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At the time of the return of jurisdiction over lands occupied by the veterans administration hospital located in Knoxville, Marion county, Iowa, and the Keokuk National Cemetery at Keokuk located in Lee county, Iowa, by the administrator of veterans a...
The governor of this state is hereby requested and authorized to issue annually a proclamation designating the seventh day of August as Purple Heart Day and to encourage all governmental bodies in the state to observe the day in a manner that honors t...
Whenever the governor is satisfied that a state of emergency exists, or is likely to exist, on the public streets or highways of this state, because of violations of chapter 321, the governor shall designate any employee or employees of this state a...
Individuals so designated shall have the full duties and rights of peace officers under the Code, for the purpose of enforcing the motor vehicle laws and ordinances of this state, and shall be provided with an identifying badge and card.
The governor, in exercising the power conferred by sections 7.10 and 7.11, may designate one employee or officer of the state to supervise all persons designated as peace officers hereunder, and they shall be fully responsible to that employee or ...
The governor, in addition to other duties and responsibilities conferred by the Constitution and laws of this state, is hereby empowered to contract for the benefits available to this state under any Act of Congress for highway safety, law enforcement...
Tagged topics: federal fundshighwayssafety
A levee improvement fund is created within the department of homeland security and emergency management created pursuant to section 29C.5 which shall be under the control of that department. The levee improvement fund shall consist of moneys deposit...
An Iowa coronavirus capital projects fund is created in the state treasury under the authority of the office of the governor. The fund shall be separate from the general fund of the state and the balance in the fund shall not be considered part of the...
An Iowa coronavirus fiscal recovery fund is created in the state treasury under the authority of the office of the governor. The fund shall be separate from the general fund of the state and the balance in the fund shall not be considered part of the ...