion is an active killing, ceasing life where there was previously life, it matters not if that life was self sufficient, had a birth certificate, or was inconvenient to another life. This is fundamentally different than when a unborn child dies on its own lack of power where no crime has been committed. I hope that all can understand that point.Additionally, I propose the following. That instead of funding abortion, consider these funds go to programs that help build families and teach selflessness. The family is the building block of society, the unit which can be the most effective support to its members and eases strain on so many other programs which seek to offer assistance to those in need.Drake Bernhard
Drake Bernhard []
Hello,Thank you for hearing on this dear issue to me. While planned parenthood is strongly against allowing patients to view ultrasound images of their baby, I would beg that the committee view images of a human child throughout development. The act of abortion is an active killing, ceasing life where there was previously life, it matters not if that life was self sufficient, had a birth certificate, or was inconvenient to another life. This is fundamentally different than when a unborn child dies on its own lack of power where no crime has been committed. I hope that all can understand that point.Additionally, I propose the following. That instead of funding abortion, consider these funds go to programs that help build families and teach selflessness. The family is the building block of society, the unit which can be the most effective support to its members and eases strain on so many other programs which seek to offer assistance to those in need.Drake Bernhard
Marla Vos []
Thank you for making the Protect Life amendment a TOP priority this session!I know from science, my personal experience, and the Bible that we must protect unborn babies! They are innocent, helpless, and precious. Thank you again for your work on this very important issue!
Sally Proctor []
I thank you first of all for your service to our state! Because the unborn are the future of our state,I'm asking you to create the best Protect Life Amendment you can. Every life is a gift from God and should be protected as such. Numerous organizations and programs exist now to assist women in unplanned pregnancies so abortion is not the only option. Please help save those babies!
Deborah Bowen []
The Republican Party's core value is personal freedom. Certainly you hear about Republicans claiming wearing masks infringes on their personal liberty and, even in Congress, Republicans are refusing to go through the metal detectors for the same infringement on personal liberty claim. YOU PEOPLE ARE HYPOCRITES. Either you believe in personal freedom for everyone or you don't! I may not be happy with abortion and maybe would never choose it for myself, but THAT does not make me prolife. I am absolutely prochoice because I in fact believe in freedom to make my own decisions regarding my body. And then once these babies are born . . . . do you actually take any responsibility to help pay for any of the expenses so these women can actually raise these babies?? NO, you don't. Shame on every one of you that wants to change our Iowa Constitution!! If YOU don't want an abortion, don't have one! But where do you get off telling a woman whose life and circumstances you know nothing about (and really could care less about!) that she HAS to do something to her body and her life to suit YOU??? Instead, let's make an automatic requirement that the "dads" have an automatic weekly judgment for child support filed against them and IF they fail to pay, then they will receive a mandatory medical "fix" so that penis will no longer impregnate a woman. And let's start by checking every Republican Congressperson for their records in supporting their children . . . I VOTE NO to your attempt to change our Iowa Constitution in such a way. Iowa was a leader in allowing women into law school; into freedom for slaves; and in a number of other issues the other states stewed over for years. And now you want to send Iowa back to the dark ages of exerting control over Iowa women in their personal lives??? Unbelievable. I'm ashamed of you Republicans for doing this to the women in your state.
Leah Hennessy []
Please recognize that abortion is killing a fetus at any stage of development. Theres no need for an abortion, please put the time and money into helping these women and children instead of damaging them.
Roger Jackson []
I support this amendment. Thank you for making this amendment a priority this year. Unless this is in the constitution, it is open for judges to make the laws. Please work to pass this amendment to protect unborn babies.
Mary "Jackie" Carey []
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. The majority of Iowans and Americans overall believe that life begins at conception and every life deserves a chance to be born alive.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby. She deserves a fighting chance at life! Thank you and God bless you!
Mary Kukla []
Abortions arent always about unwanted pregnancies. There are many medical issues that can threaten the life of the mother, the baby and/or both. There are birth defects that can cause the baby so much pain and almost certainly provide no quality of life at all. These issues are complex and there is no legislation or blanket solution that will fit the needs of each individual situation. Women have the right to healthcare like every human. The choice is best made between a woman and a trained healthcare professional. A law to ban abortion can and will harm and even cause loss of life for women in Iowa. Please look at this with eyes that can see beyond unwanted pregnancies. Whatever the reason, women need, deserve and are entitled to safe care from trained healthcare professionals. Dont force them to have to choose between their life and unsafe care.
Margery DeVilder []
To see the Iowa Legislature put a priority on legislation protecting the lives of unborn babies is encouraging after so many decades. Protecting life is an IOWA value; it's something we do. Please pass a strong Protect Life Amendment that acknowledges the truth which ultrasounds of pregnant wombs showthose are baby boys and girls in there.
Shannon Bernhard []
Thank you for consideration on this issue. Please allow HSB 41 to make it abundantly clear to judges exactly what right ALL humans have. Abortion is the ending of a human life and this action should not be allowed, let alone publicly funded.
James Sweers []
Thanks for your efforts to protect the unborn. Please pass the strongest protection possible. We desperately need an amendment to the Iowa Constitution to guarantee abortion will never be seen as a right. It is only an abomination!James Sweers
Theresa Huinker []
I want to thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I thank all of you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank all of you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I urge our legislators to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, she/He is a baby.As a concerned citizen of the State of Iowa, This is of utmost importance. Sincerely,Theresa Huinker9960 Katie CoveDubuque, Iowa
Theresa Huinker []
I want to thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I thank all of you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank all of you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I urge our legislators to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, she/He is a baby.As a concerned citizen of the State of Iowa, This is of utmost importance. Sincerely,Theresa Huinker9960 Katie CoveDubuque, Iowa
Joseph Christiansen []
Hello, I am appreciative of you considering your constituents the opportunity to have a voice about abortion. I truly believe every unborn child has the natural right to life. I cannot say this without including my faith. I am a Catholic. God has told us every human is precious, unique, and made in His image. Please take into consideration the unborn children; they are as special and precious as you and I.Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Joe Christiasen
Tricia Tramp []
Thou shall not kill!
Kim Herr []
I totally agree with this! My mom was a 16yearold runaway when I was born during the year of Roe versus Wade. Had abortion been more available at the time, I more than likely would not be writing this to you now. My mom grew up with a very abusive, alcoholic father and ended up marrying my father who was also an abusive alcoholic. Yes, my growing up years were very hard and I wouldn't wish it on anybody, but at the same time, I'm ALIVE! Through God's grace, I was able to marry a wonderful husband and have 3 awesome children. Our oldest loves being part of ministry in his church as he has such a heart for others, including college students and the homeless. Our middle son is working at a pharmacy while going to school with the intent of becoming a doctor. While our youngest is getting ready to go to college to get degrees as a music therapist and become a counselor to help teens going through depression. These amazing hearts of my kids wouldn't be here today had I not had the RIGHT to LIVE! Yes, my growing up years were hard and the baggage of those years still pops up in various ways. But praise God, I have breath and can love others to help them through any hardships that they may be going through. Ending a life is not a solution to a 'mistake' or even the evil of being raped. Two wrongs don't make a right. I know ladies who did go the route of ending the life of their babies and to this day they are really struggling with depression. They are having trouble forgiving themselves. They were young and at the time thought that it was the best option. Now they carry around the ball and chain of guilt and regret. May we not have guilt and regret for not speaking up for the defenseless babies who don't have a voice or a choice. May they they have the RIGHT to LIVE. May we be their voice!
Kim Herr []
I totally agree with this! My mom was a 16yearold runaway when I was born during the year of Roe versus Wade. Had abortion been more available at the time, I more than likely would not be writing this to you now. My mom grew up with a very abusive, alcoholic father and ended up marrying my father who was also an abusive alcoholic. Yes, my growing up years were very hard and I wouldn't wish it on anybody, but at the same time, I'm ALIVE! Through God's grace, I was able to marry a wonderful husband and have 3 awesome children. Our oldest loves being part of ministry in his church as he has such a heart for others, including college students and the homeless. Our middle son is working at a pharmacy while going to school with the intent of becoming a doctor. While our youngest is getting ready to go to college to get degrees as a music therapist and become a counselor to help teens going through depression. These amazing hearts of my kids wouldn't be here today had I not had the RIGHT to LIVE! Yes, my growing up years were hard and the baggage of those years still pops up in various ways. But praise God, I have breath and can love others to help them through any hardships that they may be going through. Ending a life is not a solution to a 'mistake' or even the evil of being raped. Two wrongs don't make a right. I know ladies who did go the route of ending the life of their babies and to this day they are really struggling with depression. They are having trouble forgiving themselves. They were young and at the time thought that it was the best option. Now they carry around the ball and chain of guilt and regret. May we not have guilt and regret for not speaking up for the defenseless babies who don't have a voice or a choice. May they they have the RIGHT to LIVE. May we be their voice!
Kim Herr []
I totally agree with this! My mom was a 16yearold runaway when I was born during the year of Roe versus Wade. Had abortion been more available at the time, I more than likely would not be writing this to you now. My mom grew up with a very abusive, alcoholic father and ended up marrying my father who was also an abusive alcoholic. Yes, my growing up years were very hard and I wouldn't wish it on anybody, but at the same time, I'm ALIVE! Through God's grace, I was able to marry a wonderful husband and have 3 awesome children. Our oldest loves being part of ministry in his church as he has such a heart for others, including college students and the homeless. Our middle son is working at a pharmacy while going to school with the intent of becoming a doctor. While our youngest is getting ready to go to college to get degrees as a music therapist and become a counselor to help teens going through depression. These amazing hearts of my kids wouldn't be here today had I not had the RIGHT to LIVE! Yes, my growing up years were hard and the baggage of those years still pops up in various ways. But praise God, I have breath and can love others to help them through any hardships that they may be going through. Ending a life is not a solution to a 'mistake' or even the evil of being raped. Two wrongs don't make a right. I know ladies who did go the route of ending the life of their babies and to this day they are really struggling with depression. They are having trouble forgiving themselves. They were young and at the time thought that it was the best option. Now they carry around the ball and chain of guilt and regret. May we not have guilt and regret for not speaking up for the defenseless babies who don't have a voice or a choice. May they they have the RIGHT to LIVE. May we be their voice!
Jessica Lawson [lawson family dentistry]
Thank you for all of your efforts in passing the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby. I know firsthand how devastating losing a child can be, having lost children twice at 1112 weeks of pregnancy. These women need us more than ever, and so do those children. God bless!
Lindsay Maher []
In my opinion, this is an information and a control issue. The now infamous heartbeat bill was passed in 2018 and overturned the following year due to one judges opinion of it being unconstitutional. In 2018 voters could have voted out the elected officials who enacted that legislation, and in some cases some seats did change. However, the majorities went unchanged, so one would think through voting the people have spoken. Furthermore in 2020 Iowans spoke up even greater in increasing the majority in the House while maintaining the Senate. But since one judge knows better than we the people, we now need to clarify the constitution since the definition of WHO has a right to life, liberty, and due process was somehow not clear.My question now is: Why do some legislators not TRUST the people of Iowa enough to vote for themselves? At what point do citizen legislators know more than the rest of the general public and should make ALL decisions for us? Some Legislators distrust the public with information because they dont believe they will make the decision THEY WANT. Unfortunately a lot of legislation this past year has prevented the public from having more information or TRUE informed consent, with the argument it could be dangerous to others, is unfavorable with the unelected boards and agencies, or it will erect barriers between providers and patients.Iowans on average are highly educated, we have the highest high school graduation rate In the nation. And so far, we are still the first in the nation caucus due to our ability to have open conversations and not be completely bought off by special interests and mass media. We see how you vote on bills in committees, we know when you are placating us by just running bills that you put no effort into, and we know when you are NOT listening to your constituents on matters that effect our daily lives.If you, our legislators would inform the people with all of the pertinent information on this issue and allow both sides to present them that information, Perhaps even taking time at your legislative forums or newsletters to discuss both sides, this would yield a public that is ready to make a truly informed decision on what is best for OUR state constitution. We would have a society of educated and informed citizens engaged in legislature, which to those in Washington DC may seem extremely dangerous, but thankfully this is Iowa where we hopefully welcome engagement and well informed citizens. Please MOVE THIS BILL FORWARD and allow Us the people to VOTE specifically on this matter. After all both the Iowa constitution and the US constitution begin with WE the People.
Brett Vander Veen []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Curt Vos []
Thanks for your service and work to protect the unborn. Please continue your support of legislation protecting the unborn. God bless you.
Steve Shaffer []
Please protect the most helpless members of our society
Glen Arkema []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
ann michels []
Thank you legislators for your dedication to supporting life for women and babies. We need judges that will support this as well.
Reece Tedford []
Please protect unborn life and limit or abolish any opportunities for abortions to happen in this state. The unborn have no voice to protect themselves and we must speak out to protect them. Give them a chance to live.
Stacia Bradley []
Unborn babies are lives.
Targie Mandt []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I Urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Lindsay Golliet []
Please support right to life.
Natalie Fraehlich []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I appreciate you working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion in Iowa.As a young woman, I feel it is especially important to remember the dignity of a woman's body, the role of the womb as a specific means to bring forth new life, and the humanity of children from the moment of their conception. The right to life is a foundational principle, not only for our country, but for the State of Iowa. If Iowans truly prize our liberties and seek to maintain our rights we must recognize that liberation for women does not mean the death of our own children.
Ben Six []
I support the protect life amendment! Thank you
Jackie Fitch []
Thank you for working hard to protect the unborn! I appreciate all your efforts. Life begins at conception and deserves all human rights! I've lost 3 grandchildren due to miscarriage and 1 child myself! I value every heartbeat!!God Bless you!
Glenys Schloemer []
I would like to thank for your prioritizing in this session the Protect Life Amendment.I would urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment because that tiny baby in the mother's womb is a real baby.Thank you.
Susan Smith []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thanks for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion. Please help protect the 'unborn' children in Iowa.
K Lehr [Embrace Grace ]
I currently run a ministry that helps young, single, pregnant women. We are securing resources for these young women, mentoring them, building a community for them and trying to help them be better equipped spiritually for motherhood. Young women who once thought they wanted an abortion, were stopped because of gestational age. Now these women are immensely grateful that they chose life, and were not capable of proceeding with what they feel would have been the biggest mistake of their lives. The data is present to show the detrimental effects of abortion on a womans mental health. In times of unprecedented mental health deterioration, steep inclines in suicide and overdose rates, along with substance abuse across the board, protecting women from making this mistake will go a long way for public mental health. Choosing life is more than choosing life for an infant, its choosing a life free of the guilt and mental hardship that comes from taking a life. She is choosing life for herself, as well.
Leah Van Der Brink []
Please be in support of the Protect Life Amendment!! These precious babies are formed in the image of God.
Leah Van Der Brink []
I am reading comments about women being forced to deliver if abortions are not available, thus forcing them into poverty. PLEASE people, there are so many couples praying to adopt a child or children. My daughter and her husband have been waiting about 2 years to adopt a child, however always hear that there are no babies available for adoption. Please choose life . . . Adoption is a beautiful option
Jane Nieland []
Dear legislators: thank you for making the protect life amendment a priority for the Iowa legislature this year. Im praying for you as this session begins that you will work hard to pass the best possible protect life amendment that will protect babies in the womb. We were all given a chance at life by our mothers and all the joys life can bring so we owe that opportunity to any created life. Thank you.
Mary Burke []
I have seen first hand what happens to women and girls who don't have a legal and safe choice in their own health care. I understand the religious desire to restrict safe family planning and more over dilation and extraction. But I understand there are laws against religion and law mixing, BECAUSE of YOUR religious freedoms. Our founders understood that religion should play no part in legislation. Taking that choice away leaves YOU vulnerable to law being applied to religion. If you really want to reduce abortions, violating the constitution won't do it, we know this, over and over it's been proven. Try increase family planning funding, increase social service options, offer stipends to those who will carry a fetus to fruition and offer someone else the chance at parenthood. Look to see what our international partners who are successful are doing. You know what works. YOU KNOW. And I don't believe your faith without works will get you what you need.
Nancy Lincoln []
Thank you so much for your hard work to protect women and unborn children in Iowa.I am a mother of two and grandmother of 2 also. Life is a gift from God. Pls work hard to pass a prolife law to protect life.I lost a baby to the deception of abortion. I was lied to and I regret it every day. Pls help all women by passing laws to persevere life.Thank you.Abortion hurts. Kills. Destroys. I know. Please. Nancy Lincoln
Kyle Stark []
Every life is truly precious, valuable and beautiful. No society in history that devalues life at any stage has thrived or prospered. We must be a State that values life in all forms and stages.
Crystal Galloway []
To the Iowa House of Representatives subcommittee dealing with the Protect Life Amendment,Please protect our most valuable and vulnerable asset, our children.I want to thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.God bless youSincerely,Crystal Galloway
Jessica Netolicky []
I do not support HSB41, an effort to further limitwomen'srights in Iowa. It is imperative that Iowa lawmakers recognize the law as it is currently stated and recognize the rights of women. The United States Constitution provides a fundamental right to privacy that protects a woman's right to choose whether to have an abortion. In Roe v. Wade, the Court found that it is not up to the states to decide when life begins. There was also an acknowledgementthat being forced to continue a pregnancy puts a significant burden or risk for women, such as physical health, mental health, financial burdens, and social stigma. As for the argument that life begins at conception, the Constitution does not provide a definition of a "person." However, it does say that its protections cover those who are "born or naturalized" in the United States. After examining other cases relating to unborn children, the Court concluded that "the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." States have the power to regulate abortion. So stop trying to further limit our rights aswomen. Finally, heed thewarnings and concerns that our medical professionals have in this state if this right is taken away, the negative and dire impact it will most certainly have on individuals who would be forced to make unsafe or dangerous decisions as a direct result. Our access to healthcare, right to privacy, and ability to have control over our bodies shall remain the rights of ALL women.
Crystal Reamer []
Thank you for HSB 41 and your hard work at destroying abortion and the requirement for the public to fund it. Thank you for the compassion and understanding that a babe in the womb is a human being. Abortion is murder and with the help of this legislative resolution it will be recognized as exactly that.
Elizabeth Sanders []
In a world of determining whose life matters, how can we as a society claim that ANY lives matter until we realize that ALL lives matter? How can we value and keep the sacredness of life, if we keep voting to end it? It is not a decision to make lightly or one to be made out of pressure or coercion, it needs to be taken with the deepest sincerity in asking why are we doing this? Is it for the health of women? Is it out of convenience? any decision based off instant gratification is not one that will hold that same "convenience " long term.
Crystal Reamer []
There is absolutely no reason nowadays for a woman to be pregnant if she doesn't want to be. Birth control is readily available. Abortion should not be used as birth control.
Darleen Degner []
Thank you in advance for passing the Protect Life Amendment. I appreciate the effort made to hear the voices of Iowans. Please help to protect the lives of unborn babies and their mothers. Thank you.
Martha Steele []
Save lives. Save lives. Save lives
Denise Dunnahoo Bulcke []
How about we worry about the pandemic more, and women's right to choose less. It's disgusting how prehistoric our forward thinkers can be. It should always be the womans choice not the governments. Taking away that right won't change the number of abortions, only the safety.
Sue Ravn []
I support the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the state of Iowa that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of an abortion....HSB 41
Access to birth control is essential to a woman's health, but we all know that no birth control is 100% effective. A woman is the only one who should be making medical decisions for her body. Constitutional restrictions on one gender's ability to make medical decisions is unconscionable, cruel, and barbaric.
Leisa Curtis []
Please pass this amendment
Randall Graham []
Vote Yes. All lives matter !
Carl Ohnemus [no name given]
I do not support abortion in any form and I do not support any funding of abortion from tax payers.
Joyce Draayer []
Thank you for defending life. All life is precious from conception unti natural death. Please continue to enact laws to protect the babies in the womb!
Rick Lorber []
HSB 41 is needed to save the lives of the unborn, who do not have a choice or a voice to save themselves. No matter how you look at it, abortion is the taking of an innocent life. Plain and simple. As legislators, you have an obligation to protect the lives of all Iowans, whether they are able to vote or not. Please protect human life, especially while it is still in the womb. God Bless.
Debbie Tanksley []
Thank you for making the Protect Life ammendment a priority this session. Thank you for allowing We the people to be heard when judges try to take that away. I am asking you to make the best Protect Life ammendment pass. The little one in her mother's womb IS a real human baby that breathes just like you and I. Please vote and fight for life for these little ones and not make us pay for allowing them to be murdered. Thanks for caring.
Dianne Reiter []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.
Dianne Reiter []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.
Tara Aunspach []
I would like to start by saying Thank you for all the work you do. And thank you in advance for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and making Iowans pay for it.I Urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby. And again thank you for ALL your hard work that you do every day for we the people of Iowa.
Mary Jobst []
Thank you for for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thanks for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I strongly urge you to pass the Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb,shes a baby. Human life begins at conception and no human has a right to intentionally kill another innocent human being!
Teresa Reed [Faith Family Church member]
1/15th/2021I am in support of pro life!!! Please protect the unborn.Sincerely,Teresa Meg Reed
Sue Fink []
Please pass a protect life amendment so that babies have a chance at life. Each baby is a life from the time of conception and deserves to live. Please do the best you can to pass this bill and save lives.
Jerica Johnson []
There is a world wide pandemic going on and the people of Iowa are suffering. Focus your time and efforts on the people here in your state that need you. Stop trying to punish women for making personal, private decisions. It is a woman's right to have autonomy over her own body. If this was about helping people, you could focus on reopening family planning clinics and make sure women have the resources to prevent pregnancy in the first place. This is an absurd waste of time and money and it is an abhorrent infringement on the rights of women in Iowa.
Marcy Bertran []
I urge all of you to lay your personal preferences and emotions aside. The fact is that not one of us has the power to a create life. That power is God Almighty alone. No matter the how the child is conceived it is God who created the baby the moment the sperm and egg meet. Make no mistake every life matters to God and is designed by Him and every life should matter to us. Sadly, because of self centered pride and our desire to be in control, some think they have the right to determine if a baby lives or dies. These babies need you to advocate for them while they are in the womb, just as you advocate for people's well being once they are born by making good policy to protect human life from birth to natural death. Do not be deceived, we are facing severe judgment for this despicable act of the murder of babies and you have the power to stop it with the Life amendment. Stand for life and you will be blessed!
Tara Braithwaite []
First of all, I want to thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a top priority this session! Thank you for working diligently to give the People a voice by preventing judges from overreaching and attempting to rewrite our Constitution! Thank you also for working hard to PROTECT mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion and from making Iowans pay for them! I URGE you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment! PLEASE do so to protect the baby in their mothers womb.
Rosemary Wilson []
We should not guarantee the right to take another's life as happens with each abortion. Tax dollars should not be used for abortion. It is giving blood money.
Alyce Dolphin []
Thanks for this committee to protect human life. I never had much of an opinion regarding the status of the unborn until I had my first and only child, who was born 3 months prematurely. Because of the rhetoric I had heard as a young girl from the news I expected it to be just a blob of tissue or some kind of animal lookiing thing, and that the emergency room staff would just say they were sorry. My impreeeion at the time just verifies the kind of misinformation we and our youth are subjected to by the media and its reporting of public discourse. I was very surprised to see that my daughter was a beautiful human baby. She is now a grown, healthy adult and our only child. Please do all you can to make Iowa a state that protects, preserves and respects the humanity of the unborn. Your work here does make a difference,
Jordyn Landau []
Please protect life!! It is not fair for those babies to be subject to cruel death for not so good excuses. Allowing abortion also paves way for abusers to cover up their mistakes. We must protect life at all costs, especially those defenseless
Ruth Asper []
Thank you for supporting the Protect Life Amendment. Human life begins in the womb and we can and should guard and preserve it. Your action to do that represents my voice. Thank you.
Mary Mormann []
I would like to thank all of our legislatures for past and future prolife legislation! It is so important as lawmakers to uphold the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death. It is horrific to think that there are some who feel that it is OK to abort a baby anytime during the pregnancy, and especially as the baby grows and can feel pain! Its very disturbing that there are lawmakers that feel that us taxpayers should have to pay for these murders. Please vote with your conscience and continue to uphold our constitutional rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all human beings whether they are in utero or born. Thank you for continued pro life legislation.
Richard Nelson []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority. This is a very important issue to me as I strongly believe that a pregnant woman is carrying a human child in her womb. This is not a religious issue, but a scientific issue, and how we treat the most vulnerable in our society plays a strong role in how we treat all our fellow citizens. While this is a contentious issue, please consider ways we can support these mothers and children when they are given life.Thank you in advance,Richard Nelson
Charles Casey []
Thank you for bringing this to light!This is very important and we need you to support this!Having just had the birth of our 18th grandchild on Dec. 24, we really experience new life!
Jeanette Kremer []
We need to protect pregnant women form the Abortionists and thatlittle child in her mother's womb...a baby. The Protect Life Amendment will do both.Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.
Cletus Janni []
Thank our you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give us a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I Urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, is wonderful human life, a baby.
Patricia Thies []
This note is to thank you for your continued support and for prioritizing the "Protect Life Amendment". All issues revolve around respecting life at all stages!Thank you for your continued support for protecting mothers and babies from the horrid results of abortion at any stage in the life of the child. Your strong support gives hope and confidence to all worried about the destruction of life. All unborn children have a purpose and therefore should have a chance at life. Please continue to support the unborn. They have every right to be born, cared for and loved!!!Thank you,Patricia Thies
Bob and Judi Eilertson [Concerned Citizens]
Please support this amendment so that more of our youngest citizens might get an opportunity to experience the wonderful things that life has to offer. A wise person once said, A country that kills its young will not survive. I believe that is true, and that we are seeing the effects of the Culture of Death on many aspects of our society today. Please help our unborn citizens to reach their potential. Thank you.
Karen Skinner [N/a]
Thank you all in the Iowa legislature for you your part in protecting mothers and unborn babies those who have no voice. We have already killed off more than a generation of children and those who want this the most are the ones who do not or do not want to see that without the generations paying taxes it is only going to put more burden on the working class that pay their salaries. But money aside this is an abomination to the God that we claim our nation stands with and for. Murder is murder regardless of how old the person is and life is precious. I pray that you all continue to support the right to life. Thank you.
Roslyn Harris []
Vote YES. Any age of baby is fully human. This isn't about woman's health its about a babys life.
Odessa Pham [True LIFE of North Iowa]
I strongly support this bill. I believe that life is a civil right. The baby is a innocent human. Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.
Jean Smith [--None--]
The Amendment to the Iowa Constitution protects the rights of the people of Iowa to make laws concerning abortion. It is not the responsibility nor the right of the courts of Iowa to make law. Please do the right thing by adhering to the separation of powers. Add the Life Amendment to the Constitution of Iowa!Sincerely,Jean M Smith
Jolene Thompson []
As a former Iowan, I wish to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I thank you for working hard to give us a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you, also, for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, needs all of our voices to speak out for her.
Fred Nesbit []
I favor passing the amendment to our state constitution
Kim Koetz []
Both sides of the abortion debates agree now that human life is a continual process that begins at conception. Why do we still allow some to trample the rights others have to the most vulnerable stage of their development, the in utero embryo? Please support HSB 41 to recognize that abortion is not a right, since no one has the right to deny another the right to live. It violates the conscience of many citizens to have taxes fund abortion, since they recognize that scientists have proven that human life begins at conception. No one person's rights should be allowed to trample or violate the rights of another. Women have other means at their disposal to prevent becoming pregnant should they not want to have a child. Please do not fall victim to the lies that abortion is a necessary evil to validate a woman's choices or rights. As a woman, I find it demeaning to rely on killing others to justify abortion and a false right to choose death for another person.
Sandy Wilson []
Dear Representatives, Holt, Osmundson, and WesselKoreschell,I want to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you also for working hard to give Iowans a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite the Iowa Constitution. I am grateful for your work to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion. I urge you to pass the Protect Life Amendment and give Iowans a voice in the importance of LIFE!#SHesABaby!Sincerely,Sandy WilsonAnkeny
Paula Templemeyer []
Thank you for making Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I really appreciate all your hard work to give We The People a voice when judges abuse their power and try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from the efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth and then trying to make Iowans pay for it!. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment because that little child in her mother's womb deserves a chance to live. She or he's a baby!!! Thank you again for all your hard work.
Rachel Fischer []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Please continue to work hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution, and to protect the most vulnerable women and children. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment to SHOW VALUE for every life, TO PROTECT the most vulnerable from choices that might seem to be a solution. Abortion is not the answer. ALL LIFE is of value to be protected. Please prevent abortion form being expanded and even making all to pay for something that is against every fiber so many of us hold of great value!
Erica Carlson []
Access to a safe and timely abortion must be a priority within the state of Iowa. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the group that sets guidelines for practicing OB/GYN physicians, affirms that patients should have the right. Access to safe abortion helps prevent unintended injury, sickness, or death for those who may resort to other means of attaining an abortion. The state should protect those who require abortion services and ensure that they have access to safe healthcare. Legal abortion saves lives.
Nancy Richter []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I urge you to pass the best Protect Life Amendment you can, and to remember that you will be protecting a little girl or boy in the womb.
Heather Stsncil []
While I understand that this is a response to the Iowa Supreme Court making up constitutional rights out of thin air, it is truly not a Protect Life Amendment. If you really wanted to protect the unborn, you would outlaw their murder completely. This bill merely removes the right of the ISC to adjudicate it. Every Republican ran on a prolife platform & holds the majority as well as the Governors office. Why are you punting on this?
Laura Featherston []
Please add the Protect Life Amendment to the Iowa Constitution!
kathie swift []
Please help pass an amendment to the Iowa Constitution stating that this document does not recognize, grant or secure a right to abortion or require public funding of abortion. This is a critical issue in our state. Thanks so much. kathie swift
Rosemary Nikkel []
Please vote to support and protect innocent human life. Please be a voice for those who have no voice.We are endowed by our Creator with the right to life.No one else gives us that right nor do they have the right to take innocent life.Please do not allow Planned Parenthood to continue this genocide against babies.Thank you for serving our country. Please stand for what is right. Thank you .
Fr.Paul Otting []
I am 85 years old and have not found anyone, whatever their authority, title, powerposition, nationality, intelligence, sex, group, to explain to me how I, they or anyone else CANDO OR NOT DO anything WITHOUT LIFE. Even our death is dependent on first having life, whether it be at the moment of conception or any time thereafter. Even the pro abortion people are able to promote abortion because they have life and are subject to the death of their lives as well as the pro life people. From the moment of life at conception it becomes a matter of time and how each and all die. There are those who say that they are personally prolife but don't want to influence those who are not. This seems to be the only area that they hold such a view. Thank you very much to each and all you true prolife advocates With prayer, Fr. Paul Otting
Margaret Schultz []
I believe all life is sacred and do not want abortion done for any reason
Margaret Schultz []
I believe all life is sacred and do not want abortion done for any reason
Mary Stevens [Don]
Please, please!No one has a right to kill!Please pass the best possible protect life ammendment.Thank you
Kristin Tyree []
Dear Committee Members, My heart goes out to moms and dads who find themselves expecting a child they are not welcoming. Nevertheless, the child in the womb has life and our constitution says that every person has the right to life. There are ways to help moms and dads through this crisis period and those should be pursued so that this new life is protected not destroyed. We do not give life, it is not our place to take it away or give anyone the funding to do so. The state of Iowa should amend its constitution stating there is no right to abortion.Thank you .
Vanessa Milliman []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for all your hard work in giving We the People a voice. Thank you for working hard even when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for protecting mothers and their children from the threat of expanded abortion and for valuing my rights to oppose abortion by denying the funding of abortion through my taxpayer dollars. The Right to Life is at the forefront of our freedoms as Americans. From the moment of conception, we are made in the image and likeness of God. I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment and give a voice to the preborn babies whose lives are being threatened.
