Review of Iowa's Handgun and Offensive Weapons Law Study Committee (J)
To examine Iowa's existing laws on handguns and offensive weapons and the laws of other states, take public testimony, and recommend to the general assembly those measures which will address the need to reduce violence against the people of Iowa.
Senate Members
- Emil Joseph Husak (D, District 38), Co-Chair
- Allen Borlaug (R, District 15)
- Michael W. Connolly (D, District 18)
- Donald V. Doyle (D, District 2)
- Jack W. Hester (R, District 49)
- Paul D. Pate (R, District 24)
- Richard J. Varn (D, District 27)
House Members
- Mary C. Neuhauser (D, District 46), Co-Chair
- William Bernau (D, District 73)
- Minnette Fredrichs Doderer (D, District 45)
- Scott L. Krebsbach (R, District 29)
- Janet S. Metcalf (R, District 83)
- David F. Schrader (D, District 69)
- Richard B. Weidman (R, District 97)