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SF 88 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
requiring boards of directors of school districts and the authorities in charge of accredited nonpublic schools to adopt policies related to excusing the absences of students enrolled in grades nine through twelve for civic or political events.
SF 16 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
modifying provisions related to the effective date of school district enlargements, reorganizations, changes in boundaries, and dissolutions, and including retroactive applicability provisions.
SF 82 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to elections for bonds issued by a school district in anticipation of revenue.
HF 48 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
prohibiting employer control of employee political candidacy and contributions, and making penalties applicable.
SSB 1013 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
requiring primary elections for the nomination of candidates for city, school district, and merged area elections, and including applicability provisions.
SF 70 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the definition of political party.
HF 91 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the duties of the secretary of state, including the address confidentiality program and the conduct of elections, and including effective date provisions.
SF 68 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to nomination deadlines for nonparty political organizations.
SSB 1018 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to county supervisors, concerning county supervisor representation plans and county supervisor vacancies, and including effective date provisions.
SF 75 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to county supervisors, concerning county supervisor representation plans and county supervisor vacancies, and including effective date provisions.