Bob Van Dyke []
Thank you for your work on the Protect Life Amendment. Please help us convince the misguided judges on Iowa's Supreme Court that they are not legislators, and are not allowed to "interpret" the Constitution to match their opinions.
Kerri Takes []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. A little child in his or her mother's womb is a BABY, a human that deserves the utmost protection since he or she can't defend themselves. Everyone, including you, our elected government representatives, need to protect pregnant women from abortionists and the Protect Life Amendment will do both. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.
Beverly Reiter []
First, thank you for making the Protest Life Amendment an important issue this session! Science confirms the humanity of the Unborn, who need protection from abortion.I appreciate that through your efforts we have a voice, when we see unelected judges dismiss We the People and put their agenda, the voice of death, into our constitution.Thank you for protecting mothers and children from those who are working hard to expand abortion, even on the day a baby is born!
Charlotte Upah []
Please support HSB41 to protect all life in Iowa, but especially the unborn. And please support restrictions so that public funding does not pay for abortion.
Beth Reyes []
Dear legislators,Thank you for making the ProLife Ammendment a priority this year. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and unborn babies from expanding abortion until the babies birth. May God bless your efforts!Sincerely,Beth Reyes
Karen Crossland []
Thank you for all you are doing to protect life. It is a biological fact that life begins at conception. We must do everything we can to protect innocent life in the womb. There is no right to abortion in our state constitution. Please pass an amendment to protect our most vulnerable, the unborn child.
David Orsinger [ProLending Home Finance]
Dear Legislatures, I hope you are doing well and having a good year so far! Thank you for making the "Protect Life Amendment" a priority this legislative session and working hard to give "We the People" a voice when judges abuse their power to try and rewrite the Constitution. I also wanted to thank you for your efforts to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion up to the day of the baby's birth and trying to make Iowans pay for it. This is so wrong to have people who believe in protecting life pay for this wrong with tax dollars from them. Please I urge you to pass the best "Protect Life Amendment" possible for those baby's yet to be born that have no voice. Sincerely, David Orsinger
Zach, Kari, Daniel, Kaylee, Josie, Avery, Elijah, and Isaiah Knutson [none]
From the Iowa Constitution "ARTICLE I. Bill of RightsRights of persons. Section 1. All men are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness."A child in the womb is a separate human with unique DNA and entitled to the same right to life as anyone else. Whether they are in the womb or not, whether they are wanted or not, whether they have health issues or not is irrelevant. The rights of the preborn should be secured just as we strive to secure rights for persons with disabilities and different skin colors or ethnic backgrounds. We personally have moral objections to abortion and the government taking our money (taxes) and using it to fund the killing of innocent human life (abortion) is abominable. We encourage the quick passage of this amendment to the Iowa Constitution.Sincerely,The Knutson Family
The intentional, direct, and purposeful taking of another human life is NOT protected, endorsed, or even suggested as a "right" under the Constitution of the U.S, nor Iowa. And science unquestionably affirms that the preborn child is indeed a human life.Therefore, abortion is a direct violation of the inalienable Right to Life.If we cannot protect the life of another human being at this stage of life, we will not be able to protect the right to life at ANY stage of life.
Mary Berry []
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for giving we the people a voice when judges over reach and attempt to rewrite our constitution.May we be a nation that values life from conception, may be a nation that draws the line on ending the life of a future teacher , doctor, writer, nurse , president , senator , representative and Mom and Dad .
Monica Healy []
If as a nation/state were unable to protect the unborn, the most vulnerable, how can we the people expect life affirming decisions to be made for all?
John Kenyon []
Thanks for taking up the cause for protecting life. If we can continue to get this right, everything good will flow from this.What an awesome place Iowa is to live. Thanks John K Kenyon
Elsa Casey []
Dear Iowa Legislators,We the People want to put a stop to radical, unelected judges efforts to expand abortion to the day of a babys birth. Please protect our unborn by voting yes to the Protect Life Amendment.Your Constituents,Patrick and Elsa Casey
Diane Tone []
Please pass the Protect Life amendment. Life should be protected at ALL stages and tax payers should NEVER be forced to pay for abortions.
Jean Conover []
It's interesting that Republicans say "My body, My choice" about wearing masks, yet don't follow the same logic regarding abortion. There are many circumstances where a woman's choice is more than "killing babies." Leave abortion alone and concentrate on ways to reduce the numbershealth care, clinics, access to contraceptives, and nonjudgmental alternatives like adoption. Remember that behind every abortion is a man. Try "hands off" and work on important things like education, health care, housing, and rural development.
Elmer Miller []
Thank you, legislators, for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion!We value the humanity of the Unborn, please protect pregnant women from the abortionists and the Protect Life Amendment. May we never forget that little child in her mothers womb. shes a baby.
Violet Ahrenholtz []
We do not believe that abortion has a place in our nation or state. We protect eagle and turtle eggs and rightly recognize them as offspring but do not do so with our own children/offspring. My family does not want to fund abortion in our home state, nationally or oversees. It violates our conscience and beliefs about life. We have already proven that life begins at conception. Now we need to embrace those lives for who they are. Please stand with Iowans against this genocide.
Sherry Knuth []
I would like to thank you in advance for valuing human life. Fortyfour years ago I was a teenager who faced an unplanned pregnancy. I had a deep love for my unborn child and knew I needed to protect her. I said a firm No to the doctor suggesting abortion. I implore you to work on the best possible Protect Life Amendment! Thank you for your efforts to make it a priority.
Esther Arkfeld []
I believe it should stay the way it is. Public should not have to pay for abortions
Marianne Riester []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please remember the humanity of the Unborn, the need to protect pregnant women from the abortionists, and how the Protect Life Amendment will do both. Every little child in her mothers womb. shes a baby.
Jenny Trail []
I ask that you vote for this bill and help pass it out of subcommittee. The right to life should be fundamental human right that all deserve even those yet to be born.
Rachel Wonders []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give The People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for understanding how important it is to be a voice for those who have no voice and standing up for their rights as human beings. I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment for these unborn children.
Kim Feser []
I am prolife! God says a lot about what He created in His word. In Psalms 139:1316 God says, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, we know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be So, God created us, It is written, so to support abortion is in direct violation of Gods word, do not murder! I pray all spiritual eyes & ears are opened, & those who have supported abortion, who have had abortions, & have performed abortions, repent & ask for Gods mercy, and if they dont, well, it will be a harsh reality the day they stand before the Lord, & hear God sayWhy did you kill my babies?I thank you for your support of prolife!!!
Patricia Schmidt []
Thank you for supporting life, and for proposing this amendment to the Iowa Constitution!!!
Christopher Grow []
As a taxpaying Iowan, I find it quite abhorrent that the state would require public funding, i.e. the taxes I pay, to go toward something that is so contrary to my personal conscience. Furthermore, the right to an abortion (i.e. the right to end the life of a preborn human being) is contradictory to the justice of "domestic tranquility" promised in the first line of the Constitution of the United States. A better idea would be to direct more funds to assist women who are pregnant with healthcare/safe housing/etc. and promote/facilitate adoption.
Ann Warren []
Please expand the Protect Life AmendmentI do not want Iowa tax dollars paying for abortions!Mrs. Ann Warren
Mary Hunter []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I Urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Shaon Poplawski []
I oppose HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment to the Iowa constitution. A woman must be allowed the right to make her own decisions regarding her reproductive rights without opinion or condemnation by a governingbody. Women must be guaranteed access to safe abortion. Government has no place in this decision.
Sarah Sheeley []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.I appreciate your hard workto protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. My tax dollars should not be used to destroy life but to enhance the lives of my fellow Iowans, including unborn children.Unborn children are human and deserve to be protected. Please remember that the little child in her mothers womb. shes a baby. Thank you for your consideration.
Brad Michels []
I appreciate you prioritizing the Protection of Unborn people. To be perfectly honest, we the people EXPECT you to do EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO KEEP THE GODLESS FROM MURDERING CHILDREN and Punishing those who Commit such Heinous Crime."THOU SHALL NOT MURDER" Still Applies to All of us.Make us be a Blessed Nation in OBEYING the TRUTH.Please Restore the Foundations of RIGHTEOUSNESS & JUSTICE in JUDGEMENT.THANK YOU THANK YOUFOR YOUR RELENTLESS, FEARLESS PURSUIT OF DOING THAT WHICH IS RIGHT !!MY SINCERE GRATITUDEBrad A. Michels
Melody Strom []
Thank you to the legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I remind you of the humanity of the Unborn, the need to protect pregnant women from the abortionists, and how the Protect Life Amendment will do both. You were once a baby in your mother's womb. Who stood for you and your right to life? Someone had to because you are a legislator now with an opportunity to be that stand up person for someone else's baby in the womb.I'm an adoptive mother who lost her first biological child to toxemia I know full well both adoption and birthing, because after we adopted, I got pregnant with our second child. By the way, we had to adopt from outside the US which is expensive, exhaustive, and slow moving, because we had no opportunity to adopt a baby from the US., but rather were guilted to take on an older child or one with disabilities. I'm a special education teacher and I know full well what parents deal with and for our first child, that was not the wise choice. If only society would honor a mother who gives up her child to be raised by another instead of being criticized, and yet the woman who aborts doesn't get counseling, does n't get advised of her options to give another woman the chance to be a mother. It's just so screwed up and it could be so much more simple. Do you know how many people/couples are out there waiting to adopt????? What a perfect answer for that pregnant woman who decides at the last minute she doesn't want the child, that she could save that child for another. I may have lost our first child to toxemia but God blessed me with a daughter from Honduras and a son from my womb. And that's the way it should be! Just ask God.
Addison Magruder []
Good afternoon,I am writing to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. I beg you to consider passing the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because a child in a mothers womb is fully human as science cannot negate. Although it is still growing, toddlers are growing, middle schoolers are growing, I am growing. Thank you for giving We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Blessings to you and your families,Addie
De Heaton []
Please protect all lives, even the unborn. Thank you for your courage to do what's right.
Ruth Bockes []
January 15, 2021Protecting Human Life from ConceptionIncluding EveryBODYAllowing All Human Life Caring MothersCaring FathersCaring Sisters and BrothersWelcoming EveryBODYProtecting Human LifeRemembering the Basic Constitution of the United States of AmericaRemembering the value of Human LifeBeginning with Human Life, so smallLiving, Growing strong From Conception throughALL the Years of LIFE.
Anissa Vaughn []
I agree with the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.Anissa Vaughn
David Martin []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for giving people like me a voice when judges abuse their power to rewrite our Constitution. The unborn child needs to be protected and has a right to be protected. So I hope the Protect Life Amendment will be passed.Thank you.
Jessica Milliman []
Please support the Protect Life Amendment and THANK YOU for convening a subcommittee for its advancement. Iowa has laws protecting wildlife species but not laws to protect unborn human beings from vacuumsuction abortion, dismemberment abortion, or even totally barbaric lateterm abortion. We need a constitutional amendment to ensure protection for all human beings, regardless of age (including prebirth!) and/or disability.
Marian Bourek []
Thank you for all the work you do as we are off to another session (especially with all the craziness COVID presents). I am especially concerned about the Protect Life Amendment. Thank you for making it a priority! Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from the dangers of abortion. Thank you for giving The People our voice!Please continue your work on this and pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment! Many, many lives depend on you.Sincerely,Marian Bourek, Farley, Iowa
Mary Loney Bichell []
Women MUST have access to control over their bodies. The government must NOT have the ability to legislate our health, life or death. Our Constitution was enacted to protect our freedom.
Courtney Vonnahme []
Publicly funded abortions are not the answer for vulnerable women let's focus on educating them on choices that involve life and hope for both mother AND baby. There are other options than perpetuating the view that this baby is "getting in the way/ruining my life" the state funding abortions would make them continually justifiable to those most at risk for unplanned pregnancy. The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government. Thomas Jefferson
Christie Schilling []
Please secure this historical constitutional amendment to the Iowa Constitution. The killing of an unborn person is murder! Murder is never a right. Murder of the innocent is always wrong. Christie Schilling.
Terry Ducharme []
Dear legislators,Wont you please stand for the defenseless unborn children and support the Protect Life Amendment that you plan to debate. If you don't see abortion as killing human life please google any abortion related term and you will see what I have discovered. Abortion kills our children. Lets all work together to aid the women in crisis pregnancies and save the innocent lives form destruction.Thank you for considering my opinion.
Joe Vonnahme []
I dont like the idea of taxpayers funding abortion.
Joe Evans []
I fully support this.Perhaps Iowa legislators can come together to do the right thing and be a leader to the nation. This amendment is the right thing to do. Everyone will be judged someday and doing the right thing will be measured. Stay focused on those who are being killed and have no chance . . .Thank you to those who support this legislation.
Chris Magruder []
Please stop any and all abortion including any and all use of any part or cells of aborted babies.
Chris Reising []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. We need you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby
Andrea Geary []
Banning abortions, or restricting access to them, results in a variety of undesirable outcomes including death for some womxn. As there are tomes full of research and anecdotal evidence establishing this fact, any effort to market restrictions or bans on abortion as 'prolife' is disingenuous, at best and more honestly, thinly veiled efforts to exert more control over the bodies and reproductive autonomy of womxn. Kindly refrain from further attempts at legislating our organs. It's beyond perverse. I strongly oppose this bill.
Ryan Marr []
Thank you, sincerely, for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Providing full protection under the law to children in the room is a priority for me, so it's reassuring to see this being addressed in the Iowa House of Representatives. I'm especially concerned by any movement to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. Please do what you can to prevent this outcome. Sincerely,
Dona Wilhelm []
Thank you for supporting the Protect Life Amendment this session. Also, thank you for working diligently to give us a voice when judges abuse their power to rewrite our Constitution. Many thanks for your work to protect mothers and children from the expansion efforts of abortion to the day of a BABYS BIRTH and making Iowans pay for it. PLEASE pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment because that little child in her mothers wombshes a baby AND someones grandchild.
Isaac Knutson []
I cannot believe that this state is even having this debate. Circumstances are irrelevant, killing an unborn baby is not only morally corrupt it is downright sickening. How could a person commit this act and not have emotional and psychological issues down the road from their decision? On one of the biggest, happiest, most anticipated and celebrated days of a female's life when they typically are overwhelmed with joy and love, we are going to allow a DR. to take that baby in the back room and put a knife through it's little heart because it's an inconvenience? How sad, we will become a very dangerous society if start do devalue life and destroy it on day one instead of protecting it! This cannot pass!
Sharon Hude []
Thank you for your support of LIFE! Thank you for your efforts to reject the extreme expansion of abortion, even at unwilling taxpayer expense. Thank you for your work in attempting to protect vulnerable unborn future Iowa citizens unable to speak for themselves.
Jill Obrecht []
Please choose life!! Thank you for your bravery to stand up for the unborn. God will bless Iowa for this!
Ashley Pringle []
Dear Legislators, Thank you for all the hard work you are doing to protect the lives of the unborn and their mothers in our great state! Each and every life is precious in the sight of God no matter the circumstances surrounding the beginning of that life. Please pass the Protect Life Amendment to our Iowa constitution. Please use your position of office in our great state to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us. Thank you again for all you are doing! May God protect us and our rights as we protect the innocent unborn and their God given rights to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sincerely,Ashley Pringle
Donna Burright []
Thank you for protecting life.
Evan Olson []
I continue to hope that Iowa will be a state known for respecting the inherent value of human life. I feel that creating a right to abortion within our state constitution is an error and an overstep.
Penney Morse []
My 100yearold Mother's cousin got an abortion right here in Mitchell County in the early 1940's. She was a widow with three young children going to college to get a career to support her children. She got pregnant and got an abortion. The state should have no role in restricting women's access to health care. I do not support HSB41, a constitutional amendment restricting women't access to health care. If you want to support life, support birth control and support programs for children who are born.
Emily Bush []
Banning abortions will not stop abortions. People with money will go elsewhere for safe abortions and those without money will have unsafe abortions putting the mother's life in danger. Instead, we should focus efforts on education, programs to support pregnant women, and access to birth control. We can reduce the number of abortions this way. We need to look at supporting life AFTER birth as well.
Kristie Renchin []
Dear Legislators,Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority in this legislative session because an understanding that all life is precious and valuable is critical to any rights or freedoms within society as a whole. The Protect Life Amendment would preserve the lives of innocent, helpless children, but also help the mothers who may be coerced or scared into an abortion as the most viable option, when in fact it is a devastating and sometimes deadly choice. The amendment is also needed so that the voice of the people of Iowa will be heard, instead of outoftouch opinions of the judicial branch. Our state should be known as one that values and loves life at all stages! We pray as this amendment moves forward it would be done in a way that protects life and the rights of our citizens. Thank you!
Emily Reneker []
As a twenty year member of Jefferson County Right to Life, I believe an amendment to the Iowa Constitution is the best way, probably the only way, to assure that unborn babies have the same right to life that you and I have. Thank you for making this a priority during this session. I'm praying that scriptural Wisdom and Truth will be reflected in every word that is chosen for the amendment. Blessings to you always.
Stephen Tatz []
Dear Honorable Representatives of the Iowa House:Thank you for your efforts to do what is best for all of your constituents, especially every mother and her baby in utero who are both in danger of the horrific act we masquerade as "abortion."Polls consistently show that a strong majority of people even those who defend the action of "abortion" want greater restrictions on this procedure. Yet, it seems to make no difference when abusive judges overstep their charge and create law rather than interpreting it. For this reason, I thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice which we are supposed to have through representation.As with slavery, the day will come when future generations will wonder how any country ever condoned or legalized the murder, making a mother's womb perhaps the most dangerous location of all.I can't imagine the pressures that are pressed upon you. Know of the prayers and support of my family and friends for you to be protected against the wickedness and snares of the enemy, the Devil, and we beg you to stay strong in defending life, supporting HSB 41, and passing a Protect Life Amendment, for the sake of the babies, mothers, "health" practitioners, families, citizens, and souls.We need you and are counting on you.Respectfully, your constituent,Stephen Tatz, Urbandale, IA
Elodie Bouwens []
Everyone deserves a chance to live. Please protect the lives of human beings in the womb.
Susan Vander Linden []
In regards to your upcoming meeting regarding "a right to abortion or reuire the public funding of abortion", I want to voice my concerns for any form of abortion and the possibility of having it funded by the public. I am not for either measure. I have personally seen the devestation of having an abortion on the emtional state of the wouldbe mother, let alone the loss of life her choice mades. There are US citizens reaching out to foreign countries so they can adopt a baby, If a mother decides she doesn't want to keep a baby why not put it into the loving arms of couples that are ready and want children. as for public funding, killing an unborn child should not be forced on taxpayers.
Virginia Wadsley []
As a veteran of the Women's Rights Movement of the 1970s, I am all too familiar with the dangers of restricting abortions: death and serious illness of women selfaborting, lack of access to adequate health care for women, psychological consequences of women not being able to make decisions about their own lives, costs and logistics of transporting women to places where they can get abortions, invasion of privacy and violation of doctor/patient confidentiality. ANTIABORTION LEGISLATION DOES NOT STOP ABORTIONS; IT ONLY MAKES THEM MORE DANGEROUS. Iowa should be a leader in providing safe and responsible health care for women and not regress to backward and dangerous policies and practices of the past. HSB 41 should not even be considered.
Katharine Harris []
I support HSB 41. Please vote "Yes" on this important amendment. Abortion should not become a "right." Even when it is short, or painful, or not what we wished for, life is always better than death.
Connie Seeba []
Sincere thanks for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority.It's my firm conviction that God cannot bless a nation that kills the unborn so thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even up to the baby's birth. God's wisdom to you in all things. Seek first His holy standard of righteousness.
Judy Finken [Faith Family Church ]
I am pro life.
David Hammond []
Please pass HSB41
Cindy O'Connell []
It is unconscionable that members of the Iowa legislature are once again trying to restrict/ban a woman's right to control decisions about her own body. I can only surmise that this proposed amendment is based on religious beliefs held by the committee members who seek to take away a woman's rights. This proposal is certainly not based on science, overall public opinion or women's health. We are supposed to live within a secular government. Members of any religion should never be able to legislate their beliefs onto others. Iowa has become a backwater of intolerance, ignorance and plain meanspiritedness. If a person does not believe in abortionfine. Then don't have one. But others should not be denied a basic human right to determine what medical procedures are best for themselves due to intolerant beliefs of others.
Ellen Butler []
I echo many of the comments made here. Abortion is a healthcare issue, and should not be legislated. There is abundant research on the importance and value of access to safe, legal abortions. Frankly, it's ridiculous that any of us should have to yet again voice our opposition to proposed legislation like this.In the midst of a pandemic, perhaps the Iowa legislature and this subcommittee could turn its time and resources to figuring out how to support Iowans who have been impacted by COVID19 instead of yet again trying to challenge something that the majority of American believe should be legal.
James Ruberg []
Thankyou for your support of a Protect Life Amendment. Science proves that life begins at conception; and I believe we should protect the unborn and the born. We must speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Our tax dollars should not be used to take the lives of innocent children. Please pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language because that little child in a mother's womb is a baby. Thankyou.
Mary Hermanson []
The unborn are some of the most vulnerable in our society. It is the responsibility of our government to provide protection for its people. That is why I support this bill.
Gayle Goeders []
Abortion rights should NOT be a political or religious decision made by state or federal legislatures.
Janice Vonnahme []
I believe in life and not abortion. Government funding for abortion should not be allowed.
Angela Oberreuter [ ]
Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. We are praying for you!
Steven Petty []
Dear SubCommittee Members:I am in opposition to HSB 41. I am a Christian and am always bewildered when the Pharasee heresy make's itself known by our political leaders in their actions. I am wondering why you are not working on the very present problem of Covid19 deaths in Iowa? Or should I even expect your action on ending poverty and homelessness. As a Chistian why don't you pass a law requiring that we feed the hungry? That we visit the jailed? Aren't they mandated actions in Scripture? Yet you do nothing. The pharasee heresy is alive in the Iowa legislature. Shame on you!
Steven Petty []
Dear SubCommittee Members:I am in opposition to HSB 41. I am a Christian and am always bewildered when the Pharasee heresy make's itself known by our political leaders in their actions. I am wondering why you are not working on the very present problem of Covid19 deaths in Iowa? Or should I even expect your action on ending poverty and homelessness. As a Chistian why don't you pass a law requiring that we feed the hungry? That we visit the jailed? Aren't they mandated actions in Scripture? Yet you do nothing. The pharasee heresy is alive in the Iowa legislature. Shame on you!
Janet Peterson []
Thank you for working hard to protect mothers & children from the efforts to expand abortion.I urge you to pass the best protect life amendment because the unborn babies deserves to live their life to the fullest.
Jeannie Haight []
Thank you for protecting mothers and babies. Thank you for doing what you can to eliminate the evil of abortion.I have stood out in front of an abortion clinic once a week for ten months now. I have seen some very frightening things and have heard some very sad excuses for abortions. The ones that bother me the most are the married couples that go in together saying they already have enough children and just don't want anymore at this time. Heart wrenching to me as the eighth of nine children. The regret they will feel someday is terrifying to me.
Mardella Brown [- Select -]
Re HSB 41I don't care if you believe in abortion or not, but it should be available for women to choose abortion if they need to. Women should have the right to make our own health care decisions with ALL the information available so we can choose what is right for us. Women are being short changed on our health care in many ways. Men how would you like being told what you can and can't do with your bodies? I oppose HSB 41. DO NOT pass it. Mardella Brown
Jeri Le Henry []
Thank you for fighting for the rights of innocent unborn children that God has placed within the womb of scared and uncertain mothers...may they live to become all that God planned for them to be.
Targie Mandt []
the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion
CoryAnne Harrigan []
The Iowa Legislature should be focusing on providing resources to people without access to affordable healthcare (i.e., MOST Iowans)rather than once again attempting to obstruct access to healthcare. It is hypocrisy to say you are protecting lives of "unborn children" when you don't care what happens to them or their mothers once they are out of the womb. Stop legislating bodily autonomy by preventing women from seeking abortions. And don't try equating this with mask wearing, which many members of the legislature are foolish enough to reject at the peril of their colleagues, to say nothing of their own families/pods. My right to terminate a pregnancy affects me; your "right" to go without a mask in the capitol building affects everyone you come into contact with.
Barbara Nicholson []
As a mother of 5 children, 12 grandchildren & 15 greatgrandchildren I write in SUPPORT the Joint resolution HSB 41 proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion for the following reasons...Judges have no right to rewrite the constitution of Iowa.I oppose all abortion. Human life is sacred from conception to natural death.I do not want to pay for abortion nor see it expanded in any manner.
Erin Howell-Gritsch []
Please stop assuming you know what is right for women and their bodies, lives, and futures. Women are fully capable of making their own decisions with the input of their doctors and families. Please focus on making the lives of all Iowans better, not just the unborn. Iowa women deserve more respect.
Naomi Reyner []
Dear Subcommittee Members,Thank you so much for all the work you do for our state. I am writing to ask you to please do all you can to pass the Protect Life Amendment. This is literally a life or death matter for thousands of yet to be born babies. With your help, they will have a chance to survive and thrive in our state. Without it, they will be sentenced to a horrific death. You know what the right thing to do is.Sincerely,Naomi ReynerIndependence, Iowa
Denise Bubeck []
I support HSB 41. As an Iowan I want to stand for those who cannot speak for themselves. I stand for each of their precious lives. I really think President Reagan's quote from January 22, 1988 says it so well."And yet our opponents tell us not to interfere with abortion. They tell us not to impose our morality on those who wish to allow or participate in the taking of the life of infants before birth. Yet no one calls it imposing morality to prohibit the taking of life after a child is born. We're told about a woman's right to control her own body. But doesn't the unborn child have a higher right, and that is to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?"Representative Holt, Representative Osmundson, and Representative WesselKroeschell, I am asking you to support HSB 41. Thank you!
Kelly Oehrle []
Keep abortion illegal!
Mark Reyner []
I appreciate all you do for our state. I urge you to do everything you can to pass a very strong Protect Life Amendment to protect the precious treasures that unborn children are. Abortion is evil and must be stopped. Thank you again for your hard work and pursuit of good in our state.
Beth Winterhof []
You are overreaching your boundaries to assume that you should be in charge of what women do with their own bodies. You will not stop abortions, as you know. Things have gotten too extreme in our country, and in our state. Keep legislation out of the bedrooms, and away from the healthcare for women.
Ramona Wierson []
Please support the proposed protect life amendment. HSB 41. It will help keep activist judges from actions supporting their baby murder beliefs. It will save lives. Thank you.
Luana Stoltenberg [Operation Outcry ]
Dear House members. Thank you so much for being the Protect Life Amendment before Committee, so it can ultimately be passed by the people of Iowa. We are a state that values all like especially the most defenseless of all. Arrogant, rogue judges should not get to decide what is in our constitution, or try to manipulate it to say things it does not. I am a woman who has been hurt by abortion. I am unable to have children because of the damage the abortion procedure caused my body. Thank you for protecting Iowa women and the unborn. God bless you,Luana Stoltenberg
Sandra Crandell []
Thank you all so much for addressing this most important issue of the Protect Life Amendment. We the people appreciate your listening to our hearts as we address the need to protect the most vulnerable and innocent. Please protect the unborn from abortions, which kill these children even to the day of birth. This is just the most heinous thing we can do to allow a perfect child to just die from lack of care or to dismember a baby who can feel pain. I have friends whose children were born when they weighed only one pound at birth they survive and no one can deny they were babies. It is unrealistic to expect the taxpayers of Iowa to pay for a procedure that should be considered as criminal. If an expectant mother is murdered, it is considered two homicides. So the law considers that unborn baby a person. Please pass the Protect Life Amendment with the strongest possible language because the child in a mother's womb is a baby. It is a separate individual with her own DNA, her own fingerprints, her own identity. Please save these children!
Donna Hoadley []
I am concerned about any legislation that focuses on after the fact. Where is the effort to prevent unplanned pregnancies? Making people think abortions are tax payer funded is deceptive, and subsequent defunding of health centers such as Planned Parenthood and then having them close actually led to more abortions in Iowa last year. Banning abortions does not end abortions; it just leads to less safe abortions. Please put the focus where it should be: preventing unplanned pregnancy.
Frances Casey []
Greetings! Thank you to all our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to give We the People, a voice, especially when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.With all that said, PLEASE pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby! These babies have no one else to fight for their right to live, and abortion leaves permanent damage mentally and physically with the mother as well. Thank you for your time and service to our country.Sincerely,Fran Casey
Randy Hansen []
Thank you for making this a priority for this legislative session. We must protect the unborn.
Jim Fogel []
Please vote on this I support this and I hope you do to
Jill Louzek []
Thank you for serving the people of Iowa. Thank you for valuing the people of Iowa. As representatives of the people of Iowa, please protect all Iowans by supporting the Life Ammendment. All Iowans deserve protection. Please vote for life and vote against death.
Garry Gardner []
Prior to 1863 there were several states that had laws allowing the treatment of slaves as less than human. Under these laws men women and children were allowed to be mistreated, imprisoned, beaten, and even mauled to the point of death at the mere word of their owners. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, declaring an end to slavery and the horrors it allowed, was enacted into Federal law two years later by the passing of the thirteenth amendment to the U.S. constitution.Today there are several states that have laws allowing the treatment of unborn babies as less than human. Under these laws, the children are allowed to be poisoned (medical abortion, saline abortion), torn limb from limb (vacuum aspiration, D&E), and otherwise mutilated (intact D&X, a.k.a. partial birth abortion), most often for reasons unrelated to the health of the mother or the child.The abuses of the ancestors of many in our Black community under the proslavery laws are being perpetuated disproportionately today on their descendants by the proabortion laws on the books today throughout our nation. By denying a "right" to abortion, the amendment proposed by HSB 41 will ensure that Iowa law will treat its most vulnerable persons with dignity and respect.
Andrea Hodapp []
THANK YOU legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. It is SO IMPORTANT that we protect the voiceless. ALL babies born or unborn have a right to live. I'm a mother of 3 teenage sons and they constantly ask how this can be legal? If a woman doesn't want her baby, she can kill it? I have never understood how this ever came to be, but it has and we need to make it stop! How can we expect our children to respect other human beings no matter race or gender, etc. when we don't respect the life of an unborn child? I hope that you vote for the best possible Protect Life Amendment, it is the only "humane choice" there is.Thank you for your time.Sincerely,Andrea Hodapp
Bill & Bev Joy []
First, thank you for prioritizing the Protect Life Amendment this session. This issue is near and dear to our hearts. Thank you also for giving "We the People"==people like us, ordinary citizensa chance to weigh in on a sacred issue, when some Iowa judges overreached and attempted to rewrite our constitution. We are also grateful that you are purposing to protect mothers and children from those who are hard at work expanding abortion, even up to the day a baby is born, and forcing Iowans to pay for it as well. We ask you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language because the baby is a person.
Bill & Bev Joy []
First, thank you for prioritizing the Protect Life Amendment this session. This issue is near and dear to our hearts. Thank you also for giving "We the People"==people like us, ordinary citizensa chance to weigh in on a sacred issue, when some Iowa judges overreached and attempted to rewrite our constitution. We are also grateful that you are purposing to protect mothers and children from those who are hard at work expanding abortion, even up to the day a baby is born, and forcing Iowans to pay for it as well. We ask you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language because the baby is a person.
