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During an action under subchapter III, child in need of assistance proceedings, or subchapter IV, termination of parent-child relationship proceedings, the court may on its own motion or that of any party, require the child and established father ...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparentspaternity
The court may exercise jurisdiction over adoption and termination of parental rights proceedings under chapters 600 and 600A .
Tagged topics: adoptionsparental rights
Any hearings or proceedings under this subchapter subsequent to the filing of a petition shall not take place without the presence of one or both of the child’s parents, guardian, or custodian except that a hearing or proceeding may take place witho...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents
The juvenile court may enter an ex parte order directing a peace officer or a juvenile court officer to take custody of a child before or after the filing of a petition under this chapter provided all of the following apply: The person responsible f...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents
A peace officer or juvenile court officer may take a child into custody, a physician or physician assistant treating a child may keep the child in custody, or a juvenile court officer may authorize a peace officer, physician or physician assistant, or...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents
If a peace officer determines that a child does not have adult supervision because the child’s parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the care of the child has been arrested and detained or has been unexpectedly incapacitated, and that no a...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents
For the purposes of this section, “safety plan” means a short-term, time-limited agreement entered into between the department and a child’s parent or guardian designed to address signs of imminent or impending danger to a child identified by the ...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparentssafety
Any person having knowledge of the circumstances may file a complaint with the person or agency designated by the court to perform intake duties alleging that a child is a child in need of assistance. Upon receipt of a complaint, the court may request...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents
Notwithstanding section 561.15, if it is alleged by a person authorized to file a petition under section 232.87, subsection 2, or by the court on its own motion, that a parent, guardian, custodian, or an adult member of the household in which a ch...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents
A complaint related to circumstances involving a child who is alleged to be a victim of an offense defined in chapter 709, 726, or 728 and an alleged offender who is not a person responsible for the care of the child shall be handled pursuant to...
Tagged topics: parental rightsparents