Violence in Iowa Study Committee (J)


Examine the causes and impacts of, and possible remedies for, increased levels of violence in Iowa, including but not limited to developing more accurate and useful measurements of violent crime beyond annual crime statistics; identifying root causes of violence including conducting biographical research of offenders to determine common traits such as substance abuse, mental and physical health issues, educational background, and familial influence; reviewing existing Iowa criminal code provisions, sentencing guidelines, and incarceration, probation, and parole trends to determine frequency of use, effectiveness, and whether changes or enhancements are needed; and identifying any other “cause and effect” variables arising through research. The committee may receive input from agencies and entities including, but not limited to, the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Transportation, the Judicial Branch, the Attorney General’s Office, the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning Agency, and representatives from law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, business and labor organizations, community and faith organizations, and other interested groups. The committee shall submit recommendations, if deemed appropriate, to the General Assembly by January 1, 2017.

Senate Members
House Members
  • No member data available
Committee Information