Karen Earle []
This is something that definitely needs clarification. NO ONE has a RIGHT to take the life of another. Doing so, and expecting others to pay for it, is absolutely showing no regard for the moral and spiritual beliefs of others. There is so little respect for life in this world today and, if this resolution fails, life for others (handicapped, aged, mentally ill, etc.) will become even more endangered. I humbley urge you to pass this resolution stating "the State of Iowa does not does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion". Thank you, Karen Earle
Kristi Judkins []
Thank you to the Republican caucus for recognizing the problem created by the Iowa Supreme Court and the support they bring to correct the error. Additionally, I am grateful that the Republican caucus values the fact it is needed to prevent late term abortion, paid for by the public, which ends the life of a baby and deeply harms women. I just finished watching the Sons of Liberty and although it is a rich dramatization and lacks authenticity, it is still compelling to hear the words that begin the Declaration of Independence. Even though it is an actor, I can vividly see George Washington stating the obvious truths that this country was founded unalienable right for the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. It is scientifically proven at conception, a baby begins with a genetic distinct structure separate from the mother. Therefore according to the Declaration of Independence, endowed by the Creator. Where is the right of the unborn, if the governments instituted by men, ignore their opportunity? They do not have a voice or can cry out for their own justice.I am against abortion because I have seen the harm it has done to countless women and men. It destroys families, too. I used to be prochoice because it justified my decision to terminate a pregnancy. But then my heart and mind were at odds with each other because I killed an innocent for my own convenience. Once I gave into recognizing what I had done, I was able to pursue understanding and restoration from the trauma I and so many other women have endured. I pray that the Iowa politicians do not set a precedence which goes against the very declaration that makes this country so great.Respectfully, Kristi Judkins Abortion Survivor
Galen and Marjorie Kessler []
We want to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority in this session. We urge you to vote to pass this amendmentyou will be saving a baby's life. God bless you!
Patsy Martinson []
Leave women's health alone. We have a right to make our own healthcare decisions with our own providers. And, just to remind you, men are involved in creating pregnancies but no one is trying to control men's healthcare decisions.
Carrie Gosnell []
I am a person of faith, but I am also someone who believes in medicine. If you ask any person practicing gynecologist, they will explain to you the importance of the right to safe and legal abortion. Abortion is an essential form of maternity care, and the lack of safe abortion options puts mothers at significant risk. Abortion doesn't just impact people you personally find immoral... it affects women who never wanted to face that choice, too. Treating this as a moral issue completely ignores that fact. Families face very difficult circumstances when they desperately wanted the child. This is not a question of choice. It is a question of medicine. So, why don't you listen to medical professionals instead of religious zealots on matters of medicine.
Deborah Bishop []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session!I am grateful for your hard work, determination, and love for protecting all human life. All human life born or waiting to be born is valuable, indeed it is sacred! To disagree with this statement is to love protecting selective human life, to control who is allowed to life, to love protecting the right to destroy life. I would like to express deep appreciation to the legislators who are providing a voice for we the people of Iowa to decide for ourselves whether we want to be a right to abortion state. Thank you for not laying down and accepting what our unelected Supreme Court has declared we want. We the people desire to govern ourselves through representation not to be ruled over. I implore you to pass the Protect Life Amendment in the absolute strongest language possible. My heart is overflowing with gratefulness for the opportunity to be heard today. THANK YOU! Please consider, if all human life from conception to last natural breathe is not treasured and protected then all living human beings are vulnerable to being marginalized, targeted, and destroyed.
Jeff Pudenz []
I support this amendment hsb41. All Lives Matter most of all the defenseless
Alan Wegman [Retired IBEW]
Sorry, I don't see this an issue for worker rights.
Jean Matter []
I want to thank each and everyone of you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority. In the midst of our society today when so many individuals and organizations not only support abortion but want to promote it and expand it, you have been working hard to protect mothers and children from this killing of innocent children and also to protect our tax dollars from paying for it.We have had judges overrule our governor's signed document to wait 72 hours before performing an abortion and now you are working hard to give us, We the People, a voice when judges overreach and try to rewrite our constitution. I just can't thank you enough for all you have done and are doing. I am praying that God will give each of you the strength, courage, and boldness to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment so we can end this killing of innocent lives. God Bless All of You!!!
Shari Hawk []
It is never your choice or mine to restrict what women can do with their own bodies. We don't know anyone else's story and have no right to intrude between a woman or girl and her care provider.
Judy Herrig []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. And thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth and even making Iowans pay for it.
Judy Herrig []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. And thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth and even making Iowans pay for it.
Once again WOMENS HEALTHCARE CHOICES are between HER and her DOCTOR! REPUBLICANS do NOT have the RIGHT to DECIDE what she can or can't do. You are NOT living in her bedroom, at her doctor's office! You are NOT paying her healthcare bills or sitting with her inside church! Keep your PERSONAL OPINIONS to yourself and your OWN life choices! Live your OWN life! Not someone else's life!
Melissa Brooks []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Alsothank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thanks for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it! Please work to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby!
Joy Stanley []
Please stop the end of term abortions. It is murder. If there is not a medical emergency, abortion should not be allowed. So many people to adopt
Stormy Poss []
I urge you to vote for this bill. The citizens of Iowa do not want abortion to be a legal right up to time of birth. Pass this amendment and let the people of Iowa voices be heard through their right to vote not a few Judges deciding fou us.
Larry Niehus []
Please do not allow abortions in Iowa.
Dr Kevin Poss []
Thank you taking up this most important issue. Taking a childs life can never be justified. A woman can do whatever she wants with her body, just dont kill someone else to do it. Please pass this so the whole state can vote on it instead of a few judges manipulating the constitution. Abortion is not health care for the mom or the HUMAN being in the womb. Abortion hurts women and society.
Barbara Dale []
Iowa's Constitution should not specify what medical procedures are appropriate for individuals, especially when the procedure in question applies only to women. Obviously people of conscience hold differing opinions about the legitimacy of abortion, but to outlaw it completely literally puts women's lives in jeopardy. For myself I cannot justify risking the life of a mother for the sake of a fetus whose full development into chlldhood is not guaranteed.
Michelle Bower []
Please stop abortion. There has to be a better solution.
Mark Bower []
Please stop Abortion, there has to be more options!
Marshall Bower []
Babys lives matter, end abortion
Harold Drotzmann []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a top priority. Please pass the best possible Amendment to protect the lives of babies that cannot protect themselves.
Stan VandenBerg []
A child becomes a human being at conception. Therefore we need an amendment that protects every child. Thank you to the legislators who are working to accomplish this. I would also encoourage our legislature to come up with a plan for those babies who are not wanted or cannot be cared for by the mother. This could help reduce opposition of those who want to kill babies.I also should not have to fund organizations that barbaricly kill babies!
Verlyn Schaap []
I want to thank all of you in the legislature who are working for a protect human life amendment. Babies are clearly human beings who deserve protection under our constitution. Protecting babies in their mothers womb is good for the mother and saves lives. A babies life is to be protected regardless of its location, in or outside the womb. Apparently we need this clarification for some judges who impose their prodeath bias onto our constitution. Sincerely,Verlyn Schaap
Thank you for making this a priority, and for standing for the life of the baby and mother....for protecting those who are unable to protect themselves, for standing against judges who would like to rewrite the constitution, for not supporting this, for not supporting the public funding of abortions, and for not supporting abortions in any way, shape or form.
Jill McGarvey []
Please pass this admendment.
Matthew Power []
Thank you for proposing and advancing this important resolution. Please do everything in your power to see to it that it passes.
Erin Ellsworth []
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. Iowans deserve the right to make their own decisions based off their own personal interest. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it.
Carolyn Petersen []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth. Thank you for considering legislation that would not require me and other Iowans who oppose abortion to pay for it.
Jaime Bussey [Home School]
Dear Legislators,Thank you so much for making Protect Life Amendment a priority as nothing on this earth is more precious. Thank you for all of the hard work you do as you work hard to give us a voice when judges go too far by attempting to rewrite the United States Constitution, a document written and signed by the Founding Fathers of this nation. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and their children from the efforts to expand abortion and making Iowans pay for it. Life is so very precious and it is sickening to think my family is without a choice participating in the support of this when we are all prolife.Please continue to work hard to push through the Protect Life Amendment. My prayers are with you.Sincerely,Jaime Bussey
Dean Fett []
Please protect the innocent unborn babies. Please do not allow public funding for abortion.
Kayla Jacobs []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment
Delila Senger []
We have 20 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. I cant imagine not wanting any of these children. Please vote against abortion.
Ruth Dirksen []
Thank you for making Protect Life Ammendment a priority this session!Thank you for giving We the People a voice when judges use their power to try to rewrite the constitution. Please pass the strongest Protect Life Ammendment that you can because the child that mom is carrying is a live baby. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers & children from efforts to expand abortions all the way to day of birth & making taxpayers pay for it.
Deborah Booth [Cedar Rapids CUUPS]
No one should have control over another person's body without consent. Slavery was abolished. You cannot tell me what to do with my own body nor can I tell you what to do with your body.
Christopher White []
I want to thank the Iowa Legislature for their continued and demonstrated commitment to the sanctity and preservation of all life at every stage and in all forms and to encourage them to pass the Protect Life Bill, aka HSB 41, and to also seek additional ways to support this noble agenda.
Mindy Kruckenberg []
Women in Iowa need access to safe abortion services. Banning abortion does not stop them, it only stops SAFE abortions. Many wanting to ban abortions are merely probirth, as they abandon all caring about the child after it's born.
Dawn Turner []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I encourage you to continue working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion. I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because the little being growing in a mothers womb is a precious and unrepeatable gift from God.
Chris Oberreuter []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and giving we the people a voice to counter what judges have ruled against. Also, thank you for all your work to protect the sactity of life, to protect unborn children and thier mothers from from the threat of death and all the misinformation that is being pushed by our society. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment to protect all the innocent lives in what should be the safest place on earth, the mothers womb. Chris
Nanci Neubauer []
The state of Iowa has experienced a Derecho and is currenty trying to deal with a pandemic. So, instead of making sure that their constituents are getting what they need, possiby through legislation they are focusing on subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with our citizen's current struggles. So our Republicans think that it is a good idea to say on one day let's take away people's lives who are already here. The next day they are taking away a woman's bodily autonomy. So, YOU get to decide that you can kill people that are already here. YOU get to decide if the mother of 4 children is pregnant with the 5th. If she carries that child to term, she will die. You get to make that decision for her? Obviously, people of means will continue to do as they please. No. It is never a good idea to legislate people's bodies.
Sherrie Lyle []
There is no right to abortion and the practice should not be funded by public money, especially without that public's permission.
Kimberly Phillips []
I am writing to encourage you to stand for life. God gave us the 10 commandments to follow so our lives will go well for us. One commandment is Do not murder.Abortion is murder. It is the taking of a human life. We are NOT to take Gods place and remake his design. He is the creator and makes the rules. As our representatives I ask you to hear my voice. More importantly, hear Gods voice. God will not be mocked. I am praying for this state and our nation to listen to Gods voice.
Jan Netolicky [- Select -]
The Republican Party maintains it is the prolife party and under that mantle, you assume a righteous stance in advancing this amendment. Prolife? Are you, really? I suggest you are prolife only if you are prolife for the life of the child you insist must be carried to term. If you were truly prolife, you would be in favor of adequately funding universal early education because research indicates early education directly correlates with success for decades to come. If you were truly prolife, you would champion higher teacher salaries and improving school buildings, especially in lowincome neighborhoods and communities of color. If you were truly prolife, you would insure adequate staffing in school based health services to support students' mental health and social wellbeing. If you were truly prolife, you would advance legislation for affordable childcare, equal pay, a livable wage, fair housing. If you were truly prolife, you would insist on quality, affordable health care for every American citizen. If you were truly prolife, you would settle for nothing less than meaningful gun reform. If you were truly prolife, you would reform the criminal justice system. If you were truly prolife, you would demand that climate policy is informed by science, not corporate bottom line. If you were truly prolife, your platform would insure the children we bring into the world will have a world in which they can thrive, not simply survive. I suggest you are the probirth party, but you believe your obligation to those children stops when the umbilical cord is cut. Further, I cannot be persuaded that the "smaller government" party, in the name of individual freedom, insists they cannot mandate a mask across the face, but they can hold jurisdiction over a woman's womb. You can be the prolife party when you are prolife FOR THE LIFE OF THE CHILD. Until then, spare me your higher moral ground.
Matt Lawler []
If we dont stand up for the most vulnerable the unborn in our society then who will. They cant so we must.
Anne Nora [University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine]
I have seen firsthand, as a medical student, what happens when people don't have access to safe and legal abortion. Research shows that limiting access to abortion care does not decrease the number of abortions. Instead, the number of UNSAFE abortions is increased. This increase in unsafe abortions means an increase in the number of avoidable maternal deaths. Iowa's maternal death rate is already too high. Access to abortion care is in our country's Constitution. While there have been erosions to it over time, it still stands that abortion is a right across the country. In the SCOTUS 2018 interpretation of Iowa's state constitution, it was determined that the Constitution afforded the right to abortion. Research also suggests that if you want the abortion number to decrease, you expand family planning services; you provide comprehensive sex education; you provide support to people in socioeconomic hardship. You do not take away their healthcare. People will get abortions one way or another. It is the duty of the Iowa legislators to ensure that Iowans have access to safe and legal healthcare, which encompasses abortion care.
Beth Schlarmann []
I want to extend a special Thank you to our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I appreciate all the hard work to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it!I will remember all of you in my prayers and ask that you remember the humanity of the Unborn, the need to protect pregnant women from the abortionists, and how the Protect Life Amendment will do both. Always remember that little child in her mothers womb. shes a baby.
Allison Trine []
Dear Legislators, Thankyou for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. I appreciate your hard work to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth, and even making Iowas pay for it. I urge you to please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment because that little child in her mother's womb, she's a baby. As a mother, I know the safest place for an unborn child is the mother's womb. Respectfully,Allison Trine
Dolores Stack []
Abortion is NOT health care. Please consider House Bill HSB 41.
Nicole Rains []
Having access to safe reproductive healthcare is a right that should be protected. Just because women didn't write the Constitution does not mean that they shouldn't be able to choose what is done with their bodies. This bill will pave the way for legislature of human organs in the name of religious freedom, which is a disgusting and terrifying concept, regardless of gender.
Allie Wampler []
Please do not support this amendment. Abortion is a SAFE and essential part of womens healthcare. Denying access and funding to abortion will impact families of all backgrounds in Iowa, but will especially affect those who are already marginalized, and can perpetuate cycles of poverty and lack of access to proper health care. Please consider families who are carrying a pregnancy that is not compatible with life, pregnant people with health conditions who may not survive pregnancy and birth, survivors of sexual assault, and countless other instances where abortion can be lifesaving. Regardless of the situation leading to the decision to have an abortion, women need and deserve rights to this ESSENTIAL part of healthcare in Iowa. Abortion is also about the life of the pregnant person. Please consider these lives, they matter too.
Diane Wampler []
We need women to have access to safe abortions or young women will be dying in back rooms or alleys after having unsafe abortions! This is a womans decision NOT yours!!
Mary Hauswirth []
Only God gives us life, only God has the right to take a life.
Sharon Tammen []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority, and thank you for keeping the decisionmaking power in the hands of the citizens, where it rightly belongs.Please exercise all you influence in promoting and passing Protect Life legislation.
Please STOP killing innocent lives, I beg you!
Abortion is Killing NOT healthcare. And destroys the mother not to mention what it does to the father.
Mariah McIlhon []
Women need access to safe abortions without prejudice or stigma. Abortions are health care. Ive taken the abortion pill and would definitely recommend. The abortion pill is genius and I am so thankful it was invented. Please stop taking away womens rights. Please refocus your efforts into preventing rape and promoting consensual sex.
Clara Camarillo []
I am AGAINST HSB 41. Women deserve to keep their constitutional right to a safe abortion.
Clare Smith-Larson [Polk County Democrats]
I am getting SO tired of this nonsense about the rights of white men and old women to control the personal health choices of women of all colors and ages.Abortion and the right to choose it is an innate right of women and you should stop wasting time and tax payer money in trying to legislate against it.You have other more important work to do in this and every legislature: health and safety for all Iowans, good public education, good job opportunities and training for jobs, to name just a few.Just quit this nonsense and get back to your REAL work.
Caitlin Wampler []
Every women has a right to choose if she wants to be a mother and what is right for her body and family. Just because a child is born does not mean they will live a life where they are provided for and loved. This country was founded on the belief of separation of church and state. Religion has no place in the discussion of science and what is right for a person in her own body.
Jacqueline Novak []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Sharon Tammen []
Please pass the Protect Life Amendment! For the legislators who are standing for life, I pray Isaiah 54 for you:"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, says the Lord."Stand strong.
Nick Birch []
Please do not stop funding for abortion, nor the right to do so safely and securely in the state of Iowa, and this should also be the case across the US. As some people have mentioned already, this will not stop future abortions, this will only force women to look elsewhere for it, which can be unsafe, therefore putting them at a higher risk. Abortion is an integral part of women's health should their lives be in danger in giving birth. Also, unwanted pregnancies through traumatic events should not be burdened by it and should have the choice to abortion, which is their human right, if they choose to do so. People who are screaming prolife to please educate yourselves on a woman's health from pregnancies especially those that are unwanted. Please reconsider from doing this and continue to support the right to not just abortion, but right to safe abortion.
Dee Vandeventer []
I strongly oppose the proposed amendment. My body my choice.
Jason Harm [Unaffiliated ]
I strongly support HSB 41 ! I dont believe abortion is warrant, even in case of rape, theres a day after pill .
Gary Sieren []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority and giving us, we the residents of Iowa, a voice against the abuse of power by judges in attempting to rewrite our Constitution. I appreciate, very much, your efforts to protect mothers and children against the expansion of abortion while we pay for it, even though we are strong proponents for life. Why should we have to pay for actions that we are opposed to? We are familiar with several people, a couple very close friends, who have suffered immensely on a long term basis because they were coerced or given erroneous information that influenced them to have an abortion for which they have long regretted. Again, thank you for introducing the Protect Life Amendment. Lastly, I would like to make mention that the little child in their mother's womb is a child and not just a glob of tissue that the pro death culture would like for us to believe it is important that we all remember this scientific fact that is confirmed by the science of embryology. Thank you for your efforts,Gary & Judy Sieren
Marlys Johnson []
Abortion is plain and simple it is MURDER!!! The killing of a living human being, no matter how small. It becomes a living thing from the moment of conception, therefore taking the life of a fetus is murder. It is time people look at God's word and start living according to His commandments.
Denise cross []
To Whom it May Concern:Abortion unfortunately is a part of my life story. I chose to end the life of my baby due to pressure from the father and my own fears. I have lived with the emotional pain for over 30 years. Until just last fall I had never forgiven myself. I went through a deep spiritual healing and can honestly say and believe I am forgiven. The emotional pain all those years took much away from me. I suffered with depression, anxiety and issues with trust ever since the abortion. I was never told when I had the abortion I would suffer at all. Just a little cramping physically. The cramping was so much deeper and long lasting. I never got to see an ultrasound of my baby. I know now I couldn't have gone through with it if I had. I didn't have the support.of the father of that baby, that too would have made alot of difference. Planned Parenthood is just a meat market that lures women in with faux comfort to just leave them crying in rooms with other victims of abortion. We all were there huddled.on plastic cots crating over what we had just done. No comfort was found at Planned Parenthood. I am not naive enough to think we will.never have abortion because our hearts are selfish and easily deceived, but if it isn't so readily available our numbers would drop dramatically. I thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I pray for you all making these decisions to speak up for those who can't defend themselves. The precious unborn. Thank you
Kimberly Cronk []
I want to voice my support for the Protect Life Amendment. Most Thursday mornings, I spend an hour quietly praying outside the Emma Goldman Clinic in Iowa City, as this is the weekday when abortions are performed here. It is overwhelming to witness the young women who enter...the majority of the women I have seen are black. It sickens me to know that so many precious black babies are killed before birth, and to know that this indeed was intended by those who founded abortion clinics. The people of Iowa deserve to live in a culture that respects life. The opposition will be louder than your supporters. I pray that you will have the courage necessary to do what is right. This legislation will be your most important legacy. Sincerely,Kimberly Cronkage 47, Iowa City
Jonathan Callas []
The legal status of abortion in the United States has been challenged many decades and ruled to be constitution each time. Disregarding this for the sake of ideological motives without any scientific or medical reasoning risks further division. Changing a law due to having an elected majority and outspoken governor with one of the lowest approval ratings in the country will result in truly negative results for women's health.
Mandy Paris []
Please stop wasting our money on this kind of legislation. Too many people think theyre against abortion until they realize they or someone they love needs one, and then its a different story. Practice your beliefs in your own life and leave the rest of us alone to make informed decisions with our doctors.
Jessica Galasso []
Iowans demand the continued right of having access to safe abortions. Stripping them of this right doesnt stop abortions from happening. It stops safe ones from occurring and strips child bearing people of their own decision making with their lives. Many people are then put in a vicious cycle of poverty due to unwanted pregnancies mainly due to republican led defunding of many social services and programs. Im disgusted with pro lifers claims that they care when in actuality they stop caring once that baby is born.
Patricia Oberhoffer []
Thank you for all your pro life efforts. God will bless tou for your efforts.
Kelly Giese []
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to pass this resolution, HSB41. It may be, and in my opinion is, the single most important thing you can do this whole session. It is long overdue. There is no right to an abortion in the Iowa constitution, there never has been. This just makes clear what is already true so that activist judges cannot override the constitution or impose their own views against the will of the people and the will of the legislature.
Whitney Smith McIntosh []
Please move this forward. Give Iowa back our dignity of not being a death loving state. Our state constitution never stated that we support the rights of mothers to kill their preborn children. That travesty has been read into the constitution by manipulative entities. Help the people of Iowa make it right. There is NO right to Abortion in the Iowa Constitution.
Judy Plank []
I oppose restrictions on abortion, especially in the form of a Constitutional Amendment. I'm old enough to remember what it was like for women before abortion was leagalized and do not want to go back to the times of backyard abortions. It is only women who are faced with pregnacy and women who faced with the responsibility of providing for the child in many circumstances. Sometimes there are already too many children who need support and another will break the family. A blanket prohibition against all abortion is not fair, and infringes on the rights of all women. We are diminished when we do not have control over our bodies or futures.
Brett DeVore [DeVore Properties, LLC]
Perhaps the legislature should focus on the current health care crisis and tackle the state's inept response to the Covid19, rather than focusing on a woman's right to choose for herself whether or not to have an abortion.
Trip Riutcel []
VOTE NO on this bill! I lived during the time when abortions were illegal. It did not stop abortions; it made them unsafe for women. Those who were welloff went to other countries where abortions were/are safe and legal. The argument I see in some comments about funding something with tax dollars that is against their beliefs does not hold up because they argue the other side when it comes to using tax dollars meant for public schools for private/religious schools. Then they have a right to choose. Womens right to choose what is best for their mind, bodies and life is up to the individual woman. If legislators vote for this bill, shame on them for making women handmaids in a baby factory. VOTE NO ON THIS BILL.
Cyndi Volcko []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.I appreciate your hard work to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and not only attempt, but succeed in rewriting our Constitution without the peoples request nor consent.Thank you for protecting mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and efforts to make Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because after conception, the life that begins is a human being and is entitled to the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness guaranteed by both the Iowa and US Constitutions.
Sarah Roth [NA]
Thank you for your continued work to protect lives in Iowa, and specifically for your efforts to protect the lives of unborn babies. I am in full support of the Protect Life Amendment, and I appreciate you making it a priority this session. Babies in their mother's wombs cannot stand up for themselves, and their lives matter. In stating that our state constitution does not protect a woman's right to an abortion, specifically a publicly funded one, we are acknowledging that these lives matter independent of race, gender, and ethnicity. They matter because they are people. A woman has many choices of contraceptive methods that she (or a partner) can use to prevent becoming pregnant, and this amendment does not infringe on a woman's (or man's) decision to choose to conceive or not those choices can and should be made prior to acts which can lead to conception. A baby should not be killed because of a parent's choice. And, murdering babies should certainly not be publicly funded. Murder, at any age, goes against my belief that all life is given by God, and I do not want to be forced to pay for murder.
Dianna Boleyn []
Please fight to protect life! The WHO already says that 1 million abortions have taken place since Jan 1, 2021. God forgive us!!!
Rita Tomanek [Johnson County Right to Life]
I completely agree with the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa, that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant nor secure a right to abortion, nor require the public funding of abortion.
Jean Galasso []
I do not support HSB 41 that can restrict abortion rights. The majority of Iowa WOMEN support the right of a WOMAN to choose an abortion. It is a very personal decision based on a womans situation and she should have that option. Many of us are privileged to have not been faced with such a difficult decision as an abortion. If you truly desire to decrease the number of abortions, focus on preventing unplanned pregnancies with education and access to birth control. Ask what can be done to improve the economy and help womens financial situations. Increase the minimum wage, improve PUBLIC education, provide more access to training and higher learning. If you are truly pro life and not just anti abortion, worry about those raised in poverty or battling mental issues, provide health care to all and provide failsafes for those in need. And provide COVID relief!
Dana Grosklags []
I oppose HSB 41. If you are truly prolife, what have you done to help young mothers or mothers living in poverty? I believe you are only probirth. Have those big political campaign donors ever spent a dime buying diapers for those children they claim they want to be brought into this world? Have they started college funds for them? How can you possibly know all the different scenarios that cause a woman or girl to seek an abortion? Maybe a young teenager has been raped by her uncle. Should she be forced to put her body through even more trauma? Maybe the woman is at risk of dying during childbirth. Is her life less important than the embryo? There are countless various possible reasons for wanting or needing an abortion. Only a doctor and the woman or girl can make the best decision because they are the only ones who have all the information.
Grace Rogers []
To Rep. Holt, Rep. Osmundson, and Rep. WesselKroeschell, Im writing to oppose House Study Bill 41. Maintaining access to safe and legal abortion in Iowa is critical to the safety of your constituents, and the decision on whether or not to access an abortion should be made between them and their physicians. A few years ago, I sat with someone while they were getting an abortion, and I was struck by how similiar we were: we were the same age. We grew up just a few hours from each other. We had probably taken the same high school classes. But while I went on to college, they fell into an abusive relationship. They werent able to access safe birth control their partner would throw it away if he found it. They couldnt access other methods they already had two children, one of whom had special needs. They could not financially or safely support a third child. This person was in an unsafe situation and had to make a difficult decision that should not be impacted by legislators in any circumstance. They actually had to drive to Iowa, putting themself in danger by lying to their partner, because abortion wasnt accessible in their state. I could have been that person just as easily as Im writing this letter right now. Our circumstances were not that different. I ask you to consider the lives of the people who need to access abortions, and think about how you could have been put in that position, with no access to resources, just as easily as youre sitting in the Capitol right now. To be crystal clear: restricting abortion only makes the world more dangerous for people who can get pregnant. 1 in 4 pregnant people will have an abortion in their lifetime, and without access to safe, legal procedures, many will attempt dangerous, lifethreatening methods to terminate a pregnancy. The best way for our legislators to protect the safety of Iowans is to make abortion as accessible as possible, not remove the right or restrict it. Please oppose House Study Bill 41.
Adam Falk []
Representative Steven Holt, Representative Anne Osmundson, and Representative Beth WesselKroeschell,I am writing asking you three to oppose House Study Bill 41. Flat out, abortion is healthcare. As such, it ought to be available for those who seek it out and it must be offered in a safe, secure, and comforting setting like any other medical procedure ought to be. Decisions about abortion, like any other medical procedure, ought to exist between the patient and their care provider(s). The hoops through which individuals who seek abortion are already absurdly difficult to navigate. Clinic closure or defunding has decreased access to this service, which has an extremely negative cascading impact on those seeking care including additional travel time and expense along with increased physical and emotional stress. Im sure that there are more, but as a cis male, this would never be a decision of mine I would face. With that in mind, we must do the utmost to support these individuals who are in need of medical care and that they are provided that care without judgment.Sincerely,Adam Falk
Taylor Nelson []
Rep Holt, Rep Osmundson, and Rep WesselKroeschell, My name is Taylor Nelson. I live in West Des Moines. I oppose House Study Bill 41. I support abortion access in Iowa. Abortion is healthcare. Keeping abortion legal helps keep it safe in a professional medical setting. No other medical surgery is controlled as abortion, so it is extremely safe.Abortion is normal. 1 in 4 pregnant people will have an abortion in their lifetime. I had 6 close friends in college. 2 had had abortions. 2 had been sexually assaulted. 4 have volunteered for Planned Parenthood. 6 support Planned Parenthood. Abortion must be available for whoever needs it. Basically, the bill would change our states constitution to make it so that abortion is not a protected right in the state. This is wrong. It would make situations less safe for pregnant people. Abortion is an extremely personal matter and should not be decided by lawmakers.I am very much against House Study Bill 41.
Jon Green []
To the Honorable Representative Steven Holt;Honorable Representative Anne Osmundson;and the Honorable Representative Beth WesselKroeschell:Representatives,I understand the Iowa Legislature may well propose an amendment to the Iowa Constitution defining abortion as something within the purview of the Legislature and subject to additional restriction. This would be a tremendous error and I hope you all use both your procedural powers and, should it come to it, your votes, to stop this process.Lots of folks get abortions for reasons as varied as they are personal. When I had a vasectomy performed at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics several years ago, I didnt need to worry about the State attempting to secondguess my decision. I was not subjected to a mandatory waiting period, antivasectomy propaganda endorsed by the State, or invasive ultrasound procedures, all of which become plausible should such an amendment pass.I didnt have to secret myself into the hospital, with clutches of protestors heckling me.I didnt need to worry whether my insurance would cover the outpatient procedure.I understand that for some Iowans, abortion is an evil thing as their religion or personal morality commands. However, whatever your dogma, our system of government abhors the State intruding upon such decisions, made further inviolate as a medical consideration between a doctor, patient and their family.Abortion should be available for all Iowans, whatever their circumstance. Any restriction to the procedure, including the restrictions already in Iowa Code (some pending litigation before the Iowa Judiciary), is as much an invasion of the State into the personal as our long and ugly history of forced sterilization.If you find abortion an evil act, you are and remain free to not avail yourself of one. I respectfully demand of you that you permit all Iowans the same choice we presently enjoy.
Alyson Sorensen []
Representatives Holt, Osmundson, & WesselKroeschell, My name is Alyson Sorensen. I am an Iowa voter and I am writing to express my staunch opposition to House Study Bill 41. I have two foundations for that opposition, both of which are detailed below. First, abortion is normal, necessary healthcare. One in four persons who experience pregnancy will need to have an abortion. Presently, if that person gets an abortion in Iowa, their abortion procedure is safe, performed by a licensed medical professional, and is heavily regulated by not only your own legislative body, but the federal government as well. Opening avenues through which the state is permitted to restrict this crucial form of healthcare simply will not curb the rate of abortions in the state. Rather, this rejection of our fundamental right to privacy will create conditions in which one in four pregnant Iowans must seek abortions that are more dangerous, less regulated, and largely untraceable. If the state of Iowa restricts abortion access, countless residents will die while the number of abortions performed in the state will be left unchanged. Second, as a law student at our states only public law school, I spend a great deal of time learning about the constitutional foundations for our systems of government and ordered liberty. That education leads me to firmly believe that regardless of your convictions about abortion, House Study Bill 41 proposes an inappropriate use of a constitutional amendment. A constitution is a document that exists to set clear parameters for how governmental institutions operate and engage with their people. They do not create obligations between persons nor do they erroneously detail individual actions that are not protected against government regulation. The illogical addition of the constitutional amendment proposed in House Study Bill 41 blatantly baits for Supreme Court consideration which demands years of costly litigation that Iowan taxpayers will shoulder. Further, this abuse of our states founding documents undermines the vitality of those liberties enshrined in our constitution at present. If we use constitutional amendments as a political tactic, we call into question whether or not our enshrined liberties are fundamental truths or political whims. As an Iowan, as a taxpayer, as someone who values her privacy and enjoys her fundamental liberties I urge you to reject this proposal that is rooted in opinions over science and politics over patriotism. In gratitude for your public service and solidarity in the fight for justice, Alyson
Chelsea Lepley []
To Representatives Holt, Osmundson, and WesselKroeschell:Im writing about HSB 41. Please do not amend the Iowa Constitution to restrict abortion access.As you know, abortion is healthcare, and its currently a very safe procedure. Please protect this safe access to abortion services in professional medical settings (dont drive people to less safe settings).Abortion is the most regulated medical procedure Im aware of, and that feels at odds with legislative calls for personal responsibility and reduced government intrusion. Please do not take away my right to receive this medical care, if I ever need it. Please trust people to make this personal decision for themselves.
