Section 9.8 Address confidentiality program revolving fund.
2025 Code of Iowa
An address confidentiality program revolving fund is created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of moneys collected by the clerk of the district court for deposit in the fund pursuant to section 602.8108, subsection 6, and transfers of in...
Tagged topics: assault, confidentiality, domestic abuse, human trafficking, sexual abuse, stalking, victim rights, victims
Section 13.31 Victim assistance program.
2025 Code of Iowa
A victim assistance program is established in the department of justice, which shall do all of the following: Administer grants received under the federal Victims of Crime Act pursuant to Pub. L. No. 98-473, Tit. 2, ch. 14, 42 U.S.C. §10601, as amende...
Tagged topics: child abuse, crime victim compensation, crime victims, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, victims
Section 80.45 Office to combat human trafficking.
2025 Code of Iowa
An office to combat human trafficking is established within the department. The purpose of the office is to oversee and coordinate efforts to combat human trafficking in this state. The commissioner shall appoint a coordinator to staff the office. Add...
Tagged topics: human trafficking
Section 80.45A Human trafficking prevention training lodging providers.
2025 Code of Iowa
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Commissioner” means the commissioner of public safety or the commissioner’s designee. “Human traffick ing” means the same as defined in section 710A.1. “Lodging” means the same as...
Section 282.9 Enrollment of person listed on sex offender registry.
2025 Code of Iowa
Notwithstanding sections 256E.7, 256F.4, 275.55A, and 282.18, or any other provision to the contrary, prior to knowingly enrolling an individual who is required to register as a sex offender under chapter 692A, but who is otherwise eligible ...
Tagged topics: sex crimes, sex offender registration
Section 321.210D Vehicular homicide suspension — termination upon revocation of license — reopening of suspension.
2025 Code of Iowa
If a trial information or indictment is filed charging a person with the offense of homicide by vehicle under section 707.6A, subsection 1 or 2, the clerk of the district court shall, upon the filing of the information or indictment, forward notice ...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Section 611.23 Civil actions involving allegations of elder abuse, sexual abuse, or domestic abuse counseling.
2025 Code of Iowa
In a civil case in which a plaintiff is seeking relief or damages for alleged elder abuse as defined in section 235F.1, sexual abuse as defined in section 709.1, or domestic abuse as defined in section 236.2, the plaintiff may seek, and the cour...
Section 614.1 Period.
2025 Code of Iowa
Actions may be brought within the times limited as follows, respectively, after their causes accrue, and not afterwards, except when otherwise specially declared: Those to enforce the payment of a penalty or forfeiture under an ordinance, within one y...
Tagged topics: asbestos, dioxins, malpractice, medical malpractice, polychlorinated biphenyls, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, tobacco
Section 614.8A Damages for child sexual abuse — time limitation.
2025 Code of Iowa
An action for damages for injury suffered as a result of sexual abuse which occurred when the injured person was a child, but not discovered until after the injured person is of the age of majority, shall be brought within four years from the time of ...
Tagged topics: sexual abuse
Section 622.31A Evidence victims of sexual abuse.
2025 Code of Iowa
The provision of rule of evidence 5.412 involving a victim of sexual abuse shall apply to discovery conducted in a criminal case or in a postconviction relief proceeding under chapter 822 including but not limited to depositions. If a defendant in...
Tagged topics: sexual abuse