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A railway corporation may acquire by condemnation property as necessary for the location, construction, and convenient use of a railway. The acquisition shall carry the right to use for the construction and repair of the railway and its appurtenances ...
Tagged topics: railroads
No lands actually platted, used, and devoted to cemetery purposes shall be taken for any railway purpose without the consent of the proper officers or owners thereof.
Tagged topics: cemeteriesrailroads
Land taken for railway right-of-way, otherwise than by consent of the owner, shall not exceed one hundred feet in width unless greater width is necessary for excavation, embankment, or depositing waste earth.
Tagged topics: railroads
The department of transportation or a railway corporation may, by condemnation or otherwise, acquire lands for the following additional purposes: For necessary additional depot grounds or yards. For constructing a track or tracks to any mine, quarry, ...
Tagged topics: railroads
A railway corporation shall apply to the department of transportation for permission to condemn. The railway corporation shall serve notice of the application and hearing and provide a copy of the legal description of the property to be condemned to t...
Tagged topics: railroads
Lands which are sought to be condemned for water stations, dams, or reservoirs, including all the overflowed lands, if any, shall, if requested by the owner, be set aside in a square or rectangular shape by the department of transportation or district...
Tagged topics: damsrailroadswater
When a railway company would have the right to excavate a channel or ditch and thereby change and straighten the course of a stream or watercourse, which is too frequently crossed by such railway, and thereby protect the right-of-way and roadbed, or p...
Tagged topics: railroadsrivers and streams
An owner of land, which has in part been condemned for water stations, dams, or reservoirs, shall not be deprived, without the owner’s consent, of access to the water, or the use thereof, in common with the company, on the owner’s own land, nor, witho...
Tagged topics: damsrailroadswater
Railroad right-of-way which has been abandoned by order of the proper authority may be condemned by a railway corporation or the department of transportation before or after the track materials have been removed. The procedure to condemn abandoned rig...
Tagged topics: railroads
Owners of abandoned right-of-way which was originally condemned for rail purposes shall not receive additional compensation unless the track materials were removed prior to the second condemnation.
Tagged topics: railroads