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Lands which are sought to be condemned for water stations, dams, or reservoirs, including all the overflowed lands, if any, shall, if requested by the owner, be set aside in a square or rectangular shape by the department of transportation or district...
Tagged topics: damsrailroadswater
When a railway company would have the right to excavate a channel or ditch and thereby change and straighten the course of a stream or watercourse, which is too frequently crossed by such railway, and thereby protect the right-of-way and roadbed, or p...
Tagged topics: railroadsrivers and streams
An owner of land, which has in part been condemned for water stations, dams, or reservoirs, shall not be deprived, without the owner’s consent, of access to the water, or the use thereof, in common with the company, on the owner’s own land, nor, witho...
Tagged topics: damsrailroadswater
A water quality infrastructure fund is created within the division of soil conservation and water quality of the department of agriculture and land stewardship. The fund shall consist of moneys deposited in the fund pursuant to section 8.57, subsecti...
The authority shall cooperate with the department of natural resources in the creation, administration, and financing of the water pollution control works and drinking water facilities financing program established in sections 455B.291 through 455B.2...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
As used in section 16.131, this section, and sections 16.132 through 16.135, unless the context otherwise requires: “Clean Water Act” means the federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, Pub. L. No. 92-500, as amended by the Water Quality Act...
The authority may provide in the resolution, trust agreement, or other instrument authorizing the issuance of its bonds or notes pursuant to section 16.131 that the principal of, premium, and interest on the bonds or notes are payable from any of th...
The authority shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to implement sections 16.131 and 16.132 .
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority may establish and maintain funds and accounts determined to be necessary to carry out the purposes of the program and shall provide for the funding, administration, investment, restrictions, and disposition of the funds and accounts. The...
A water quality financial assistance fund is created in the state treasury as a revolving fund. The fund shall consist of all of the following: Moneys transferred to the fund pursuant to section 423G.6. This paragraph “a” is repealed on January 1,...
Rules Implementing Statutes: