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An agricultural development division is created within the authority. The agricultural development division shall administer subchapter VIII, by providing assistance to beginning farmers, agricultural producers, or other persons qualifying for such ...
The powers of the agricultural development division are vested in and shall be exercised by the agricultural development board as provided in section 16.2B and this section. The agricultural development board is created to exercise all powers and ...
In the performance of its duties, implementation of its powers, and the selection of specific programs and projects to receive its assistance under subchapter VIII, the authority shall be guided by the following precatory principles: The authority s...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The general assembly finds and declares all of the following: There exists a serious problem in this state regarding the ability of nonestablished farmers to acquire agricultural land and agricultural improvements and depreciable agricultural property...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority has all of the general and specific powers needed to carry out its purposes and duties as provided in this subchapter and to exercise its specific powers under subchapter VIII .
Rules Implementing Statutes:
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: “Agricultural assets” means agricultural land, agricultural improvements, depreciable agricultural property, crops, or livestock. “Agricultural improvement” means any improvements,...
To receive financing as provided in this subchapter, an individual, partnership, family farm corporation, or family farm limited liability company shall meet the applicable low or moderate net worth requirements established in this section. The r...
The authority may enter into agreements with the United States secretary of agriculture pursuant to Pub. L. No. 81-499 §2(f) (1950) upon terms and conditions and for periods of time as mutually agreeable, authorizing the authority to accept, adminis...
The authority shall publish a notice of intention to issue bonds or notes. After sixty days from the date of publication of the notice, an action shall not be brought questioning the legality of any bonds or notes or the power of the authority to iss...
The authority may make and contract to make loans to lending institutions on terms and conditions the authority determines are reasonably related to protecting the security of the authority’s investment and to implementing the purposes of this subcha...