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Concurrent legislative jurisdiction over crimes and offenses under the laws of the state of Iowa is ceded to the United States over and within all lands and waters within the state dedicated to national park purposes. The concurrent jurisdiction ceded...
Tagged topics: federal governmentparks
By appropriate executive order, the governor may accept on behalf of the state full or partial cession or retrocession of federal jurisdiction, criminal or civil, over any lands, except Indian lands, in federal enclaves within the state where such ces...
Tagged topics: federal government
The governor is hereby authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation, calling upon the citizens of Iowa to assemble themselves in their respective communities for the purpose of holding suitable religious-patriotic services and the display...
The governor of this state is hereby authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation, calling upon our state officials to display the American flag on all state and school buildings and the people of the state to display the flag at their ho...
The governor is hereby authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation designating the eleventh day of November as Veterans Day and calling upon the people of Iowa to observe it as a legal holiday in honor of those who have been members of t...
The Sunday which falls on or nearest the tenth day of August of each year is hereby designated as Herbert Hoover Day, which shall be a recognition day in honor of the late President Herbert Hoover. The governor is hereby authorized and requested to is...
The third Monday of January of each year is designated as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which shall be a recognition day in honor of the late civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The governor is authorize...
The governor of this state is hereby authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation designating the fifteenth day of December as Bill of Rights Day and to encourage all governmental bodies in the state to observe the day in a manner that em...
Senators in the Congress of the United States shall be elected in the same manner in which state officers are elected.
The candidates for electors of president and vice president of any political party or group of petitioners shall not be placed on the ballot, but in the years in which they are to be elected the names of candidates for president and vice president, re...