Bills in Committee
Labor and Workforce (H)
Bills under consideration and review by committee.
Bill | Bill Title |
SF 2193 | A bill for an act requiring employers to provide written information to employees about certain employment policies without written requests from employees and including applicability provisions. (Formerly SF 2011.) |
SF 413 | A bill for an act relating to wage payment collection issues arising between employers and individuals who provide services to employers, providing penalties, and including an effective date. (Formerly SF 157.) |
SF 262 | A bill for an act relating to the imposition of penalty benefits in workers' compensation cases. (Formerly SSB 1106.) |
HF 2401 | A bill for an act relating to qualifications for and payment of unemployment compensation benefits, and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
HF 2375 | A bill for an act relating to access to and security of employee personnel files. (Formerly HF 2116) |
HF 2308 | A bill for an act relating to the state's workers' compensation laws by modifying alternate care procedures for medical treatment, creating registries of physicians who treat and evaluate work-related injuries, providing for the retention of a medical director, creating a state workplace injury care providers registry fund, establishing a workers' compensation advisory board, providing for and appropriating fees, and including for effective date provisions. |
HF 2303 | A bill for an act concerning automatic enrollment in a qualified retirement plan offered by an employer and making penalties applicable. |
HF 2182 | A bill for an act relating to on-farm electrical installations from licensing and inspections, and including effective date provisions. |
HF 2135 | A bill for an act relating to employee leave by providing for time off and sick leave, and including effective date and applicability provisions. |
HF 2116 | A bill for an act relating to access to and security of employee personnel files. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2375) |
HF 2084 | A bill for an act relating to exclusion of injuries incurred in certain voluntary recreational programs from workers' compensation. |
HF 2042 | A bill for an act relating to compensation terms for state employees and providing effective dates. |
HF 821 | A bill for an act concerning public employee collective bargaining. (Formerly HF 794) (Formerly HSB 269) |
HF 795 | A bill for an act relating to the choice of doctor to treat an injured employee under workers' compensation laws and providing effective and applicability dates. (Formerly HF 530) |
HF 793 | A bill for an act prohibiting employers from infringing on employees' political activities after work hours and if not using company resources. (Formerly HSB 248) |
HF 792 | A bill for an act concerning labor management committees. (Formerly HF 615) |
HF 791 | A bill for an act relating to the imposition of penalty benefits in workers' compensation cases. (Formerly HSB 246) |
HF 775 | A bill for an act requiring additional workers' compensation payments for scheduled injuries that result in a reduction in the injured employee's earning capacity. (Formerly HSB 247) |
HF 683 | A bill for an act relating to employees with medical and dependent child nutrition needs and providing a penalty. (Formerly HF 10) |
HF 618 | A bill for an act relating to the duties of the labor commissioner pursuant to wage payment collection and child labor law enforcement, and providing penalties. Effective 7-01-09. |
HF 615 | A bill for an act concerning labor management committees. (See Cmte. Bill HF 792) |
HF 555 | A bill for an act providing for fair share agreements relating to collective bargaining and providing an effective date. |
HF 542 | A bill for an act relating to boiler and pressure vessel inspections and the boiler and pressure vessel board that oversees the inspections. (See Cmte. Bill HF 720) |
HF 530 | A bill for an act relating to the choice of doctor to treat an injured employee under workers' compensation laws and providing effective and applicability dates. (See Cmte. Bill HF 795) |
HF 452 | A bill for an act relating to the establishment of a study of the economic, fiscal, and social impact of the living wage in Iowa. |
HF 359 | A bill for an act relating to the rights and remedies of an employee injured in an aircraft accident against an employer. |
HF 333 | A bill for an act requiring the payment of local prevailing wage rates to persons working on public improvements for public bodies, and providing penalties and effective and applicability dates. (Formerly HSB 149) |
HF 307 | A bill for an act concerning disclosures of information regarding patient safety by health care workers and providing penalties. |
HF 302 | A bill for an act permitting the payment of wages by a stored-value card. |
HF 222 | A bill for an act relating to safe walkways for railroad workers and making penalties applicable. (See Cmte. Bill HF 727) |
HF 127 | A bill for an act providing for the licensure of elevator contractors and elevator mechanics and providing penalties. (See Cmte. Bill HF 701) |
HF 115 | A bill for an act relating to workers' compensation for an employee's injuries caused by certain willful acts. |
HF 80 | A bill for an act concerning civil service commissions, disciplinary procedures, leaves of absence, providing a civil penalty, and making a penalty applicable. (See Cmte. Bill HF 420) |
HF 24 | A bill for an act requiring employers to provide employees with meal periods and rest periods and providing penalties. |
HF 11 | A bill for an act to increase the state minimum hourly wage by the same percentage as the increase in federal social security benefits. |
HF 10 | A bill for an act relating to employees who are breast-feeding. (See Cmte. Bill HF 683) |
HJR 2017 | A joint resolution nullifying Iowa administrative code chapters implementing statutory provisions concerning state electrical inspections, and including effective date provisions. |
HJR 2002 | A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to labor union membership. |