Cheryl Larson []
I am very thankful for the tireless work many have done to get to this point. I am totally in favor of this amendment. I pray we can finally get to the point where babies will not be murdered. God bless your efforts
Lillian Nellans []
Dear Representative Holt, Representative Osmundson, and Representative WesselKroeschell,My grandmother, a lifelong Iowan, was one of the happiest, most positive people Ive ever met. She filled every room she entered with laughter as shed shout Hold on to your hats! Your Grandma Bea is here! But my grandmothers demeanor would turn somber if anyone mentioned her mother, who perished from an infection caused by an unsafe, illegal abortion when my grandmother was young. On April 23, 1923, 28yearold Edna Shooks husband, her fouryearold daughter Bernice, her threeyearold daughter Julia, and her oneandahalfyearold son Harry filed into Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Des Moines to say goodbye to their mother. Edna sought an abortion for the same reasons so many pregnant people do: her body needed time to heal from previous pregnancies, her and her family were unable to financially support another her child, she and her partner decided their family was done growing. Had Edna been able to receive the healthcare she needed in a professional medical setting; it would have been just another part of her story. But because the people sitting in the same positions of power you occupy today decided to outlaw abortion Edna died. I cannot believe that almost a century later I, her greatgranddaughter, have to write a letter begging my representatives to not put me and thousands of others at risk of the same fate. You see, when lawmakers make abortion illegal, reality splits in two for people with uteruses. Wealthy people with resources and connections will still live in a world where they can access safe abortions when they need them. The rest of us will live in a world where we still need abortions because they are a healthcare procedure just as necessary as the rest but we will be forced to risk our lives to access them. When it is legal, abortion is incredibly safe. It would be riskier to get your tonsils removed and I dont hear you all discussing that procedure every session. The research has never once shown that abortion rates go down when abortion is outlawed (in fact most research shows the opposite), but it does show that mortality rates increase. Your personal or religious feelings about abortion are irrelevant. If you dont like abortion, I promise I will always fight for your right to not get one. What is relevant to me is whether or not you are going to do your job as a lawmaker and make a decision that protects your constituents safety. Abortion is normal. 1 in 4 pregnant people will have an abortion in their lifetime. I guarantee you know and love many people who have had abortions. It is your job to do what is safest for the people who elected you. Our health and safety depends on you rejecting House Study Bill 41 and voting to protect abortion access. Sincerely, Lillian Nellans
Monika Owczarski [Sweet Tooth Farm]
Representative HoltRepresentative OsmundsonRepresentative WesselKroeschellI am writing to you today with regards to House Study Bill 41, that is seeking to change Iowas Constitution to take away abortion as a protected right. I am a mother of three, and a strong believer in abortion rights for all people in the state of Iowa. Becoming pregnant and giving birth to children has changed my body forever, and was infinitely more dangerous than any abortion procedure would have been. I urge you to think of the safety and personal choice of every family in the state of Iowa. My body will never be the same as it was before children, and I almost lost my life during one of my labors. Every person should be able to decide what medical procedures happen with their own body. Not only should every person and family have a choice about how their family is made up, many families get to the end of an otherwise healthy pregnancy and are faced with the devastating news that their baby has an abnormality that is not compatible with life. To take away the choice of those people about what happens to their child and to put it in the hands of the government stands against everything that conservatives and republicans claim to believe in. Please get the government out of peoples personal medical choices. It should stay between the pregnant person and their medical provider what they chose to do. I urge you to focus on the suffering children in the state of Iowa that are here, now, desperate for action. Children who are without a house, children who go to bed hungry, children who dont have medical care. Children in the foster care system, children in our chronically underfunded schools. They need your action.Sincerely, Monika Sweet Tooth Farm
Andrea Greiner []
Abortion is critical component of reproductive healthcare and should be recognized, granted and secured as a right for women. The failure to recognize abortion as healthcare will risk the lives of women in Iowa. I am an OBGYN physician and there are clinical situations where abortion is the only way to preserve the life of a woman. Women can have medical conditions where continuing a pregnancy would risk their death such as high blood pressure of the lungs (pulmonary hypertension) or others. Another clinical situation is when there is a complication of the pregnancy where continuing the pregnancy risks the life of the mother. Examples would be preeclampsia (severe blood pressure in pregnancy affecting the liver, brain, kidneys and blood clotting system) or an infection in the uterus. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine advocate that all women should have access to all aspects of reproductive healthcare, including abortion, and both organizations oppose any legislation or policy with the purpose to restrict abortion care in any way.
Deb Elseman []
Thank you for your past and present work in protecting mothers and precious baby's in the womb.I support efforts to defund and remove my tax dollars from organizations that do not value all stages of life. I'm thankful to live in a state where I feel like my voice can be heard through you. Please continue to speak up when judges abuse their power when it comes to the constitution.Please pass the Protect Life Amendment!!!
Natalie Odilo OP []
Eliminating abortions does NOT reduce a womans ability to decide what is best for her life and body. If she does not want a child, a woman has the right NOT to get pregnant to begin with. ABSTINENCE is 100% effective. Every woman can choose, yes Im PRO CHOICE, every woman can CHOOSE abstinence if she doesnt want a child. In the cases of rape or incest, there is still NO right to murder a child. Women, take control of your bodies! Stop wanting to use them as barren recreational equipment and remember the dignity and value of your ability to create a life, when you want to create a life and ABSTAIN when you dont want to create a life. At the same time, fight to protect women from rape and incest!
Kathy Nagle []
I have been involved in prolife ministry since 1991. My main focus during all these years has been working with women who have suffered emotionally from abortion. Having had an abortion myself, I understand the sorrow and regret that women feel. I have learned from these women that the circumstances surrounding the conception or the pressures they were experiencing that made them choose abortion, do not make living with that decision any easier. Whether the abortion was because of a domestic violence situation, an adverse diagnosis of the babys health, shame, or just inconvenience, the regret and the emotional pain was the same. Women are hurt by abortion. And it doesnt matter whether it is a surgical abortion or a medical one. It is unfortunate that the decision that was made that was supposed to bring relief and freedom ends up bringing a lifetime of regret.While there is no way to know for sure, I feel fairly certain that I would not have made the decision to abort if it had been illegal. But because it was a legal option suggested to me when it became apparent that I was not planning on this pregnancy, I made the choice to solve my problem in that way. Many of the women I have worked with in postabortion ministry feel the same, that because it was legal, it must be okay. The sorrow and regret that follow defies that idea. To abort is a decision that, once acted on, cannot be undone. Legal or not, the result is the same, one dead and one wounded. The children are gone and the mothers have to live with the consequences. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to find healing from my abortion and to help others find that same healing through Bible study. But the truth is that we will never forget our abortions. Mothers do not forget their children.
Jeffry Hoffman []
Abortion is health care. Full stop. Neither the Iowa legislature nor the Iowa constitution should be restricting access to health care for our citizens.
Rachel Egan []
Please support HSB 41. We must be a voice for the voiceless, especially the unborn. Thank you for your work prioritizing protecting the vulnerable unborn and their vulnerable pregnant mothers.
Marilyn Barnes []
Thank you, first of all, to those of you who have made life a priority and to give ordinary people like me the chance to voice an opinion and hopefully, in the future, a vote. I am sorry that the Supreme Court of Iowa chose as they did to allow babies in the womb to be denied life. My hope is that as a state we can protect mothers and children from any effort to expand abortion or to make Iowans pay for it, or make it a right under the state constitution. Please do all in your power to construct and pass a Protect Life Amendment that we Iowans can support.
Leslie Schwalm []
The US constitution protects our access to reproductive health care and this bill attempts to undermine our constitional rights. Abortion is a private choice adult women make about their health and their lives. We do not need state lawmakers treating us like children.
Melissa Chan [University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics]
I oppose HSB 41 for the following reasons: The right and access to abortion is, in fact, supportive of life: the lives of women and girls in Iowa. As a current medical student and future physician, I have seen first hand the life threatening complications of pregnancy and childbirth. To force a woman to endure pregnancy when she does not desire it, not only jeopardizes her health and medical wellness, but also forces her to endure the social, mental, and economic consequences of pregnancy and childbirth. This choice to continue or end a pregnancy is one that only the pregnant person can make. Science and evidence should be used in determining legislature that affects the health of individuals. Public health research has repeatedly shown that limiting access to abortion DOES NOT decrease the rate or incidence of abortion but rather leads to the increase of unsafe "underground" abortions and subsequent negative health outcomes (infections, death). While abortions done properly with medical guidance are safe, abortions completed underground (particularly due to restrictive abortion laws) result in more complications and higher mortality rates. "Abortionrelated deaths are more frequent in countries with more restrictive abortion laws than in countries with less restrictive laws" (Haddad, Nour 2009 please see link to review article in journal below.) The best way to prevent or decrease abortion in a community is to improve access to sex education, contraception, and social resources. Let's support funding into evidenced based practices.Further, supporting the legal framework to make abortion accessible is not equivalent to encouraging abortion. It is simply protecting the right to CHOICE.We have the opportunity to protect the great people of Iowa. I urge you to vote No on HSB 41.Link to article quoted above:
Mary Cooper []
Stop wasting time and taxpayer money trying to fight abortion. A woman's right to safe and legal abortion is a healthcare decision between her and her doctor.
Robert Barnes []
My hope is this: HSB 41 will be passed out of this subcommittee, it will be approved by the legislators and finally we, the people of Iowa, will be allowed to vote on it. Death (or killing) should never be a right, as abortion is currently in Iowa. This is an issue that needs to be thoughtfully considered, discussed, and voted on, not determined by a handful of unelected people. As I understand it, this bill would not eliminate abortion. But it would give the people of Iowa the opportunity to remove it as a right in our constitution. Thank you to those of you who have made this bill active so early in this session.
Wanda Gohsman []
Women deserve to have access to a safe abortion.
Sydney Asher []
Women in Iowa deserve and demand the right choose abortion. Abortion is a HEALTH CARE decision that has nothing to do with anyone else. Taking away the right to legal abortions does not mean abortion will stop, it just means that women will revert to unsafe abortions practices.
Martha Stevenson [did not say]
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth. If we do not protect the unborn baby, what protect to I have as I age.Defend life at all stages begins at defending life of the unborn.Thank you for hearing my voice. The unborn have no voice until birth andeven when it cries at the moment of birth, who will hear the voice of thatchild. Choose life. Save the unborn from abortion.God's blessings.Martha Stevenson
Tara Shochet []
Abortion is an integral part of reproductive health care, and as with all medical and health decisions should be between an individual and their medical provider(s). NOT POLITICIANS. Politics has no place in medicine. The way to reduce abortion is to increase access to contraception and sex education. Removing legal abortion only means that abortions will be less safe. And, as history has shown, the people with the least amount of resources (those whom we should be working hardest to protect and support) will be the most harmed. If you care about Iowans, you need to protect their health by ensuring access to all healthcare services, including abortion and not only those supported by a political agenda. I STRONGLY OPPOSE THIS BILL.
Tristen Williams []
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it. #WeWontGoBack #IStandWithPP
Zachariah Ahrenholtz []
Abortion Hurts Women and Children. This is not a benefit to our nation or state it is to our detriment. AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF STATES THE TESTIMONY OF 2,624 WOMEN INJURED BY ABORTIONA new study further documents that women who experience abortion have increased risk of suicidal ideation, though the abortion industry fails to disclose such studies to courts or women considering abortions, either because of their ideological bias or financial self interest. See also for other studies.Please see the attached brief detailing the testimonies of these women who are just a handful of the many, many women hurt by "access" to abortions in our nation.
Leandra Lyon []
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it. #WeWontGoBack #IStandWithPP
Miranda Tze [Reproductive Justice Alliance]
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it. #WeWontGoBack #IStandWithPP
Kyrstin Delagardelle []
Iowans should make healthcare decisions with their doctor unimpeded by the government. Any healthcare procedure deemed appropriate by my doctor should be available to me. I do not support this proposed amendment.
Marilyn Foster []
Thank You for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Also Thank You for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. We (my husband and I)want you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Carol Schmitt []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority for the mothers and especially the precios baby!
Abigail Burnett []
I am the oldest of three daughters, the child of two loving parents who worked hard to make life better for us than it was for them. My parents taught me to respect my body, to advocate for myself, and to do the right thing for myself. The amendment proposed by HSB 41 would deny me the right to do these things in the state of Iowa. The idea that I or my sisters should have less of a right to an abortion than to any other medical procedure is frankly absurd, and goes against the American rights to personal independence, selfpreservation, and privacy within the home. I ask you to consider the heartbreak that might be unleashed if women and families are denied the right to make the difficult choice to abort a pregnancy. I am sure that you believe Iowans have a right to privacy at the doctor's office; as an abortion is a medical procedure, the right to privacy must extend to cover it.The National Bureau of economic research found that the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade had a measurable impact in bringing down crime 20 years later. This is because families had the option to wait, to bring children into their lives only when circumstances allowed them to provide stable home and the love that those children deserved. I am sure that you believe Iowans have a right to live in loving communities, and to be wanted by those who care for them. The right to an abortion helps to guarantee this for every child.I also want to respond directly to the mention of public funding in HSB 41. In 2016, the state of Iowa spent over $180 million on Medicaid to cover health costs for pregnant women, young children, and the elderly. If women are not able to seek assistance in preventing and terminating pregnancies when they do not have the resources to care for a child, this number will skyrocket. Access to abortion is a public health and public funding issue.HSB 41 is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. Access to abortion must remain a right, and we should not bar those in need of the service from seeking assistance to pay for it. I have not even mentioned the horrors of asking women to carry to term pregnancies which are not viable, nor of forcing women to give birth to the products of rape. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I oppose HSB 41 and urge the subcommittee to stand with Iowa women and our families in doing the same.
Shirley Rich []
I strongly favor HSB41 to not use public funding for abortion. Abortion with taxpayers money is murder using my money without my consent.
Sophia Tekautz [ISU PP]
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I am a pre human medicine student and taking away medical rights will in danger the lives of many people. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it. Human rights are not a debate. #WeWontGoBack #IStandWithPP
Micah Wacker []
First of all, I would like to thank you for making the Protect life amendment a priority this session. It is greatly appreciated that you are working hard to give We the People a voice when unelected judges are attempting to effectively rewrite our great state's constitution. Stopping abortion from expanding to birth and even making the taxpayers pay for it is very important, and I am grateful that you are giving this issue your valuable time. Protecting mothers and their children is so important. I implore you to pass out of your committee the strongest language possible for the Protect Life Amendment. Nothing could be more important than saving the innocent lives of those yet unborn.Sincerely,Micah Wacker
Judi Lehman []
I'm not in favor of this amendment because Roe v Wade Id the law of the land.
Julia Wasson []
I completely support a woman's right to choose an abortion should she believe it to be in her own or her family's best interest. The legislature does not have the right to determine what is in a woman's best interest; it is HER body. This proposed amendment says nothing about exceptions for rape, incest, underage pregnancies, or unviable pregnancies. Will a woman who miscarries potentially be accused of murdering her fetus when she has a procedure to remove the dead tissue? Will an impregnated teen have to give up her own life and dreams because she and her partner had unprotected sex? Does a raped woman have to carry the offspring of that violence within her for nine months of torture? Does a child of thirteen have to go through a pregnancy her body is unready for if she gets pregnant? (NO, I'm not condoning underage sex, but it happens.) And just what constitutes abortion in the bill? Is the morningafter pill also going to be illegal? Wouldn't that be a reasonable alternative where it's possible? I urge you to reconsider such a broadbased restriction. You want to restrict abortion? Then provide free maternity care, free delivery care, free preschool, free childcare, and other supports a mother with limited income needs when she has a child she can't afford to care for. I am old enough to remember girls and women dying from botched illegal abortions. Is that truly what you want for the women of Iowa? This decision should be left up to the woman or girl, her medical team, and her family, if she wishes to involve them. It is NOT your right to legislate it. I urge you NOT to put this bill forward.
J Hupfeld []
Why would you not support a woman ? I think that women can choose what is right for their own bodies! If you are serious about this consider making it mandatory that the father be a viable person in the mothers and childs life. Make it against the law if he does not and bring charges against him..... Have you also increased monetary care for the fetus or is it once again the womans responsibility..... This just does not make any sense.......
sharon spiller []
Banning abortion only makes safe abortion unavailable. Abortion existed before Roe v Wade. Just illegal and very unsafe dt untrained providers in unsterile conditions. Women make the best decision they can for that point in their lives. That decision rarely comes lightly. They may be mid education that a forced pregnancy would derail, never wanted children or have as many children or more than they can afford already.Had I not had access to abortion I doubt I would have been able to finish my education. My then husband , who I had two children with later turned out to not be able or willing to keep a job. That abortion kept myself and my kids out of poverty!
Gary Miller []
I definitely support passage of this amendment.
Jeff Zyzda [Knights of Columbus]
I fully support the proposed amendment to the Constitution of Iowa to not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion. THIS IS LEAGLIZED MURDER!Good Bless,Jeff ZyzdaSioux City, IA
Christine Schlotfelt []
I oppose HSB41. I am the proud mother of 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren. Yet I still grieve for the one daughter I was unable to carry to term. She died while in my womb when she was 6 months along. She had to be removed (aborted) from my body or I would have also died. I believe that abortion must be a legal healthcare option for women, and is a matter to be decided by the woman and her doctor. I also believe in reducing the need for abortions through education and access to affordable (even free!) birth control. I don't understand why legislators think they have the right to control women's bodies in the name of preserving unborn life, and yet won't mandate the wearing of masks in the name of preserving the lives and health of all living Iowans.
Mary Hazen []
First of all, thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session Thank you for giving Iowans a voice in this matter and not letting arrogant judges over reach their power for their own personal interests! Thank you for protecting young mothers and their unborn babies from efforts to expand abortion to be allowed to the day that baby could be born and then make Iowans pay for this! Please pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language possible to protect these unborn babies!
Lucy Brewster []
I do not wish that abortions be funded by our tax dollars. I believe that babies are human from the time of conception. They have a right to be heard.God bless you.
Jonathan Brown [Pastor, Parkers Grove Baptist Church ]
I would like to express my deep appreciation for those legislators that would support this bill (HSB41) with their voices and their signatures. I speak on behalf of the 1000's of babies aborted yesterday who did not get this opportunity, thank you.Pastor Jonathan BrownBenton County IA
Juana McConnell []
Yes! She is a baby!!!
Julie Larson [--None--]
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Wendy Ruble []
Access to safe healthcare is a right for all women and girls. I am disgusted by the idea that personal healthcare decisions would attempt to be legislated by strangers. Its absurd and offensive.
Douglas Klein []
I am opposed to any changes in the Iowa Constitution at this time.
Jennifer Fix []
Thank you for working so hard on protecting the sanctity of life to protect ibabies by not murdering these little ones that God has so graciously blessed our lives with. Thank you for listening to We The People as unelected judges try to overturn our US Constitution. (If its not broke why fix it? It has been working well for a long time!!) Respectfully,Jennifer
Elaine Van Wyk []
Please do everything you can to protect our most innocent and vulnerable Iowa citizens, the babies still in their mother's wombs. Their lives are precious.Thankyou for your work.
Marcy Oberbreckling []
Access to safe abortions doesnt make more abortions. Women who have abortions, dont do without a heavy heart. Stop killing women. Its never been about children. Its always been about controlling womens bodies. And you will never do that.
Robert Gregorich []
Thanks to all the prolife legislators for amendments that protect the most vulnerable, that being the unborn. I as a constituent am proud of my prolife legislators for standing up for what is right.
Linda Corbett []
Thank you for working to protect the unborn in making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Abortion is murder!Thank you for being a voice for the unborn!
Michelle Brookhart []
Thank you for proposing this bill to protect life and women. Please approve this most important amendment to protect the lives of all future Iowans.
Stacy Cordery []
Please do not pursue this amendment. Women have the moral right to decide what happens to their bodies. Access to a safe abortion is an essential part of women being able to reach their full potential. Women must have the option to terminate their own pregnancies safely.
Jerry Van Wyk []
Abortion is murder. It is never right to do wrong!
Jennifer Leatherby []
This is unconstitutional per the supreme court of Iowa. Banning abortion will result in the death of a large number of people. We stand firmly against this amendment as people who believe that all human life is sacred, especially the lives of pregnant people. Shame on the legislators who would propose such an abhorrent and violent bill. Forced pregnancy is a human rights violation.
Thresa Parker []
This can not pass. It is a violation of women's rights to body autonomy in favor of religious views.
Alex Kintzle []
Iowan absolutely have the right to abortion. Their body their decision end of story. This is absolutely disgusting by the Iowa GOP.
LuAnn and Steve Mosier []
Dear Legislators,Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Steve & LuAnn Mosier
Mary Cook []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.As elected officials, your role is to serve as the voice of the citizens of Iowa. Thank you for working hard to give us a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Susan Thompson []
Please dont pass this ruling. Were already a more backwards state. We dont need to go further into history. Please let the woman have the right to choose what she does with her own body.
Abigail Fowler []
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it. #WeWontGoBack #IStandWithPP
Greg Schwab []
Wholeheartedly support this amendment!
Rachel Bruns []
I oppose this. The government should not be making healthcare decisions for families. It will lead to an increase in maternal deaths and will not change the amount of abortions. The majority of Iowans support access to abortion care.
Adam Baldus []
Safe, reliable, and accessible services regarding reproductive health is necessary. Restrictions on abortion placed out of misguided religious sentiments, political party appeasement, or anything else NOT based on science is damaging to the people as a whole.
Sharon Ellingson []
I am so grateful for you are making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. It is a privilege to be able to share my thoughts. Because judges at times try to rewrite the constitution, an amendment is critical to establish the right of a baby to live. It is grievous to ever force a citizen to pay for an abortion. How can we call ourselves civilized and permit the murder of innocent life. Iowa is better than that and our value for life can be reflected in the passage of the best amendment possible.Sincerely, Sharon Ellingson
Ben Smith []
Access to safe abortion services is an integral part of reproductive health. Banning abortion does not stop abortions, it only stops SAFE abortions. Most people who get abortions already have children at home and are acutely aware of how much money, time, and energy children take. Since Iowa has been gutting the funds for social service programs forcing someone to birth an undesired child makes it that much more likely that the family will be forced into poverty. Those who wish to ban abortions are not prolife, but probirth, as they abandon all semblance of caring about the child after it's born
J Burgess []
I am in favor of the Life Amendment (hsb41).
Chad Mullins []
Please protect the lives of the unborn. I feel strongly to stand up and speak for those who are unable to speak for themselves.
David Matthey [Mater Dei parish]
May God be with you in this fight. Continued prayers and support for life of our babies.
Mary Drotzmann []
Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion in our state. We all need to speak up for the innocent lives that are being slaughtered by abortion as well as the mothers that suffer after choosing to abort their babies. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment.
Cathy Herrig []
I am so thankful for those who are not afraid to stand up against abortion. I believe there are too many people who think that a heartbeat does not signal the beginning of life. In hospitals a heartbeat signals LIFE.
Gayle Anderson []
Thank you for your voice, representing people in Iowa who cherish life and continue to fight for the Prolife stance in our state, our nation, and the world.
Andy Ellingson []
I am in favor of the amendment. Iowa needs to lead the nation in protecting the right to life.
Lora Fraracci []
I am so disappointed in republicans and leadership of Iowa. I am a proud Iowan. I am a proud grandmother and mother. What I decide to do with my body is nobody's business but mine my family's and my doctor's. I have had 2 beautiful children I've had a miscarriage and I have chosen to have 2 abortions. As the failing gop party continues to marginalize women and other folks let's remember people are not flocking to Iowa. People are leaving. You make this state less safe you make this state a place people do not want to be. Your days are numbered and I think you recognize that. The numbers just are not in your favour So to continue on this path to steal the constitutional rights away from a certain segment of the population is and will continue to be your downfall. You are the party that supports insurrection. You are the party that wants to strip constitutional rights away from so many people. You are the party of dirty energy and dirty politics..
Jessica Baer Karnell []
Attempting to unconstitutionally remove a womans right to choose if an abortion is what is best for her body, her health, and her life doesnt decrease abortions, unwanted pregnancies, or create better lives for women or their children. It leads to unsafe abortions; psychological and emotional trauma by giving women to continue unwanted pregnancies or pregnancies that are not compatible with life; more women and children requiring social services in order to survive; and to children who can suffer from being born into unsafe and unhealthy environments. Concentrate your efforts on our current health care crisis and helping the Iowans who are in need right NOW!!!!
Rebecca Specht []
Dear Legislators, Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority for this session! Thank you for giving us a voice over the unelected judges who seem to have their own agenda. Most importantly, thank you for helping to give our most vulnerable, babies inthe womb, a voice and protection under the law. Please do not stop fighting for our babies! Abortion is murder and most Iowan's are against it and do not want to pay for it. Please pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment possible, our babies and families are counting on you. I am praying for you. Please pray yourselves and include God in all of your decisions so that your work is pleasing to Him.Thank you and God Bless You!
Amanda Brown []
Thank you for making this a priority. I fully support this bill. I believe the constitution gives the baby a right to life as well. Thanks
Anne Pithan []
Thank you for all of the prolife work that has been done. Please continue this work and please consider that we are protecting our next generation. Please welcome all life and protect the most vulnerable.... our babies. Thank you.Anne Pithan
John Weieneth []
Dear Legislators,Thank you for you willingness to take up the plight of the voiceless and to spell out the obvious that human life and all other life begins at conception. Humans have a right to life regardless of their age from the moment of conception until the brain and heart cease to function.The science is pretty simple and straight forward, when the egg is fertilized by a sperm a completely new and unique DNA is formed at conception. Thus when a human egg and a human sperm come together at conception a new human life has begun. It is a new human life that has worth, value and potential, and it must be protected from harm.Human sex has consequents and natural outcomes. The natural formation of a new life at conception is one of these potential outcomes. It is also unfortunate that in an effort to forsake ones responsibility and/or error of judgment that killing the unborn for convenience has been accepted through a twisted rationalized reason. The paths that lead to this conception of human life are many and varied. Some are pleasant, some are painful, and some are horrific. The resulting paths taken by the new mother and child after conception are also many and varied. The paths taken are based on what is available for care, social pressure, and suffering or convenience of the mother.This misses the obvious point that there are two lives to be cared for, supported, loved and shown compassion. Both should be nurtured as much as possible and both should live. Our point of discussion should not be when or if the baby can die but what needs to be done so that both can live with as little stress, harm, or suffering. The course of discussion should be more in line with does the mother want to carry the child to term or not. If she want to carry the child then how can she and child be best supported until the child is born. Then does she wish to raise the child or will the child be adopted. If she doesn't want to carry the child to term how can she be cared for until it is feasible to remove the child from her womb to a suitable place for the child to continue to develop and be born. (I feel the options for this are rather limited at this time however given priority artificial wombs and women being used as surrogates could become more common place.) The first step is protecting life when it states. Protecting life because it has value in turn impacts all areas of our existence. When life has meaning all human interaction is effected for the better. Therefore, please pass a Protect Life Amendment.Thank youJohn
Robert Pigott [Retired]
How can our Country progress and be welcoming when we eliminate our new born population? A life is a unique person just beginning and deserves protection.
Beth Zubrod []
I oppose making abortion illegal. Our bodies our choice.
Tara McKee []
I strongly oppose HSB41. Women, like men, have an equal right to make healthcare decisions for their own bodies. Instead of trying to strip away rights from half of your citizens, please focus on actually saving lives by addressing the out of control COVID19 spread in our state.
James Lamb [Lutheran Family Service]
Testimony in Favor of HSB 41As a student of biology and theology, I have learned that when it comes to the question of when life begins, we should not seek the answer from pastors or politicians or pundits in the media or popular movie stars or even physicians. We should ask those intimately knowledgeable of lifes beginningsembryologists. So, what do the embryologist say? Embryology textbooks used in medical schools state categorically and consistently that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. For the sake of time, I will quote just one. But I can provide at least 39 others if you like! Human life begins at fertilization, the process during which a male gamete or sperm (spermatozoon) unites with a female gamete or oocyte (ovum) to form a single cell called a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual. A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e., an embryo). (Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003. pp. 16, 2.)It is settled biological science that unborn little boys and girls are human beings. A primary purpose of government is to protect the life of its citizens and the purpose of the constitution is to set up a framework for the government to do so. To say that the constitution guarantees the right to take the life of unborn Iowans contradicts the very purpose of the document itself. Ending the lives of unborn Iowans runs contrary to the Godgiven knowledge of right and wrong placed in all human hearts. It runs contrary to human reason to kill our offspring. It runs contrary to what is good for our society. And, again, it runs contrary to the purpose of our constitutional government. I speak in favor of this amendment, but find it disconcerting that we must add a Protect Life amendment to our constitution that at its essence is designed to protect life. Rev. Dr. James LambLife AdvocateLutheran Family Service6417514433
Susan Bailey []
As of 12/20/2020, more Iowans had perished from Covid19 in nine months than the number of abortions (3566) that were performed in the state of Iowa during the calendar year 2019. The rate of abortion in 2019 was an uptick from 2018(2849 abortions)after a steady decline in Iowa abortions for over a decade. At the current rate of covid deaths reported, there is reason to believe that by the time we reach the one year anniversary of the first covid death in Iowa in 2020 that the number of lost Iowans will double the 2018 abortion rate. Members of the Iowa State Legislature would have me believe that life is sacred in Iowa, but the mismanagement and disorganization of the response to the covid pandemic lays truth to that lie. Legislators claim a commitment to life, yet put some of Iowa's most vulnerable in peril by delaying or denying actions that would have saved the lives of many Iowans since the pandemic began. I do not believe that your desire for this amendment is rooted in true respect for human lives, but rather in political gamesmanship. Else you would move heaven and earth to be protecting the lives of Iowans facing this pandemic. Your actions speak louder than your words and I am not fooled.
Emily Chatfield []
You are able to be a representative because your mother chose life. Please understand that life begins at conception and support the ProLife Amendment. There are many Iowans who do not want our taxes going to pay for the murder of innocent lives.
Ivan Droessler []
I suppose the joint resolution, for no one should have the public support of terminating a life and I should not have to support abortion through my tax dollars. No one wants to take women rights from them; they make their choose at the time they decide to have sexual relations. If they choose wisely, having selected a good partner they have means of preventing a pregnancy. These chooses can be made in advance to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. If a mistake is make there are chooses besides choosing an abortion, there are waiting list for adopting. Two mistakes do not make a right. A human being has been give the right of choose by his creator, but legalizing the taking of a life is not a choice by man alone, this is a choose between the individual and God. Please support an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa that does not recognize, grant or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.
Amy Williams []
The most important right is the right to life. Without that as the basic right, no other right can be established. Please amend.
Martha Dirks []
I am very grateful to people who stand up for the prolife cause. Please keep up the good work. Please get wording in our Constitution to make it clear that it is not a right in Iowa for anyone to kill an unborn child. If your right to life is taken away, all the other rights are meaningless. May God bless you in your work.
