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The secretary of state shall receive and preserve in the secretary’s office all papers transmitted to the secretary in relation to city development, including incorporation, discontinuance, or boundary adjustment; and shall keep an alphabetical list o...
After the conclusion of each fiscal year, the auditor of state shall annually conduct a review of whether state agencies are meeting their goal for procurement activities conducted pursuant to sections 73.15 through 73.21, and compliance with the fo...
This subchapter shall be known as the “Linked Investments for Tomorrow Act” .
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: “Eligible borrower” means any person who is qualified to participate in one of the programs in this subchapter. “Eligible borrower” does not include a person who has been determ...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
An eligible lending institution that desires to receive a linked investment shall enter into an agreement with the treasurer of state, which shall include requirements necessary for the eligible lending institution to comply with this subchapter. An...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
The treasurer of state may invest up to the lesser of one hundred eight million dollars or twenty-five percent of the balance of the state pooled money fund in certificates of deposit in eligible lending institutions as provided in this subchapter. ...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
The treasurer of state shall accept or reject a linked investment loan package or any portion of the package based on the type or terms of the loan involved, the availability of state funds, or the compliance of the eligible borrower or eligible lendi...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
By February 1 of each year, the treasurer of state shall report on the linked investments for tomorrow programs for the preceding calendar year to the governor, the economic development authority, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the p...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
Upon the placement of a linked investment with an eligible lending institution, the institution is required to lend the funds to the eligible borrower listed in the linked investment loan package and in accordance with the investment agreement. The lo...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans
The state and the treasurer of state are not liable to an eligible lending institution in any manner for payment of the principal or interest on the loan to an eligible borrower. Any delay in payments or default on the part of an eligible borrower doe...
Tagged topics: linked investmentsloans