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Text: H03984                            Text: H03986
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House Amendment 3985

Amendment Text

  1  1    Amend Senate File 481, as amended, passed, and
  1  2 reprinted by the Senate, as follows:
  1  3    #1.  By striking everything after the enacting
  1  4 clause and inserting the following:  
  1  6    Section 1.  There is appropriated from the general
  1  7 fund of the state to the state department of
  1  8 transportation for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
  1  9 1995, and ending June 30, 1996, the following amounts,
  1 10 or so much thereof as is necessary, to be used for the
  1 11 purposes designated:
  1 12    1.  a.  For providing assistance for the
  1 13 restoration, conservation, improvement, and
  1 14 construction of railroad main lines, branch lines,
  1 15 switching yards, and sidings as required in section
  1 16 327H.18, for use by the railway finance authority as
  1 17 provided in chapter 327I:  
  1 18 .................................................. $  1,497,000
  1 19    b.  For airport engineering studies and improvement
  1 20 projects as provided in chapter 328:  
  1 21 .................................................. $  2,262,000
  1 22    2.  For planning and programming, for salaries,
  1 23 support, maintenance, and miscellaneous purposes:  
  1 24 .................................................. $    241,000
  1 25    Sec. 2.  There is appropriated from the road use
  1 26 tax fund to the state department of transportation for
  1 27 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1995, and ending
  1 28 June 30, 1996, the following amounts, or so much
  1 29 thereof as is necessary, for the purposes designated:
  1 30    1.  For the payment of costs associated with the
  1 31 production of motor vehicle licenses, as defined in
  1 32 section 321.1, subsection 43:  
  1 33 .................................................. $  1,070,000
  1 34    2.  For salaries, support, maintenance, and
  1 35 miscellaneous purposes:
  1 36    a.  Operations and finance:  
  1 37 .................................................. $  4,211,321
  1 38    b.  Administrative services:  
  1 39 .................................................. $    820,552
  1 40    c.  Planning and programming:  
  1 41 .................................................. $    400,595
  1 42    d.  Motor vehicles:  
  1 43 .................................................. $ 21,810,473
  1 44    3.  For payments to the department of personnel for
  1 45 expenses incurred in administering the merit system on
  1 46 behalf of the state department of transportation, as
  1 47 required by chapter 19A:  
  1 48 .................................................. $     35,000
  1 49    4.  Unemployment compensation:  
  1 50 .................................................. $     17,000
  2  1    5.  For payments to the department of personnel for
  2  2 paying workers' compensation claims under chapter 85
  2  3 on behalf of employees of the state department of
  2  4 transportation:  
  2  5 .................................................. $     75,000
  2  6    6.  For payment to the general fund of the state
  2  7 for indirect cost recoveries:  
  2  8 .................................................. $    120,000
  2  9    7.  For reimbursement to the auditor of state for
  2 10 audit expenses as provided in section 11.5B:  
  2 11 .................................................. $     32,480
  2 12    8.  For paving, grading, and replacement of scale
  2 13 facilities at Salix, Storm Lake, and Early:  
  2 14 .................................................. $    570,000
  2 15    The provisions of section 8.33 do not apply to the
  2 16 funds appropriated in subsection 8, which shall remain
  2 17 available for expenditure for the purposes designated
  2 18 until June 30, 1998.  Unencumbered or unobligated
  2 19 funds remaining on June 30, 1998, from funds
  2 20 appropriated in subsection 8, shall revert to the fund
  2 21 from which appropriated on August 30, 1998.