Caitlin Wethington []
This will endanger the lives of women across the state. I am horrified that it is even being considered.
Deb Coates []
Iowans support access to safe, legal abortion services by a nearly 2 to 1 ratio. And yet, here we are.In general, Iowans are in favor of privacy rights, of individual rights, and of an Iowan's freedom to choose. And yet, the legislature continues to try, against the wishes of the majority of Iowans, to interfere in women's rights to privacy, individuality, and choice. There are many many issues important to all Iowans that should be before the legislature this session. This is not one of them.It was clear last year when the legislature tried to pass this same amendment that Iowans were not in favor. That has not changed.Please spend your time on things that matter to all IowansCOVID vaccination rollout, better economic conditions for all Iowans, and support for public education
Josephine O'Donnell []
Why must Republican legislators continually pursue legislation, and now apparently a constitutional amendment, that seeks to limit access to safe, legal abortion and reproductive health care and birth control access?? Iowans overwhelmingly support access to safe, legal abortion in Iowa, and support public funding for contraceptive and sexual health care access. So it's more than evident that this is an extreme ideological agenda that spurs these legislators. This agenda is even more dangerous and infuriating when Iowans face so, so many challenges, whether related to the pandemic's impacts, the gutting of our public school systems and the ability to earn a living wage and the dignity of work. I could not be more opposed to this amendment and the rest of this agenda.
Renee Andrews []
Please continue efforts against the killing of babies. I support not having the public pay for abortions.
Hannah Miller []
She's a baby
Jesse Singerman []
I am writing in strong opposition to HSB 41 which would amend the Iowa Constitution to take away a woman's fundamental right under the Iowa Constitution to choose to terminate a pregnancy. Women have a right to decide for themselves whether to terminate a pregnancy, and should not be prevented from this freedom by misguided and overreaching politicians.HBS 41 would also prevent state funding for women's health clinics and agencies like Planned Parenthood which will discriminate against lowincome families and individuals. As lawmakers well know, the inability to provide financially for a child is one of the primary reasons that people may seek to terminate a pregnancy. As a result, HSB 41 will also likely result in more people and children needing public assistance. This amendment, if adopted, would also make it easier for the legislature to impose frivolous restrictions on the ability to terminate a pregnancy. This is a unreasonable restraint on the rights of women to plan their families and control their lives. Women deserve the basic right of choice in their reproductive lives, and Iowans support this right. Vote NO on HBS 41.
Angie Ellingson []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice. Also thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
Danielle Elliot []
Vote prolife!
Riley Germann []
I appose this measure. You're going to hurt more people than you realize. Please stop being the regressive nightmare we're becoming or the brain drain will continue as our best and brightest abandon us.
Kate Vibbert []
Vote NO on HSB 41. Iowans dont want LESS access to abortion. We want more.
Melissa Schechinger []
I support an amendment that states that Iowa does not recognize a right to abortion. All lives, even those of the smallest humans, those just conceived, are important and precious.
Melinda Schechinger []
I agree that abortion is not a fundamental right. It not only takes the life of a child but the conscience of the mother.
Jane Robinette []
This proposed constitutional amendment would ban abortion in Iowa. Abortions did not begin with Roe v. Wade or the Planned Parenthood case. Abortions will not end if a ban is imposed. They will simply stop being safe and legal (and affordable). This constitutional amendment would extinguish a woman's right to bodily integrity and reproductive autonomy, would interfere with women's health and wellbeing, and literally endanger the lives of women and girls. Supporters of this amendment seem to be guided by religious beliefs that are their right to have, but they cannot enforce those religious beliefs on everyone else. That is not how freedom of religion works.I urge those who care about women and children to focus their energies on improving the maternal mortality rate in Iowa, increasing access to maternity departments in rural Iowa, adding more OBGYNs, and making sex education and access to contraception more widely available. Those things will actually help women and children, unlike this dangerous constitutional amendment.Please vote NO on HSB 41.
Jim Clark []
I support the Life Amendment, HSB 41.
Leonard Scaletta []
I am against abortions because you are killing/murdering a live person. We protect preborn eagles, so we should protect humans too.
Sarah Elgatian []
Abortion is a right according to the UN's Declaration of Human Rights. It is an often necessary healthcare procedure and our nation's Supreme Court upheld the right abortion 50 years ago. Abortions are only safe when they're legaltaking away this right puts many many lives at risk. Beyond that, 1 in 4 pregnant people gets an abortion and MOST IOWANS approve of a person's right to choose for themselves. It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that Iowans maintain the right to terminate pregnancy.
Kristine Klein []
I am a woman. I am a mother and a grandmother. If Iowa's lawmakers where women, I doubt very much this bill would see the light of day.I have a body, just like these misguided lawmakers. My body is my own. I make the decisions as to what is best for my body and for my family. How dare you even consider this wrong headed bill. You are taking Iowa back to the time when women were treated and considered no more than chattel. Women demand and have every right to equal opportunities, and summarily taking away her free choice is a terrible decision....and of course don't give a thought to our universities who educate our future doctors. You will be gutting our (at the moment!) our nightly esteemed medical schools and making a laughing stock of our state.
Laurel Klosterboer []
For decades now, lawmakers have been debating the validity of abortion.I have gone back and forth on it myself, considering social, public health, and religious impacts of both sides (though religious mandates have NO PLACE in government, so said the Founders and the writers of our Constitution.) I am against the proposal to restrict or abolish abortion, or make it so difficult and inaccessible that Iowans cannot make a decision to have it. The United States Supreme Court has said women have the choice of terminating a pregnancy. They dont need to explain it to a state legislator or the governor for approval. I dont like the idea of abortion BUT only desperate women make this desperate decision, for reasons you personally may not validate: physical or mental health reasons, dire economic circumstances, extreme family duress, or abuse. If the 3,566 women who had abortions in Iowa in 2019 had not been able to access a safe clinic or hospital for the procedure, they would have gotten abortions anyway and many of these women, all of whom have names and families and purpose, would have died needless and painful deaths from infections, malpractice, or trauma from a backroom butcher with a coat hanger. Abortion is a fact of life, and has been for thousands of years. Please use your power to save womens lives by allowing safe medical clinics in Iowa. Thank you.
Sam Standish []
Abortion is normal. 1 in 4 pregnant people will have an abortion in their lifetime.Keeping abortion legal helps keep it safe in a professional medical setting. This means fewer people die or get hurt or sick all around.Abortion is healthcare.Abortion is an extremely personal matter and should not be decided by lawmakers.No other medical surgery is as controlled as abortion.Abortion is extremely safe.Abortion must be available for whoever needs it.It goes against the UN Declaration of Human Rights to force someone to carry a pregnancy against their will.
Elliot Imes []
I firmly believe that women should have the right to terminate their pregnancy within the current parameters of the law. Any restrictions are an attempt to implement an outdated form of theocracy, but really, theyre just an attempt to keep poor people poor. Restrictions on abortion access are literally only good for scoring political points for the right wing. They hurt everyone else.
Carrie Bresler []
Thank you for your efforts to correct the Iowa Supreme Court decision. I believe we need to do everything possible to prevent late term abortion, public funding of such that ends the life of a baby and causing harm to the women. I appreciate your time and attention to this most important issue.
Laura Dolehide [Dub Co Right to Life]
Thank you for all you have done to protect the innocent lives of the unborn and for their mothers. Please continue keeping our state a pro life state.
Margaret Appel []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority!I appreciate you working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Pleasepass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language.
Carla Muller []
Thank you making the Protect Life Amendment (HSB41) a priority this session.
Amanda Larsen []
The right for someone to choose what happens to their body should not be up for discussion. Especially when the group against choice uses religion and a lack of scientific knowledge as its reasoning. These are cells we are discussing. Time to realize that by making abortions illegal all you are doing is making those seeking an abortion use unsafe back alley procedures. Time to care more about people than cells.
Ryan Stier []
Please reject this resolution. Regardless if you or your constituents do not personally agree with the concept of abortion, that does not make it your choice what a woman can or cant do with her body. Thank you.
Holly Opperman [Satanic Temple ]
As a proud Iowan, I find it disgusting that our rights to abortion are under attack. Rather than focusing on the personal medical choices that one chooses to make, you should be focusing on raising yhe minimum wage, comprehensive sex education that is based in science and medicine, and increasing education in the state. Making changes to the policies that drive women to abortion should be the priority. It's time to tackle the societal problems that cause the need.
Elliott Nassif []
It is essential that abortion remain safe, legal, and accessible for Iowans. As history has shown us, abortions will always be performed, legal or not, and almost certainly without the safety of clinical abortion. Abortion is healthcare. Abortions mean fewer people needing to survive on government assistance. Fewer children languishing in the foster system. Abortion is saving lives, not ending them. For the health of all Iowans, please do not advance this bill. Instead, perhaps focus on bills to fund pre and postnatal care, lower Black maternal mortality rates, and bolster our foster systems.
John Schissel []
I want to ask you to do everything you can to protect unborn babies from being murdered. Abortion is a scourge on our nation far out weighing any other injustice perceived or real that has ever happened. Unborn babies are the most vulnerable and most innocent people in this world. Thank you for the efforts you have already put into the anti abortion crusade and I pray for your success.
Constance Peterson []
This bill tries to restrict a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body. If this is enacted it is only right for an additional law to be passed that orders a vasectomy for those who impregnate women without condoms or without the full consent.
Constance Peterson []
This bill tries to restrict a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body. If this is enacted it is only right for an additional law to be passed that orders a vasectomy for those who impregnate women without condoms or without the full consent.
Jamie Helmick []
I urge you to reject HSB 41. Making abortions illegal does not make abortions go away. In fact, it just makes them happen in unsafe situations that are not regulated. People seeking abortions now have barriers to getting the healthcare they need. But if you were to deem abortions illegal, the barriers would still be there but increased tenfold and it wouldn't stop them. Women will die if Iowa makes abortion illegal...if it does not recognize that abortion is necessary healthcare and is a decision that a pregnant person and their doctor make together. Please, reject HSB 41. It will do nothing but bring more death and disability on Iowa because of unsafe abortions.
Katarina Rich []
Right to abortion is a human right. People with uteruses are the only ones who should be able to make decisions about their bodies. Iowa must not strip away our rights to make decisions that affect our lives so greatly. Stripping rights to abortion does not take away the need, it only creates unsafe environments for those who need an abortion.
Christine Ewert []
I'm a constituent in Iowa and I do NOT support HSB 41. Do not support a bill that will make safe abortionsan important aspect of healthcare already less assessible for minority and impoverished womenmore difficult or even impossible to get in our great state. Women will suffer if this bill is passed. Research like the Turnaway study have shown the very real consequences for women that have occurred in other states where similar legislation has passed.Women who are denied an abortion are more likely to initially experience higher levels of anxiety, lower life satisfaction and lower selfesteem compared with women who received an abortion. Also, unwanted pregnancy has been associated with deficits to the subsequent child's cognitive, emotional and social processes. (Biggs MA, Upadhyay UD, McCulloch CE, Foster DG. (2017). Women's mental health and wellbeing 5 years after receiving or being denied an abortion. A prospective, longitudinal cohort study. JAMA Psychiatry . 74(2):169178) The number of unsafe abortions is likely to increase when policies limit access to reproductive health care. (Ganatra B, et al. (2017) Global, regional, and subregional classification of abortions by safety, 201014: estimates from a Bayesian hierarchical model. Lancet, 390: 237281.)There is a strong relationship between unwanted pregnancy and interpersonal violence. Specifically, the inability to obtain an abortion may force women to stay in contact with violent partners, putting them and their children at risk. (Roberts, SC, Biggs, MA, Chibber, KS, Gould, H, Rocca, CH, & Foster, DG. (2014). Risk of violence from the man involved in the pregnancy after receiving or being denied an abortion. BMC Medicine , 12:144. )Laws restricting access to safe, legal abortion will be particularly harmful to lowincome women, women of color, and sexual and gender minorities, as well as those who live in rural or medically underserved areas. As noted by the Black Women's Health Imperative, Black women continue to struggle to afford birth control that best meets their needs, the lack of which leads to higher rates of unintended pregnancies. As a result, Black women have significantly higher abortion rates than whites and Hispanics. Moreover, those who are unable to access abortion care are more likely to be thrown into persistent poverty."This issue is extremely important to me and to many women like myself. Please do not pass legislation to take away women's right to access this important healthcare choice they can make for themselves.
Megan Knight []
Abortion is health care, and access to this form of health care without undue burden is the law of the land. This is not the will of the people of Iowa, nor is it the health care issue you should be attending to right nowyour focus should be on addressing the COVID19 pandemic! This is shameful trolling and pandering to the far right. Stop it. Do your jobs.
KJ Washam []
Please reject HSB41. This limits womens rights, robbing them of a safe and healthy choice in so many ways. Every woman has the right to choose what happens within their own bodies. This is so important.
Laura Fehr []
This extreme amendment proposal is an attack in womens rights and is not what the majority of Iowans want. Vote no on changing the constitution.
Barbara L. Chapman []
We appreciate it that you have made the Protecting Life Amendment a priority of this session acknowledging your hard work to give us a voice in this matter & your efforts to preserve the original intentions of the Iowa Constitution. I appreciate it that you are working to protect both mother & baby. I have worked with a number of women who have had abortions & still suffer from its affect in their own hearts & lives.Please include in this amendment the strongest possible language in order to preserve the life of the baby & the later affects on a mom wrestling with life's issue here.Thanks,Barb Chapman
Wendy Mitchell []
I REALLY wanted several children, however4, medically could have been fatal. I've been in the situation, nearly needed an abortion to save my own life, luckkliy my tumor gre sloly, I was able to carry to term. It should ne MY choice what happens to my body, my life.
Michele Aurand []
I would ask that you vote YES. Someone needs to be the voice for the unborn babies as no one is listening to the cries they make as they are being killed. It is deeply troubling to me to know that if anyone wanted to abort a litter of puppies as a way of population control of dogs, everyone would be up in arms and demanding that it be stopped. However, abortion of HUMAN LIFE is not seen that way but we know that is the very reason Planned Parenthood was started; as a way to control the population of the unborn African American babies. Now that is a extreme tragedy! Abortion has now become way of birth control in general. There is NO "good" reason for abortion and NO time during the pregnancy is a "good" time. Thank you for listening to me.
Leah Vanden Bosch [Planned Parenthood ]
Dear Subcommittee members,I will take the time to reach out to you individually, but I want to submit a public comment for the subcommittee scheduled for Tuesday, wishing I could be there to defend myself. I had an abortion here in Des Moines almost 4 years ago, and it is the best decision I've ever made for myself. I truly don't think I'd be here if I didn't have the option to terminate my pregnancy, and I'm really frustrated with the fact that my local representatives don't actually seem to care about their constituents. At the end of the day, they believe they know best. Our antichoice representatives are driving their own agendas through positions of power, when year after year, I continue to beg my abortion saved my life. I have to miss Tuesday's subcommittee, because I need to be at a house inspection, and I have to tell you, this continuing antichoice legislation made it really difficult for me to commit to Des Moines. These offensive, invasive bills have made be feel unwelcome since year one, and if it wasn't for the community I've found in defending my right to an abortion, I would never choose to stay, because of days like Tuesday. The antichoice legislation in this state makes it exhausting to live here. I recognize the privilege in my situation and will never stop working to secure the same experience for others. I hope you understand that on Tuesday, you will be discussing healthcare that saved my life. As a born and raised Iowan, I will defend my abortion until you give up on thinking it's any of your business. This is not a political discussion, and I can bring medical records to validate that. I'm expecting this will continue and will plan to be in touch over the next few months. Thank you,Leah Vanden Bosch
Lauren Goetze []
1. Abortion is protected by the rights to bodily integrity and to make decisions about family. The Court explained that decades ago.The 14th Amendment prohibits states from depriving a person of liberty without due process of law. A person has the right to end a pregnancy without undue interference from the government because that right to liberty includes (1) the right to make decisions about family and (2) the right to bodily integrity. Americans cannot be forced to compromise their bodily integrity even to save a life like donating blood or a kidney. Abortion is protected by the due process clauses of the Fifth Amendment (which restricts the federal government) and the 14th Amendment (which was added to the Constitution to restrict the states).Using the force of law to compel a person to use her body against her will to bring a pregnancy to term is a violation of her physical autonomy and decisional freedomwhich the Constitution does not allow.2. Any previability ban is unconstitutional. Period.In Casey, the Supreme Court was asked for the sixth time in a decade to overturn Roe, and the Court essentially said forget it. We answer the question, the authors of the controlling opinion wrote, whether a law designed to further the States interest in fetal life which imposes an undue burden on the womans decision before fetal viability could be constitutional The answer is no.Though states continue to propose 20week bans, every previability ban that has been challenged in federal court has been struck down. To pass this resolution would not only violate the United States constitution, but also claim the government no longer guaranteed bodily autonomy. This would be a massive expansion of government into the most private decision of Iowans, and cause reactions well beyond abortion rights. If you are true conservatives who believe in small government, you would not support this massive expansion of government power.
Rachel Tell Sasek []
Please do not amend the Iowa constitution in such a way. Bodily autonomy for all people (including pregnant people) is absolutely a right and should be treated as such.
Angela Gruis []
Thank you legislators for:1making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.2for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.3for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please, I urge you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby and deserves to not be murdered.Thank you.
Adam Gruis []
Thank you legislators for:1making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.2for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.3for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please, I urge you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby and deserves to not be murdered.Thank you.
Blake Berte []
Thank you legislators for:1making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.2for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.3for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please, I urge you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby and deserves to not be murdered.Thank you.
I'm opposed to this legislation. I believe that any decision concerning women's health should be between a woman and her doctor. I have a family member who miscarried and needed a medical procedure to remove the fetus. Abortion bills put forth in Iowa the past several years would have prevented this procedure. She had other children. What would have happened to them, if she had died without the procedure? We cannot put all of the possibilities into a law, to cover all exceptions. Please leave the decisions to medical doctors, not legislators, in this case. Thank you.
Mary Lehr []
Fight for the helpless! Protect the babies within the womb!
Dexter Koontz []
Science has come far enough to know that is a separate life, a separate body, totally unique genetic map, its own identity. We must end this barbaric practice. Thank you.
Carol Erban []
I oppose a constitutional amendment on abortion as the right to this medical procedure has already been deemed constitutional in the United State, making this entire effort a waste of tax payer money and legislators time. Antichoice legislation does not represent the vast majority of Iowans beliefs on the subject. Already public funds are not used when a women chooses what may be a life saving procedure so thats not what this is about. Stop wasting time and focus on the real priorities and not your specific beliefs.
Carla Seele []
I fully support an amendment to the Constitution of Iowa that recognizes that the Constitution does NOT recognize, grant or secure aright to abortion or require the public funding of abortion. Every Iowan, every child, every human being deserves the right to life and no murder should be legal. Women also need to be protected from the deep and lasting pain and anguish abortion leaves. Thank you for supporting the lives of all Iowans.
Jane Becker []
Please do not pass this bill. It is a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, not the goverment's!
Michelle Goodman []
I would first like to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I would also like to thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and making Iowans pay for it. I would urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment. That little child in her mothers womb IS a baby. When someone crashes into a car and a pregnant woman is killed, that is considered a double homicide. Why, then, is it ok for someone to murder (abort) an unborn child? Thank you for your consideration.
Nicole Ryan []
First I would like to say thank you for proposing this amendment. It disheartens me greatly when elected or appointed officials abuse their power over the people. Those elected or appointed officials in state or federal government are servants of the people not dictators or kings, yet some seem to be confused as to their public service role. Again I thank you for taking up this measure to demonstrate that abuse of power will not be tolerated. Thank you seems so in adequate for the injustice you are attempting to right. And honestly the greatest injustice or to those unborn babies! Again it is disheartening that in our world of enlightenment and knowledge we find a way to justify the killing of our own young. This killing of our own offspring relegates us to the level of animals. Please dont misunderstand me I am not angry but greatly saddened. It tears my heart into 1 million pieces to think of all those babies suffering such horrible atrocities at any stage of life. I beg of you please continue your work to write the injustice! I pray every day for those in elected office to choose justice, justice for the poor especially in the poorest among us are those tiny babies in their mothers wombs.Again I say thank you, in addition to my prayers for you all it is all I have to offer.God bless you all and guide you on your journey.
Daniel TenHulzen []
Thank you for making this bill to protect life a priority during this next session. I would like to take some time to explain why the constitution does not, in any way, guarantee someone an abortion. Whatever our state constitution says should not matter if you take into account our federal constitution. In the federal constitution it says that everyone has the RIGHT to LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When one gets an abortion they take away the babies right to life and by extension their liberty and the chance to pursue happiness. Scientists have claimed finding life on Mars, which was a simple single celled organism. I would agree that they have found life and apply this to human beings as well. The cell that forms and starts rapidly dividing the instant a woman is impregnated is a life. Whether or not you agree to this point, I think I've at least made it clear that abortion is not guaranteed in the constitution. Thank you for taking the time to hear what I had to say.
Priscilla Raile []
This is fucking ridiculous reject HSB 41!
Diane Moussalli [Iowa Resident]
I am writing to thank you in advance for making The Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. thank you for working hard to give We The People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working so hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, up to and including the day a baby is born, expecting my taxes to pay for murdering these babies. I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment you can to protect the innocents. If we do not protect human life in the womb we are destined to reap the consequences for generations. Respectfully, Diane Moussalli
Katherine Bryden []
Women deserve the right to bodily autonomy. In the interest of womens freedom to determine the course of their reproductive lives and healthcare decisions, I believe there should not be an amendment curtailing their right to access a basic reproductive service. There is no similar curtailment of mens right to bodily autonomy, and this is a discriminatory amendment that is being proposed. Pregnancy is not a benign condition. Women have many and varied reasons for wanting or needing an abortion. There is no other medical procedure that the state seeks to ban an adult from accessing, and it is not the place for the state to decide how people should be able to utilize healthcare or their own bodies.
Katherine Bryden []
Women deserve the right to bodily autonomy. In the interest of womens freedom to determine the course of their reproductive lives and healthcare decisions, I believe there should not be an amendment curtailing their right to access a basic reproductive service. There is no similar curtailment of mens right to bodily autonomy, and this is a discriminatory amendment that is being proposed. Pregnancy is not a benign condition. Women have many and varied reasons for wanting or needing an abortion. There is no other medical procedure that the state seeks to ban an adult from accessing, and it is not the place for the state to decide how people should be able to utilize healthcare or their own bodies.And unless you provide legislation to guarantee health insurance, a living wage, 6+ months of paid maternity leave, housing and food assistance, you are not really supporting a culture where that dyad can thrive. Sister Joan Chittister said, I do not believe that just because you are opposed to abortion, that that makes you prolife. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, a child educated, a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not prolife. That's probirth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of prolife is."
Marilyn Richard []
I strongly support all prolife measures to protect women and preborn children, including bill HSB 41A.Thank you, all members of the Iowa House of Representatives for supporting it, as well.Good day,Marilyn Richard
Roger Knutson [Knutson Family Farms]
I am against abortion and even more against public funding of abortion. You need to stop the madness before we become calloused against life and we start euthanizing people who are old or disabled or homeless or wrong color of skin or because of religious beliefs. It could get so bad we would kill people because they are of the wrong political party.
Terri Nichols []
Thank you so much for prioritizing the Protect Life Ammendment this legislative season! I am so grateful and urge you to pass the strongest Protect Life Amendment possible to protect the truly vulnerable women and children in our society.
Rebecca Erlemeier []
I am writing to express support for the Protect Life Amendment. The innocent, vulnerable children of Iowa deserve our protection. Thank you.
Holly TenHulzen []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session, and for working hard to give the People a voice in a government that was meant to be by the people for the people. I am grateful for your work to protect mothers and children from abortion. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment after all it is a right given by our Creator and there should be no way for humans to work around the Constitution to take the right away.
Lauren Benson []
The right to a safe and legal abortion is essential for womens advancement in society. Women should be able to make healthy choices for themselves without the law intervening. Making abortion illegal would be an incredible step backwards for Iowa, aswell as being unconstitutional. If my rights to abortion are taken away, I WILL BE HORRIFIED. Respect Women.
Lynnette Christensen []
I urge you to please support the amendment to the constitution of the state of Iowa. A baby in the womb is a life from conception and ending that life through abortion is never a positive solution. Abortion not only denies any chance of life for the child but also adversely affects the lives of the mother and father of the child. Thank you for your time.
Sally Walker-Jondal []
I am writing in strong opposition to HSB 41 amending the Iowa Constitution to take away a woman's fundamental right under the Iowa Constitution to choose to terminate a pregnancy. Women have a right to decide for themselves whether to terminate a pregnancy, and should not be prevented from this freedom by misguided and overreaching politicians.HBS 41 would also prevent state funding for women's health clinics and agencies like Planned Parenthood which will discriminate against lowincome families and individuals. As lawmakers well know, the inability to provide financially for a child is one of the primary reasons that people may seek to terminate a pregnancy. As a result, HSB 41 will also likely result in more people and children needing public assistance. This amendment, if adopted, would also make it easier for the legislature to impose frivolous restrictions on the ability to terminate a pregnancy. This is a unreasonable restraint on the rights of women to plan their families and control their lives. Women deserve the basic right of choice in their reproductive lives, and Iowans support this right. Vote NO on HBS 41.
Norma Halverson []
amara wood []
a human right your body your choice
Gabriela Fuentes []
While more countries in the world, such as Argentina or South Korea, join the list to decriminalize abortion, you introduce HSB 41 to strip Iowans of the right to make private healthcare decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. We DO NOT WANT to go back to the dark times when people had to die from illegal abortions. Religious beliefs are being wrongly prioritized in a country whose Constitution provides for a wholly secular government. Yes, I remind you: The United States Constitution separates church and state.THIS IS NOT A MORAL OR RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION. This is to provide safe options for everyone regardless of their beliefs. If you want to protect life, you should stop introducing bills in favor of gun rights or the death penalty. You should not take people's basic rights away. Abortion is a right, abortion is healthcare, and it is a personal decision that must remain in the hands of individuals and be kept out of the conservative ideology of your political party.
Rev. Chuck Muether [Immanuel Reformed Fellowship]
I want to thank the hard working legislators who tirelessly serve the great State of Iowa. The preservation of life in the womb is important to all of us. It's not just about the sanctity of human life, but that we are all made in the image of God and honoring life, especially those who are helpless, is honoring God. I believe with all my hear, soul, mind, and strength that God has appointed you civil magistrates for such a time as this. Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us, "See that you do not despise one of the little ones" (Matthew 10), and He was speaking of those already born. I can't imagine what judgment comes to those who destroy little ones just in the womb. We will all be held accountable for the roles we exercised. Do your work well and know that we who are called to ecclesiastical office are praying for you constantly. I pray for those on both sides of the aisle. This is not about Republicans versus Democrats or Democrats versus Republicans, but about us all. Preserving life to the glory of God will result in God preserving the righteous whose righteousness is in Christ. But even if you are not a Christian or hold to another faith, at the most rudimentary level, preserving life at any age is what the civil magistrate is called to do. Every jot and tittle of anything ever passed by our state lawmakers comes down to life and the preservation of it. And for your encouragement, do what is possible to pass legislative that protects life. Don't fall prey to cynicism that whatever you do will eventually fail. God uses the means of man and woman to accomplish His will. Ultimately, He is the Protector of all of life. But it is incumbent that you be faithful to do your part in this great battle of our timethat life that bears His image must be preserved. Thank you again for your courage and sacrifice toward framing this resolution, HSB 41.
Ash Bruxvoort []
Everyone should have access to their right to abortion, a procedure that ultimately improves the quality of life and protects the health of Iowans.
Jim Ruebush [Retired teacher]
I do not favor this bill. There are more than enough laws restricting the rights of women. Instead, focus your energy and time on laws that benefit public health and the education of our youth.
Debra Hanson []
Thank you making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Abortion should not be a fundamental right.
Miriam Pedersen []
I would like to thank you, our legislators, for standing for LIFE ... including the life in the womb. These are trying times when some want to expand abortion to the day of a baby's birth. I encourage you to pass the best possible "Protect Life Amendment." Lives depend upon it! God bless you.
jolie seitz []
Abortion Access is a right. Vote to maintain Iowans ability to exercise this right.
David Lopez [Diocese of Sioux City]
The main purpose of good government is to defend natural rights. Any law which violates natural rights is inherently unjust and immoral. Life begins at conception. The child in the womb has the natural right to life. Please stand for justice and against the culture of death.
Bri Miller []
Sarah Rodenburg []
Please do not use public funds to pay for abortions.
Dan Goebel []
As human beings are created in the likeness and image of our Creator and we have the right to life at all stages. This is made clear in our nation's Declaration of Independence. I am saddened that we need to create an amendment to our state's constitution as it should be clear killing an innocent human being is never a "right". In light of this mentality and the other reckless actions against human life that may follow, I support the amendment. I also don't believe taxpayer funds should ever be used for the purpose of abortion. Redirect those dollars to aid in adoption services.
Arlyn Wingate []
Every women should be guaranteed the right to decide what happens to her body. It is unconstitutional to force someone to go through pregnancy which will drastically alter their life.
Holly Charles []
Please protect the rights of the unborn.
Gary Walters [Grace Baptist]
Thank our legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank them for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank them for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Urge them to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Thank you for all you are doing to see this pass here in the state of Iowa!
Walter Pugh []
I am thankful that this proposal has been made and is being considered by the subcommittee. I am also grateful to be afforded the opportunity to express my personal support for the proposed amendment to the constitution. To enshrine in the state constitution legal sanctioning of abortion without the direct consent of the citizens via their representatives seems to be a grave violation of the republican process by which we claim to live. Overreaching by judicial authority undercuts the confidence of those who would ordinarily put their faith in dueprocess and legislative powers to enact the common good. Aside from the reality that unregulated abortion clearly causes more harm than good, the most recent decision by the court to amend the state constitution is a failure to allow legislators to exercise their duty. You have my full support for this proposal.
Karen Hoeger []
DO NOT amend the Iowa constitution in such a way. Bodily autonomy for all people (including pregnant people) is absolutely a right and should be treated as such. Do not take away medical options. This decision is between a woman and her doctor, no one else. Statistics prove that making abortion illegal does not end abortion. Access to birth control, medical care, and education significantly reduces abortion.
Jon Hedger [Logan Christian Church]
I want to thank you for the consideration of HSB 41 resolution proposing an amendment to the state constitution and encourage you to pass it. Any steps that our state can take to defend the sanctity of life for all, including the unborn, is the right thing to do.
Thomas Kuhn []
Please pass the the resolution proposing an amendment to the Iowa Constitution which does not recognize a right to abortion or require public funding.
Rose White []
I had an abortion and its something I will regret for the rest of my life . Along with physical problems from it . This should not be allowed
Dennis Rima [Clarity Clinic]
I would like to thank those of you who fight to protect the life of the unborn child. I pray the Protect Life Amendment will always be in effect in the state of Iowa and our country. We need to continue to protest moms and their unborn child and not to expand abortion rights and then make me (Iowa citizens) pay for it. The child in a mother's womb IS a baby and has a right to life. Our Constitution states that EVERYONE has a right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!! Let's see that it is carried out.We as a state and country will pay dearly if we continue to allow abortions even up to birth. Only GOD has the right to give life and take it away. Please stand strong to protect the life of the unborn child!!!
Brad Cranston [Iowa Baptists for Biblical Values]
I strongly support the proposed amendment to the Constitution of Iowa that would serve to protect the unborn. Nothing is more important than securing the safety of our next generation of Iowa citizens. Furthermore, there is no such thing as the right to kill innocent life, much less demand that godfearing citizens be required to fund such a genocide in violation of their own conscience.
