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The department of public defense shall establish a military historical museum located at Camp Dodge which shall be known as the “Iowa gold star military museum”. The museum shall be administered by the adjutant general. The adjutant general may appoin...
The authority shall establish a grant program for cities and nonprofit, tax-exempt community organizations for the development of community programs that provide local jobs for Iowa residents and also promote Iowa’s historic, ethnic, and cultural heri...
For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: “Arts” means music, dance, theater, opera and music theater, visual arts, literature, design arts, media arts, and folk and traditional arts. “Culture ” or “cultural” means progr...
The authority shall establish and administer a cultural and entertainment district certification program. The program shall encourage the growth of communities through the development of areas within a city or county for public and private uses relate...
An Iowa great places program fund is created under the authority. The fund shall consist of appropriations made to the fund and transfers of interest, earnings, and moneys from other funds as provided by law. Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection...
The authority shall establish and administer an Iowa great places program for purposes of combining resources of state government in an effort to showcase the unique and authentic qualities of communities, regions, neighborhoods, and districts that ma...
The economic development authority, in cooperation with the state department of transportation, shall establish and administer a program designed to promote knowledge of and access to buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects located in thi...
As used in this section, “exhibition” means an exhibit, demonstration, show, or competition involving swine which occurs as follows: As part of an event on the Iowa state fairgrounds under the control of the Iowa state fair authority under chapter ...
“Library materials” include books, plates, pictures, photographs, engravings, paintings, drawings, maps, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, broadsides, manuscripts, documents, letters, public records, microforms, sound recordings, audiovisual material...
Tagged topics: librariesmuseumspublic records
The fact that a person has concealed library materials or equipment as defined in section 702.22 or unpurchased property of a store or other mercantile establishment, either on the premises or outside the premises, is material evidence of intent to ...
Tagged topics: librariesmuseums