Section 1.11 Keokuk cemetery and Knoxville hospital — assumption of jurisdiction.
2025 Code of Iowa
At the time of the return of jurisdiction over lands occupied by the veterans administration hospital located in Knoxville, Marion county, Iowa, and the Keokuk National Cemetery at Keokuk located in Lee county, Iowa, by the administrator of veterans a...
Section 1C.16 Purple Heart Day.
2025 Code of Iowa
The governor of this state is hereby requested and authorized to issue annually a proclamation designating the seventh day of August as Purple Heart Day and to encourage all governmental bodies in the state to observe the day in a manner that honors t...
Section 7E.5 Principal departments and primary responsibilities.
2025 Code of Iowa
The principal central departments of the executive branch as established by law are listed in this section for central reference purposes as follows: The department of management, created in section 8.4, which has primary responsibility for coordi...
Tagged topics: administrative services department, agriculture and land stewardship department, blind, department for the, civil rights commission, corrections department, economic development authority, education department, ethics and campaign disclosure board, health and human services department, homeland security and emergency management department, inspections, appeals, and licensing department, insurance and financial services department, interstate cooperation commission, law enforcement academy, management department, natural resources department, public defense department, public employment relations board, public safety department, regents board, revenue department, transportation department, utilities board, veterans affairs department, workforce development department
Section 9.3 Commissions.
2025 Code of Iowa
All commissions issued by the governor shall be countersigned by the secretary, who shall register each commission in a book to be kept for that purpose, specifying the office, name of officer, date of commission, and tenure of office, and forthwith f...
Tagged topics: commissions to officers
Section 11.5B Repayment of audit expenses by state departments and agencies.
2025 Code of Iowa
The auditor of state shall be reimbursed by a department or agency for performing audits or examinations of the following state departments or agencies, or funds received by a department or agency: Department of insurance and financial services. Depar...
Tagged topics: administrative services department, agriculture and land stewardship department, chief information officer, education department, health and human services department, insurance and financial services department, judicial branch, management department, natural resources department, public employees' retirement system, regents board, transportation department, veterans home, workforce development department
Section 29.4 Iowa gold star military museum.
2025 Code of Iowa
The department of public defense shall establish a military historical museum located at Camp Dodge which shall be known as the “Iowa gold star military museum”. The museum shall be administered by the adjutant general. The adjutant general may appoin...
Tagged topics: camp dodge, gold star military museum
Section 29A.65 Activation.
2025 Code of Iowa
Whenever any part of the national guard is on federal active duty the governor may activate such part of the unorganized militia, to be designated the “Iowa State Guard”, as the governor may deem necessary, subject to provisions of federal law and reg...
Tagged topics: state guard
Section 29A.66 Applicable powers and duties.
2025 Code of Iowa
The powers and duties of the governor, the adjutant general, and the deputy adjutants general, with relation to the Iowa state guard, shall be the same as those powers and duties prescribed in this chapter for those officers with relation to the nat...
Tagged topics: state guard
Section 29A.68 Applicable provisions.
2025 Code of Iowa
The provisions of this chapter pertaining to the administration and employment of the national guard shall be applicable to the Iowa state guard. The rules relating to, appointment of officers, enlistments, term and conditions of service in, and dis...
Tagged topics: state guard
Section 29A.67 Chief of staff.
2025 Code of Iowa
In the event the state headquarters of the national guard is inducted into federal active duty, the governor shall appoint a chief of staff for the Iowa state guard.
Tagged topics: state guard