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With respect to any urban renewal area established upon the determination that the area is an economic development area, a division of revenue as provided in section 403.19 shall not be allowed for the purpose of providing or aiding in the provision...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
When the estimated total cost of a public improvement, other than improvements which may be paid for from the secondary road fund, exceeds the competitive bid threshold in section 26.3, or as established in section 314.1B, the board shall follow t...
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: “Cost” means cost as defined in section 384.37. “County special assessment district” means the area of a county outside of cities within boundaries established by the board of supervisor...
A county may assess to property within a county special assessment district the cost of construction and repair of public improvements benefiting the district and may assess to property within a joint special assessment district the cost of constructi...
A county may issue special assessment bonds in anticipation of the collection of special assessments for the cost of public improvements benefiting a district in the same manner as provided for cities under chapter 384, subchapter IV .
An agreement entered into between a county and a city or another county in accordance with chapter 28E with respect to a public improvement may include, but is not limited to, the following: The sharing of the total cost of the public improvement am...
A county which has created a district for a public improvement and, to the extent provided in the agreement creating a joint special assessment district, each county or city which is a party to the agreement, may establish, impose, adjust, and provide...
The authority of a county or a city under this part with respect to districts and the financing of public improvements is in addition to any other authority of a county or city to contract and levy special assessments and issue bonds to fund the costs.
If a county and city have entered into an agreement to create a joint special assessment district and issue county general obligation bonds to fund the costs of a public improvement benefiting that district, the county’s debt service tax levy for the ...