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Concurrent legislative jurisdiction over crimes and offenses under the laws of the state of Iowa is ceded to the United States over and within all lands and waters within the state dedicated to national park purposes. The concurrent jurisdiction ceded...
Tagged topics: federal governmentparks
Township trustees shall, at the regular meeting in November, levy a tax sufficient to pay for any lands so condemned or purchased, or for the necessary improvement and maintenance of cemeteries thus established, and for the necessary improvement and t...
Tagged topics: cemeteriesparkstax leviestaxation
The levy authorized in sections 359.30 and 359.33 may be extended to property within the limits of any city so far as same is situated within the township, unless such city is already maintaining a cemetery, or has levied a tax in support thereof....
Tagged topics: cemeteriesparkstax leviestaxation
All city-owned exterior flood lighting, including but not limited to street and security lighting but not including era or period lighting which has a minimum efficiency rating of fifty-eight lumens per watt and not including stadium or ball park ligh...
Tagged topics: energy uselightsparksstadiums
Rules Implementing Statutes:
It is declared to be in the general public welfare of Iowa and a highway purpose that highway maintenance, construction, reconstruction, and repair shall protect and preserve, by not causing unnecessary destruction, the natural or historic heritage of...
Cities, counties, and the department shall to the extent practicable preserve and protect the natural and historic heritage of the state in the design, construction, reconstruction, relocation, repair, or maintenance of roads, streets, or highways. De...
Qualifying projects may be funded as follows: Primary road and state park road projects may be financed entirely by the fund, or by combining money from the fund with money from the primary road fund, federal aid primary funds received by the state, m...
Local authorities may by general rule, ordinance, or regulation exclude vehicles from any cemetery or ground used for the burial of the dead, or exclude vehicles used solely or principally for commercial purposes, from any park or part of a park syste...
Tagged topics: cemeteriesparks
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the department is authorized to establish fees for camping and use of rental facilities and other special privileges at state parks and recreation areas under the jurisdiction of the department. Th...
Tagged topics: campingparksrecreation
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A lake Manawa state park user fee pilot program is established within the department. Notwithstanding section 461A.35A, the department shall develop and administer the pilot program at lake Manawa state park as follows: The department shall charge a...
Tagged topics: lake manawa state park