SF 89 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the statewide interoperable communications system, and including effective date provisions.
SF 54 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
regulating litigation financing contracts, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 36 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to interpretation of law in administrative and judicial proceedings under the Iowa administrative procedure Act.
SF 6 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the provision of information relating to immunization exemptions.
SSB 1005 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to awarding the costs in administrative hearings or court proceedings involving the collection of tax, penalties, and interest by the department of revenue.
Tagged topics: administrative procedure, courts, hearings, income taxes, public funds, revenue department, taxation, witnesses
SSB 1035 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the Iowa lottery.
SF 112 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the establishment of a transactional currency based on gold and silver held in a bullion depository approved by the treasurer of state, and providing fees.
Tagged topics: administrative rules, depositories, executive branch, fees, financial instruments, gold, metals, money, silver, treasurer of state, trusts and trustees
SF 102 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to public school personnel training concerning mental health.
SF 103 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the adoption of the American medical association’s code of medical ethics by the board of medicine.
SF 147 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to wage payment collection issues arising between employers and employees, providing penalties and remedies, and including effective date provisions.