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The state possesses sovereignty coextensive with the boundaries referred to in section 1.1, subject to such rights as may at any time exist in the United States in relation to public lands, or to any establishment of the national government.
The state has concurrent jurisdiction on the waters of any river or lake which forms a common boundary between this and any other state.
The boundaries of the state are as defined in the preamble of the Constitution of the State of Iowa.
Tagged topics: state boundaries
The state of Iowa hereby consents that the government of the United States may in any manner acquire in this state such areas of land or water or of land and water as said government may deem necessary for the establishment of the “Upper Mississippi ...
Any acquisition by the government of the United States of land and water, or of land or water, under section 1.5 shall be first approved by the natural resource commission and the director of the department of natural resources of this state.
Tagged topics: birdsfishgame animalsrefugeswildlife
Section 1.4 shall apply to all lands acquired under sections 1.5 through 1.7 .
Tagged topics: birdsfishgame animalsrefugeswildlife
The consent of the state of Iowa is hereby given to the acquisition by the United States, by purchase, gift, or condemnation with adequate compensation, of such lands in Iowa as in the opinion of the federal government may be needed for the establishm...
Tagged topics: conservationforestry
Power is hereby conferred upon the Congress of the United States to pass such laws and to make or provide for the making of such rules, of both a civil and criminal nature, and provide punishment therefor, as in its judgment may be necessary for the a...
Tagged topics: criminal law
At the time of the return of jurisdiction over lands occupied by the veterans administration hospital located in Knoxville, Marion county, Iowa, and the Keokuk National Cemetery at Keokuk located in Lee county, Iowa, by the administrator of veterans a...
The state of Iowa hereby assumes jurisdiction over civil causes of actions between Indians or other persons or to which Indians or other persons are parties arising within the Sac and Fox Indian settlement in Tama county. The civil laws of this state ...