Bills in Committee
Education (H)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 416 | A bill for an act providing for the removal of the requirement that two or more public school districts be contiguous in order to utilize financial, administrative, merger and dissolution, open enrollment, and sharing incentives and policies. (Formerly SF 326.) |
SF 9 | A bill for an act relating to the disposition of school property and providing an effective date. |
SJR 2008 | A joint resolution nullifying rules adopted by the educational examiners board, and relating to the contents of a complaint notice, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3202.) |
HF 2492 | A bill for an act relating to the duties and operations of the department of education and local school boards. (Formerly HSB 623) |
HF 2462 | A bill for an act relating to the use of certain regular physical plant and equipment levy funds and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HF 2040) |
HF 2424 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment, funding, and bonding authority of public charter schools. |
HF 2413 | A bill for an act directing school districts to prioritize resources in order to meet the goal of increasing the minimum days or hours of instructional time offered in a school year. (Formerly HF 2189) |
HF 2396 | A bill for an act creating a mechanism for schools, school consortiums, and school districts to increase opportunities for innovation. |
HF 2395 | A bill for an act allowing a school district to use remaining market factor teacher incentive funds to be transferred to the district's general fund and used for general fund purposes and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2394 | A bill for an act relating to the purposes for which physical plant and equipment levy revenue and certain related revenues may be utilized, and including applicability provisions. |
HF 2387 | A bill for an act relating to the membership of the board of regents and including transition and effective date provisions. |
HF 2367 | A bill for an act directing state aid funding for special education support services, media services, educational services, area education agency professional development supplement, and area education agency teacher salary supplement to the applicable school districts, allowing area education agencies and community colleges to bid to provide the services that the funding supports, and including applicability provisions. |
HF 2361 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment, funding, and bonding authority of a state charter school institute and institute charter schools. |
HF 2358 | A bill for an act relating to the operations, funding, and administration of the state board of regents and of the institutions of higher education it governs. |
HF 2357 | A bill for an act relating to rules for participation in extracurricular activities by certain children. |
HF 2354 | A bill for an act relating to the postsecondary enrollment options component of the senior year plus program. |
HF 2326 | A bill for an act relating to the operation and funding of home school assistance programs provided by school districts. |
HF 2325 | A bill for an act relating to secondary level career and technical endorsements for persons holding a standard, master educator, or permanent professional teaching license and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
HF 2323 | A bill for an act relating to consolidation of the operational functions of the institutions of higher education governed by the state board of regents. |
HF 2317 | A bill for an act relating to the accreditation of nonpublic schools. |
HF 2316 | A bill for an act creating a supplementary weighting plan for certain rural school districts. |
HF 2315 | A bill for an act relating to compliance with state physical education and health course standards by school districts and accredited nonpublic schools. |
HF 2298 | A bill for an act requiring reports relating to disciplinary action taken against a teacher to be submitted to the board of educational examiners. |
HF 2296 | A bill for an act relating to physical plant and equipment levy special elections and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
HF 2291 | A bill for an act relating to protected traits or characteristics of students under public and nonpublic school harassment and bullying prohibitions and policies. |
HF 2271 | A bill for an act establishing a loan forgiveness program and fund for dentists who practice in certain rural areas of the state. |
HF 2270 | A bill for an act relating to a foreign language requirement at the elementary school level for school districts and including an effective date provision. |
HF 2269 | A bill for an act expanding the educational standards to include age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education instruction at the elementary and secondary grade levels. |
HF 2268 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of frontier schools. |
HF 2261 | A bill for an act relating to requirements for certain interscholastic athletic contests and competitions. |
HF 2254 | A bill for an act relating to the disposition of certain former school district funds by the director of the department of education and including effective date, validation, and retroactive applicability provisions. |
HF 2247 | A bill for an act providing for the foreign-language instruction of students in kindergarten through grade twelve, providing a funding option for such instruction, and including applicability provisions. |
HF 2244 | A bill for an act relating to inspection of certain school district coursework materials by students, parents, and guardians. |
HF 2222 | A bill for an act requiring the department of education, community colleges, the state board of regents, and the regents universities to collaboratively develop and implement common course numbering. |
HF 2190 | A bill for an act relating to textbooks and applicable instructional technology adopted for use by school districts and provided to public and accredited nonpublic school students. |
HF 2189 | A bill for an act directing school districts to prioritize resources in order to meet the goal of increasing the minimum days or hours of instructional time offered in a school year. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2413) |
HF 2188 | A bill for an act relating to requirements for certain school districts implementing interventions for attendance centers identified as persistently lowest-achieving schools. |
HF 2187 | A bill for an act relating to the accreditation of community colleges. |
HF 2186 | A bill for an act relating to the instructor workload limits at community colleges. |
