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The United States of America may acquire by condemnation or otherwise for any of its uses or purposes any real estate in this state, and may exercise jurisdiction thereover but not to the extent of limiting the provisions of the laws of this state. Th...
The acquiring agency shall provide to the person, in addition to any other sums of money in payment of just compensation, the payments and assistance required by law, in accordance with chapter 316, as if the acquiring agency were a displacing agenc...
Tagged topics: relocation assistance
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The department shall administer and coordinate the licensing and regulation of several professions by bringing together the following licensing boards: The engineering and land surveying examining board created pursuant to chapter 542B. The Iowa acc...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
As used in this section: “Carbon monoxide alarm” means a device which detects carbon monoxide and which incorporates an alarm-sounding unit operated from a power supply either in the unit or obtained at the point of installation. “Dormitory” means...
If a petition of review has not been filed or the court on review has affirmed or modified an order for the removal, destruction, or repair of a building, or the removal of any of its contents, or the change of any of its conditions, the owner, lessee...
The director shall adopt, and may amend rules under chapter 17A, which include standards relating to exits and exit lights, fire escapes, fire protection, fire safety and the elimination of fire hazards, in and for churches, schools, hotels, theater...
All buildings approved for construction after July 1, 1998, that exceed four stories in height, or seventy-five feet above grade, shall require the installation of an approved automatic fire extinguishing system designed and installed in conformity wi...
A person who performs renovation, remodeling, or repainting services for target housing or a child-occupied facility for compensation shall provide an approved lead hazard information pamphlet to the owner and occupant of the housing or facility prior...
Tagged topics: housingleadlead poisoning
The department shall establish a program for the training and certification of lead inspectors, lead abaters, and lead-safe renovators. The department shall maintain a listing, available to the public and to city and county health departments, of lead...
Tagged topics: housingleadlead poisoning
An architect licensed pursuant to chapter 544A or a professional engineer licensed pursuant to chapter 542B who, during a disaster emergency as proclaimed by the governor or a major disaster as declared by the president of the United States, in go...