SSB 1024 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
providing for a review by the state board of regents of academic programs offered at regents institutions.
HSB 68 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to workforce training, unemployment insurance, adult education, and other functions and programs of the department of workforce development, the workforce development board, and local workforce development boards, and making appropriations.
SF 78 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to certain specified skilled trades, including modifying provisions related to department of workforce development internship programs, the Iowa summer youth corps program, college student aid commission programs, the senior year plus program...
Tagged topics: charter schools, college student aid commission, colleges and universities, curricula, education, engineering, hvac systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning), innovation division, internships, labor and employment, mathematics, private education, school districts, science, senior year plus program, students, summer youth corps, technology, workforce development, workforce development department
HF 109 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the maximum amount of workforce housing tax incentives available against the individual and corporate income taxes, the franchise tax, the insurance premiums tax, and the moneys and credits tax.
Tagged topics: corporate taxes, franchise taxes, income taxes, insurance, moneys and credits taxes, tax credits, taxation, workforce development
SSB 1068 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to workforce training, unemployment insurance, adult education, and other functions and programs of the department of workforce development, the workforce development board, and local workforce development boards, and making appropriations.
Tagged topics: appropriations, education, education department, internships, job training, labor and employment, literacy, local workforce development regional advisory boards, salaries and wages, unemployment compensation, workforce development, workforce development board, workforce development department
HF 208 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the allocation of workforce housing tax incentives available against the individual and corporate income taxes, the franchise tax, the insurance premiums tax, and the moneys and credits tax.
Tagged topics: corporate taxes, franchise taxes, housing, income taxes, insurance, moneys and credits taxes, tax credits, taxation, workforce development
SF 222 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to workforce training, unemployment insurance, adult education, and other functions and programs of the department of workforce development, the workforce development board, and local workforce development boards, and making appropriations.
Tagged topics: appropriations, education, education department, internships, job training, labor and employment, literacy, local workforce development regional advisory boards, salaries and wages, unemployment compensation, workforce development, workforce development board, workforce development department
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