Page Information
The 2017 Legislative Session begins on Monday, January 9, 2017, and will likely adjourn in late April. Whole or half-session appointments are available. Additional information and an application may be accessed from this link: Page Application
Employment as a Legislative Page for the Iowa Legislature-Benefits for High School Students:
- Learn firsthand about how the Iowa Legislature works
- Sit in on legislative committee meetings and debate
- Meet legislators
- Work with other students from all over the State
- Witness what happens behind-the-scenes
The Iowa Legislature is looking for high school students with a great attitude who want to work in a professional environment, learn about how laws are made, and meet other students from around the state of Iowa.
Students who are interested in serving as a legislative page during the legislative session should check with parents/guardians, then with school teachers and administrators.
Here are some comments from some of the previous pages:
“The hands on learning taught me more about government than I would have learned in one year of high school.”
“Everyone, including the legislators, clerks and other pages, were great to work with and learn from.”
“I plan to get involved with a campaign this summer as well as pay more attention to the issues in the future.”
“I have created some amazing relationships and memories!”
“It surprised me how hilarious and normal the legislators are and how such different people can get along with each other.”
“Through my government class, I really thought I understood the legislative process. I was wrong.”