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In all cases where any interest in lands sought to be condemned is owned by a person who is under legal disability and has no guardian of the person’s property, the applicant shall, prior to the filing of the application with the sheriff, apply to the...
Tagged topics: disabilitiesguardianships
If the owner of any lands is under guardianship, such guardian may, under the direction of the district court, or judge thereof, agree and settle with the applicant for all damages resulting from the taking of such lands, and give valid conveyances th...
Tagged topics: disabilitiesguardianships
There is appropriated annually from the general fund of the state to the department of management one hundred thousand dollars for distribution to one or more organizations which administer special olympics programs benefiting the citizens of Iowa wi...
It is the responsibility of the commissioner to designate a polling place for each precinct in the county. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for city and school elections the commissioner shall, whenever practicable, designate poll...
Tagged topics: disabilities
Rules Implementing Statutes:
At, or before, the opening of the polls, the election board of each precinct shall select two members of the board, of different political parties in the case of any election in which candidates appear on the ballot under the heading of either of the ...
Tagged topics: disabilities
Any voter who may declare upon oath that the voter is blind, cannot read the English language, or is, by reason of any physical disability other than intoxication, unable to cast a vote without assistance, shall, upon request, be assisted by the two o...
Tagged topics: disabilities
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The precinct election officials shall mark upon the election register the name of any elector who received such assistance in casting the elector’s vote.
Tagged topics: disabilities
Rules Implementing Statutes:
As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Adult” means a person who is eighteen years of age or older. “Primary and family social security” shall not include social security benefits awarded to an adult child with a disabi...
Tagged topics: disabilities
A senior living revolving loan program fund is created within the authority. The moneys in the senior living revolving loan program fund shall be used by the authority for the development and operation of a revolving loan program to provide financing ...
A home and community-based services revolving loan program fund is created within the authority to further the goals specified in section 231.3, adult day services, case management services, options counseling, family caregiving, homemaker services,...
Rules Implementing Statutes: