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The legislative capital projects committee shall do all of the following: Receive the recommendations of the governor regarding the funding and priorities of proposed capital projects pursuant to section 8.3A, subsection 2, paragraph “b”. Receive ...
All annual appropriations shall be for the fiscal year beginning with July 1 and ending with June 30 of the succeeding year and when such appropriations are made payable quarterly, the quarters shall end with September 30, December 31, March 31, and J...
Tagged topics: appropriationsfiscal year
Annual appropriations shall be disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the Acts granting the same pro rata from the time such Acts shall take effect up to the first day of the succeeding quarter as provided in section 3.12 .
Tagged topics: appropriations
An appropriation shall not be made to any institution not wholly under the control of the state of Iowa.
Tagged topics: appropriations
The governor is authorized to accept for the state, the funds provided by any Act of Congress for the benefit of the state of Iowa, or its political subdivisions, provided there is no agency to accept and administer such funds, and the governor is aut...
Tagged topics: federal funds
The governor, in addition to other duties and responsibilities conferred by the Constitution and laws of this state, is hereby empowered to contract for the benefits available to this state under any Act of Congress for highway safety, law enforcement...
Tagged topics: federal fundshighwayssafety
As a condition of receiving the allocation of the state ceiling as provided in section 7C.4A, subsection 3, the qualified student loan bond issuer shall comply with the provisions of this section. The qualified student loan bond issuer shall submi...
Tagged topics: educationloansstudent loansstudents
All commissions, boards, officers, or persons placed in charge, by statute, of special work for which a specific appropriation of state funds has been made, shall, biennially, report to the executive council the progress of such special work, the bala...
Tagged topics: appropriations
When said council is satisfied that the work for which such special fund was created has been completed or abandoned, it shall fix a day for hearing on the question whether the unexpended balance then on hand should be transferred to the general reven...
Tagged topics: appropriations
If after such hearing the council shall find that said special work has been completed or abandoned, and that there is no good reason why such transfer should not then be made, such findings shall be made a matter of record in the minutes of its proce...
Tagged topics: appropriations