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The governor of this state is authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation calling upon our state officials to display the American flag on all state and school buildings, and the people of the state to display the flag at their homes, lo...
Tagged topics: father's daymother's dayparents
In all cases where any interest in lands sought to be condemned is owned by a person who is under legal disability and has no guardian of the person’s property, the applicant shall, prior to the filing of the application with the sheriff, apply to the...
Tagged topics: disabilitiesguardianships
If the owner of any lands is under guardianship, such guardian may, under the direction of the district court, or judge thereof, agree and settle with the applicant for all damages resulting from the taking of such lands, and give valid conveyances th...
Tagged topics: disabilitiesguardianships
A veterans trust fund is created in the state treasury under the control of the commission. The trust fund shall consist of all of the following: Moneys in the form of a devise, gift, bequest, donation, federal or other grant, reimbursement, repayment...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A transitional housing revolving loan program fund is created within the authority to further the availability of affordable housing for parents that are reuniting with their children while completing or participating in substance use disorder treatme...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A victim assistance program is established in the department of justice, which shall do all of the following: Administer grants received under the federal Victims of Crime Act pursuant to Pub. L. No. 98-473, Tit. 2, ch. 14, 42 U.S.C. §10601, as amende...
The department of justice shall compile an annual report relating to the victim assistance grant programs administered under section 13.31, subsections 1, 3, 4, and 6, which shall include all of the following: A mission statement and table of organi...
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, for each fiscal year for the period beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2025, the state public defender may establish a pilot project to implement innovative models of legal repre...
Tagged topics: child assistance
A public safety survivor benefits fund is established in the state treasury under the control of the department. The fund shall consist of moneys transferred to the fund pursuant to section 99G.39 and any other moneys appropriated to or deposited in...
For purposes of this section, “consortium” means a consortium of two or more employers or businesses, at least one of which must be a private employer. The Iowa child care challenge program is established in the department of workforce development...
Tagged topics: child care