HF 2185 | A bill for an act relating to the interviewing of racial and ethnic minority applicants by public school districts and accredited nonpublic schools and including effective date and applicability provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2432) |
HF 2161 | A bill for an act relating to a statement of professional recognition for persons qualified as instructors of the junior reserve officer training corps program curriculum. (Formerly HF 2061) |
HF 2140 | A bill for an act relating to core curriculum plan and implementation dates established for school districts and accredited nonpublic schools and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2085 | A bill for an act relating to charter schools and charter magnet schools, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2072 | A bill for an act providing for the increased use of physical plant and equipment levy funds by school districts and including repeal and applicability provisions. |
HF 2071 | A bill for an act relating to policies granting resident status for purposes of paying postsecondary tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education. |
HF 2070 | A bill for an act requiring the development and administration of a statewide comprehensive exit examination as a condition of high school graduation. |
HF 2050 | A bill for an act relating to testing requirements for applicants for teacher licensure or endorsement. |
HF 2049 | A bill for an act requiring the administering of end-of-course examinations for certain secondary school subject areas. |
HF 2047 | A bill for an act relating to certain reporting requirements required of school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and community colleges. |
HF 2046 | A bill for an act modifying the deadline for establishment of the state percent of growth for purposes of the state school foundation program and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2040 | A bill for an act relating to the use of certain regular physical plant and equipment levy funds and including effective date provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2462) |
HF 2030 | A bill for an act relating to the school budget review committee by modifying its membership and by modifying the committee's duties related to school district unusual financial circumstances. Effective 1-20-10. |
HF 2001 | A bill for an act relating to utilization of the district management levy to pay the cost of employee health insurance benefits. |
HF 806 | A bill for an act requiring the department of education to create two one-year pilot programs to fund special education support services, media services, and education services through individual school districts or school district consortiums instead of the respective area education agencies. |
HF 761 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a task force to study a renewed effort to reorganize school districts. (Formerly HF 265) |
HF 760 | A bill for an act relating to articulation agreements between public postsecondary institutions. (Formerly HSB 268) |
HF 737 | A bill for an act allowing school districts affected by a presidentially declared major disaster or a state of disaster emergency to use the previous year's budget enrollments in certain current budget years after the disaster, and providing an effective date. (Formerly HF 427) |
HF 732 | A bill for an act relating to the duties and operations of the department of education and local school boards. (Formerly HSB 22) |
HF 658 | A bill for an act related to the completion of cultural competency instruction by health professionals and students enrolled in health-related degree programs. |
HF 651 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a health care professionals loan forgiveness program including loan forgiveness for family practice physicians to be administered by the college student aid commission and providing an appropriation. |
HF 650 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a task force to study ninth grade academies and making an appropriation. |
HF 648 | A bill for an act prohibiting postsecondary educational institutions that receive state moneys from selling, offering, or otherwise providing information relating to certain persons. |
HF 645 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a task force to study measures to encourage elementary and middle school students to identify early career paths and interests and making an appropriation. |
HF 633 | A bill for an act adding restrictions to the state's open enrollment law and providing for the future repeal of the open enrollment law. |
HF 620 | A bill for an act establishing market factor teacher incentives for school district attendance centers located in areas that have high rates of crime and making an appropriation. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2440) |
HF 612 | A bill for an act prohibiting transfers of appropriations made for preschool foundation aid and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions. |
HF 609 | A bill for an act making changes to the healthy kids Act and providing an effective date. |
HF 603 | A bill for an act directing the department of education to organize a statewide day of teacher professional development if a majority of school districts and area education agencies are supportive. |
HF 594 | A bill for an act relating to transportation assistance aid to school districts under certain circumstances and providing an appropriation. |
HF 591 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a task force to study the division of school districts with enrollments greater than two thousand five hundred pupils. |
HF 589 | A bill for an act relating to the school calendar and school start dates and providing effective and applicability dates. (Formerly HF 351) |
HF 576 | A bill for an act relating to the criteria used for selection of school districts for participation in the statewide preschool program for four-year-old children and providing effective and applicability dates. |
HF 518 | A bill for an act requiring public school districts and nonpublic schools to adopt a policy restricting school officials and employees from posting student information on internet websites. |
HF 516 | A bill for an act providing for a transportation levy for certain school districts. |
HF 511 | A bill for an act allowing school districts to utilize attendance centers to provide academic, enrichment, cultural, or recreational activities to children during noninstructional hours. |
HF 498 | A bill for an act providing for year-round classes for kindergarten and grades one through five in school districts with three thousand or more students, and providing an applicability date. |
HF 476 | A bill for an act requiring schools to hold an assembly on or about September 11 each year to educate students about the sacrifices of current and past military service persons. |
