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Recent Senate Floor Action
Last Updated 05/02/96 00:00

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good morning legislative cowhands as we break camp, harness up the rig, round
up the herds and the young-uns, dust off the chaps, beat the sombreros against
the side of the wagon for luck and strike out once more for yon dunsinane hill
which we believe is just off in the distance in the mists.  it may be a long
dusty ride today so conserve your water, rest your animals periodically,
go easy on the vittles, lay off the banjos until this afternoon, and keep
plodding forward until we spot table rock around noon.
You will recall that after we adjourned the previous eve the house, being the
hard working entity it is, was still working.  Their product which they
lovingly packaged and delivered to us this morning consists of the following:
...sf2140 speed limits          receded from house amendment and passed
...sf2442 human serv. approp.   adopted conf comm. and passed
...hf2421 transportation        adopted conf comm. and passed
whereupon the senate convened at 9:15, whereupon various administrative tasks
were performed, prayer was offered, whereupon points were made, birthdays
celebrated, and whereupon a
quorum call was ordered showing 44 members present
hf2477 educ. approp.            5874 house amendment to senate amendment,
                                senate concurs
                                passed, 49-0
hf2486 block grants             conf. comm. rept., adopted
                                48-0, motion to reconsider, rife
*message from the house received:
...sf2448 human rights apprp.   adopted conf. comm. rept. and passed
hf2421 transport. budget        conf. comm. rept., adopted
                                passed, 45-4
sf2464 housing development      5738 house amendment,
                                ...5873a gronstal,
                                ...5873b gronstal, deferred by gronstal
hf2477,2421                     immediate to the house
sf2443 econ. dev. approp.       conf. comm. rept.,
caucus announced, (rep.)        10:36 a.m., whereupon
sr124 was                       assigned to transportation committee
whereupon the senate stood at ease at 10:37 a.m.
in order                        11:03 a.m.
sf2443 econ. devel. approp.     conf. comm. rept., adopted
                                passed, 28-21, immediate message
sf2469 gambling treatment       5852 human resources, adopted
                                ...5856 bisignano, adopted
                                ...5855 szymoniak, adopted
                                5876 bartz, not germane
                                passed, 49-0, immediately to the house
hf121 athletic events           motion to reconsider by murphy withdrawn
at ease for committee meetings  11:31 a.m.
*house messages:
...sf454 assisted living        amended and passed
...sf2448 human rights app.     adptd conf comm rept and passed
in order                        11:52 a.m., whereupon a
quorum call showed              45 present
pages called to the well and honored by leaders, whereupon
hf2472 justice approp.          conf. comm. rept., adopted
                                passed, 43-6, immediately to the house
sf2464 housing development      5738 house amendment, senate concurs
                                ...5873a gronstal, withdrawn
                                ...5875 maddox, withdrawn
                                ...5878 gronstal, adopted
                                passed, 47-2, immediate message to house
recessed at                     12:35 until 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. having arrived as scheduled in the senate chamber and all the chuck
wagons having been considerably lightened, the senate with all
its baggage, handlers, drovers, riders, scouts, guides, cooks, straggled out
onto the trail again            1:10 p.m. whereupon a
head count was ordered showing  34 members present, whereupon senate scouts
have returned from up ahead and announced that in looking for dunsinane hill
they got lost in a dark forest, whereupon the head wranglers retreated from
their positions to take another look at the maps, whereupon the following items
of legislative business were addressed as follows:
hcr28 status offenses           5781 bisignano, withdrawn
hf2481 new jobs programs        5838 vilsack, adopted, 29-19, record roll call
                                passed, 46-2, motion to reconsider murphy
sr125 railroad operations       5879 lind, lost
sf2370 energy efficiency        5825 freeman, husak mtr, adptd, 34-12, record
                                5825 freeman, lost
                                ...5851 fink, withdrawn
                                5848 fink, withdrawn
                                5824 freeman, lost
                                5844 halvorson, withdrawn
                                5845 halvorson, withdrawn
                                5846 halvorson, lost, 17-27, non record
                                5880 gronstal, adopted
                                ...5883 black, lost, 11-37, record
                                ...5882 gronstal, adopted
                                5823 fink, withdrawn
                                5847 halvorson, withdrawn
                                5849 fink, withdrawn
                                5826 freeman, lost
                                5818 house amendment, senate concurs
                                passed, 42-6
 sf2370 energy,hcr128           immediately to the house
sf2256 alcohol possession       5707 house amendment,
                                ...5780 maddox,
                                ......5881 vilsack,
at ease for party caucuses      3:20 p.m.
in order                        4:00 p.m.
sf2256 alcohol possession       5707 house amendment,
                                ...5780 maddox,
                                ......5881 vilsack,
*message received from the house:
...sf2443 econ. dev. approp.    conf. comm. rept lost, new conferees:
                                ...millage,baker,gipp,van maanen,wise
at ease until 4:30 p.m.         4:10 p.m.
senate scouts report that they have reached the promontory three miles ahead
and there is no sign of the other wagon train!
in order at                     4:36 p.m., whereupon
quorum call was ordered showing 46 members present
sf2256 alcohol possession       5707 house amendment,
                                ...5780 maddox, adopted
                                ......5881 vilsack, adopted, 26-23, record
                                ......5883 kramer, out of order
bill referred to ways and means to return not later than 5:30 p.m.
bill returned
*house message received:
...sf2464 housing development   concurred in sen. amendment and passed
...hf2114 supp. approp.         failed to override item veto
sf2256 alcohol possession       5707 house amendment, senate concurs
                                passed, 26-23
sr117 senator leonard l boswell adopted
*house message received:
...sf2370 energy efficiency     concurred in sen. amendment and passed
sf454 assisted living           5877 house amendment, concurs
                                passed, 49-0
sr116 senator brad banks        adopted, 47-2
*house message received:
...sf2265 marriage decrees      amended and passed
sf2265 dissolution decrees      5885 house amendment, deferred
sf2256                          immediate to house
hf400 gov. purchasing           motion to reconsider, adopted 39-9
                                passed, 40-8, immediate to the house
sf2265 marriage diss.           5885 house amendment, senate concurs
                                passed, 43-2, immediate message
sr118 senator tony bisignano
hf2481 jobs                     mtr withdrawn, messaged to the house
*message from the house:
...hcr127 fossils               adopted
...hf2369 postdelivery          amended sen. amendment and passed
...hf560 farm tax credits       amended sen. amendment and passed
hcr127 state fossils            adopted
whereupon leadership of the senate was honored, whereupon
the senate took up the following additional items of legislative business:
sf2470 standings transfers      5886 house, deferred
hf2369 postdelivery care        5888 house, senate concurs
                                passed, 49-0
hf560 farm tax credits          5887 house amendment, senate concurs
                                passed, 48-0
sf2470 standing transfers       5886 house amendment, adopted 40-9 record
                                passed, 38-11
*house message received:
...hf2481 new jobs prgrm        concurred in senate amendment and passed
sf2470,shf2369,560              immediate to the house
sf2449 tax revisions            conf. comm. report, adopted
                                passed, 43-6, why not now?
scr126 sine die resolution      adopted
at ease until the fall of the gavel at 11:32 p.m.

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