  2 22    Sec. 3.  There is appropriated from the primary
  2 23 road fund to the state department of transportation
  2 24 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1995, and ending
  2 25 June 30, 1996, the following amounts, or so much
  2 26 thereof as is necessary, to be used for the purposes
  2 27 designated:
  2 28    1.  For salaries, support, maintenance,
  2 29 miscellaneous purposes and the following full-time
  2 30 equivalent positions:
  2 31    a.  Operations and finance:  
  2 32 .................................................. $ 25,869,545
  2 33 ............................................... FTEs      282.0
  2 34    b.  Administrative services:  
  2 35 .................................................. $  5,040,535
  2 36 ............................................... FTEs       94.0
  2 37    c.  Planning and programming:  
  2 38 .................................................. $  7,636,322
  2 39 ............................................... FTEs      174.0
  2 40    d.  Project development:  
  2 41 .................................................. $ 52,862,681
  2 42 ............................................... FTEs     1185.0
  2 43    e.  Maintenance:  
  2 44 .................................................. $ 98,780,764
  2 45 ............................................... FTEs     1646.0
  2 46    f.  Motor vehicles:  
  2 47 .................................................. $    840,800
  2 48 ............................................... FTEs      549.0
  2 49    2.  For deposit in the state department of
  2 50 transportation's highway materials and equipment
  3  1 revolving fund established by section 307.47 for
  3  2 funding the increased replacement cost of equipment:  
  3  3 .................................................. $  3,120,000
  3  4    3.  For payments to the department of personnel for
  3  5 expenses incurred in administering the merit system on
  3  6 behalf of the state department of transportation, as
  3  7 required by chapter 19A:  
  3  8 .................................................. $    665,000
  3  9    4.  Unemployment compensation:  
  3 10 .................................................. $    328,000
  3 11    5.  For payments to the department of personnel for
  3 12 paying workers' compensation claims under chapter 85
  3 13 on behalf of the employees of the state department of
  3 14 transportation:  
  3 15 .................................................. $  1,425,000
  3 16    6.  For costs associated with underground storage
  3 17 tank replacement and cleanup:  
  3 18 .................................................. $  1,000,000
  3 19    7.  For payment to the general fund for indirect
  3 20 cost recoveries:  
  3 21 .................................................. $    880,000
  3 22    8.  For reimbursement to the auditor of state for
  3 23 audit expenses as provided in section 11.5B:  
  3 24 .................................................. $    199,520
  3 25    9.  a.  For improvements to upgrade the handling of
  3 26 wastewater at various field facilities throughout the
  3 27 state:  
  3 28 .................................................. $    750,000
  3 29    b.  For construction of large salt storage
  3 30 facilities at various locations throughout the state:  
  3 31 .................................................. $    600,000
  3 32    c.  For payment of a court-ordered drainage
  3 33 assessment to Polk county:  
  3 34 .................................................. $    213,213
  3 35    d.  For replacement of roofs at various field
  3 36 facility locations throughout the state:  
  3 37 .................................................. $    510,000
  3 38    e.  For replacement of brick exterior on the
  3 39 Atlantic office building:  
  3 40 .................................................. $    150,000
  3 41    f.  For replacement of the roof on the
  3 42 administration building at the Ames complex:  
  3 43 .................................................. $    200,000
  3 44    g.  For tuck pointing and repairs to the brick
  3 45 exteriors of the northeast and northwest office
  3 46 buildings at the Ames central office complex:  
  3 47 .................................................. $    150,000
  3 48    h.  For replacement and updating the exhaust system
  3 49 at the Ames laboratory building:  
  3 50 .................................................. $    150,000
  4  1    The provisions of section 8.33 do not apply to the
  4  2 funds appropriated in subsection 9 which shall remain
  4  3 available for expenditure for the purposes designated
  4  4 until June 30, 1998.  Unencumbered or unobligated
  4  5 funds remaining on June 30, 1998, from funds
  4  6 appropriated in subsection 9 shall revert to the fund
  4  7 from which appropriated on August 30, 1998.
  4  8    Sec. 4.  1994 Iowa Acts, chapter 1199, section 10,
  4  9 is amended by adding the following new unnumbered
  4 10 paragraph:
  4 11    NEW UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH.  The provisions of
  4 12 section 8.33 do not apply to the funds appropriated in
  4 13 this section.  Unencumbered or unobligated funds
  4 14 remaining on June 30, 1995, from funds appropriated
  4 15 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1994, shall not
  4 16 revert but shall remain available for expenditure
  4 17 during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1995, for the
  4 18 purposes for which they were appropriated.
  4 19    Sec. 5.  1993 Iowa Acts, chapter 169, section 14,
  4 20 subsection 2, paragraph a, is amended to read as
  4 21 follows:
  4 22    a.  The department shall retain all administrative
  4 23 authority over licensing functions which shall include
  4 24 administrative procedures relating to cancellation,
  4 25 revocation, or suspension of licenses, including
  4 26 administrative hearings and appeals and training and
  4 27 shall retain all supervisory authority over the
  4 28 issuance of commercial driver's licenses.
  4 29    Sec. 6.  1993 Iowa Acts, chapter 169, section 14,
  4 30 subsection 3, is amended to read as follows:
  4 31    3.  Notwithstanding the provisions of chapters 321
  4 32 and 321L which grant sole authority to the department
  4 33 for the issuance of motor vehicle licenses,
  4 34 nonoperator's identification cards, and handicapped
  4 35 identification devices, the county treasurer in each
  4 36 of the counties chosen for the pilot project shall be
  4 37 granted the same authority as is given to the
  4 38 department in relation to the issuance of motor
  4 39 vehicle licenses, nonoperator's identification cards,
  4 40 and handicapped identification devices under chapters
  4 41 321 and 321L.  However, a county shall only be
  4 42 authorized to issue commercial driver's licenses if
  4 43 certified to do so by the department.  If a county
  4 44 fails to meet the standards for certification under
  4 45 this section, the department itself shall provide for
  4 46 the issuance of commercial driver's licenses in that
  4 47 county.  The department shall certify the county
  4 48 treasurers to issue commercial driver's licenses if
  4 49 all of the following conditions are met:
  4 50    a.  The driving skills test is the same as that
  5  1 which would otherwise be administered by the state.
