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The state board of regents, with the approval of the director of the department of management, shall establish a uniform budgeting and accounting system for the institutions of higher education under its control, and shall require each of the institut...
The director shall adopt, and may amend rules under chapter 17A, which include standards relating to exits and exit lights, fire escapes, fire protection, fire safety and the elimination of fire hazards, in and for churches, schools, hotels, theater...
Members of boards of directors of community and independent school districts, and boards of directors of merged areas shall be elected at the school election. Their terms of office shall be four years, except as otherwise provided by section 260C.11 ...
At least twice during each school year, the board of directors of each school district operating a high school and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school shall offer the opportunity to register to vote to each student who is at ...
The authority shall assist a community college or the state board of education as provided in chapter 260C, and the authority shall have all of the powers delegated to it in a chapter 28E agreement by a community college board of directors, the st...
The authority shall establish, and, at the direction of the board, shall administer a sports tourism marketing and infrastructure program to provide financial assistance for projects that promote sporting events or for infrastructure projects supporti...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Applications for assistance under the sports tourism marketing and infrastructure program established in section 15F.401 shall be submitted to the authority. For those applications that meet the eligibility criteria, the authority shall forward the ...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority shall establish a fund pursuant to section 15.106A, subsection 1, paragraph “o”, for purposes of financing sports tourism marketing projects as described in this subchapter. The fund established for purposes of this section may b...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority shall establish a fund pursuant to section 15.106A, subsection 1, paragraph “o”, for purposes of financing sports tourism infrastructure projects as described in this subchapter. The fund established for purposes of this section ...
An individual employed by a college or university, or by a private security business holding a contract with a college or university, who performs private security duties on a college or university campus and who carries a weapon while performing thes...