Laura Hessburg [Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence]
Representatives Holt, Osmundson, and WesselKroeschell: The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) represents 22 crime victim service provider agencies across Iowa and the collective experience of agency staff who dedicate their lives to supporting victims of violent crime, specifically survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Our direct service providers routinely witness the pain and suffering of crime victims, as well as their stunning resilience in surviving repeated violent acts (often over the course of months and years), inflicted on their minds and bodies by people they know and care about. ICADV urges you to oppose HSB 41, amending Iowas constitution to say the State of Iowa does not secure or protect the right to an abortion or require public funding of abortion. Reproductive health services are an essential component of routine medical care for all women, and victims of domestic and sexual violence have an acute need for timely access to the full range of reproductive health services, including abortion care. The link between intimate partner violence and negative reproductive health consequences is profound. Restricting and ultimately prohibiting access to abortion is harmful to womens health and will not stop women from needing or obtaining an abortion. These policies have a far greater impact on the safety of health services women receive than whether women choose to terminate a pregnancy. And for victims of domestic and sexual violence this bill negatively impacts their options for safety more broadly. Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive, abusive, and threatening behaviors. Approximately 1 in 3 women experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner, and most first violent experiences occur before age 25. Importantly, approximately half of intimate partner violence occurs in unmarried relationships. Reproductive coercion is an element of domestic violence that occurs when a male partner uses intimidation, threats, or violence to impose his intentions upon a womans reproductive autonomy. This includes rape, sabotaging contraception, and coercing a woman to become pregnant and carry a pregnancy against her will. Iowa service providers report that overcoming barriers to accessing abortion care increases a survivors risk for harm from an abusive partner. Without access to abortion care many women return to abusive relationships they would otherwise leave and carry unintended pregnancies to term at great risk to themselves and other children.Unintended pregnancy is the primary reason women seek abortion care. It also doubles the risk for domestic abuse during pregnancy. Women with a history of domestic violence are 4 times more likely to be abused during pregnancy than women in relationships that were not violent prior to pregnancy. And regardless of the prevalence of domestic violence, homicide by a spouse or intimate partner is the number one cause of death for pregnant women. Safety is not the antidote to domestic violence. Selfdetermination is. Our end goal is not only for individuals to reach safety, it is for individuals to have the ability to determine their own futures and have access to the services that would make this possible. Erecting barriers to accessing safe and essential health care services functions exactly like reproductive health coercion. And for victims of domestic and sexual violence it also makes their lives a lot more dangerous.Eliminating access to abortion care because of disagreements over individual health care decisions is harmful to womens health, bad public policy and does not reflect the reality of womens lives. Please reject HSB 41.
Sophia Tekautz []
Its not about keeping abortion legal its about keeping it safe. The question is do you want women to have this choice safely or not and risk their lives.
Julie Hunt []
I support this amendment. Science knows life begins at conception. The basic 10 commandments say "Thou shall not kill". We are not allowed to kill the smallest ones either. No one says you have to raise your baby, but you can't kill your baby to make it go away.
Paula Brown []
Please pass the amendment to the Constitution of Iowa that protects life. There is NO RIGHT TO ABORTION nor should taxpayers EVER be forced to pay for the heinous choice of abortion.
Julia Schroeder [Orange City Area Health]
Please protect our unborn. My voice is for the little ones without a voice.
Mae McDonough []
I oppose amending the Iowa Constitution to prohibit the right to abortion and prohibit public funding to abortion services. It's embarrassing and shameful that my state representatives are actively attempting to take away a woman's right to bodily autonomy.
William Bishop []
I want to thank our legislators in advance for working hard to save babies and pass the best "protect life amendment" possible for our state. Abortion is not a right. Abortion is wrong and causes a degrading of our society. Please protect the most vulnerable among us and take this decision out of the hands of judges who would wish to rewrite our constitution.Thank you.
Joan Hall [Church]
Thank you for your heart for life! Thank you for standing firm to stop the murder!! We need more of people like you fighting for the people God has created
Kevin Kilcawley []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb deserves our protection.
Suzanna Pinnow []
I urge you to consider denying this action against a woman and her right to choose.
Mackenzie Kilcawley []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb deserves our protection.
Shaunna Derry []
Thank you for considering this amendment. From the moment of conceptions, each child has unique, unrepeatable DNA. A pregnant woman cannot wait to have that particular child years later; a woman choosing abortion chooses death for that particular child. Many men and women suffer a lifetime of grief and haunting memories from the abortion of their children. It is a decision to end another person's life that cannot be undone, and, unfortunately, it is a decision often made in a state of fear. The supposed right to abortion upholds a cultural belief that Americans have a right to sexual activity without its natural consequences. The American judicial system has decided at is highest level that this supposed right should be protected despite the suffering and loss of life which are its fruits. Please uphold an inviolable right to life. Please choose to uphold human dignity for some of the weakest among us: afraid mothers and fathers and their children. Please choose to do what is right. Thank you for your consideration.
Rosemary Nikkel [Year]
Thank you for supporting Life! Please vote for this amendment. Every single person began as one single cell before anyone but God even knew that life had begun. There is no stage of development when it is okay to terminate life. Thank you again for fighting to protect innocent life!
Abigail Meehan []
Please keep abortion safe and legal in Iowa. Abortions wont stop in the case of barriers to getting them; they will only become more dangerous. Abortion is healthcare and it needs to be recognized as a medical procedure that is protected under similar laws
Mark Dykstra []
Thank you to the Legislature and others that have actively worked to protect the rights of the unborn children in our state and country. I greatly appreciate the efforts made to secure the rights of unborn children when the courts do not protect them. The Bible says that those who condone the killing of God's children will suffer the consequence as evidenced with the history of Israel when they sacrificed their children and pay the consequence. Please continue to pass the PROTECT LIFE AMENDMENT.Thank youMark Dykstra
Debra Stolze []
Dear Legislators,I want to thank you for your efforts to support life for unborn babies and their mothers. I am writing to ask you to be courageous and pass an amendment to recognize that abortion is not a right and that public money should not be used for abortion.Abortions have immediate consequences resulting in the death of the child. It also has long term adverse efforts to the mother and family. It is in the best interest of our nation to reject abortion on demand and support the importance of life.thank you
Ella Maahs []
Keeping abortion legal keeps the women of iowa safe. Abortion is a human right.
Elissa Faro []
I'm writing to urge you to reject the amendment that would effectively obstruct access to and insurance coverage for abortion and interfere with the ability of women in Iowa to make decisions about their own health care. The restrictive language contained in HSB 41, if signed into law, would have a direct impact on women's human rights to physical integrity, health, and nondiscrimination and could jeopardize public health. The precedent of government interference in profoundly personal health decisions would represent a dangerous departure from current US policy and human right standards.
Jackie Stellish []
Republicans don't care about abortion or saving the unborn. If they did, they would have listened last session and not defunded Planned Parenthood. They were told doing this would increase abortions in the State and in fact, abortions did increase. The GOP literally voted to increase abortion. This legislation is about keeping their base happy. Republicans have used this issue as a wedge issue for years for one purpose and one purpose only: to get votes. Unfortunately, it works and they know this so we will never hear the end of this issue until it's codified at the National Level. In the meantime, those of us who know better can leave comments. No doubt, they will fall on deaf ears.
Lilly Lenning []
Please vote NO on HSB 41. Pregnant people must always have the right to choose. As someone who spent 3 years working in an Iowa domestic violence shelter, I have seen how necessary it is that a person can get an abortion if they want or need one. I have seen cases where women are forced to become pregnant, just to keep them in the cycle of abuse. Does that sound prolife to you? No child should have to suffer the consequences of being born to a parent who never wanted them in the first place.
Lynsey Hart []
I want to save as many children as possible. I want to save the children that will go through with illegal abortions, putting their health at extreme risk as we saw in the past. I want to save the children that will grow up in poverty because they were born to parents who were not ready to take care of them. I want to save the 100,000s of children who go into the foster care system and face physical and emotional abuse, and all too often wind up aging out of the system and left without a safety net. Banning abortions is not the way to achieve these goals. We have already tried this as a country; It didn't help. Let us not repeat the same mistakes for they will only hinder us in finding a true solution.
Sara Fread []
I am writing today in strong opposition to HSB 41. Refusing to recognize the right to abortion does not end abortions in the state of Iowa, it ends safe abortions. Choosing abortion is never an easy choice. Pregnant people who make the bold and courageous choice to undergo abortion are doing so with the wellbeing of themselves and the potential baby in mind. When we take away legal access to abortion, pregnant individuals are left with dangerous, potentially deadly, alternatives out of desperation. All people should have the ability to make their own choices regarding their reproductive health and family planning, not forced into lifechanging situations by the government. Instead of spending time attempting to take reproductive rights away, we should be focusing instead on how we can improve our state sexual education and reproductive health resources to reduce abortions overall.
Ahsan Aman []
HSB 41, the proposed constitutional amendment, is one of the most extreme attacks on Iowans health in our states history. If it passes, the amendment would strip Iowans of the right to make private health care decisions, opening the door to a statewide abortion ban. Iowans deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care and the ability to make the best medical decisions for their lives. I oppose HSB 41 and ask the subcommittee to NOT pass it.
Keith Pedersen []
Please protect human life from the life in the womb to the last breath that we draw upon this earth.
Lori Hunt []
I am deeply disappointed that this harmful legislation is coming up again this session. This is not what Iowans want or deserve. We deserve a government that is working for us, working to fix problems and working to find common ground on moving forward to make Iowans lives better. We dont deserve a cruel and divisive start to the new year.If passed, this would be the only medical procedure specified in the Iowa constitution and the only thing that takes away a right instead of expanding them.If we are so concerned with reducing abortion rates maybe we can invest in family planning? Maybe we can do something about being almost dead last in the US for ObGyn doctors per capita? Maybe we can start to address maternal health? Maybe we can do something about the lack of delivery options for women across this state? Maybe we can help pregnant women get protection and be able to take a break while working?Make no misake, this language is designed to outlaw abortion in Iowa. So instead of looking for ways to solve Iowas problems the Republican legislature sees fit to work on bills like this that create a whole mess of problems. Please, lets put divisive and hateful rhetoric aside and get to work to improve the lives of all Iowans. Reject this bill,
Noelle Parsons []
This proposal to bar a medical procedure by constitutional amendment is not only overkill and doesn't only go against our state motto, but it makes women secondclass citizens to fetuses and gives notyetexisting humans "special rights" over people who currently exist. Forcing women to give birth (and risk their lives in the process), whether they want to or not, is a violation of bodily autonomy. No other law overrules the right for a person to decide what happens to their body in such an invasive way.Women are the sole arbiters of what happens inside their bodies, not government. If we agree that government cannot force someone to donate blood or tissue, or dictate what happens to people's organs when they die, then we absolutely should agree that government cannot force a pregnancy to proceed to term. Thank you.
Erin Jewell [Coram Deo Bible Church]
I had an abortion when I was 18. It has permanently affected my life in a negative way. Please see the attached document to read an overview of my abortion story. Thank you for your time and consideration of the harmful ways abortion impacts all people, born and unborn.
Kristi Holz []
HSB 1I am in support of this resolution.A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.
Nick Bergus []
Im writing today to oppose this amendment to the Iowa Constitution. Legally restricting womens access to healthcare has been shown to lead to increased maternal death, increases in women seeking abortions and other changes that those seeking abortion bans often believe to be beneficial.
Grace Herzberg []
The people of Iowa should have the right to an abortion and be able to equitably access such services. Iowans will be safer with access to legal, funded abortions so that they dont have to resort to illegal and unsafe practices. The autonomy of Iowans and the right to choose is at stake if Iowans do not have the right to an abortion.
Sonja Spear []
No one should be forced to remain pregnant against her will. Without the right to control our own bodies, women are not equal citizens. Furthermore, a fertilized egg is not a "child." Denying legal access to abortion does not prevent abortion, it just means that women seek illegal and dangerous means to end a pregnancy. If you want to reduce the number of abortions, increase health care and financial support for pregnant women and families. Please vote against this bill.
Paul Dykstra []
We stand for the sanctity of life. Pass Joint Resolution HSB 41 Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa which states Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.Thank you
Sara Clemenson []
Please reject HSB 41. Allow women to make their own choices for their bodies and their lives. No woman should be denied access to an abortion or have access severely limited based on funding. The government has no place in medical decisions.
Mary Panther []
Please do NOT pass this Bill! Womens bodies are NOT your business! This goes against what SCOTUS has decreed. STOP!
Sue Mahlum []
Please pass the HSB41 as we need to protect the lives of the unborn.
Anneliese Hohmeier []
Legislation like this is one of the reasons I never want to live in Iowa. You are making it clear that you don't respect women's health, their autonomy, or their decisionmaking capabilities. This legislation is not based on evidence or the best current scientific practices and is therefore doing a major disservice to all who are affected by it. Abortion is health care and should be related to be as safe and accessible as possible, same as any other health care procedure. Stop trying to make your constituents' lives harder and focus on assistance with housing, rent, unemployment, and other things that really matter right now.
Brianna Wills []
I suspect no one who is voting on this has ever found themselves in the scary position of an unexpected pregnancy. It is a private matter that is no one's business but the woman who must face the difficult choice. Get out of people's private matters. It is none of your business. And if you truly cared about unwanted pregnancies then you would be funding places like Planned Parenthood where they literally help women PLAN PARENTHOOD by offering birth control.
Lynn Bjorlin []
The real issue is assisting women and families so that they are not in a position where they feel abortion is their only option. It's discriminatory towards women. Planned Parenthood provides a great service to low income women outside of abortions. Please look at the big picture.
Bonnie Reinders []
Please support the life amendment. Abortion always ends the life of a human being with distinct DNA. Therefore, abortion is always wrong. It is wrong to allow it. It is wrong to force taxpayers to fund it.
Sandy Sponcil []
I am against HSB 41 which is a proposed amendment to the state constitution restricting the right to abortion. We should not revert back 50 years concerning this matter that affects women's health and lives. This is a right that has helped many women manage their health and their lives to the benefit of their families, neighborhoods and towns. And, I believe, as a result has actually saved money for government.
Ted Biderman []
As an Iowan I am disappointed that we have to make something as important, and obvious, as life itself a part of our Iowa Constitution. That being said if an amendment is the only way it can be understood, then Iowa needs to have our Contitution amended to be sure we do not recognize, grant or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.
Mary Johnson []
Please vote against HSB 41. We do not need this amendment. By making abortion more difficult, it will only hurt women and womens rights. Please vote to protect women and defend our rights.
Maher Josephson []
This resident of Iowa and citizen of the USA stands in opposition to this bill/amendment (HSB 41) to the constitution of the State of Iowa which seeks to abolish another inherent right of women and that's the right to privacy. This amendment, instead, allows the religious right to dictatorially use government to suppress freedom. The religious right needs to cease and desist from violating a sacred tenant of the US constitution and that of the Separation of Church and State. Abortion should always stay legal. Abortion can be made rare by a more smart policy of sex education and supporting families when they decide to procreate. The so called pro life agenda should be less hypocritical by extending its influence to feeding and educating the children once they're born. Doing otherwise is a farcical attempt and a misuse of government power. Vote NO on this amendment. Vote NO to the Dark Ages. Vote NO to government by religion.
Elinor Levin []
The right to safe and legal abortions has been established at the federal level, and the state of Iowa is seeking to endanger every citizen with a uterus by even considering this amendment. Anyone who claims to want to prevent all abortions to protect babies is misrepresenting the science of human development. Anyone who seeks to prevent individuals from accessing medical procedures is claiming the right to make medical decisions for other people, which is a form of enslavement. The only thing that has ever been demonstrated to reduce the prevalence of abortions is a combination of education and access to medical care. Let's spend our time working for those goals for all, rather than waste our time trying to replace bonds on members of our society longsince removed.
Frank Boever []
Either all human beings are persons and therefore all have rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or some are human.Science clearly tells us that from the moment of conception every human being has what we all need to live except nutrients and environment. Human life is sacred. Every human life should be sacred by giving the dignity and honor of being created by God in his image and likeness. This is or at least should be the moral vision for all in our society. Attacks on the innocent by murder to these little ones is never acceptable. We can and should help pregnant women in need, the men who fathered those children, and families in distress without the violence of abortion. Abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law" (No. 2271). The fifth commandment handed on to Moses from God is made short for our understanding, You shall not kill. Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you".
Andrew Hilmes []
I ask that the subcommittee that will hear HSB 41, a proposed bill that would amend the State of Iowa constitution so that abortion is no longer a protected right, please reject this bill on Tuesday, the 19th of January. The state should not allow "religious values" to infiltrate protected basic healthcare rights.
Frank Boever []
Either all human beings are persons and therefore all have rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or some are human.Science clearly tells us that from the moment of conception every human being has what we all need to live except nutrients and environment. Human life is sacred. Every human life should be sacred by giving the dignity and honor of being created by God in his image and likeness. This is or at least should be the moral vision for all in our society. Attacks on the innocent by murder to these little ones is never acceptable. We can and should help pregnant women in need, the men who fathered those children, and families in distress without the violence of abortion. Abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law" (No. 2271). The fifth commandment handed on to Moses from God is made short for our understanding, You shall not kill. Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you".
Olivia Samples []
MIND YOUR OWN UTERUS! I have a right to self determination which includes my right to terminate pregnancies whenever and for whatever reasons I see fit. Iowans have rejected the abortion ban several times over. Stop wasting resources and time failing to advance your ignorant ideology. DO NOT ADVANCE THIS BILL.
Regina Frahm []
Everyone has become adamant that we must protect the individual rights of all. We are to stand in the gap for those who need protection and have not had a voice. At what point do we start standing up for the unborn and speaking for them? A life is a life! Please Vote Yes!
Linda Jones []
This bill is an outrage to all women & women rights. Abortion and all issues surrounding it should be the decision of the mother and her physician only. This is a medical and social issue in which people elected by Iowa voters should have no right to judge or outlaw. Leave decisions related to abortion to those close to it meaning the mother and her medical provider. The contrast of this bill & the gun rights bill proposed today also is remarkable. The same supporters of each bill are unable to see the irony. How can one support this abortion bill while at the same time support a gun rights bill? This makes no logical sense!!.
Jeanette Best []
When Iowa became a state, no one imagined that abortions would be encouraged so the right to an abortion was not put into the Constitution. Now we must clarify that the right to an abortion is NOT assumed. Neither is the public funding of abortions.
Michael McDermott []
I am in favor of this amendment. By observing the original intent of the state constitution there is no mention of a right to abortion in it. Our Judeo Christian tradition supports the sanctity of every life. We can and do support pregnant women in crisis. These women and their preborn children deserve much better than abortion. We as a society can do better.
Michael McDermott []
I am in favor of this amendment. By observing the original intent of the state constitution there is no mention of a right to abortion in it. Our Judeo Christian tradition supports the sanctity of every life. We can and do support pregnant women in crisis. These women and their preborn children deserve much better than abortion. We as a society can do better.
Arianne Axmear []
Thank you legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session!Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it!I urge you to pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.Anne
Shoshana Salowitz []
Abortion is a fundamental right and one that is essential to bodily autonomy, agency, and selfdetermination. It should remain so in the state of Iowa, without exception.
Helen Butford []
I object to this amendment.I have never understood why the legislature or government held womens rights in such contempt.I urge you to stop this amendment
Colleen Pasnik [Mary’s Inn Maternity Home]
Please uphold the sanctity of life for all Iowans, born and reborn. And please do not force prolife Iowans to fund the death of our fellow citizens.
Carmen Gutierrez []
Thank you for your efforts to protect young Iowans and their mothers.Please continue to work together to write the best possible Protect Life Amendment so that as many persons may be protected as possible.For Life, A Proud Iowan & American
Karina Chavez []
As a constituent and Latina woman that was born and raised in Perry, IA. I firmly oppose the proposed HSB 41 amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa. This is a violent act that is actively taking rights away from woman and people who can get pregnant. This is unethical and should be rejected by all means.
Madison Durbin []
Iowans should have the right to a safe abortion. Eliminating safe access to abortion will only put more women at risk. Please do not take the risk; allow abortion to stay available.
Jason Agne []
I fully oppose this resolution on account of the fact that all arguments I have heard against the right of abortion turned out to be bad faith arguments that conveniently skip over the part where the one making the decision to deny the choice to others accepts some of the responsibility for other solutions to the problem of raising a child in poverty. In so many words, if you don't want to pay to let someone else raise their own child in their own way, you should not get to force them to have it. Whenever I see the enthusiasm for paying to raise children surpass the enthusiasm for forcing births I'll start to entertain the possibility that the prolife crowd is honest about their intentions. But I have yet to see any such thing and this bill certainly qualifies as the opposite.
Monica Basile []
I urge you to vote NO on this bill. Legal restrictions on abortion do not end or limit abortions. They restrict access to SAFE abortions. Iowans deserve access to basic reproductive health care, and to not have to resort to medically unsafe procedures. Bodily autonomy is a human right. Please uphold that right for all Iowa citizens.
Nyssa R. []
this is disgusting. people who choose to have an abortion are not monsters. it is often A LIFE SAVING PROCEDURE
Colleen McRoberts []
I strongly oppose this bill. Access to safe, legal abortion is a necessary component to securing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens. Access to comprehensive reproductive health serviceswithout limiting access to abortion servicesis proven to improve health, material, and opportunity outcomes for children, families, and the wider community. Access to safe, legal abortion is also associated with greater economic vitality as family planning plays a significant role in the lifelong career potential of women and girls. Bills like this harm not only the individuals whose rights they seek to limit, but also the social, economic, and whole health outcomes of the family and community.
Carolyn Benda []
Dear Legislators,I want to thank you very much for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and allowing the people of Iowa to speak out against activist judges trying to change the Iowa Constitution.I am a native of this great state. I and my husband raised 4 children and currently have 6 grandchildren. We believe this is a wonderful place to raise families and future generations. Please continue to do all you can do to protect our most valuable resource the people, especially the unborn people, of Iowa by passing the BEST possible Protect Life Amendment. Please STOP individual activist judges trying to change the fabric of our state by rewriting our Constitution.We are adamantly against abortion and equally against requiring all tax payers to pay for this horrific act of murder of an innocent baby.Thank you again for all you are doing to protect innocent life in Iowa as well as protect the rest of us from those that want to rewrite our Constitution.Carolyn Benda
Linda Holvik []
There is no decision more private than the one to be a parent of however many children one wishes, even if that is none. No Legislator has the right to invade that privacy and decide that a woman must bear a child. It's been said many times, but "abortion should be legal, safe, and rare." Put your lawmaking efforts into familyplanning education and family supports which lessen the occurrence of abortion rather than attempting to remove Constitutional rights.
Mary McFetridge []
Women should have the right to make decisions and choices about their own bodies. Taking away the right to abortion also takes away reproductive and healthcare rights. The State of Iowa needs to recognize the right for abortion and provide public funding forit.
Linda Rasmussen Krebs []
Thank you for swiftly bringing the Protect Life Amendment to the forefront of this session and for doing something in response to judicial overstepping. I am asking you to use the strongest language possible to clarify our Constitution does not give the right to abortion and to state that taxpayers do not have to pay for abortions. Please ensure that abortion rights are not expanded and that the lives of unborn little girls and boys are protected. Thank you.
Jenny Ryan []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I'm writing to make sure judges aren't able to abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution and that you will work hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, especially to the day of a babys birth. I'm voicing my opposition to all abortion, especially making Iowans pay for it.I believe that most Iowans agree that an unborn baby is a child who needs protection more than a woman needs a right to "choose" to end its life. We need to protect pregnant women from the abortionists, and the Protect Life Amendment will do both. Thank you for protecting the most vulnerable of Iowans...the ones within their mothers' wombs.
Kathryn Steingrabe []
The summer going into my senior year at The University of Iowa I found myself pregnant. I was on a full tuition scholarship with terms that I had to finish school in 4 years. If I had been unable to have access to an abortion I would not have been able to complete my college degree. Women should have the legal right to make that sort of decision for themselves. I would have had to drop out and work full time at my part time restaurant job struggling to support a child. After my abortion I felt such a sense of relief and happiness. I have never had any regrets about that decision. If it werent legal in Iowa I would have tried to travel to a different state though that would have been an even larger cost burden. At that point my other options would have been very unsafe for myself. Women in the state of Iowa need access to safe and legal abortions. Laws like this also often disproportionately affect women of color and Iowa desperately needs to work to be a more equitable place and this will not push them in that direction.
Mia Prosperi []
Women should have the right to choose what they do with their bodies. As a Iowan youth dont take away my right to have control over my own body.
Travis Decker []
We are in favor of passing HSB 41. We always want to protect life. Thank you for your consideration,Travis Decker
Tilda Thompson []
Please continue to work hard to protect mothers and their babies . Please pass the HBS41
Sharon Jenkins [Catholic Daughters ]
Thank you for inviting IA voters to you how important we think all babies and how we want to protect them from overreach by unelected judges who don't respect the views of most Iowans who want to protect babies from abortion especially late term after they feel pain. But all abortion is wrong. Society is only as good It treats its weakest members. And killing babies that are born alive just because they are unwanted is not only cruel but pagan sacrifice. We are better than this. We want to build a better society rather than fall into deprivation. Please pass laws to protect the unborn. Thanks for listening to my voice.
Sally Walker-Jondal []
How can you possibly believe you should have the right to regulate my womb but not guns. I am appalled at your persecution of women by subjecting them to forced birth but somehow you don't see the need to regulate the male dominated gun ownership arena.
Katy Bernard []
The right to an abortion should not be hindered or restricted by the government, it should be a decision made by a woman and her doctor only.
Travis Decker []
After reading some of the horrifying callus comments made by those who would brutally rip children from their mothers wombs, I needed to write a little more. People always talk about women's rights, may I remind you that it is not only boy babies who are aborted. We need to defend the rights of the women who are still in the womb. Most everyone knows that if you do not want to have a baby, simply cease from fornication or if you are married and do not want children, have an operation. It is a very selfish group that want to fulfill their own lusts and then cut off the life of that results from their lack of self control. I read comments about how expensive children are, again showing the selfishness of people who would conceive and then not want the resulting responsibility. Remember God is not mocked, murder is murder.
Trisha Wilson [Pregnancy Resources Quad Cities]
Be believe that all life born and preborn has value and should be constitutionally protected.Trisha Wilson, Executive Director Pregnancy Resources Quad Cities
Nicole VanderLinden []
Evidence shows time and time again that making abortions illegal doesn't prevent abortions; rather, the wealthy continue to have access, and the poor must resort to dangerous methods. There are so many ways to work toward greater pregnancy planning that don't rob women of their freedoms and, in some cases, put them directly in harm's waygreater access to education and affordable contraception, to name just two. Please don't process with this amendment that would further set Iowa back and further prevent women from accessing the safe healthcare they deserve.
Jan Netolicky []
I posted on this forum on January 16. While I stand by the substance of my argument, I do apologize if the tone of the final sentence was offensive. Some context for my emotion might be in order, which I offer below. Still, there is no place in constructive debate for flippancy. I have continued to monitor comments made by concerned citizens, and I applaud the passion each brings to his or her respective position. Abortion will always be an emotional issue because it is such a personal one. Anyone reading about the trauma faced by women who regret their abortions cannot be unmoved, nor can their pain be denied. I would never question the resolve behind their sentiments, nor would I cast stones at their opposition to abortion. They have chosen what is right FOR THEM. My question to you, as you debate this proposed amendment, will you be willing to consider with equal weight the pain of those who choose abortion because they believe no viable alternative is available to them? Several years ago, one of my dearest friends and her husband were delighted to learn they were expecting their second child, a girl. The early stages of the pregnancy were unremarkable, but in the 19th week, an ultrasound revealed that the baby's circulatory system was not developing; the heart and lungs were badly deformed and the brain was severely underdeveloped. Was this child precious? Yes. Was this child wanted? Yes. Did the parents do everything they could to find a path forward for this little girl? Emphatically, yes. Experts were consulted, fervent prayers were said. The prognosis was grim; extreme mental and physical impairment was a certainty. The fetus would probably be delivered prematurely, if she survived, but surviving until birth would be only the first of unthinkable hurdles. Multiple surgeries. Hospitalizations. Disfigurement. Home health care if the child could function at home, or perhaps the need to institutionalize, depending upon the severity of the brain damage. Potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Extensive time off from work employers likely would not grant. And what of the child already at home, a toddler needing the attention and guidance of parents emotionally, physically, and financially drained? Based upon overwhelming medical evidence and with the blessing of loving family members, this couple chose to terminate the pregnancy. Many posting on this forum would decry their decision as an act of murder. Others would deem it an act of mercy. Whatever label or intention ascribed to the termination, it was an excruciatingly painful decision. Who among us has the moral authority to determine what was right FOR THEM? When debating the morality of abortion, one size does not fit all. One solution does not fit all.Please vote no.
Lizzy Oloughlin []
Abortion access is a basic healthcare right. People WILL get abortions, they need to be safe. Separation of church and state needs to be applied.
Jennifer Miller []
Thank you so much for proposing this amendment so quickly this session. God Bless you for your determination and courage. May Iowa lead the way to protect life!
Guillermo Morales []
Women must be able to determine for themselves whether to terminate a pregnancy. The state should have no role in this decision. Furthermore, our history shows that making abortion more difficult will not stop abortion; it will only hurt women and make it more difficult to regulate as women seek underground abortion services.
Arthur Gilloon [Gilloon Wright & Hamel PC]
Dear Members I fully support a Pro Life Amendment, and encourage you to educate yourselves on the humanity of the Unborn and the need to protect expectant mothers from the harm abortion does to them. Of course, abortion also kills their baby...a person deserving of civil rights protection. Thank you. Arthur F. Gilloon, Attorney at Law Gilloon, Wright & Hamel, P.C. 770 Main St. Dubuque, IA 52001
Brett Horsman [Grace Baptist Church of Waukee]
Psalms 71:56 For thou art my hope, O Lord GOD: thou art my trust from my youth.By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.Psalms 22:910 But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts. I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly.Believers and unbelievers alike can see an order and Design to life. That order of life is that we give life incredible value. Rightfully so. People who take a life by murder face a punishment. Life is precious, and not just from birth, but from conception.This is not politically motivated, either. This is the only debate from either side that does not intrinsically benefit one side or the other. This is protecting life of future conservatives and liberals. We want to protect both. Its not based on gender, race or religion. This is protecting life of girls and boys, black, white or brown, unbeliever, believer, Jew, Muslim or Buddhist. Lets protect all life. Lets make Iowa the leader of protecting all Iowans.
Araceli Goode []
This amendment is to deny the right of women to be in control of their decisions regarding their body this is not a decision to be made by legislators but by the woman and her doctor. By the words used it clearly is to deny a womans right to seek an abortion.
Lauren Rein-Hamberg []
Dear subcommittee members,All healthcare is personal and private, and the government does not have the right to interfere or make decisions about private health matters. The Constitution of Iowa was written with the intention to protect the private medical rights of girls and women, and changing this law interferes with private matters. Nor does it reduce the number of abortions, but instead drives them to unsafe and desperate decisions. The government must stay out of personal, private lives of its citizens and instead focus on current, relevant, more pressing issues such as economic recovery after the pandemic and ensuring healthcare and jobs for Iowans.
Katy Gomes []
Restricting a women's right to choose what is best for her own body would be disastrous for many lives. Please vote no on this ammendment.
