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As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: “Biodiesel blended fuel” means the same as defined in section 214A.1. “Biofuel” means the same as defined in section 214A.1. “Determination period” means any twelve-month period beg...
For purposes of this part, a qualified renewable fuel must meet the same standards and classifications as provided in section 214A.2 .
The department shall provide for the assignment of all motor vehicles utilized by all state officers and employees, and by all state offices, departments, bureaus, and commissions, except the state department of transportation, institutions under the ...
A state officer or employee shall not use a state-assigned motor vehicle for personal private use. A state officer or employee shall not be compensated for driving a privately owned motor vehicle unless it is done on state business with the approval o...
The director may provide for the assignment to a state officer or employee or to a state agency, of one or more motor vehicles which may be required by the state officer or employee or state agency, after the state officer or employee or state agency ...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A fleet management revolving fund is created in the state treasury under the control of the department. There is appropriated from moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars to the revolving fund. A...
The director shall maintain a depreciation fund for the purchase of replacement motor vehicles and additions to the fleet. The director’s records shall show the total funds deposited by and credited to each department or agency. At the end of each mon...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
If any state officer or employee violates any of the provisions of sections 8A.361 through 8A.365, the director may withdraw the assignment of any state-assigned motor vehicle to any such state officer or employee.
For purposes of this section, “passenger vehicles” means United States environmental protection agency designated compact sedans, compact wagons, midsize sedans, midsize wagons, full-size sedans, and passenger minivans, and additional vehicle clas...
A motor vehicle operating using an internal combustion engine powered by gasoline or diesel fuel as described in section 8A.362 shall use the highest possible classification of a qualified renewable fuel if all of the following apply: The manufactur...