Bills in Committee

Transportation (H)

Bills under consideration and review by committee.

Bill Bill Title
SF 2116 A bill for an act relating to nonpedestrian travel on roadways based on lane designations, including the manner of overtaking other vehicles, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly SSB 3090.)
SF 547 A bill for an act relating to the use of an electronic device in a voice-activated or hands-free mode while driving, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly SF 207, SF 60.)
SF 381 A bill for an act regarding special minor’s driver’s licenses, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SF 24.)
HF 2441 A bill for an act relating to national wild turkey federation special registration plates, and making appropriations.
HF 2417 A bill for an act relating to certain motor vehicle equipment, including required signage regarding such equipment, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2416 A bill for an act relating to registered all-terrain vehicles and off-road utility vehicles.
HF 2386 A bill for an act relating to pedestrians, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2234 A bill for an act relating to special minor’s driver’s licenses of students who receive competent private instruction or independent private instruction, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2213 A bill for an act relating to optional equipment and subscription service fees included with the sale of motor vehicles by licensed motor vehicle dealers, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2174 A bill for an act reducing annual motor vehicle registration fees for individuals sixty-five years of age or older.
HF 2161 A bill for an act relating to the operation of motor vehicles in the left-most lane of certain roadways, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2119 A bill for an act relating to driver’s licenses and nonoperator’s identification cards, including personal information required for associated applications, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2091 A bill for an act establishing a motor vehicle insurance verification program, establishing fees, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
HF 2067 A bill for an act relating to the payment of annual motor vehicle registration fees by veterans.
HF 529 A bill for an act relating to the removal of vehicles or debris from highways, including payment of associated costs and blue lights on involved towing or recovery vehicles.
HF 493 A bill for an act relating to optional equipment and subscription service fees included with the sale of motor vehicles by licensed motor vehicle dealers, and making penalties applicable.
HF 456 A bill for an act relating to third-party test examiners authorized to administer knowledge and final field tests to persons seeking a driver’s permit or driver’s license.
HF 411 A bill for an act relating to motor vehicle registration fees for disabled veterans.
HF 385 A bill for an act relating to electric vehicle charging stations at rest areas and the state capitol complex grounds.
HF 354 A bill for an act relating to the waiting period for a replacement of a motor vehicle certificate of title.
HF 197 A bill for an act relating to signals at certain railroad grade crossings.
HF 170 A bill for an act relating to the manner in which motor vehicles turn at intersections, and making penalties applicable.
HF 160 A bill for an act increasing the speed limit on the interstate road system.
HF 121 A bill for an act reducing annual motor vehicle registration fees and annual registration plate fees for disabled veterans.
HF 66 A bill for an act requiring the construction and maintenance of rumble strips on certain highways.
HF 54 A bill for an act relating to antique vehicle special registration plates.
HF 45 A bill for an act relating to special registration plates displaying a decal of a nonprofit veterans’ organization.
HF 36 A bill for an act relating to requirements for and restrictions on special minor’s driver’s licenses, and making penalties applicable.