Dave Leach []
I am happy to see Reps. Holt and Osmundson honored to launch this prolife bill. It is the kind of true honor that will go into your eternal trophy case, because of the cost you are willing to pay to do good. I am familiar with the names you will be called, the attacks on your reputation, your business, your family. Acts 5:40... and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41 And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.42 And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.It is astonishing to me how the deathers respond to so remote a threat to their crimes as this Amendment, as if their entire industry, families, religion, and purpose for life are being mowed down by invading aliens. It encourages me to anticipate that when you introduce my bill that will actually outlaw virtually all abortions successfully in a year or so, they will be utterly unable to leave it alone, but will attack it with enough fury to educate millions about the opportunity. Will they attack with more fury than over this Amendment? Hard to imagine, since every conceivable insult and label that anyone can imagine, they already exhaust at the slightest affront to their holiness. But they will try. Of course, the greater lifesaving impact I foresee is because the Findings I outline are more profound attacks on the legal legitimacy of legal abortion than have been previously made. For example, the Amendment does not challenge SCOTUS' precedent that no state law can "substantially restrict" abortion, or have for its purpose any reduction of abortion. My Findings show how that precedent was based on errors of facts and must give way to today's consensus of fact finders which requires the "collapse" of legal abortion. Nor can there be, in Iowa or anywhere in the world, a "fundamental right" to what is legally established as, in fact, the murder of fully human beings. The very consideration of these Findings by lawmakers able to codify them is really a powerful threat to legal abortion not only in courts of law, later, but in The Court of Public Opinion, now.The information I outline has been available for years. But it takes years for the paradegoers admiring The Emperor's Clothes to trust their doubting eyes and believe this Mountain that Jesus promised we can pull down, Matthew 17:20, really will fall. The screaming of baby killers over any threat to their trade is just the prod God can use to get His People to blink and look carefully at His Answers, and see how real they are. My legal credentials of course cannot justify my confidence in this opportunity. The basis of my confidence is no one showing me legal errors in it after years of presenting it to judges, prolife lawyers, Banned Parenthood lawyers, news reporters, and lawmakers. If someone will do that for me, I will go away and stop bothering everybody.
Nancy Blunck []
Abortion rights have to be protected as an inalienable right for each person to choose. It is not the decision of anyone else period!
Cirse Vertti []
The right to have full control of our bodies is imperative in the definition of our freedom. This is our right as a human being!!
Adriana Alatorre []
Please reject HSB 41! Women have a right to have a say in what we do with OUR bodies and OUR rights as women and human beings. We live in a world where were still trying to tell women what to do. We need to end this! If HSB41 is passed another law should be passed for all the father who try to abandon their children. You dont want us to be able to abort children were not ready for but allow men to never take care of them. FAIR IS FAIR.
Anna Stamer []
Absolutely not. It is incredibly important as a woman, for all woman to continue to have access to safe access to abortion. It is our right. It is our body.
Leo Armenta []
This is the right of every woman to experience the birth of every child. Say no to abortion
Mary Lyon []
Please support a prolife amendment. We must protect the lives of all the unborn . Thank you.
Michael TenHulzen []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session, and for working hard to give the People a voice in a government that was meant to be by the people for the people. I am grateful for your work to protect mothers and children from abortion. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment after all it is a right given by our Creator and there should be no way for humans to work around the Constitution to take the right away.
Kathryn Hoskins []
As a citizen of Iowa, I as you to give careful consideration and attention to this amendment. We must, as a people, care for and speak out for those who are not able to speak for themselves, that being the unborn. These innocent lives should not be sacrificed under the guise of someone's 'rights'. By doing so, the unborn have no rights. Please give the joint resolution your support on behalf of those without a voice. Thank you.
Seeta Mangra-Stubbs []
I strongly oppose this proposed amendment. Please stop trying to control other people's bodies.
Amy Kay []
The right to an abortion s an essential healthcare option for women and their families.Please do not support this resolution that will limit womens access to this critical option that should be made between a woman and her doctor not by the legislature.
Risham Singh []
As a future physician, I cannot emphasize how crucial abortion is to womens freedom. Women have taken control over their own fertility for centuries, and will continue to do so whether abortion is a constitutional right in Iowa or not. By taking away this right, women will be forced to consider unsafe options to end their pregnancies. The most we can do as a society is ensure that women can have abortions safely.
Kim Miller []
Dear Iowa Legislators,Thank you for giving we Iowans a voice in the Protect Life Amendment and for making it a priority this session!Your efforts and hard work are greatly appreciated to protect mothers and children along with keeping we Iowans from paying for atrocities like abortion!I earnestly ask you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment because all life begins at conception, and human life is sacred!Thank you.Respectfully,Kim Miller
Diane Lahr []
I am so angry regarding this amendment. How dare you tell me what I can and can't do with my body....this is moral right. What provisions are being added regarding males in this? The right thing to do is to increase funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides counseling, health screenings and outreach programs . Increase the availability of contraceptives and health care for these women along with education and preventative education for males. The more access, the less women have to resort to abortion. If there are no abortion rights for women, you need to provide food, clothing, jobs, health care for these babies on the other end of this. Our Fostercare system is overflowing with children and no place to place them. So, educate and provide facilities and healthcare to prevent unwanted babies. This amendment is intended to take away an individuals fundamental right under the Iowa Constitution to choose to terminate a pregnancy. Its most immediate goal is to prevent state funding from going to organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide pregnancy termination (abortion) services. This lack of funding will discriminate against lowincome people. In fact, the inability to provide financially for a child is one of the primary reasons that people seek to terminate a pregnancy. As a result, it will also likely result in more people and children needing public assistance. If adopted, this amendment would also make it easier for the legislature to impose restrictions on the ability to terminate a pregnancy. This means more laws restricting abortion are likely to be upheld these include laws imposing waiting periods, onerous restrictions on providers that can put providers out of business, and other restrictions. Iowas history shows that even when abortion was illegal in Iowa, many women still sought abortions. But because they were illegal, many only had access to unsafe drugs and procedures, often from untrained and unscrupulous people.Many women died from infections and excessive blood loss. Others were seriously injured or rendered infertile. Our history shows that making abortion more difficult will not stop abortion; it will only hurt women. That's why this amendment has to be stopped
U Ramer []
I oppose this legislation. Women have the right to choose. It is in the Bible that life begins at breath not conception.
Thank you for supporting life. I urge you to please support the Protect Life Amendment. I appreciate your work in protecting moms and babies from abortion, especially abortion up to birth which is a total evil.
Henry Friedrich [Retired]
That stance recognizes that all people, even when theyare born hav the RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND THEPURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. THIS IS FUNDAMENTAK,
Anastasia Bender []
Health care decisions should be between a patient and their doctor. Women need the right to decide what is right for their bodies and their health. Restricting access to abortions will have a negative effect on this state. I oppose this measure and any who support it.
Stuart Rethwisch []
I think life unique from mother begins at conception and therefore is guaranteed equal protection to life/live under the law.
Danna Wuestenberg [--None--]
Thank you very much for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. I appreciate your efforts to give me a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. It is vital that we protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. Please consider passing the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.
William Wilson []
We hold these truths to selfevident, that all men (human beings) are CREATED equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain UNALIENABLE rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of Happiness.CREATION takes place in the womb. LIFE begins in the womb. LIBERTY ends when one presents physical harm to oneself or to others. The happiness of the LIFE of the child in the womb cannot be PURSUED when its UNALIENABLE right to LIBERTY in denied. There are no penumbras or emanations in the U.S. Constitution or in the Iowa Constitution.The CREATOR is watching.
Marlo Belschner []
I strongly enjoined the subcommittee to reject HSB 41. At the right time, having a child is a joy and a milestone in a woman's life. At the wrong time, however, it can doom her (and, likely, the child) to a life of poverty and a lack of opportunities. If you want Iowans to become the best citizens, the best workers, the best people they can be, provide women a way forward that gives them the option of terminating a poorly timed pregnancy. Moreover, Rowe v Wade stipulates that it is a woman's legal right, and it undermines our very democracy and the checks and balances of our democracy if the states (and perhaps a sympathetic court) limits the decision of an earlier court. Moreover, public opinion clearly is in favor of access to abortion. No one says it is a great option, but it is, in fact, a necessary one.Thank you,Marlo BelschnerDavenport, IA
Mazie Stilwell []
Safe, legal, and accessible reproductive health services, including abortion, are a basic human right with which the Iowa legislature has no business interfering. Health care decisions should be made between a patient and their doctor, and the last time I checked, my physician is not serving as a state legislator.
Gina Hausknecht []
I strongly oppose HSB 41.Women in Iowa must be trusted to decide what is best for their families and their health. It is not the business of the state government to control women's bodies, to make their healthcare decisions for them, and to force women to continue unintended pregnancies. HSB 41 will have a disproportionate effect on lower income and poor women and families. Forcing women to have babies they do not have the resources to care for is terrible public policy, will increase poverty, increase the need for public assistance, widen the inequality gap, and is fundamentally unjust and cruel. If you don't know this, you need to know: all kinds of women have abortions, including "prolife" women who don't support abortion as an abstract principle but are unwilling or unable to bear or raise another child. You can disrespect and disparage women who don't want to continue a pregnancy, for any number of sound and ethical reasons, and you can make abortion difficult, expensive, and dangerous, but women will continue to have abortions, even if it is made illegal in Iowa, because they will continue to make hard, necessary decisions about their own lives and the lives of their families, including the children they already have. Most abortions take place early in pregnancy and carry little health risk; the more restrictions you place on a woman's ability to make this most fundamental of decisions, the more dangerous you make it. HSB 41 won't save lives, it will endanger them.
Jordanne Beach []
Dear Representatives* WesselKroeschell, Odmundson, and Holt,(*Though the majority of the following words are addressed to Representatives Holt, and Odmundson. Representative WesselKroeschell, please accept my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your support.)I will preface my letter with these two items:The state motto: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain; and Article I, 1 of the state constitution. All men and women are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. Additionally, Iowa also has a distinguished history of historical and legal support of equality; from becoming the second state to allow married women to own property in 1846, the University of Iowa being the first in the nation to open its degree programs to women in 1857, to electing Julia C Addington Mitchell County Superintendent, the first woman in the US to be elected to a public office, in 1869.I think it's important to note that these all took place before Iowa became the third state in the nation to give women the right to vote in 1894.(I used gendered terms in the preceding paragraphs to be consistent with the state constitution. To those I excluded, I'm sorry.)So why are we seeing legislative efforts to exclude Iowans from exercising their inalienable rights simply because they may become pregnant?Why introduce more undue burdens that mostly affect lowincome people since any privileged person can still access safe, legal abortion whenever and wherever they want?How does a politician know what the best private healthcare decision is for every pregnant person in every circumstance?I won't speak for you, though I strongly suspect your answers would be illegal, or heartless (probably both). If you have any integrity at all, or any respect for your oaths of office, you wouldn't advance HSB 41. Your existing constituents deserve a representative who doesn't dehumanize them the moment they become pregnant.Sincerely, and unrepentantly,Jordanne Beach
Sydney Devine []
January 18, 2021Rep. Beth WesselKroeschellRep. Anne OsmundsonRep. Steven HoldIowa House of Representatives1007 East Grand AveDes Moines, IA 50319Dear Representatives,People deserve to be loved and as Representatives you have a unique position of power to demonstrate and legislate how we can codify love and caring for others. This means protecting the right we have over our health and over our bodies. This means protecting the right to an abortion. This means allowing people to choose to have an abortion and loving and protecting anyone who feels this is the right choice.Having an abortion is personal. Whether you are aware of it or not, there is likely someone that you know and love that has made the choice to have an abortion. Everyone deserves this choice. Rather than judge, we should strive to minimize harm and keep people safe. In order to do this, we must preserve legal access to abortion.Thank you,Sydney Devine
Michelle Devine []
Dear Rep. Holt, Rep. Osmundson and Rep. WesselKroeschell,I oppose House Study Bill 41.I believe in a persons right to choose. It is the persons body and only that person should decide what healthcare options are right for them. We cannot be responsible for making decisions over another persons body. There are multiple reasons why we need to keep legal access to abortions including both mental health and physical health reasons.I know and love people who have had abortions. They made this choice after careful consideration. For them, in their situations, it was the only right choice. Some were young without adequate knowledge of birth control and were evaluating what support they had. Other people had other reasons. We should support people that need help and not stigmatize them for their choices.Rather than pass a Bill like #41 we need to educate, have access to birth control for all genders and have safe access to abortions if that is the persons choice.Please consider when you are impacting peoples right to choose.Michelle Devine
Elizabeth Carlson []
Dear Rep. Holt, Rep. Osmundson, and Rep. WesselKroeschell,I am writing in opposition to House Study Bill 41. Abortion is a safe and normal form of healthcare and should be readily available to anyone. Ongoing efforts from state legislators to attempt to control and limit or cut off access to safe abortion care are deeply wrong and dangerous.The decision to have a child is an extremely personal matter in which a government that claims to stand for liberty should have no part. If passed, this law would put people into a nightmarish position of powerlessness over their own lives, and leave them to resort to much more dangerous alternatives when professional healthcare providers are perfectly capable of helping them in a safe and responsible way. I am here today because my mom was able to get a safe abortion years before I was born. It is deeply scary to me that now, more than thirty years later, the right to the kind of care my mom received is still under attack. I hope this body will do the right thing and stop working to exercise control over the rights of pregnant people. Please drop or reject this bill, and while you're at it, see if you can do some work to expand Iowans' access to healthcare instead of restricting it. Thank you,Elizabeth Carlson
Cecilia Norris [Norris]
First of all, it is ridiculous that the State Legislature is considering this resolution before working to help Iowans affected by the pandemic. I would strongly urge you to vote against HSB 41. The time for wishful thinking that just because lawmakers say something makes it true is long past. Restricting abortion has not and will not end or even decrease abortion. In fact, the legislature's last attempt to limit abortion by eliminating funding for clinics that perform abortions had the opposite effect after years of decline the abortion rate actually increased 25% last year (as did STI rates). I wrote with this concern before the last bill was passed and I am infuriated to see that the fear has become reality. PLEASE learn from your mistakes. I am the medical director of the Iowa City Free Medical Clinic and, in that role, I see women who are in a position of an unwanted pregnancy (also increased over the past approx 2 years). Most of these women do NOT want to have an abortion. The only reason they even consider it is because they cannot afford another child. They are frequently concerned about their ability to feed the children they already have. The social safety nets are not sufficient in Iowa to provide for these women and their children as it is. Several other women opt to have an abortion because they are in abusive relationships and fear for their lives. (Abuse increases during pregnancy). I have not met a woman yet who wants to have an abortion they want to not be pregnant for whatever personal reason. As human beings they deserve the right to be able to discuss with their health care provider the risks and benefits of continuing a pregnancy and making a decision for what is best for their health physical and emotional. Legislators with no medical experience who do not spend the time in discussion with women should not be making this personal, medical decision.I, too, want to see abortions extremely limited. It would be better for a woman to not be in a position to have to undergo a medical procedure. (As a physician, I realize that for the health of the mother there will be cases where it is lifesaving. As a sexual abuse survivor, I can't imagine telling another woman she HAS to carry a fetus to term as an everpresent reminder of trauma and at risk to her own body and health. so until those problems are solved, some abortions will always be necessary). Because I DO want to see abortions decreased, I have spent my career providing medical care to women who can't afford it, including contraception to keep them from getting pregnant in the first place. I have donated to and volunteered at organizations that help women escape abusive relationships and improve their economic wellbeing, and have advocated for policies that provide for education, employment, child care, and contraception all things that have been shown to decrease the abortion rate. I urge you to look at the facts, look at historically what has happened and join me in the quest to decrease the need for a medical procedure that is NEVER desired by a woman. (ie women don't get pregnant just so they can have an abortion). Please join me in my work to make abortion infrequent. Vote against HSB 41 and instead fund clinics that provide long term contraception and health care for women to reverse Iowa's course of increasing abortion rates.
Natassja Reed []
Abortion is a medical procedure in which women deserve to have as an option for their health. Is this argument worth distressing half of Iowa's population? This choice does not come lightly for every woman and you should not have the ability to control another individuals autonomy.
Jean Matzen []
Abortion needs to be available! Dont let women get even further behind.
David Langston []
ROE v WADE is the LAW OF THE LAND.Iowa must NOT restrict the RIGHT to abortion services to women.
Colter Frederick []
I oppose this bill on the grounds that a woman's choice is her's to make, not the choice of a governing body.
Catlin Curry []
I oppose this resolution to amend Iowas Constitution. Women have the legal right to an abortion and it should stay that way. No one deserves to tell a women what to do with her body, that is a decision. If the legal right to an abortion is removed, it will only make it harder for a women to get an abortion. This will further disenfranchise women of color, and low income women who need to get an abortion. It will make getting an abortion less safe, thus risking the lives of women.
Carolyn Bernemann []
There should not be an all out ban on abortions in the state of Iowa. Regardless of your personal stances on the issue, the government should not be able to decide what a woman does with her body. Making abortion illegal does not prevent abortion. If that is the aim, efforts should instead be focused on supporting mothers (through paid maternity leave, affordable childcare, a living wage, access to healthcare, among others) and reducing the reasons for abortion (comprehensive sex education, access to contraceptives, measures to ensure economic security).Abortion is a class issue. The rich will always be able to have a safe abortion if they want it by going to another state or country where it is legal. Those without resources will not have that access and may resort to unsafe, unregulated abortions that could lead to their death. If this is truly about being prolife, then focus on all aspects of life, especially for marginalized communities. Support programs and policies that aide mothers, children, and families. I urge you to not ban abortion in the state of Iowa.
Glenn Goetz []
Roe v Wade is established law. Further restrictions on abortion are not necessary, will infringe on personal privacy, and will increase suffering and harm to society. This amendment must be voted down.
Jill Oppman []
Dear Representatives and especially Representatives HoltCH, Osmundson, WesselKroeschell, I want to thank you for your work on the issue of an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa.I appreciate all you do to serve the people of Iowa!I'm asking you to support this amendment for the health and safety of ALL Iowans, which includes an unborn baby. I hear things like, "Abortion is an ethical right to healthcare", "I have the right to choose", "an abortion is a basic human right", etc.These are statements made only from a onesided perspective. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to hear from the other side because they weren't given the chance to have a voice. Shouldn't a baby have the right to choose life? Isn't a baby's life a basic human right? Shouldn't a baby have an ethical right to healthcare just like their mother? It's time to start valuing life, EVERY LIFE.I urge you to pass HSB 41.
Eleanor Bakke []
To defend and protect people who have already been born, we understand that this resolution cannot stand. The citizens of Iowa have a nonnegotiable human right to healthcare. Other types of treatments and procedures don't undergo the type of public spectacle that reproductive healthcare goes through. Abortion is healthcare and remains safe and legal in all 50 states. We must respect that family planning is deeply personal and those decisions are best left to individuals and the people closest to them. Criminalizing and removing access to abortion will only make it less safe, not less prevalent.
Bonnie Edwards []
It is with sadness that I see this issue again being addressed in the Iowa legislature. Most people believe there are situations that justify abortion. So at the point you try to amend our state constitution, you are claiming you have more right to determine the circumstances of abortion than the pregnant person who might seek one. You are claiming more right than her. As it is her body pregnant, I find your claim abhorrent. I also notice this suggested amendment is about abortion, not stored frozen embryos, and it just solidifies my belief that this proposed amendment is more about trying to control wombs than it is about the debate as to when life begins. I urge you to cease this attempt to control pregnant women in ways that cannot be justified by anyone who respects the personhood of another.
Gary Walters [Grace Baptist]
Please vote in favor of the Protect Life AmendmentThank you
Scott Beckwith []
To our dedicated legislators:Thank you for working on the Protect Life Amendment.I support the Protect Life Amendment. Im convinced that this amendment will protect the lives of mothers and their children from court decisions that expand the reasons for and the public financial support for abortions.Please support this amendment.Sincerely,Scott Beckwith
Jeff Knight []
No one has a right to murder another human being Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.
Dennis Dietz [individual]
HSB 41 is another ridiculous Constitutional amendment. The State of Iowa is facing huge challenges from the pandemic, economic and education challenges and this legislature spends its time on these social engineering issues.This is a blatant attempt to force unscientific religious values on Iowa women. I dont like the idea of an abortion, but this is a health care decision that is to be made by the woman, her confidants and her physician.The real issue in abortion is: At what time is the unborn child entitled to the protection of the State? The extremists one on side say at the time of conception; the other side says at no time. Neither side of the abortion issue is pleased with Roe VS Wade. Because both sides are not satisfied, it is probably a good resolution of the issue. Leave it there.
Robin Madison []
Please stop this attack on the rights of women in Iowa to make their own health care decisions and to control their own bodies. We should be able to make these decisions in consultation with our chosen health care providers, not with a bunch of politicians. You will not eliminate abortion, but you will put womens lives at risk if this becomes law.
Gordon Miller []
I spent 35 years employed in the social work and criminal justice fields. I ran and started group homes for children and youth in crisis. I was also a violent crime counselor tasked with attending to the loved ones of victims of murder, assault and suicide.During my career, I have stood over the battered bodies of children abused and sometimes killed by people who should have loved, cherished and protected them. I've had to physically restrain children so emotionally damaged that they were incapable of acting or even thinking in normal, healthy ways. I once held a nonverbal fiveyearold boy whom I had just met in my arms while he screamed in terror as he was examined for suspected sexual abuse at the hands of his father. I've attended the funerals of murdered babies, children and adults. I've had more sleepless nights than I care to remember agonizing over young clients who had been bounced from foster home to foster home because their anger, sense of betrayal and hopelessness couldn't be handled by even the most wellmeaning families. I've seen many of them go to prison as well.These children were, either before birth or after, not wanted by parents who neglected, starved, beat, mistreated, abandoned or killed them. They were literally without hope of ever being happy or emotionally at peace.Before you try ONCE AGAIN to pretend to take away the right of a woman or couple to decide whether or not they are ready and able to be parents, I suggest you visit the YESS program here in Des Moines and talk to the staff. Talk to social workers at their wits' ends trying to find places for behaviorally disturbed young clients. Talk to morticians who have handled the bodies of murdered children. Ask them if they think every woman should be forced to complete her pregnancy.Then look into your own souls. How many unwanted children have you adopted or even sponsored in some way? What contributions have you made to underprivileged families, especially lowincome single mothers? How much time have you spent volunteering with atrisk children and their families? What have YOU DONE DIRECTLY to provide time, financial or physical resources and alternatives to women considering an abortion as a last resort?No matter what you do, women of means will continue to find ways to have abortions, while poor women will be forced to bring more underprivileged children into the world. Do you really think you can appease your conscience by criminalizing a decision that women have been making since the beginning of time and will continue to make no matter what "the law" says? Do you think a constitutional amendment will end abortion?I would respectfully suggest you are horribly mistaken. Please work to provide help, support and UNDERSTANDING to women considering abortion so they don't have to make that decision. That's the ONLY reasonable way to end abortion, which we would all like to see happen not by the illusion of force but through addressing the reasons it has always been with us and will continue to occur despite any legal prohibitions.
Teresa Baustian [Teresa Baustian]
Reproductive healthcare for women includes the right to seek a safe, legal abortion. This is a decision which belongs to the person seeking this care, and is not a matter for the state, at all.
Brady Plunger []
This proposed amendment will only do harm to women in Iowa and will lead to costly court battles as it runs afoul of the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision that upheld a woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. This amendment is the very definition of "excessive government restriction" and will trap the state into costly legal battles that it will likely lose. Of much greater concern, though, are the devastating effects that such a ban would have on all women in Iowa and especially already marginalized communities of color and the poor who lack resources to travel outofstate for these services. Make no mistake, women will still seek abortions, and all this ban will do is force women to make unsafe choices that could hurt their health and their livelihoods, and our whole state will be worse off for these tragedies.
Sandee Lyons []
I strongly oppose this attempt to amend our constitution. Abortion has always occurred and will continue to occur, legally or not. The best way to prevent the need for abortions is to provide education, adequate health care, and access to that health care for all who need it. Iowans deserve to have access to all reproductive healthcare options, including a legal and safe abortion. The decision is a deeply personal one that should be made by the pregnant person in consultation with a healthcare provider and whomever they turn to for support. Politicians do not have a role to play in a persons reproductive healthcare decisionmaking process. Stop threatening access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion.
Heidi Cranston [IBBV]
I would like to urge the subcommittee members to vote in favor of HSB 41 bill.
Jennifer Gardner []
The only arguments against reproductive healthcare, including abortion, are based in individual religious beliefs. It is wrong to insert ones personal religious beliefs into public policy impacting the rights of others. If you truly want to reduce abortions, provide free and/or affordable contraception to all in the state and increase public healthcare availability across the state especially for women. Your actions over the past two years have actually increase the numbers of abortions in our state. Iowans need you to focus on COVID relief, public education funding, equity, food insecurity, and safe water to name a few more important agenda items!
Madeline Fialkov []
The right to abortion is a necessity to protect women's health. Women cannot be forced to endure a full or even partial term pregnancy when abortion is a perfectly safe and reasonable healthcare option. A number of health reasons can arise that might necessitate an abortion for the safety of the carrier, including but not limited to complications due to covid19, which is more dangerous for pregnant women. Without protecting the right to have safe and legal abortions, we are guaranteeing the continued existence of unsafe backalley abortions. While this proposal says the change is to "protect and defend unborn children", it neglects the rights of those alive and fully formed who require access to abortions as healthcare. Not only is this a flagrant attack on women's rights, but it also represents a severe overreach of religious influence on lawmaking. There is no evidence to suggest that the fetus is at all harmed through abortion, as it does not have consciousness, but there is substantial evidence to show that women are harmed when they are forced to sustain a pregnancy against their will. If the state of Iowa has any respect for the lives and autonomy of women, it must not pass this amendment.
John Waite []
Please continue to work hard to protect mothers and their babies, abortion is premeditated murder . Please pass the HBS41, thank you!
Marlene Van Soelen []
First off thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to give We the People a voice when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution. Thank you for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it. Please I urge you to pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment, because the unborn child in her mothers womb, is a baby.
Thomas Morgan []
It is our duty as Americans to protect and preserve our fellow citizens' life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The most vulnerable are the most likely to be disregarded because of a false pretense of "value." There isn't a single proponent or detractor who was not at one time a totally dependent, completely vulnerable fetus. How can we stand silent while this genocide continues? Men and women of rational and free thought can draw in good conscious no other conclusion than all people are created equal no matter what "stage" of life from conception to natural death that there is inherent dignity in the human person. Let's get rid of violence against our yet to be born citizens and further the cause for respect for human life.
Doug Stubbs []
To the proponents of this bill: Sure just write discrimination in to the state constitution. Do not waste our time, there are so many more things you can meddle with than the reproductive rights of women.
zoe hettinger []
This bill is disrupting a constitutional right and disrespects the autonomy women hold over their own bodies.
Arlene Reising [Kossuth County Right to Life ]
Thank you for making Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for working hard to get the Amendment passed as you would be saving babies lives. Arlene Reising
Allison Carr []
This bill is a gross overreach of the state into the private lives of private citizens who have a right under the constitution to make their own decisions about their bodies and their health. Restricting access to abortion will only result in increased frequency of unsafe abortions and will unfairly burden low income people. The party that claims to value life shows with this bill that it does not value the lives of pregnant people when it forces them to carry unsafe or unwanted pregnancies. It is ghoulish and unconscionable. Please do not let this one out of committee.
Lesley Eastlick []
Please vote NO on this amendment. A woman has the right to decide what happens to her body.
Vicki Siefers []
I strongly oppose this amendment to the constitution. A woman has the legal right to make her own decisions about her body and does not need the legislature to decide these private matters. The decision to have an abortion should only be between a woman and her medical provider.
John Snethen []
I object completely to this proposed amendment. I live in Williamsburg, IA.
Hannah Lyons []
Guaranteed access to safe abortion is a necessary aspect of health care both physically and mentally. Denying access to necessary reproductive healthcare only forces individuals to seek out unsafe abortions. Scholars contend that the most effective way to decrease abortion rates is by increasing support and funding for family planning and reproductive healthcare services ( It should not be a point of contention at this time in history that individuals have an absolute right to bodily autonomy. Individuals deserve the right to choose what is best for themselves and for their families. Bringing children into a world where they cannot be properly cared for only perpetuates the cycle of poverty ( Moreover, the current foster care system cannot adequately provide for children, and in many cases proves more harmful than beneficial ( In fact, a study from John Hopkins University concluded that children in the foster care system are up to 4 times as likely to experience sexual abuse as their "homed" peers. ( Individuals can take every precaution and still find themselves in a situation of unintended pregnancy (, considered in context with our state's current policy which limits access to these crucial resources, our communities must accurately understand the nature of the issue and provide adequate resources for such inevitable circumstances, including abortion ( This proposed amendment is not only unconstitutional (Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) ) but is insulting to America's espoused values of freedom and autonomy and injurious to individuals whose lives are at risk by the possibility of giving birth. Additionally, the realities of raperelated pregnancies (, child pregnancy (, and maternal mortality, the highest in the industrialized world (,births%20in%20the%20United%20States) in the US, it is time to affirm that individuals have a right to choose and a right to access all forms of reproductive healthcare. If you truly represent the citizens of Iowa and our human rights ( you would vote NO against this detrimental amendment.I encourage you to access the sources provided in this comment. Hannah Lyons
Rev. Jeanie Smith [St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, West Des Moines, Iowa]
Why do we continue to criminalize desperate people? If we truly hate abortion, the way to end it is not to criminalize it, but to ensure that every child conceived is a wanted child. To do that, we have to prioritize family planning services, making them available and affordable all over the state of Iowa. This constitutional amendment does not show our respect for life. It only shows our respect for birth. Where is our similar respect for helping struggling families to raise their children?
Kathy Schneider []
Being pregnant and deciding whether to add to your family is potentially one of the most personal choices a person can make. Abortion is a deeply individual decision that should be made by the pregnant person and should not be prohibited by the government.
Lindsay Park []
Small government? Yeah,right. Republicans just want to interfere with the rights of everyone else and government so badly that people forget what good government is. Stay out of women's medical care and leave it to medical professionals. Don't taint our constitution with your your religious bigotry. Abortion has been legal since 1973. Stop threatening our rights.
Sarah Gard []
I do NOT support any law or change to our constitution that restricts my right to control my own body's reproductive system. If I need to end a pregnancy, I have a right to privacy (no government involvement) about that decision. The needs of the fetus do not come before my own.
Terry Lowman []
You can outlaw abortion just as you can outlaw breathing. But like breathing, you cannot stop it. The places with the highest abortion rates are where it is most illegallike Uganda and Latin America.If you are opposed to abortion, as I believe most people are, the only way you can impact it is to protect pregnancy and parenthood with laws and financial help. Scandinavian countries have some of the lowest rates of abortionbut new parents get time offa year or two, they get free healthcare, they get gifts to help them. We give them nothing. But if you don't have health insurance they do give you a bill for thousands and thousands of dollarsin a normal and healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby.If you want to reduce abortions, you have to nurture families and support family planning/birth control.
Margaret Heider []
Dear Subcommittee Members,I would like to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session. Thank you for trying to protect mothers and their children both before birth and especially after they have been born. As a nurse, I feel that the best health care is to care for a pregnant mother and her baby. Please pass the best possible Protect Life Amendment to protect the most vulnerable of our citizens. I am against my tax dollars paying for an expanded abortion agenda. Thank you for letting me submit my comments on this amendment.Sincerely,Margaret Heider RN
Brad Benda []
I strongly support the Protect Life Amendment. Thank you for all you are doing to pass the best possible amendment that not only protects the preborn Iowans but all Iowans from those wanting to change our Constitution.