HF 454 | A bill for an act relating to funding for special education services for children living in foster care or shelter care facilities or a juvenile detention home. |
HF 432 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a financial literacy council within the office of the governor, providing for its future repeal, and providing an effective date. |
HF 418 | A bill for an act relating to a prohibition on the use of school district resources or employees to influence elections and providing a penalty. |
HF 393 | A bill for an act relating to licenses and endorsements issued by the board of educational examiners. |
HF 376 | A bill for an act adding personal finance skills and financial literacy requirements to the education programs school districts and accredited nonpublic schools must offer. |
HF 372 | A bill for an act restricting the application of pesticides on school property. |
HF 371 | A bill for an act requiring schools to establish a policy to restrict students' use of cellular telephones during school hours. |
HF 368 | A bill for an act adding personal finance skills and financial literacy requirements to the educational standards for school districts and accredited nonpublic schools. |
HF 328 | A bill for an act relating to requirements for school districts providing transportation to students participating in open enrollment. (Formerly HF 138) |
HF 312 | A bill for an act requiring the school budget review committee to grant transportation assistance aid to school districts under certain circumstances and providing a statutory appropriation. |
HF 309 | A bill for an act relating to early school starts and requests for innovative school year pilot programs, and providing an effective date. |
HF 306 | A bill for an act allowing school districts to count limited numbers of foreign exchange pupils in certified enrollment counts for budget and funding purposes. |
HF 284 | A bill for an act establishing a task force to develop a plan for the implementation of an online school for certain populations. |
HF 282 | A bill for an act relating to the funding of school district programs for returning dropouts and dropout prevention. (Formerly HSB 3) |
HF 273 | A bill for an act providing a sales tax exemption from the sale of new and used textbooks for postsecondary educational institution classes. |
HF 248 | A bill for an act requiring certain school districts with more than four percent of students participating in open enrollment to pay a portion of its student achievement and teacher quality program funds to the receiving school district. |
HF 226 | A bill for an act relating to salary and tuition increases for individuals at community colleges and institutions of higher education governed by the state board of regents. |
HF 224 | A bill for an act requiring public school districts and nonpublic schools to offer a free college entrance exam to students in grades ten and eleven each school year, and providing effective and applicability dates. |
HF 199 | A bill for an act requiring public schools and specified nonpublic schools to utilize environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products in school facilities. |
HF 194 | A bill for an act requiring a school district to return a portion of state funding for each dropout in the district. |
HF 188 | A bill for an act allowing the use of moneys in the Iowa educational savings plan trust to be used for payment of a beneficiary's student loans, excluding such payments from individual income tax, and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions. |
HF 183 | A bill for an act relating to the teaching of chemical and biological evolution in school districts and public postsecondary institutions and providing an effective date. |
HF 166 | A bill for an act providing for the disposition of school property and providing an effective date. |
HF 163 | A bill for an act allowing receiving school districts to send school vehicles into the district of residence to transport an open-enrolled pupil under certain circumstances. |
HF 161 | A bill for an act prohibiting certain individuals from acting as agents for school textbooks or school supplies and making a penalty applicable. |
HF 158 | A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a permanent substitute teacher license by the board of educational examiners. |
HF 141 | A bill for an act requiring students at state postsecondary institutions to provide proof of legal status, reducing funding for state postsecondary institutions that enroll students without such proof, and providing an applicability date. |
HF 129 | A bill for an act relating to requirements for the promotion of students from kindergarten through grade twelve based on grade-level proficiency in reading and mathematics. |
HF 119 | A bill for an act limiting the school aid formula to provide funding for four years of high school per student. |
HF 103 | A bill for an act relating to articulation agreements between community colleges and regents universities for credits earned under a renewable fuels training program. |
HF 100 | A bill for an act providing exceptions to the age of admission to kindergarten. |
HF 96 | A bill for an act establishing a rural community dentist loan repayment program and fund. |
HF 94 | A bill for an act requiring the state board of education to define student proficiency in mathematics and reading. |
HF 91 | A bill for an act relating to the suspension of students who commit assault. |
HF 75 | A bill for an act relating to the practitioner license renewal requirements adopted by the board of educational examiners. |
HF 71 | A bill for an act authorizing the school budget review committee to provide transportation assistance to certain school districts and providing an appropriation. |
HF 61 | A bill for an act increasing the amount of an Iowa tuition grant a qualified student may receive. |
HF 38 | A bill for an act relating to the administration of epinephrine in schools, and providing effective and applicability dates. |
HF 31 | A bill for an act relating to textbooks and applicable computer hardware adopted for use by school districts and provided to public and accredited nonpublic school students. |
HF 26 | A bill for an act relating to the minimum hours of instructional school time in a school year for grades one through twelve for school districts, charter schools, and accredited nonpublic schools, and providing an effective date. |
HF 16 | A bill for an act providing for a worker shortage loan forgiveness program. |
HF 7 | A bill for an act establishing a parental involvement grant program and making an appropriation. |
HJR 4 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa restricting the use of revenues derived from the increase in the state sales and use tax rates for school infrastructure purposes. |