HSB 54 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
requiring reporting by regents institutions of funding from certain foreign sources and including effective date provisions.
HF 83 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
prohibiting foreign governments from acquiring or owning real property or agricultural land located in the state.
HSB 37 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to citizenship or immigration status for purposes of a driver’s license or nonoperator’s identification card, and including applicability provisions.
HR 3 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
HF 165 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
requiring students to pass the United States citizenship and immigration services naturalization civics test as a condition of high school graduation and high school equivalency diplomas.
SF 223 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
appropriating moneys to the department of health and human services for refugee resettlement assistance.
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