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For purposes of this section: “Consumer fireworks” means first-class consumer fireworks and second-class consumer fireworks, as those terms are defined in section 10A.519. “Wholesaler” means a person who engages in the business of selling or dis...
Tagged topics: explosivesfireworkswholesale
Rules Implementing Statutes:
As used in this section: “APA 87-1” means the American pyrotechnics association standard 87-1, as published in December 2001. “Community group” means a nonprofit entity that is open for membership to the general public which is exempt from federal...
Tagged topics: explosivesfireworks
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A person who performs renovation, remodeling, or repainting services for target housing or a child-occupied facility for compensation shall provide an approved lead hazard information pamphlet to the owner and occupant of the housing or facility prior...
Tagged topics: housingleadlead poisoning
The department shall establish a program for the training and certification of lead inspectors, lead abaters, and lead-safe renovators. The department shall maintain a listing, available to the public and to city and county health departments, of lead...
Tagged topics: housingleadlead poisoning
Except as authorized by this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to manufacture, deliver, or possess with the intent to manufacture or deliver, a controlled substance, a counterfeit substance, a simulated controlled substance, or an imitation con...
Tagged topics: anhydrous ammonia
A person shall not intentionally tamper with anhydrous ammonia equipment. Tampering occurs when a person who is not authorized by the owner of anhydrous ammonia equipment uses the equipment in violation of a provision of this section. A person shall...
Tagged topics: anhydrous ammonia
Food intended for human consumption shall not be shipped in a vehicle or container which has been used to transport a hazardous material unless the vehicle or container has been purged of any hazardous material or the transportation is made in a manne...
Tagged topics: foodhazardous materials
A person shall not transport or have transported or shipped within this state any hazardous material except in compliance with rules adopted by the department of public safety under chapter 17A. The rules shall be consistent with the federal hazard...
Tagged topics: hazardous materials
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The Iowa waste reduction center for the safe and economic management of solid waste and hazardous substances is established at the university of northern Iowa. The university of northern Iowa, in cooperation with the department of natural resources, s...
The board of directors may pay the actual cost of an asbestos project from any funds in the general fund of the district, funds received from the physical plant and equipment levy, or moneys obtained through a federal asbestos loan program, to be repa...
Tagged topics: asbestos