Medical Assistance Projections and Assessment Council (J)
Make cost projections for the Medicaid Program and the expansion population authorized pursuant to 2005 Iowa Acts, HF 841; review reports on all initiatives under Code chapter 249J, including those provisions in the design, development, and implementation phases, and make additional recommendations for Medicaid Program and expansion population reform on an annual basis; review annual audited financial statements relating to the expansion population submitted by the providers included in the expansion population provider network; review reports on the success of the Iowa Medicaid Enterprise based upon the contractual performance measures for each Iowa Medicaid Enterprise partner; and assure that the expansion population is managed at all times within funding limitations. In assuring such compliance, the council shall assume that supplemental funding will not be available for coverage of services provided to the expansion population. The committee is repealed effective December 31, 2013.
Senate Members
- Robert E. Dvorsky (D, District 37)
- Jack Hatch (D, District 17)
- David Johnson (R, District 1)
- Amanda Ragan (D, District 27)
- Mark Segebart (R, District 6)
- Jack Whitver (R, District 19)
House Members
- Joel Fry (R, District 27)
- David E. Heaton (R, District 84)
- Lisa Heddens (D, District 46)
- Dave Jacoby (D, District 74)
- Linda J. Miller (R, District 94)
- Beth Wessel-Kroeschell (D, District 45)