Shari Hawk [Retired]
I am struggling to understand that, when Iowa children and infants are going without the basic necessities of life, anyone would choose a horrid constitutional amendment to assure women and girls are forced to carry every pregnancy to term regardless of their life experiences and circumstances. This type of action will only lead to more discrimination against women than we already have in this state. And, why would medical coverage for essential abortions be denied for women and girls who may die or face serious physical complications without such a procedure? These actions are intentionally cruel and heartless. None of us should have any option of interfering between another human being and medical decisions they make for themselves in consultation with their medical providers and their loved ones. Please treat women and girls as actual human beings and do not support these atrocities.
Janice Cink []
Please vote for all prolife legislation as we NEED all the young people we can get in the State of Iowa! We do not have enough people to fill the jobs available now because so many babies have been killed by abortion in the past! More babies will improve the economy because people spend a lot of money on baby items and young people wants!
Kerry Engel []
I believe life begins at conception. I am asking you to please support the life amendment and choose life for these unborn babies. To take a life is murder and is against the word of God which this country was founded upon. Thanks for taking these comments.
Talia Sopp []
I oppose this bill. Research has repeatedly shown that restricting access to abortions does not stop people from having abortions but rather stops them from having safe abortions. If decreasing abortions is your goal, then the most effective way to do this is by increasing access to contraceptives not decreasing access to safe abortions.
Brandy Mitchell. ARNP []
No one is proabortion. I think we can all agree on that. So lets talk about legislating evidencedbased strategies to decrease the need for abortions. Lets legislate access to education and contraception. We know this works. Colorado has significantly decreased unplanned pregnancy, teen births, and abortions while significantly decreasing the taxpayer burden for WIC, Medicaid, and other social programs by providing access to contraception. It worked so well, bipartisan legislation added $5 million to the annual state budget to keep it going. The program results are phenomenal:Teen birth rate was nearly cut in half.Teen abortion rate was nearly cut in half.Births to women without a high school education fell 38 percent.Second and higher order births to teens were cut by 57 percent.Birth rate among young women ages 2024 was cut by 20 percent.Average age of first birth increased by 1.2 years among all women.Rapid repeat births declined by 12 percent among all women.Costs avoided: $66.1$69.6 million. you truly want to reduce abortions, please consider what really works.
Brian McCoy []
My family and I are in favor of the Life Amendment.
Meredith Gall []
I would strongly urge you to vote against HSB 41. Restricting abortion has not and will notend or even decrease abortion. In fact, the legislature's last attempt to limit abortion byeliminating funding for clinics that perform abortions had the opposite effect after years ofdecline the abortion rate actually increased 25% last year (as did STI rates). We need to helpwomen escape abusive relationships and improve their economic wellbeing, andadvocate for policies that provide for education, employment, child care, and contraception all things that have been shown to decrease the abortion rate. Vote against HSB 41 and instead fund clinics that provide long term contraception and health care for women.
Julie Powell-Mohr []
Abortion is a deeply personal healthcare decision, a decision that is between a woman and her healthcare provider. Politicians do not have a role to play in the reproductive healthcare for Iowans, but you do have a role to play in providing education and mental healthcare for our children. That is a priority most all Iowans support.Please vote no on HSB41.Thank you.
Laura Trierweiler []
I am Pro life. I feel strong about this because I could never have kids. I feel that I wished I could have had kids of my own and give them the love they deserve and give them life.
Kirsten Smith []
Hi,As a voter in the state of Iowa for years now, I do not agree with this Act. As the Supreme Court has stated the right to abortion as under the Right to Privacy many years ago, this is a precedented right for all women. Considering there are many reasons that women have abortions including inability to safely give birth, disallowing all abortions on a wide scale is not seeing each case as its own situation as all medical decisions should be made. This is an infringement on womens inherent Right to Life and is a human rights violation.Thank you for your time and I hope you make the right decision,Kirsten Smith
Audrey Nelson [Students for Life at Iowa State University]
On behalf of Iowa State University's Students for Life group, and all Iowans who believe in the dignity of every human person, we urge you to pass the Protect Life Amendment. We thank you in advance for your support.
Pauline Harrison []
I am opposed to HSB 41. Making abortion more difficult will not stop abortion; it will only hurt women.
Jamie Burch Elliott [Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa & Planned Parenthood North Central States]
My name is Jamie Burch Elliott, lobbyist for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa and Planned Parenthood North Central States. I am submitting these comments in opposition to HSB 41. It is disappointing that Rep. Holt has decided to only allow 30 minutes for this meeting today. This 30minute meeting provides one of the only opportunities for Iowans to offer input on the proposed legislation. While the public could submit written comments, they were forced to endanger their safety and go to the Capitol during a tumultuous and dangerous time in American history to give inperson comments.Iowans deserve better. They should safely be able to offer input on a bill that would for the first time ever take away their rights. Politicians in Des Moines should be focused on addressing the states bungled response to the pandemic and social justice issues instead of wasting time trying to strip Iowans of their right and access to health care. Iowas constitution has strong privacy protections that ensure our right to personal freedom. This amendment weakens those protections by opening the door for politicians to successfully pass burdensome, medically unnecessary restrictions on health care for Iowans. This bill is nothing but a coordinated attempt to attack Iowans health. It is one of the most extreme attacks in Iowa history. It is clear the true meaning of the bill is to attempt to ban abortion in Iowa. By proposing this amendment, Iowa politicians are laying the groundwork to ban abortion if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. The strongest protection for access to safe, legal abortion at the state level is when it is safeguarded by the Iowa Constitution. This legislation would pave the way for further restrictions on abortion care in Iowa for decades to come. This is not a hypothetical. Antiabortion legislators in Iowa have already shown their intentions. Last year we saw politicians take action on an unprecedented number of antiabortion legislation. In the past almost 10 years they have introduced at least 70 bills aimed at restricting Iowans access to safe and legal abortion. Politicians need to step aside and trust and respect people to make the appropriate medical decisions for them and their family. Iowans deserve freedom from political interference in our personal lives, and we will not be fooled by politicians who want to insert themselves in what should be private health care decisions. Choosing whether and when to have children is a decision between a woman Iowan, their doctor, family and faithnot politicians in Des Moines. Instead of limiting health care options, we need solutions that improve the health of Iowans and protect their right to make reproductive health care decisions that are best for their situation. If the proposed amendment passes, the Iowa Constitution would no longer protect a persons right to end a pregnancy under any circumstance, including when a pregnancy results from rape or incest or when the health of the pregnant person or life is in danger. No one wants to imagine such a scenario, but none of us can predict the future, and someday, a person you love may need access to abortion.
Kenneth Hunziker []
I speak on behalf of the babies who have no voice vote yes!!
Craig and Stacy Stevens []
This letter is to thank legislators for their work on the Protect Life Amendment for this session.Thank you for your efforts protecting mothers and babies from the trauma of abortion. The efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a baby's birth should never happen or the funding of abortion with taxpayer money.It is beyond any rational mind, how people can trivialize human life as a choice. After conception, the baby has its own unique DNA and genes and is the sanctity of life in early form. To deny this is to deny the truth, knowing that all of us were womb dwellers at one point. Also, what a terrible trauma abortion brings to those who experience post abortion depression the guilt and shame in that realization for most mothers and many fathers in the loss of innocent life.Please pass the strongest Protect Life Amendment language protecting the mother and baby from the abomination of abortion. Please protect the innocent unborn, who cannot defend themselves and need our protection. The unborn baby is a human life and to deny that is to deny the truth about life itself.
Karen Rietz []
I want to register my concerns and opposition to HSB41. I support womens right to retain access to information and, legal pregnancy termination. Iowans and Americans polled continue to agree that women deserve the right to make decisions about their bodies and timing of children.
Veronica Brantz []
Please remember all people have the right to live, regardless of any circumstances. Please support all Right to Life legislation.
Brena Corona [Interfaith Alliance of Iowa]
Abortion is a deeply personal healthcare decision that should be made by the pregnant person in consultation with a healthcare provider and possibly other supportive people, if they choose (e.g. spouse or partner, family, faith leader, friends).A woman should have the freedom to make her own choice about birthing a child. I can only determine that the Republican Party has issues with "control" controlling how Iowans live their lives as the Party appears to continue to focus on creating laws that take the decision making choice out of the hand of women and their significant "other'. If a woman is raped. she also should be able to have an abortion or at least be able to take the "morning after" pills HSB41 (Against) A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion.No law in Iowa should be passed to prohibit abortion. Neither should the state of Iowa refuse to pay for the abortions of economically disadvantaged females. The wealthy can always continue to afford paying for an abortion. SO, lawmakers are punishing the poor!
Thank you for going forward with this amendment to stop public funding of abortion.Having an abortion is not a right to be granted by the Iowa Constitution.
Matthew Graham []
I support the Iowa life amendment
Nancy Larson [Des Moines DCCW]
Please support this Resolution we do not want our money spent on peoples abortion. Thanks, Nancy Larson
emily tran []
Abortion should be legal and a protected right. There are people out there who are not able to take care and provide for the child.
Brian Carter [Iowa Conference Church and Society, Legislative Advocacy]
The United Methodist Church believes that abortion should be safe, available, and rare. But we do not believe it should be outlawed. So we oppose HSB 41 which would say that Iowans do not have the right of an abortion.We question the legality of this amendment which seems to be taking the interpretation of the Iowa constitution away from the Supreme Court and replacing it with the legislature. We foresee some expensive and perhaps futile court cases that would cost the state of Iowa expenses when the economy is still weak because of the effects of the Covd 19 pandemic.This bill takes the personal religious beliefs of some Iowans and attempts to make laws that effect all Iowans. We oppose HSB 41.
Rae Hattan []
This is terrifying, as always. My heart is racing while I write this. HSB 41 will do more harm than good for Iowans, as many people in the public comments have pointed out. Listen to the research and allow for access to abortion to keep us healthy. Allow Iowans who can get pregnant the right to safe abortions. Yes, the right, which should include public funding. Why do you all keep ignoring the research that shows how much better off humans and their communities are when they have access to safe abortions? I know youre aware of this research if youre the ones who get to consider this, so please, think about your loyalty to the truth, to keeping present and future Iowans healthy, not to your faith or your party.
Beth Roy []
I am opposed to this legislation. The women of Iowa deserve to have the freedom to independently make healthcare decisions and have access to abortions.
molly dennert []
Dear Representatives Holt, Osmundson, and WesselKroeschell,I write to express strong opposition to House Study Bill 41. I do not support adding any language to the Iowa Constitution that restricts access to abortion. Abortion is healthcare and it is normal. What I do support is universal health care. Its important to me that every Iowan has access to the healthcare they need. This, of course, includes abortion.It is not up to the people of Iowa to decide what kind of healthcare procedures their fellow Iowans need or actually receive. People who receive abortions should be able to do so after consulting with their healthcare providers.People I know and love have received abortions. I am happy that they were able to get the medical care they needed in a safe environment. One in four pregnant people will have an abortion in their lifetime. There is no need to stigmatize the procedure. Lets leave healthcare decisions to individuals and not the government.Respectfully,Molly Dennert
Luke Bascom []
Dear Representatives Holt, Osmundson, & WesselKroeschell,I write to the three of you today as you consider passing a truly dangerous bill through your subcommittee. House Study Bill 41 would be a disgraceful piece of legislation to adopt, as it completely violates the bodily autonomy of more than half of Iowans. It is not right to put binds on Iowans who require access to the entire scope of reproductive healthcare that is currently in existence, and more. Representative Holt, would you allow a stranger to decide when or whether or not you would receive a vasectomy? Would any of you let strangers weigh in on your decisions about your sexual activity in general? If this bill is passed through your committee, any future evocations of freedom or the reduction of government involvement in citizens personal matters will be rendered moot. It is truly unconscionable that a pregnant person would be forced to carry a child that they do not want or that they cannot care for in all the ways that are demanded by that responsibility. There is a lot of really unhealthy stigma and taboo that surrounds abortion in our society. Were talking about a medical procedure that is incredibly common and actually is one of the safest operations that can be carried out. I guarantee that if you or your partner have not had an abortion, someone in your immediate family or friend group has opted to have the procedure at some point in their life. Were it not for the current healthcare system that exists to serve folks in their situation, your friend or family member likely would have had an abortion through an illicit pathway of some kind. This would have placed tremendous pressure on your friend or family member and would have endangered them. Is this the kind of world you envision? If your vote to advance the harmful legislation that has been put before you is guided by an erroneous calculation that it will result in an end of abortions, or even a lowering of abortions, please rectify this within your mind. All that would change if abortions were illegal in the state of Iowa is your friend or family member who had that abortion previously would now have to turn to a less safe and less legal means of getting the same operation. One of your roles as a member of the Iowa House is to better protect the citizens of your state. It definitely does not entail placing them in harms way. This House file represents the most blatant violation of individual liberties a legislator could be involved in and signing off on such an invasive bill will forever become your legacy as an elected official if you choose to do so. That is why I ask you to ensure it does not pass through your subcommittee. Sincerely, Luke Bascom
David A. Basener [True L.I.F.E. of North Iowa]
January 22, 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court made the most egregious decision in the history of America. On June 29, 2018 the Iowa Supreme Court made the same egregious decision. They legalized the brutal murder of innocent people, children in the first nine months of their life, for any reason. This is what tyrants do not a system of justice. If anyone should know what these Constitutions say it should be them. They take an oath to defend these Constitutions not amend them. They totally failed on both counts. It is the right and duty of We the People to correct this grave injustice in Iowa with HSB 41, the Protect Life Amendment. Thank you for making this a priority. I would first like to say that my heart goes out to all those who have ended the life of their child before he or she had a chance to take their first breath or attend their first day of school. My heart also goes to all those others who have felt the loss of these children. But today I speak for the millions of children whose silent screams have not been heard and have not been allowed a voice in their God given and constitutional Right to Life.On June 29, 2018 the Iowa Supreme Court said that in the Iowa Constitution there was a right to murder me or anyone like me anytime in the first 9 months of my life for any reason. On that day there were no such words in the constitution and still today there are no such words in the constitution. The court overstepped its authority, amended the Iowa Constitution, and created a special right so that one group of people, women, could deny another group of people, unborn children like me, of their first right, Life. How could they do such a thing? Murder and the death penalty are illegal in Iowa. Can they discriminate against me because of my size even adults are different sizes. Or is it because of my level of development each of you continued to develop for years after you were born. Or is it because of my location is my mothers womb the only legal kill zone in Iowa where one out of every four of us die nationwide? Or is it because of my degree of dependency young children and aging seniors are dependent on others. What about you when you were in the hospital from illness or injury? Abortion is not healthcare. A procedure that results in the death of at least one person every time is not healthcare. What is abortion? Abortion is a deadly physical assault on an unborn boy or girl like me. Abortion is also a physical, psychological, emotional, and medically detrimental assault on my mother. This is the real war on women. Better alternatives for everyone are the better Choices made well before the first trimester begins.Abortion is the most barbaric and inhumane method of execution. Slaughter houses would be shut down overnight if they killed livestock using any of the methods of abortion. After all we are still alive when all of this happens.Where is my equal protection of the laws, due process of the law, right to life, and urgency to prevent harm? If the Iowa and U.S. Supreme Courts had shown the same boldness in applying these arguments to the unborn American persons like me as they did in redefining marriage, abortion would have become illegal in America on June 26, 2015. In America, it is the Judicial Branch that we look to, to correct injustice by proper interpretation and application of the law. In this case the Iowa Supreme Court failed for us unborn with deadly consequences. I would like those in the Judiciary to tell me what crime I have committed to be given the death sentence? The State has a compelling interest in restricting abortion because of the many negative and adverse side effects of an abortion to the health and wellbeing of my mother if she should undergo such a procedure. Others involved in or affected by the decision to murder me experience many of these same negative and adverse side effects. Please make Iowa a safe place for me to live, grow, and be born.
Robin Kline []
Oppose HSB 41: Iowa women deserve and must have access to all reproductive healthcare options, including abortion. Politicians have no role to play in my deeply personal healthcare decisions.
Teresa Mulvihill []
I strongly oppose this bill. You have two choices: you can support a woman's right to abortion AND access to healthcare and contraception (Planned Parenthood), or you can take women back to the dark ages where they were forced to bear children against their will, and often died because of pregnancy issues or attempts to abort which were unsafe. Men have always had the right to control their own bodies. Women deserve the same right. Studies have proven over and over again that access to affordable healthcare and contraception REDUCES the number of abortions. If the objective is to reduce abortions, Planned Parenthood should be receiving full funding for its important services, which are often the only services to poor women. I grew up in Marshalltown in the 60's and 70's, and I know for a fact that Planned Parenthood education and healthcare programs, including contraception, prevented MANY teen pregnancies. But even with good prevention programs and ready access to contraception, there will always be women who seek abortions, for health, economic, or personal reasons. This is a right they must continue to have if women are to be full members of our society and not simply "handmaidens."
Alice Child [True life of north iowa]
We strongly support HSB41.Thank you for all you do.
Raquel Hoffman []
Abortion rights = womens health. You are proposing stripping away womens healthcare in the name of much for the separation of church and state. Women and their doctors should have the right to discuss the best course of action during a pregnancy, and if that pregnancy is not viable or safe for the mother, then abortion is the best course of action. I know MOTHERS who have had abortions. The option isnt about birth control, its about health, and its never an easy decision. So you can keep your legislation away from our uteri, and maybe focus on your energy on some ACTUAL problems, like getting Iowa vaccinated for COVID19.
Paul Dykstra []
The value we place on those yet to be born will be the legacy we leave behind.. It is critical that move this amendment forward to protect those who ate innocent. Not to do so degrades each of us further that all people are then devalued as we measure a persons worth. Its sad that this is needed because peoples hearts have become hardened.
Teresa Mangum []
This amendment is intended to take away an individuals fundamental right under the Iowa Constitution to choose to terminate a pregnancy. Its most immediate goal is to prevent state funding from going to organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide pregnancy termination (abortion) services. This lack of funding will discriminate against lowincome people. In fact, the inability to provide financially for a child is one of the primary reasons that people seek to terminate a pregnancy. As a result, it will also likely result in more people and children needing public assistance. This amendment, if adopted, would also make it easier for the legislature to impose restrictions on the ability to terminate a pregnancy. This means more laws restricting abortion are likely to be upheld these include laws imposing waiting periods, onerous restrictions on providers that can put providers out of business, and other restrictions. Iowas history shows that even when abortion was illegal in Iowa, many women still sought abortions. But because they were illegal, many only had access to unsafe drugs and procedures, often from untrained and unscrupulous people. Many women died from infections and excessive blood loss. Others were seriously injured or rendered infertile. Our history shows that making abortion more difficult will not stop abortion; it will only hurt women. If you want to prevent unwanted pregnancies, support sciencebased public health education about pregnancy and prevention and make birth control as accessible as possible.
marcia noxon []
Please support this bill. Life is precious and a gift from God
Erin Howell-Gritsch []
Please stop HSB41 from moving forward. Restricting abortion does not stop abortion. Restricting access to healthcare for women increases their likelihood of dying. Please stop trying to strip away a woman's right to make her own health decisions.
Kathleen Darling []
Please stop HSB41 When there was no access to abortions and I was a college coed a dear friend who became pregnant had to seek assistance in Mexico. This was a frightening expensive experience. It seems unjust to force women to seek assistance outside their state and nation.Please stop bill HSB41Sincerely Kathleen
Kristine Thompson []
Please choose the moral path and protect precious little girls and boys in the safety of their first home; mothers womb.
Colleen Armstrong []
I am frustrated and very angry that you continue efforts to control women's health and have no regard for my right to make healthcare in which you should not be involved. The right to a safe, legal abortion must be protected for Iowans.The Iowa Legislature does not have a role to play in a persons reproductive healthcare decisionmaking process and must stop threatening access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion.The only arguments against reproductive healthcare, including abortion, are based in individual religious beliefs. It is wrong to insert ones personal religious beliefs into public policy impacting the rights of others.
Cynthia Blackley []
The sanctity of life is the foundation of all other decisions. As a Christian, there is no question in my mind that life begins at conception and instead of funding a "choice" we need to funnel our energies and money to programs to support the women and families in crisis to present other options.
Kim Grzywacz []
I fully support the Protect Life Amendment. Please support the passage of this amendment so the people of Iowa can have their voices heard at the voting booth.
Kim Grzywacz []
I skimmed some of the other public comments. Again, I fully support this amendment and wish to see it taken to the voting booths for Iowans to have their individual voices heard.I do believe this is prowoman and prohealth care. I believe when we begin to protect life at its most vulnerable stage, we will start protecting life at every stage across ALL demographics. Women need to stop believing they can't handle a pregnancy and know they CAN. This is empowerment.
Ray Henderson []
Please pas the the joint resolution HSB 41. Thank you.
Elizabeth Rethwisch [Students For Life of America]
Thank you, legislators, for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even forcing Iowans to pay for it.I implore you: PLEASE pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby, a human, and could have been any one of us.
Elizabeth Rethwisch []
Thank you, legislators for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session.Thank you for working hard to give We the People a voice, when judges overreach and attempt to rewrite our Constitution.Thank you for working to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, and even making Iowans pay for it.Please, Please, PLEASE pass the strongest possible Protect Life Amendment language, because that little child in her mothers womb, shes a baby.I have held children whose lives would have been ended, who never would have seen the light of day, and I hurt for all those tiny humans, those babies, who will never be able to grow up.
I am writing in opposition to HSB 41. I am a constituent who believes that reducing the number of abortions is a valuable goal, but that imposing an outright ban on abortion in the state of Iowa leaves too many women at risk to potentially fatal health complications. I also support state funding for Planned Parenthood as an organization that does very important work in support of women's health and in promoting the use of contraception that can reduce unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Carly Penick []
Bodily autonomy is extremely important, and protected in the constitution. Religion should not interfere with the government. I should have the right to have an abortion as much as I should have the right to choose to/not to be an organ donor.
Stephen Seberger [none]
Thank you for bringing up this resolution and bill. I am appalled that abortion has ever been considered a right that takes the lives of so many innocent babies and is detrimental to the lives of so many women, men, and other relatives. I firmly believe that every woman who undergoes an abortion will regret it in the next life, if not also in this one. I am so glad our nation had the good sense to ban slavery, and look forward to the day when we have the good sense to ban abortion. Is it not part of ever doctor's oath to "first, do no harm". How can any doctor end the life of a baby in the womb.Even more objectionable than abortion is having the taxpayers pay for it. Please, if you can't ban the procedure altogether, at least prevent me, a taxpayer, from having to fund it.May God bless your sincere efforts to represent ALL the people living in Iowa, including those not yet born.
Theresa Schmitt []
Please stop the murder of unborn babies and protect them from judges trying to change the law to extend abortions up to and including the day of their birth.
Mary Wegener []
Please support the Pro Life Amendment today!!!! A country that kills it's most defenseless is a country that can not continue. Let us work together to defend the Right to Life, Liberty and Justice for all. Thank you
Marlin Bontrager []
To defend and protect unborn children, I urge you to pass an ammendment that will not recognize, grant, or secure a right to abortion or require the public funding of abortion. No public tax dollars should be given to the murder of the innocent unborn! Life starts at conception and the unborn must be valued as Godcreated life.
Frank Appleton []
HSB41 will only discriminate against women without the means to pursue an abortion. I am very much against this.
Donna Joseph [Reverend]
As an ordained Lutheran minister I had the great blessing of Baptizing twin boys in an emergency Baptism at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. The twins weighed 1 1/2 lbs. and 2 lbs. I had never seen such precious tiny babies. They, along with all the other premature babies fought hard to survive. Kyle, one of the precious twins died. I and the family were heartsick. We had a special funeral for Kyle. I fought back tears, but so THANKFUL I could affirm the life of this precious Child of God. Knowing of course he is with the Lord, but our hearts so ached. When Scott (the other twin) looked as if he were going to die, I was called and raced up to the hospital. Two Doctors, specialists in the field of premature babies, looked so upset. They had done all they could yet Scott was dying. I laid my hands on the tiniest baby I had ever seen. I began praying to Jesus, and miraculously a warmth filled my hands that I knew came only from the Lord. Scott's oxygen level began to climb to normal range. He survived. The Doctors and nurses were in shock! What had happened, they had seen a miracle. I share this story as I know the Lord affirmed to me the sanctity of Life. First, that Kyle was a precious baby who deserved all the love and respect until his last tiny breath. And then the dignity of a Christian burial. And Scott deserved all the best medical care, and when that failed, what a joy to see a true miracle of God. PLEASE, I beg you all to save those precious babies. Thank you, Rev. Donna Joseph
Mandy Brown []
This bill is an injustice and violent invasion of personal body autonomy. Religious separation of state is the law and this bill denies the validity of that truth. It sets a horrible and dangerous precedent for all other cases of religious bias. A womans body is her own. And that will never change and shouldnt in Iowa law.
julia ramsey []
I do not understand this unjust action you are doing. nobody wants their child to die but sometimes it is the last resort and only resort for women. if you want to make abortion illegal, please think about all the kids that have no homes right now and how many more there will be if women cant decide what to do with their own body. you say its your choice to wear a mask and thats about protecting human lives but dont allow women to chose what they want to do with their body. how does that make sense? if your going to say abortions are wrong then where is the money for the women to support their families? where are forms of birth control, especially in low income communities? If you make abortions illegal, there will be more illegal abortions which are unsafe and happen more often then if abortions are illegal. Please rethink your decision and think about all the women in our community that need help. I urge you.
Shanna Leino []
Protect abortion rights!
Janece Hutchinson []
I want to thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this 2021 session..Life is God's gift.I want to thank you for working hard at giving We the People a voice when judges abuse their power and try to rewrite our Constitution.I want to thank you for your hard work in protection of mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the dy of a baby's birth, and making we Iowans pay for it. I do not want my tax dollars to pay for any likes of killing a child. I urge you to pray and act on passing the Best possible Protection Life Amendment possible, because it is a live real little child in her mother's womb, a live baby. We cannot be a part in any way in the death of a child. Our Lord will make us accountable in our choices in this. We must protect the ones not able to speak for themselves.
Mary Jane Svoboda []
I urge you to vote for the HSB 41 amendment to the Iowa Constituion that does not recognize,grant,or secure a right to an abortion or require the public funding of abortiion. Abortion not only terminates a life but turns the mother into a victim scathed for life, physically, mentally and spiritually. It is imperative that we protect life from conseption to natural death. We cannot play God!!!Thank you,Mary Jane Svoboda
Clyde Smith []
We thank you that you will vote for a baby's right to life all through and up to delivery and not have taxpayers pay for any type of abortion.
Amanda Stevens []
This is unacceptable. Abortion is healthcare, period. If Iowa works towards banning abortion then I will have no choice but to leave this state for my own health and safety. As a young professional, I would encourage my peers to leave this state as well.
Rose Tondra [Catholic Daughters of the Americas]
Re: HSB 41Even though it is late in the day, I hope that my comment can help our lawmakers understand the importance of the sanctity of life from "womb to tomb" as Dr. Alvida King terms it. It is the most fundamental civil right and we owe it to mothers not to ignore their need for affirmation and legal protection of their unborn babies.Sincerely,Rose Tondra
John McCullough []
Thank you for making the Protect Life Amendment a priority this session and for working hard to give "We the People" a voice when judges abuse their power to try to rewrite our Constitution.I would also like to thank for working hard to protect mothers and children from efforts to expand abortion, even to the day of a babys birth, along with making Iowans pay for it. And, please remember the humanity of the Unborn, and the need to protect pregnant women from the abortionists, and the Protect Life Amendment will do both. The unborn child in a mothers womb is a human life and we must end this modern day holocaust.
Chasity Foster []
abortion has saved the life of my sister. religious groups wanted to ostracized her for aborting a pregnancy that she had little to no chance of surviving. these protections made it so she is still alive. we need these protections.
Julie Casey []
We absolutely will no longer go along with being forced against our religious beliefs to pay for any abortions
Donovan Sandoval []
The right to a safe and accessible abortion is vital to the health of our Iowans. This law will not stop abortion, it will just kill the people trying to get abortions by forcing them to find ways to have unsafe and life threatening abortions.
Cari Lawler []
We HAVE to be the voice for our unborn children!! Please let them live ... we have to give them that right!!!
emily h []
Sabrina Zionts []
I am vehemently opposed to this resolution. Abortion is health careperiod. And as a certified nursemidwife who serves diverse patients in Waterloo, I understand deeply the need for patients to have access to this health care service. There is no other area of health care that is regulatedor interfered withto the extent that abortion is. I studied for seven years to specialize in women's health care and for this reason know precisely how safe and necessary abortion is. How dare a politician think he or she knows more than I do, or know more than women who make this decision about their own body? I cannot think of a principle of our society more important than bodily autonomy. And for those that ask, "what about the baby's autonomy" I implore you to reflect on the fact that your definition of life is not universal. As a Jewish person, for example, I believe that life starts at birth, and I respect and uphold my patients' own definitions.History teaches us that when abortion is made illegal, or prohibitively inaccessible, it still continuesjust unsafely. If this resolution passes, the blood of women who die from backalley abortions is on your hands. If you really want to eliminate abortion, you would invest in comprehensive sex education and birth controlthe ONLY interventions proven to safely decrease abortion rates.
Oliver Willett []
I strongly oppose this amendment. It is blatantly unconstitutional and imposing religious values on me. I am a resident of Grinnell IA.
Tyler Burkhead []
I do not agree with this amendment. we should respect the reallife decisions people and their families face every day.
Diane VanDuzen []
I am commenting in support of the resolution HSB 41. Every human being should have the right to life no matter where they live. All human lives are of equal value, none more precious than another. From this fundamental right all other rights flow because if you're dead you don't need rights. Thank you for reading.
Finn Dworkin []
Dear Iowa State Representatives,I believe HB 41 represents a conflict to national precedent and an apparent overeach of government restrictions, impeding womens' right to medical procedures and agency over their bodies. It is not the governments position to make an ultimate say on abortion access for all women. The state government should not abridge or tread on a women's personal choice for treatment or family planning. The decision belongs to the individual, regardless of their views on abortion. I will not debate you if your interpretation of your faith tells you abortion is wrong, but one's personal opinions should not alter or affect all women's decisions about their bodies. The state of Iowa does not need to police women's bodies. It is an overreach of the government's position, and I implore the Iowa congress to redact, table, or vote down this law.Finn Dworkin
Julie Tallman []
This bill would, if passed, not only remove a woman's right to choose but will remove a family's right to manage the economic and psychological consequences of another child. Every child should be a wanted child a child that can be fed, clothed, educated, and cared for with love. Abortion before viability is not murder. The premise of antiabortion arguments is that the combination of sperm and egg is an inevitable path to personhood. This is not a medical fact it is a premise based on religious belief. Keep the choice of carrying a child to term available to women and families use medical facts to limit the right to abortion based on viability, and based on diagnostic techniques that alert mothers and fathers to circumstances when a developing child will be born with disabilities that they cannot manage financially or emotionally. By leaving a choice available, those who welcome pregnancy keep their rights, and those who are not prepared to raise a child maintain their right to carrying a child to term and entering into adoption, and those who are unable or unwilling to raise a(nother) child retain their right to terminate a pregnancy.
Patricia McBride []
I do not believe that my tax dollars should be used for abortion. I cannot imagine killing anyone let alone a baby. I do not expect my tax dollars to be used to spread the word of God so why would they be used to kill a human, a baby. There is no debate on this subject. You either are a baby killer or not. End of story.
Peggy Brown []
I am totally against abortion and public funding of abortion. The only reason I can see abortion needed is for the health of the mother. All babies have a right to life.
Judith Szumlas []
Please help our scared and vulnerable young women from those who would push them to abort their babies, a choice that they will live to regret the rest of their lives .Instead help them to find them the help they need to give their babies lifeThan you
Reva Lillibridge [Lillibridge & Lillibridge Services]
When someone writes an piece of writing he/she keeps the thought of a user in his/her brain that how a user can know it. Thus that's why this post is outstdanding.Thanks!