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If a person refuses or neglects to repay benefits or provider payments inappropriately obtained from the department of health and human services, the amount inappropriately obtained, including any interest, penalty, or costs attached to the amount, co...
Tagged topics: debt collectiondebtsliens
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The attorney general or the attorney general’s designee shall serve as the farm assistance program coordinator. The coordinator has the powers and duties specified in this subchapter. The farm assistance program coordinator shall contract with a non...
Meetings of the farm mediation service are closed meetings and are not subject to chapter 21. Confidentiality is also protected as provided in section 679C.108 .
The farm mediation service shall recommend rules to the farm assistance program coordinator. The coordinator shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to set the compensation of mediators and to implement this subchapter and chapters 654A, 654B...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A member of the farm mediation staff, including a mediator, employee, or agent of the service, or member of a board for the service, is not liable for civil damages for a statement or decision made in the process of mediation, unless the member acts i...
For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires, “school” includes a school district, a school district attendance center, or an accredited nonpublic school. A school shall provide notice, at least twice annually, to the parent...
Tagged topics: debt collection
A debt service fund must be established in any school corporation which issues bonds or other authorized indebtedness. The debt service fund shall be used to pay interest as it becomes due and the amount necessary to pay the principal when due on bond...
Tagged topics: debt service funds
Except as otherwise provided by state law, county revenues from taxes and other sources for debt service shall be credited to the debt service fund of the county. However, moneys pledged or available to service general obligation bonds, and received f...
Except as otherwise provided in section 331.478, a county officer or employee shall not allow a claim, issue a warrant, or execute a contract which will result during a fiscal year in an expenditure from a county fund in excess of an amount equal to...
A debt payable from resources which will have accrued in a fund by the end of the fiscal year in which the debt is incurred may be authorized only by resolution of the board. The debt may take the form of: Anticipatory warrants subject to chapter 74 ...