  5  2    b.  The county examiner contractually agrees to
  5  3 comply with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. } 383.75,
  5  4 adopted as of a specific date by rule by the
  5  5 department.
  5  6    c.  The department provides supervision over the
  5  7 issuance of commercial driver's licenses by the county
  5  8 treasurers.
  5 10    1.  The driver's license pilot project implemented
  5 11 in accordance with 1993 Iowa Acts, chapter 169,
  5 12 section 14, is extended until June 30, 1996.
  5 13    2.  The legislative council is requested to
  5 14 establish an interim study committee to evaluate
  5 15 expansion of the driver's license pilot program to
  5 16 include additional counties and to determine the
  5 17 feasibility of permanently transferring authority to
  5 18 the six pilot project counties to issue driver's
  5 19 licenses.  The committee shall evaluate the benefits
  5 20 to the public from the issuance of driver's licenses
  5 21 by the counties and the cost effectiveness of doing
  5 22 so.  The committee shall hear testimony from federal
  5 23 transportation officials regarding issuance of
  5 24 commercial driver's licenses and compliance with
  5 25 federal regulations.  The committee shall provide
  5 26 recommendations regarding such expansion to the
  5 27 general assembly no later than December 15, 1995.
  5 28    3.  Notwithstanding any other provisions to the
  5 29 contrary, the county treasurers of Adams, Cass,
  5 30 Fremont, Mills, Montgomery, and Page counties may
  5 31 retain for deposit in the county general fund, up to
  5 32 five dollars for each motor vehicle license
  5 33 transaction, including, but not limited to, issuance
  5 34 or renewal of motor vehicle licenses, nonoperator's
  5 35 identification cards, or handicapped identification
  5 36 devices.
  5 37    4.  As a condition for retention of moneys under
  5 38 this subsection, a county treasurer shall document the
  5 39 actual quarterly expenditures associated with driver's
  5 40 license issuance including the amount of time spent
  5 41 during that quarter on driver's license-related
  5 42 activities, the proportionate share of salaries and
  5 43 benefits for county employees performing driver's
  5 44 license-related activities, the total numbers of
  5 45 transactions conducted, and other costs related to the
  5 46 administration of driver's license-related activities.
  5 47 Each county treasurer shall provide the documentation
  5 48 of expenditures to the state department of trans-
  5 49 portation and legislative fiscal bureau.  If the
  5 50 county treasurer's total expenses are less than the
  6  1 moneys retained under this subsection, the county
  6  2 treasurer shall submit the difference to the treasurer
  6  3 of state on a quarterly basis.  The treasurer of state
  6  4 shall deposit that amount in the road use tax fund.
  6  5    Sec. 8.  The state department of transportation
  6  6 shall consider as a priority for inclusion into the
  6  7 state five-year transportation plan the preparation of
  6  8 planning studies for development of highway bypass
  6  9 projects that promote the safe flow of traffic and
  6 10 economic development in the project areas.
  6 11    Sec. 9.  Section 314.21, subsection 3, paragraph b,
  6 12 subparagraph (1), Code 1995, is amended to read as
  6 13 follows:
  6 14    (1)  For the fiscal period year beginning July 1,
  6 15 1989 1995, and ending June 30, 1995, fifty 1996, and
  6 16 each subsequent fiscal year, seventy-five thousand
  6 17 dollars in each fiscal year to the university of
  6 18 northern Iowa to maintain the position of the state
  6 19 roadside specialist and to continue its integrated
  6 20 roadside vegetation management pilot program providing
  6 21 research, education, training, and technical
  6 22 assistance.
  6 23    Sec. 10.  The legislative fiscal bureau shall
  6 24 evaluate the living roadway trust program and provide
  6 25 a written report to the joint appropriations
  6 26 subcommittee on transportation, infrastructure and
  6 27 capitals by January 15, 1996.
  6 28    Sec. 11.  Section 4 of this Act, being deemed of
  6 29 immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment."
  6 30    #2.  Title page, by striking lines 1 through 12 and
  6 31 inserting the following:  "An Act relating to and
  6 32 making appropriations to the state department of
  6 33 transportation including allocation and use of moneys
  6 34 from the general fund, road use tax fund, primary road
  6 35 fund and certain use tax revenues, relating to the
  6 36 living roadway trust fund, the state roadside
  6 37 specialist, and the county treasurer's driver's
  6 38 license pilot project, and providing an effective
  6 39 date." 
  6 40 
  6 41 
  6 42                              
  6 44 MILLAGE of Scott, Chairperson
  6 45 SF 481.205 76
  6 46 js/jj

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