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A commission appointed pursuant to section 331.233A may propose a charter under which a county and one or more cities within the county may unite to form a single unit of local government, or may propose a charter under which a county and one or mor...
A city-county consolidated form of government under which a county and one or more cities within the county unite to form a single unit of local government shall create a unified government which includes a municipal corporation and a county. The cons...
The consolidation charter shall provide for the delivery of services to specified areas of the county and of each consolidated city. The governing body of the consolidated government shall supervise the administration of the provision of services in e...
The charter commission proposing a city-county consolidated form of government shall prepare, adopt, and cause to be submitted to the voters the charter. The charter for a city-county consolidated form of government shall: Provide for adjustment of ex...
Each rule, ordinance, or resolution in force within a county or within a city on the effective date of the charter shall remain in force within that county or within that city until superseded by action of the new governing body, unless the rule, ordi...
The question of city-county consolidation shall be submitted to the electors in substantially the following form: Should the charter described below be adopted for (insert name of county and each city proposing to consolidate)? The ballot must contain...
Consolidation may be placed on the ballot only by a joint report by two or more counties. A final report must contain a consolidation charter if multicounty consolidation is recommended. The consolidation charter must conform to the provisions and req...
The question of multicounty consolidation shall be submitted to the electors in substantially the following form: Should the consolidation charter described below be adopted for (name of applicable county)? The ballot must contain a brief description ...
When multicounty consolidation is recommended, the consolidation charter shall provide for all of the following: Adjustment of existing bonded indebtedness and other obligations in a manner which assures a fair and equitable burden of taxation for deb...
A county may join an existing multicounty consolidated government by resolution of the board of supervisors or upon petition of eligible electors of the county equal in number to at least twenty-five percent of the persons who voted at the last genera...